JAMES MEREDITH: HAUNTING HEADLINES See Editorial Page C, r Sir igaut Dititi; FAIR High--75 Low--50 Cooler; some chance of evening rain Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI. No. 24S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1966 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Plans, By SHIRLEY ROSICK While plans are in the working for student advisory committees to the University president and vice- presidents, an even more tenacious network of the same type of com- mittee is being set up at a lower level. The push for more student advisory committees began with. Vice-President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler last fall direct- ing all the heads of his nine de- partments to establish, in any way each saw fit, general advisory committees for their areas. At first, the formation of Cut- ler's committees seemed to be slow in getting started. When a Daily article of last March re- ported that some Office of Stu- dent Affairs directors were reluc- tant to set up advisory commit- tees, explaining that they couldn't conceive of students being inter- ested in advising in certain areas, Pushed for Student Advisory Committees a memo from Cutler to his departments gave the committee idea a more each of advisory forceful thrust at the lower levels. Now each of the directors has formulated plans for establishing groups in the fall and some com- mittees have already begun par- tial functioning. Some directors have explained what may have been a misunderstanding causing the stagnation of the idea at the beginning, saying they have had numbers of students involved with their offices' work in the past but merely never thought of them in terms of general, advisory com- mittees. M. Robert Klinger, director of the International Center, said that two or three students have in the past sat on his office's board of governors and that he has recommended that number be expanded to four. Klinger ex- plained that the board acts as an advisor to the center and works on helping with "broad policy for- mation and in establishing essen- tial priorities for the work of the center." He continued that that petition- ing for an International Center Program Council, composed of both foreign and American stu- dents, began last spring and mem- bers should be finally chosen to start work in the fall. The six or perhaps seven committees con- stituting the council will be work- ing on projects such as: faculty fireside forums, the international ball, speakers' programs, interna- tional displays a n d exhibits, United Nations affairs and social and sports programs. In addition, Klinger talked of "task force" committees, with varying combinations of foreign and American students and com- munity leaders to work on such programs as housing and arrival help, community hospitality, and student loans, Klinger said he also envisions a special committee to nominate students to fill the center's pro- ject committees. Dewitt C. Baldwin, Coordinator of Religious Affairs, also explain- ed that students have in the past been selected for the board of gov- ernors of his office. After petition- ing, Sue Meyers, '69, William Sch- roeder, '68, and David Huisman, Grad, were selected to sit on next year's board. Baldwin said he also plans, in the fall, to call together a general student advisory group to meet with the Office of Religious Af- fairs staff and probably have dis- cussion on students' concerns in the area of religious affairs, how they can be brought out into the open and the people in the ORA made sensitive to them; counsel- ing and the office's speaker pro- grams. Baldwin said such a group would probably consist of students who have served as counselors for the O R A ' s rendezvous counseling- camping program for incoming freshmen, other students ORA of- ficials know "by different con- tacts," as well as some representa- tives of the major student organi- zations on campus. A Student Government Council committee on counseling that of- fered its services to Mrs. Eliza- beth Davenport of Cutler's coun- seling office has already complet- ed a study of marital, pre-marital counseling available to University students and plans next fall to study academic counseling. The committee suggested last spring solely ,to pre-marital, marital counseling be employed by the counseling office; that sex educa- tion courses and literature be made more available to students and that a more comprehensive speaker program be instituted, with such topics as reproduction, birth control techniques, popula- tion explosion and family plan- ning. Revision of the "Guide to Counseling" booklet was also spur- red by the committee's efforts. The booklet's revision is aimed at get- ting away from the directory-type approach of past booklets, instead offering a more personal approach to explaining what types of prob- lems a student can encounter at the University and where he can seek help in solving them. Duncan Sells, Director of Stu- that a counselor devoted dent Organizations, said that though the advisory committee he