i Glymirtigan Biy Seventy-Sixth Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS McNamara: Achieving World Peace = 77;4 Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: MEREDITH EIKER James Meredith: The Headlines Come Haunting Again HE LAST THING James H. Meredith wanted was publicity. He never looked upon himself as a hero or martyr-he just wanted to get a good education in Mississippi, and he felt he had the right to get it. He never wished to be directly associat- ed with any particular group in the fight for integration. He merely wanted to see Negroes get the rights that they should have as citizens, and he insisted on going about it in his own quiet way. (WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 1962 ( - James H. Meredith, a 29-year-old Negro seeking admittance to the all-white Uni- versity of Mississippi, will be protected by federal marshals when he enrolls some- time this week, the Justice Department announced last night.) HE DID NOT even hate the men who would deny him his rights. Speaking on the Dearborn campus three years ago, he emphasized that, in his opinion, Governors Ross Barnett and George Wal- lace were, "real people-not crazy peo- ple." The problem, he said, was that they had grown up under white supremacy. (JACKSON, Sept. 19 (-The Missis- sippi Legislature adopted a resolution commending Governor Ross Barnett for his opposition to integrating the univer- sity and unsigned pamphlets were drop- ped around university dormitories. Bar- nett called last week for defiance of any federal court school desegregation order and called on all officials unwilling to go to jail to resign if necessary.) Perhaps his greatest asset was the patience, often .tested to its limits, with which he accepted the frustrations of those first days at Mississippi. One would expect that he would "learn better," that he would pick up some hatred along the way. If he did, it did not show then. INDEED, the often tense, worried-look- ing face of James Meredith among the calmer hard faces of the contending forces in the news pictures was the only indication of whatever anxiety he might have felt. There were no speeches or emo- tional declarations of solidarity. In the midst of the grimmer confrontations and gestures of support or condemnation, he seemed to be looking the other way, to- ward some personal vision, (JACKSON, Miss., Sept. 26 )WR-Gov. Ross Barnett defied federal court orders for the second time yesterday and refused to allow Negro James H. Meredith to en- roll at the University of Mississippi. A source close to Barnett said the governor would also go to Oxford today and would again block Meredith's attempt to end 114 years of segregation at the University of Mississippi. Subscription rate: $4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service.. Second class postage pad at Ann Arbor, Mich Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. (Ole Miss Registrar Robert B. Ellis said in Jackson that he would return to Ox- ford and would accept Meredith under orders from the State College Board if Meredith appears.) MIEREDITH DID TAKE one legacy with him when he left the University of Mississippi - bitterness, unspoken, quiet bitterness that once prompted him to take his family to Africa to do further study, rather than remain in the United States. Some of his comments at this time took on more of an edge, yet he insisted that his decision was based merely on interest in new surroundings. (WASHINGTON, Sept. 30 (-President John F. Kennedy early this morning placed the Mississippi National Guard un- der federal control to provide whatever enforcement measures are necessary to carry out desegregation at the University of Mississippi. (He ordered Secretary of Defense Mc- Namara "to remove all obstructions to justice in the state of Mississippi.") FINALLY, in the last two years, Mere- dith seemed to have achieved the ob- scurity that he desired. He had become a name that might someday be included in history books but for the time being he was only the one mentioned in passing in articles on the course of integration in the last few years. Meredith himself started quietly to do work in various civil rights activities such as voter reg- istration. (OXFORD, Miss., Oct. 2 (2i-Hordes of combat-ready troops clamped rigid con- trol on this seething Southern town last night after James H. Meredith ended segregation at the University of Missis- sippi. (Bent on' smothering continuing riots which took two lives Sunday night and led to yesterday's arrest of former Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, helmeted troops patrolled with loaded rifles and fixed bay- onets.) As part of his work to encourage Ne- gro voter registration, Meredith and a small band of followers set out last Sun- day from Memphis, Tenn., to march 225 miles to Jackson, Miss. At the outset of the march Meredith told newsmen, "There are two purposes for this trip. First, we want to tear down the fear that grips Ne- groes in Mississippi, and we want to en- courage the 450,000 Negroes remaining unregistered in Mississippi. "Nothing can be more enslaving than fear. We've got to root this out." (HERNANDO, MISS., June 6, 1966 IAA - James H. Meredith, who set out to show Mississippi Negroes they have noth- ing to fear, was shot from