Seventy-Sixth Year EDTED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MicH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Truth Will PrevailMCH WPON:7405 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ." s rs"r n"'{.'° l. .,%%: efl% .* " 1 .'.. .. ..., s.n :.f, ..rF.:.....- --:---- went...r.r.xn." a .- ot:% . . .. .w:?. n"'n} .. .: . ...} .:7 i."'":{"Y.i...t. Cr . rrV5 rv.Ln5.:av' .. ~ u".hGh. f,. ,. "..... . . .r.... . . .5r*..}Y!s...?...rt.ssv POWER (r1 and How tePaeCorps uldN o uatemala . POETRY by MARK R. KILLINGSWORTH SATURDAY, JUNE 4, 1966 NIGHT EDITOR: SHIRLEY ROSICK The State Department Wants Everyone To Sign An Oath! WHAT IS DEMOCRACY? The question is an elusive one that no one really has the answer to, least of all the State Department. From the first moment a child can read he reads about the values of his country. In the United States one's read ings are taken up with democracy and all that this fine ideal stands for. The books always stated what I thought a good case; freedom of opinion, religion, the right to dissent, freedom of the press, etc. Be- cause the Constitution of the United States proclaimed these values as its own I believed it. I naturally assumed that the government did too. SOMEBODY IS ROCKING the boat. The waters have been rough over the last few years but now its getting dangerous. The President has labeled dissenters "nervous Nellies" and in his role as the leader of the Democratic Party (which ironically substitutes as the Nerveless Ward) has prescribed a tranquilizer-the congressional elections in the fall. With- out presidential, i.e., strong party back- ing, few candidates are going to enjoy a victorious year. One could argue that "this is politics," and politics everywhere consists of similar subtle yet firm bar- riers to the right of dissent. After all, politics is the theatre of compromise and a compromise, in the end, cannot con- tain adamant dissent. I question the compromise of ideals; ideals such as the right to dissent, the right to hold an opinion uniquely your own. Maybe a line has to be drawn some- where but, in a democracy, it cannot be drawn across the throats of those who merely disagree. TrHESTATE DEPARTMENT, the insti- tution which formulates the majority of our policies overseas, has evidently built a tight ring around the "virginity" of the ideals of the United States. No one may go around unless they have a pass- port, and one cannot obtain a passport unless he first sights the sacred loyalty oath. How does the State Department define loyalty? Does a signature on a sheet of paper classify one as a "loyal" citizen? A girl from Brazil is cautious about discussing the internal policies of her country with an American student. A boy from Formosa becomes anxious when a letter discussing Formosa politics, which he did not write, is printed with his name attached as the author. Both students are wary because, upon enter- Subscription rate:$4.50 semester by carrier ($5 by mail); $8 two semesters by carrier ($9 by mail). The Daily is a member of the Associated Press and Collegiate Press Service, Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Mich. Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning. ing this country they first had to sign a loyalty oath which stated that they would not discuss the mechanics of their coun- try's regime. Signing the oath is a re- quirement of the United States State De- partment, it is not a pre-requisite of the country they are leaving. WHAT EXACTLY are Dean Rusk and his cohorts afraid of? Do they trem- ble at the thought that foreign students will draft Americans into revolutionary schemes against their native country? Are they guarding against unfavorable propaganda abroad when they require an American to sign a loyalty oath before he leaves the country? The Dominican crisis illuminated the fact that the State Department is per- fectly capable of entering the revolution of another country on its own steam. It merely requires a report that American citizens are endangered to enter fully armed into the heart of the battle. It is of little consequence that the re- ports may have been exaggerated, as they were in this incident. If the Com- munists are in it, then by God, we'll be in it too. The interdependence of nations all over the world gives support to the motto of the State Department that a civil war in any strategic part of the world is our civil war too. THE STATE DEPARTMENT is also per- fectly well equipped to spread its own unfavorable propaganda without putting one word down on paper, without send- ing one wave length over Radio Free Eu- rope. Actions are enough and some of ours are reaping bushels of hate every time we install a base full of unwanted soldiers. So what are they afraid of? Are sheets of paper really necessary to insure the loyalty of a country's citizens? Shouldn't high ideals and honorable actions com- mand loyalty in themselves? Is dissent, or a difference of opinion really a form, of treachery? DON'T THINK SO. Dissent merely raises questions which must be answer- ed. The State Department should not tremble in a corner when its actions are questioned if the actions have been hon- orable. It is loyalty to the ideals of this country which prompts dissent at this time and all other times like it. Too many people are of the opinion that it is the government who is dis- loyal through interventions which are grounded on shaky