selected last spring will not for- mally meet until fall, students on campus during the summer tri- mester will be working with him on an informal basis. He said that "there are just not enough" stu- dents here now for. a full func- tioning of the committee, but that those who have remained for the summer have been invited to "come in any time." Sells said that SGC President Edward Robinson, '67, who is working as a- summer assistant in his office, will be an effective source of student feed-back and that summer students might be able to investigate "all kinds of things, the operations of Joint 4 Judiciary Council, for instance," to get ready for the committee's official functioning this fall. Committee Rejects 'U' Increases Reaffirms Senate Figure of $57.8 Million; Ends Plans The House Ways and Means Committee in sessions late last, night rejected University appeals for increased appropriations for the 1966-67 budget. The committee reaffirmed the Senate figure of $57.8 million-a figure substantially below the Uni- versity's original request of $65 million. In addition hopes were dashed for the proposed expansion of the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. The University had hoped to establish a statewide computer network which would k have eventually included all state supported colleges and universi- ties. University attempts to raise fac- ulty salaries also appear to be dimmed with the unfavorable leg- islative action. The committee decision also ended University plans for the Institute of International Com- merce and an Institute of Ge;r- ontology which was to be jointly operated wih Wayne State Uni- versity. The bill will now move to the House floor where it may be fur- pj ther amended and changed. If There are any changes in the Senate proposal made by the House, the bill will go to the Sen- ate. The body will vote on the amended proposal. If no agree- ment is reached the bill will then go to a conference committee where further changes could be made. The first hearings on the Uni- versity's 65 million budget request were held in. the Senate Appro- priations Committee on April 22. They trimmed the University's re- quest of $65 million to close to $58 million dollars. This was still $1 million dollars over Governor Romney's requested appropriation. Ask Change 4. 1tAti a 'aiIy In Focus of Aid Project WtEwS WhRE -' 'f Wharton Urges U. S. James Meredith I On WORKMEN EXCAVATING for a new parking structure here at the University yesterday unearthed a bronze coffin bearing the name "Fletcher" and dated 1852. Officials were checking reports the coffin may contain the remains of William A. Fletcher, the first chief justice of the Michigan Supreme Court and a former University regent who died Sept. 19, 1852. The University had announced the parking structure would be named the Fletcher St. parking structure. The street had been named years ago in honor of the former regent. THE ASSOCIATION OF PRODUCING ARTISTS (APA), an artists-in-residence group at the University for several fall seasons, will receive $125,000 in federal money under the National Endowment for the Arts Program, Roger L. Stevens, chairman. announced. THE CORNELL UNIVERSITY FACULTY of arts and sciences voted in a move "to defeat the use of class rank for draft defer- ments," not to compute an all-male class-rank list as requested by Selective Service officials. Class rank is one factor considered by draft boards in determining student deferments. The action was announced by Stuart M. Brown Jr., arts college dean. He said the college registrar would be informed immediately "not to compile an all-male list." As a result of the faculty action, he said, students will be able to give their draft boards only their standing in a list of both men and women students. In a similar move, the faculty of arts and sciences at Dart- mouth College has voiced opposition to the selective service policy of drafting students according to their rank in school. - * * THE GREATEST FLOOD of college graduates in the nation's history will pour from classrooms this month, and the Labor Department says their prospects for jobs at high pay have never been brighter. "Employers are offering jobs to graduates at a record pace," said Secretary of Labor W. Willard Wirtz, with some starting salaries ranging up to $850 a month or more. Mr. Wirtz said, however, that reports from some colleges indicated many graduates were not actively seeking work because they face military service. He urged them to find jobs anyway. The greatest demand is for graduates in scientific and tech- nical fields, such as engineering, chemistry, physics and mathe- matics, Mr. Wirtz said. Southeast Asian Aid Be Peasant Oriented By MICHAEL HEFFER The United States must adjust its agricultural programs in South- east Asia to approach problems "from the bottom up" and place the focus upon people, Clifton Wharton of the Agricultural De- velopment Council said last night. This must be part of the U.S.'s new emphasis upon the rural di- mension and its awareness that since three out of four