ambush Mon- day as he walked along a highway.) In Mississippi publicity, among other things, is hard to avoid. -CHARLOTTE A. WOLTER Co-Editor Address by Robert S. Mc- Namara, secretary of defense, before American Society of Newspaper Editors, Jueen Eliza- beth Hotel, Montreal, Canada, May 18, 1966. First in a two-part series ANY AMERICAN would be for- tunate to visit this lovely is- land city, in this hospitable land, But there is a special satisfac- tion for a Secretaryof Defense to cross the longest border in the world-and realize that it is also the least armed border in the world. It prompts one to reflect how negative and narrow a no- tion of defense still clouds our century. THERE IS STILL among us an almost ineradicable tendency to think of our security problem as being exclusively a military prob- lem-and to think of the military problem as being exclusively a weapons-system or hardware prob- lem. The plain, blunt truth is that contemporary man still conceives of war and peace in much the same stereotyped terms that his ancestors did. The fact that these ancestors-both recent and re- mote-were conspicuously unsuc- cessful at avoiding war, and en- larging peace, doesn't seem to dampen our capacity for cliches. We still tend to conceive of na- tional security almost solely as a state of armed readiness: a vast, awesome arsenal of weaponry. We still tend to assume that it is primarily this purely military in- gredient that creates security. We are still haunted by this concept of military hardware. BUT HOW LIMITED a concept this actually is, becomes apparent when one ponders the kind of peace that exists between the United States and Canada. It is a very cogent example. Here we are, two modern nations:- highly developed technologically, each with immense territory, both enriched with great reserves of natural resources, each militarily sophisticated-and yet, we sit across from one another, divided by an unguarded frontier of thou- sands of miles . . . and there is not a remotest set of circum- stances, in any imaginable time- frame of the future, in which our two nations would wage war on one another. It is so unthinkable an idea as to be totally absurd. But why is that so? IS IT BECAUSE we are both ready in an instant to hurl our military hardware at one another? Is it because we are both zeroed in on one another's vital targets? Is it because we are both armed to our technological teeth that we do not go to war? The whole no- tion-as applied to our two coun- tries-is ludicrous. Canada and the United States are at peace for reasons that have nothing whatever to do with our mutual military readiness. We are at peace-truly at peace-because of the vast fund of compatible beliefs, common principles, and shared ideals. We have our dif- ferences and our diversity-and let us hope for the sake of a mutually rewarding relationship we never become sterile carbon copies of one another. But the whole point is that our basis of mutual peace has nothing what- ever to do with our military hard- ware. Now this is not to say, obviously enough, that the concept of mili- tary deterrence is no longer rele- vant in the contemporary world. Unhappily, it still is critically rele- vant with respect to our potential adversaries. But it has no rele- vance whatever between the Unit- ed States and Canada. We are not adversaries. We are not going to become adversaries. And it is not mutual military de- terrence that keeps us from be- coming adversaries. It is mutual respect for common principles. NOW I MENTION this-as ob- vious as it all it-simply as a kind of reductio ad absurdum of the concept that military hardware is the exclusive or even the primary ingredient of permanent peace in the mid-twentieth century, In the United States-over the past five years-we have achieved a considerably improved balance in our total military posture. That was the mandate I received from Presidents Kennedy and Johnson; and with their support, and that of the Congress, we have been able to create a strengthened force structure of land, sea, and air components-with a vast increase in mobility and material - and with a massive superiority in nuc- lear retaliatory power over any combination of potential adver- saries. Our capabilities for nuclear, conventional, and counter-subver- sive war have all been broadened and improved; and we have ac- complished this through military budgets that were in fact lesser percentages of our gross national product than in the past. FROM THE point of view of combat readiness, the United States has never been militarily stronger. We intend to maintain that readiness. But if we think profoundly about the matter, it is clear that this purely military posture is not the central ele- ment in our security, A nation can reach the point at which it does not buy more security for it- self simply by buying more mil- itary hardware - we are at that point. The decisive factor for a pow- erful nation - already adequately armed is the character of its re- lationships with the world. In this respect, there are three broad groups of nations: first, those that are struggling to de- velop; secondly, those free nations that have reached a level of strength and prosperity that en- ables them to contribute to the peace of the world; and finally, those