premises; premises formulated by the State Department as a matter of fact. D THE ASTRONAUTS sign loyalty oaths? -PAT O'DONOHUE Special To The Daily GUATEMALA CITY, Guatemala -Some join the Peace Corps to put into action an idealistic commitment to the betterment of mankind. Some sign up to duck the draft. Some want to help de- velop underdeveloped countries. WHY DID Brian Walsh, 23, join the Peace Corps? "I know it sounds corny," says Walsh, "but I volunteered for the Army and was told I was 4-F. So I decided to join the Peace Corps instead." Any noble sentiments about good will towards men? Frankly, this is a job. The United States government hired me, and the Guatemalan govern- ment signed a contract with them to put me to work here. That sounds like a job to me." And his job as a Peace Corps- man here is about as surprising as his views on the Peace Corps. WALSH-23 credits shy of a BA in political science at Iona College in New Rochelle, N.Y.- arrived here in October, having requested assignment to . Latin America due to some previous ex- perience with Spanish. But, although he has been here less than nine months, he is al- ready in charge of the Peace Corps/Guatemala school-to-school program. "They didn't want to take anyone with agricultural ex- perience away from the country- side to run the program, so I was it," says Walsh, who comes from the Bronx. In the school-to-school pro- gram, an American school district teams up with a Guatemalan vil- lage which needs a school build- ing. Both communities raise the money for the new school, and Walsh and his Peace Corps Gua- temala colleagues help spread the word about the program, draw up plans for proposed schools and then help put the plans into bricks and mortar-or, more often, ado- be. When the program works, it works well. Canton Choqui - a subdivision of Quetzaltenango, the second-largest city in the' country -is a case in point. BARTOLOME MENDOZA, chair- man of the village's Committee for Local Improvement, heard about the school-to-school pro- gram from Bill Dewey, a corpsman working as an agricultural exten- sion agent, and in January asked to start plans for a school under the program. Walsh started work at once, and by February 11 had sent the final plans to the Peace Corps Washington office-which han- dles contributions from American communities for the program. On March 9, Canton Choqui re- ceived a check for $331.40-about half the cost of its school-rep- resenting donations from elemen- tary and school children in the George Robinson School of San- turce, Puerto Rico. Having raised the rest of the cost of the plan themselves, the residents of Canton Choqui were ready to start building their new school building less than three months after their committee chairman started working with Walsh and the Peace Corps. WHILE CANTON Choqui's resi- dents raised money for the school through special contributions, however, other villages have taken other-and sometimes novel-ap- proaches. One community, for example, persuaded the governor of its state to allow the levying of a special tax for its school. Another vil- lage held raffles; another held a dance. Terrero, in the western state of Huehuetenango, rented a movie of the famous Latin com- ic Cantinflas and charged admis- sion. Andgwhile the community is busy raising money, Walsh is busy cut- ting costs. A contact Walsh has in the National Committee for School Construction helps him get a 12 per cent discount on some construction items. By substitut- ing a synthetic material for the commonly-used tin sheets, Walsh saves over $50 for roofing a two- room schoolhouse with teacher's residence. In one school, such cost-cut- ting forays pared the actual cost of the project down $244.40 from the plan's estimate of $900-and Walsh is hoping the savings will help finance still another school building. All in all, Walsh says, the Peace Corps has in about a year helped build 16 schools from start to finish-and has given some as- sistance to 26 other schools, BUT WHILE the school-to- school program has successes, it also has problems. Some are unusual-even bizarre. The April-to-November rainy sea- son, for example, often impedes construction. And when a volcano close to one village in the program began rumbling, over 20 families moved away-taking with them a sizable part of the village's school- age population. Political rumblings have also presented problems for the pro- gram. One important official try- ing to steal credit for construction of a school antagonized a number of villagers working on their proj- ect, and as a result slowed it up considerably. THE MOST significant of all the Peace Corps' problems, how- ever, is the difficulty in convinc- ing a community that it can, in- deed, have a school-and the dan- ger that the program might turn into a Peace Corps program for the community but not with it, that the volunteers will build new schools but not the new values which must come along with them. Walsh readily concedes that ex- isting local groups like Canton Choqui's are rare. Another Peace Corps volunteer who went to dis- cuss the program with a commu- nity found only a few skeptical souls waiting to meet with him. "The village couldn't believe it was possible to get a school," he says. "They all thought it was a joke." But Walsh is most emphatic - and most eloquent - about such problems. "The program has a very tangible result - a school building. But