people in Southeast Asia are peasants, the focus must be on the peasant in his traditional village as the final arbiter in ideological and military struggles, Wharton added. Wharton said the U.S. must concentrate on the rural dimen- sion before the military one. He suggested one way to help accom- plish this would be to make the existence of agricultural reform programs a contingency for all U.S. foreign aid to nations in the area. Mississippi Visited Viet Nam Wharton was a member of Sec- retary of Agriculture Orville Free- man's Presidential Task Force to Viet Nam in February, and was -' in Southeast Asia working for the Agricultural Development Council JAMES MEREDITH IS SHOWN HE from 1958 to 1964. Mi During that time Wharton said he learned that 1) the Chinese Communists' focus on the peas- O ant is correct, 2) the U.S. is qual- ified to counter the communists egonI SW with its own strategy and 3) the U.S. must concentrate on the rural dimension first. To Identify "The goal of communist move- ments in Southeast Asia is to se- -Associated Press RE as he appeared in 1963 before returning to the University of .ssissippi for a second semester. dent Editor Refuses M i ns MarT I ana UserTs Shot' Road Ambushed. Dauring Civil Rights Walk Gunman Arrested At Scene May Face Federal Prosecution HERNANDO, Miss. (A - James H. Meredith met a shotgun am- bush yesterday as he led a hand- ful of civil rights marchers along a Mississippi highway on a pil- grimage to banish racial fear in his Deep South Homeland. A worldwide symbol in Amer- ica's integration crisis since his riot-marked entry four years ago into the University of Mississip- pi, Meredith apparently escaped with superficial wounds. At a Memphis, Tenn., hospital, his con- dition was reported as satisfac- tory. A white man from the Memphis area was arrested as the gun- man. In Washington, the Jus- tice Department said he prob- ably would be prosecuted by state officials, but that this "does not exclude the possibility of federal prosecution." Three blasts from a shotgun at 4:15 p.m. left Meredith writhing on the hot surface of a two-Ian highway, while his assailant look- ed on from a nearby thicket. Meredith, 32, set out Sunday with less than half a dozen com- panions on a 225-mile trek from Memphis to Jackson, Miss. The demonstration was intended to ex- hort Negroes to cast aside their ingrained fears of Mississippi whites and to register to vote in that state. FBI agents, state troopers and local police remained nearby as the march led Meredith across the Tennessee-Mississippi border and into the state in which he was born. Arrested within moments of the shooting was Aubry James Nor- vell, 41, a husky, balding unem- ployed highway contractor, orig- inally from Forrest City, Ark. Mississippi Gov. Paul Johnson said Norvell admitted to state highway patrolmen that he was the gunman. Norvell was quoted as saying he hid beneath a culvert on U.S. 51, south of here, and 'crawled out into some woods as Meredith's party passed, The weapon was described as a 16 gauge shotgun loaded with bird shot. One eyewitness said the gunman called out Meredith's name Just before the shotgun blasts' exploded. A wave of revulsion rolled across the nation at word of Meredith's shooting. He had emerged un- scathed in 1962 as bloody riot- ing swept the then all-white Uni- versity of Mississippi in the wake of Meredith's admission. President Johnson led in de- crying the shooting. Among those JAMES ELSMAN, JR.:- Candidate Calls for Rule By CLARENCE FANTO m o r e effective international Co-Editor peace-keeper: -A new U.N. Assembly should James Elsman, Jr., a University be directly elected by the people Law School graduate, is basing of the world, with theh number of his campaign for the Democratic representatives from each nation nomination to the U.S. Senate to be determined by its popula- from Michigan on an appeal for tion. The United States, Russia, the rule of law in international Communist China and India relations. would have the largest number of Elsman, 29, says his main con- representatives, 30 each. cern is "the problem of organiz- --The U.N. should create a per- ing the world for a long-term manent international peace force. peace." In an attempt to counter The proposed new Assembly would the barrage of publicity surround- have the power to raise funds and ing the campaigns of former Mi- take over the burden of respon- chigan Gov. G. Mennen Williams sibility for international peace- and Detroit Mayor Jerome Cava- keeping. naugh, Elsman is conducting a -The World Court should be state-wide speaking tour which strengthened so that it would brought him to the Ann Arbor have the power to rule on legal Community Center this weekend. issues in an international dispute. As is the case in many local -Most American foreign aid and regional political campaigns should be channeled through the this year, Elsman gets many ques- U.N. so that it can be distributed tions about the Viet Nam war, without any strings attached. "Viet Nam is only a symptom of -Communist China should be does not