nations who might be tempted to make themselves our adversaries. For each of these groups, the United States-to pre- serve its own intrinsic security- has to have distinctive sets of relationships. FIRST, WE have to help protect those developing countries which genuinely need and request our help, and which-as an essential precondition-are willing and able to help themselves. Second, we have to encourage and achieve a more effective part- nership with those nations who can and should share international peace-keeping responsibilities. Third, we must do all we real- istically can to reduce the risk of conflict with those who might be tempted to take up arms against us. Let us examine these three sets of relationships in detail. First, the developing nations. ROUGHLY 100 countries today are caught up in the difficult transition from traditional to modern societies. There is no un- iform rate of progress among them, and they range from prim- itive mosaic societies - fractured by tribalism and held feebly to- gether by the slenderest of politi- cal sinews-to relatively sophis- ticated countries, well on the road to agricultural sufficiency and in- dustrial competence. This sweeping surge of develop- ment, particularly across the whole southern half of the globe, has no parallel in history. It has turned traditionally listless areas of the world into seething cauldrons of change. On the whole, it has not been a very peaceful process. In the last eight years alone there have been no less than 164 interna- tionally significant outbreaks of violence-each of them specifically designed as a serious challenge to the authority, or the very exist- ence, of the government in ques- tion. 82 different governments have been directly involved. What is striking is that only 15 of these 164 significant resorts to violence have been military con- flicts between two states. And not a single one of the 164 conflicts has been a formally-declared war, Indeed, there has not been a for- mal declaration of war-anywhere in the world-since World War II. THE PLANET IS becoming a more dangerous place to live on -not merely because of a poten- tial nuclearholocaust-but also because of the large number of de facto conflicts and because the trend of such conflicts is growing rather than diminishing. At the beginning of 1958, there were 23 prolonged insurgencies going on about the world. As of February 1, 1966, there were 40. Further, the total number of out- breaks of violence has increased each year: in 1958, there were 34; in 1965, there were 58. But what is most significant of all is that there is a direct and constant re- lationship between the incidence of violence and the economic sta- tus of the countries afflicted. THE WORLD BANK divides na- income, into four categories: rich, tions, on the basis of per capita middle-income, poor, and very poor. The rich nations are those with a per capita income of $750 per year or more. The current U.S. level is more than $2700. There are 27 of these rich nations. They possess 75 per cent of the world's wealth, though roughly only 25 per cent of the world's population. Since 1958, only one of these 27 nations has suffered a major in- ternal upheaval on its own terri- tory. But observe what happens at the other end of the economic scale. Among the 38 very poor nations-those with a per capita income of under $100 a year-no less than 32 have suffered signi- ficant conflicts. Indeed, they have suffered an average of two major outbreaks of violence per country in the eight year period. That is a great deal of conflict. What is worse, it has been, pre- dominantly conflict of a prolong- ed nature. The trend holds predictably con- stant in the case of the. two oth- er categories: the poor, and the middle-income nations. Since 19- 58, 87 per cent of the very poor nations, 69 per cent of the poor nations, and 48 per cent of the middle-income nations have suf- fered serious violence. There can, then, be no ques- tion but that there .is an irrefut- able relationship between violence and economic backwardness. And the trend of such violence is up, not down. NOW, IT WOULD perhaps be somewhat reassuring if the gap between the rich nations and the poor nations were closing; and economic backwardness were sig- nificantly receding. But it is not. The economic gap is widening. By the year 1970, over one half of the world's population will live in the independent na- tions sweeping across the south- ern half of the planet. But this hungering half of the human race will by then command only one-sixth of the world's total of goods and services. By the year 1975, the dependent children of these nations alone-children un- der 15 years of age-will equal the total population of the devel- oped nations to the north. Even in our own abundant so- cieties, we have reason enough to worry over the tensions that coil and tighten among underprivileg- ed young people, and finally flail out in delinquency and crime. What are we to expect from a whole hemisphere of youth where mounting frustrations are likely to fester into eruptions of vio- lence and extremism? ANNUAL PER CAPITA income in roughly half of the 80 under- developed nations that are mem- bers of the World Bank is rising by a paltry one per cent a year or less. By the end of the century, these nations-at their present rates of growth-will reach a per capita income of barely $170 a year. The United States, by the same criteria, will attain a per capita income of $4,500. The conclusion to all of this is blunt and inescapable: given the certain connection between econo- mic stagnation and the incidence of violence, the years that lie ahead for the nations of the southern half of the globe are pregnant with violence, This would be true even if no threat of Communist subversion existed as it clearly does. Both Moscow and Peking - however harsh their internal dif- ferences - regard the whole mo- dernization process as an ideal environment for the growth of communism. Their experience with subversive internal war is extensive; and they have devel- oped a considerable array of both doctrine and practical measures in the art of political violence. What is often misunderstood is that communists are capable of subverting, manipulating, and fi- nally directing for their own ends the wholly legitimate grievances of a developing society. BUT IT WOULD be a gross oversimplification to regard com- munism as the central factor in every conflict throughout the un- derdeveloped world. Of the 149 serious internal insurgencies in the past eight years, communists have been involved in only 58 of them-38 per cent of the total- and this includes seven instances in which a Communist regime it- self was the target of the uprising. Whether communists are invol- ved or not, violence anywhere in a taut world transmits sharp sig- nals through the complex ganglia of international relations; and the security of the United States is related to the security and sta- bility of nations half a globe away. But neither conscience nor san- ity itself suggests that the United States is, should, or could be the Global Gendarme. QUITE THE CONTRARY, ex- perience confirms what human nature suggests that in most in- stances of internal violence, the local people themselves are best able to deal directly with the sit- uation within the framework of their own traditions. The United States has no man- date from on high to police the world, and no inclination to do so. There have been classic cases in which our deliberate non-action was the wisest action of all. Where our help is not sought, it is sel- dom prudent to volunteer. Certainly we have no charter to rescue floundering regimes,. who have brought violence on themsel- ves by deliberately refusing to meet the legitimate expectations of their citizenry. Further, throughout the next decade ad- vancing technology will reduce the requirement for bases and staging rights at particular loca- tions abroad, and the whole pat- tern of forward development will gradually change. BUT-THOUGH all these ca- veats are clear enough-the irre- ducible fact remains that our se- curity is related directly to the security of the newly developing world. And our role must be pre- cisely this: to help provide secur- ity to those developing nations which genuinely need and request our help, and which demonstrably are willing and able to help them- selve. THE RUB COMES in this: we do not always grasp the meaning of the word security in this con- text. In a modernizing society, security means development. Security is not military hard- ware-though it may include it. Security is not military force - though it may involve it. Security is not traditional military activity - though it may encompass it. Security is development. Without development, there .can be no se- curity. A DEVELOPING nation that does not in fact develop simply cannot remain "secure." It can- not remain secure for the intract- able reason that its own citizenry cannot shed its human nature."V If security implies anything, it implies a minimal measure of or- der and stability. Without internal development of at least a mini- mal degree, order and stability are simply not possible. They are not possible because human, nature cannot be frustrated beyond in- trinsic limits. It reacts-because it must. Now, that is what we do not al- ways understand; and that is also what governments of modernizing nations do not always understand. But by emphasizing that security arises from development, I do not say that an underdeveloped na- tion cannot be subverted from within; or be aggressed upon from without; or be the victim of a combination of the two. It can. And to prevent any or all of these conditions, a nation does require appropriate military capabilities to deal with the specific problem. But the specific military problem is only a narrow facet of the broader security problem. MILITARY FORCE can help provide law and order-but only to the degree that a basis for law and order already exists in the developing society; a basic will- ingness on the part of the people to cooperate. The law and order is a shield; behind which the cen- tal fact of security-development -can be achieved. Now we are not playing a se- mantic game with these words. The trouble is that we have been lost in a semantic jungle for too long. We have come to identify "security" with exclusively mili- tary phenomena; and most par- ticularly with military hardware. But it just isn't so. And we need to accommodate to the facts of the matter if we want to see security survive and grow in the southern half