advocate an immediate troop withdrawal, he says U.N. forces should gradually be intro- duced into South Viet Nam to accompany an eventual U.S. with- drawal. Suggests Peace Resolution He also called for a "Uniting for Peace" resolution on Viet Nam in the U.N. General Assembly, similar to that passed at the be- ginning of the Korean War. Such a resolution should advocate an immediate cease-fire on all sides in Viet Nam along with an end to U.S. bombing of North Viet Nam, Elsman emphasized that he does not want to see a Commun- ist Viet Cong takeover of South Viet Nam "because the majority of South Vietnamese do not want the Viet Cong." Discussing his campaign, Els- man noted that it is "almost im- possible for a candidate with my financial resources and lack of coercive power over people to ev- cure control of territory through By MEREDITH EIKER the control of people. The Chinese y RE communists believe that the peas- The managing editor of thet ant is the key to achieving their University of Oregon Daily Emer- See 'Urges,' Page 2 ald has been given until June 13 to either reveal the names or else show why she should not identify"seven students who she had reported used marijuana. Facing a $300 fine and a charge of "criminal contempt of court," Miss Annette Buchanan was call- Jury by District Attorney William Frye in connection with a story the non-organization men, those she wrote headlined "Students who do not already possess a po- Condone Marijuana Use." The ar- litical office with coercive power," ticle, which Miss Buchanan said he said. "described sensations and effects" With inadequate financial re- of the drug, quoted several stu- sources, it is difficult to get an dents and their experiences anony- equal hearing from the public, mously. Elsman said. He emphasized his The editor was called before willingness to take his case to as the circuit judge on the morning high an authority as the Supreme her article appeared and, when Court. He views the issue as para- she refused to give the names of llel in importance to the "one man the students, the district attorney -one vote" principle, since under asked that the court order her to the present system, Eisman ar- answer or be cited for contempt. gues, only the rich candidate with Miss Buchanan explained that an organization behind him can the Federal Drug Administration become a candidate for high pub- has been conducting investigations lic office. at the university as well as at He challenged his competitors, other universities along the West Willams nd avanugh to akeCoast. She said that while no ar- Williams and Cavanaugh, to make rests had yet been made to the public full financial statements on best of her knowledge on the Ore- their campaign spending and to gon campus, extensive inquiries disclose their sources of campaign were being held. funds. Thus far, Elsman noted, he Her interviewi, sie felt how- has received no reply from either ever, with campus marijuana users of the candidates. He has already would undoubtedly be of vital in- filed a financial statement at a terest to the FDA and local in- contesting the charge on the basis of five points: -Revelation of names would be a breach of journalism ethics; sent the 20 year old editor be- fore the grand jury, and he said that this in itself might be a violation of the rights of an in- dividual to counsel during legal proceedings. When the hearing is resumed next week Miss Buchanan will be Northern Principal Carty Explains Student Boycott CI -The material she used was considered "privileged informa- tion" given to her as an employe of the state of Oregon; -The scope of the inquiry might make it unnecessary for her to reveal the identities; -The First and Fourteenth Amendments (freedom of speech, etc.) may be violated. and -Her attorney was not allowed at the hearing. By SUSAN SCHNEPP The personal side of people in the news is a part of the story that newspapers often ignore in their pre-occupation with the what and how of an event. The recent Detroit Northern High School controversy is a case in point. Its principal, Arthur T. Carty, was never described as more than "principal of Northern High School." But speaking to two Education Sociology classes here yesterday, Carty stepped out of newsprint and told his story with the emo- tion of a man who unwittingly found himself involved in a tense situation. Speaking of his personal life, Carty said that he has lived or "If it had not been for young militant teachers, it would have never happened," he asserted. Carty charged that the teachers were not really concerned with conditions at Northern, but were militant "for their own purposes" and had just "used the young Ne- groes."s Also, Carty said he was certain that the student leaders had been influenced and guided by "left wing" groups who incited them, to rebellion. For this reason, Carty contin- ued, the revolt "had to come about," whether at Northern or elsewhere. Yet he denied that the revolt was justified, saying that democratic processes 'were prefer- able, though "admittedly much qslower."