of the globe. DEVELOPMENT means econo- mic, social, and political progress. It means a reasonable standard of living-and the word "reasonable" in this context requires continu- al redefinition. What is "reason- able" in an earlier stage of de- velopment will become "unreas- onable" in a later stage. As development progresses, se- curity progresses; and when the people of a nation have organiz- ed their own human and natural resources to provide themselves .with what they need and expect out of life-and have learned to compromise peacefully among competing demands in the larger national interest-then, their re- sistance to disorder and violence will be enormously increased. Conversely, the tragic need of desperate men to resort to force to achieve the inner imperatives of human decency will diminish. li I + eft s W I Tomorrow: Measures for Development Time Running Out for Non-Military Space By DAVID KNOKE FfHE MILITARIZATION of out- er space, wrote Bertrand Rus- sell, would be "a kind of impiety'"; we should not defile the heavens with our squabbles: to do so would be tomregress from Copernicus to Ptolemy. It has been almost a decade since President Eisenhower in his State of the Union address de- clared his willingness to enter in- to agreement to "mutually con- trol the outer space and satellite development". During the last month, both the President and the Soviet Union issued a call for treaties internationalizing the moon and other celestial bodies and banning them from use for military purposes. BOTH PROPOSALS contained almost identical four points. Three of these dealt with international- ization, disclaimers of sovereign- ty and the sharing of scientific knowledge gained from explora- troduction of the arms race into a new media and to regulate the exploitation of space under the rule of law has been recognized for a long time. The willingness of both the U.S. and U.S.S.R. to disclaim sovereignty of the moon and to prevent the spread of nu- clear weapons to outer space may prove to be either the greatest achievement of international law or the gravest turn in the arma- ments race. The precedent of internationali- zation exists today in Antarctica, on the high seas and under UN trusteeship territories. The vistas of voluntary arms control have been opened up by the nuclear test-ban treaty. The problems of inspection and enforcement in the absence of an empowered inter- national body will leave the outer- space dilemma to be worked out by mutual willingness to comply. WITH THE 1970 deadline for landing a man on the moon ap- detriment of domestic problems. The United States has already emmitted itself to a $20 billion program to place a man upon the moon by 1970. To assert that the military does not benefit from being privy to the technology de- veloped during this race would be an absurdity; indeed, the military aspects of space conquest may be a major reason for priority now given this "non-military" project over crying domestic social wants. A workable treaty to limit the military uses of space could do much to ease the drift toward these situations. THE MILITARY strategy of the nuclear cold war era should prove the concept of "deterrance" and "ultimate detertance" upon which the national defense has been fix- ated will likely want to exploit this field to its own uses as it has done with education, civilian defense and currently the clamor for anti- missile missile systems. has become the ultimate threat. The possibility of breaking up the first wave of attack with anti- missile systems now puts military strategists in the position of op- ening up a secondary line of de- terance to offset such a stalemate. Into this ever-spiraling, never ending vista of ultimate deterran- ces, there are strong attractions for stationing weapons of mass destruction on celestial bodies. A rocket base upon the moon would, in theory, mean that the enemy must launch a synchronized all- out attack to knock out all bases before the adversary can retalite. BUT THESE ARE not the only problems confronting a treaty banning military use of space. The legal aspect of air space has nev- er been cleared before an interna- tional body of law, resulting in some absurdities that claim sover- eign jurisdiction over anything that passes through a nation's airspace, no matter how high up. The problem of inspection could styrmie any treaty efforts in a manner similar to the inspection of underground nuclear tests. The pinpointing and identification of origins of launched satellites can easily be done by any country pos- sessing the necessary hardware. But the identification of contents can be carried on only on the ground by expensive, trained in- spection teams. The enforcement of penalties for violations and the provocations caused by violations are unpredictable but very real problems. "9 d , ti.. t. 3 _4' , :. f '. °r "uIi ¢ 5' ,_ r .a r ,^, xv , '? . z r . r : _ ice. r , .., THE ADVANTAGES of an Un- militarized outer space are much simpler and less expensive and dangerous than its alternative. The deadlock of power politics thinking has diminished the chances of achieving such a goal, however. One hopeful sign in the spring air is the abandonment of the Soviet's claims that disarm- ament of overseas terrestial mili- tary bases must accompany such #