there are other re- sults which are intangible," he says. "For probably the first time, a group of men has sat down to work on a community problem," he emphasizes. "For probably the first time, they have worked-and succeeded-at getting something from the government, even if it's only a slip of paper saying, 'Give this man some tools.' And the community is never the same aft- er the experience.' WALSH POINTS proudly to one village. One alcalde (mayor) rashly pledged $90 worth of roof- ing, which his treasury couldn't afford, for a new school-"a top- of-his-head promise he thought he wouldn't have to keep because he was leaving office shortly," Walsh says. But when the villagers working on the school needed the roofing and discovered the official was about tocrenege on his promise, Walsh continues, they besieged him with such force and persist- ence that he finally dug up $50. "The chances are the next al- calde won't make such promises," Walsh adds, "or else he'll deliver on the ones he makes." THE SCHOOL-to-school pro- gram is one of a host of relatively modest efforts the Peace Corps is working on here. And, as Walsh is quick to admit, the program is far from the final answer to the country's problems. The most urgent educational need in Guatemala, aid officials suggest, is not more schools but, more qualified teachers: the best estimates suggest that the "stu- dent-teacher ratio" here is some- thing like 80 to one, the "one" often being a teacher scarcely more educated than some of his students. But there are presently enough school buildings in the country to seat only half its primary school- age population (about three- fourths of the total population is illiterate), and, more than some other Latin American countries, Guatemala is plagued by a system of government by sinecure, inac- tion and inefficiency. IN ITS SMALL but impressive way, the school-to-school program builds not only schools, but values -and, in a sense, democracy. It's nice to have the schools. And it's nice to have the things that come with them. "4 The Press and the "Good" of Society* IN THE COURSE of its daily, often tedious work, the press has been confronted on occasion with unexpectedly awesome au- thority. Occasions like this give it a chance, not only to exercise its considerable power, but also to do some serious thinking about the philosophy and role of the press in all aspects of society. Getting a scoop on an important story is one of the most exciting experiences in journalism. In ear- lier days when competition be- tween newspapers, particularly the metropolitan dailies, was keener than in these monopoly press times, the scoop was all-important and a career could be made or ended on the reporter or editor's ability to come up with that story. BUT THE EXCITEMENT is only half the story. What happens when a newspaper, the most in- fluential and respected newspaper in the country, has a story whose publication c o u l d drastically change national policy and en- danger the lives of several hun- dred men? More important, what questions will influence the men who make the decision to publish or not to publish the story? Shortly before the United States launched the Bay of Pigs inva- sion, the New York Times had complete information, and a story ready to run, describing the inva- sion plans. The conflicts and the considerations that went into the editor's decision on that story were finally revealed by the present managing editor at the recent MacAlester College World Press Institute forum honoring Pulitzer Prize'winners. In an Associated Press story Managing Editor of the Times Clifton Daniels describes the events of that night after pub- lisher Orvil Dryfoos ordered that the story be printed but "toned down" and given a less important position on the front page. "AFTER THE DUMMY for the front page was changed, Ted Bernstein, who was the as- sistant managing editor on night duty at the Times, and Lew Jordan, the news editor, sat in Mr. Bernstein's office fretting about it. They believed a colos- sal mistake was being made and together they went into Mr. Catledge's (then the managing editor and now executive edi- tor) office to appeal for recon- sideration. "Mr. Catledge recalls that Mr. Jordan's face was dead white and he was quivering with emo- tion. He and Mr. Bernstein told the managing editor that never before had the front page play of the New York Times been changed for reasons of policy. They said they would like to hear from the publisher himself the reasons for the change. "Lew Jordan later recalled that Mr. Catledge was 'flaming mad' at this. However, he turn- ed around in his big swivel chair, picked up the telephone and asked Mr. Dryfoos to come downstairs. By the time he ar- The Associates by carney an(I wolter rived, Mr. Bernstein had gone to dinner, but Mr. Dryfoos spent 10 minutes patiently explaining to Mr. Jordan his reasons for wanting the story played down. "His reasons were those of national security, national in- terest and, above all, concern for the safety of the men who were preparing to offer their lives on the beaches of Cuba." OBVIOUSLY, a decision of this magnitude was not made upon these reasons alone, without the consideration of many other con- tingencies. James Reston, when consulted in the decision, favored a tonedown because he felt print- ing the story would not change the administration's policy, would not halt the invasion, and, there- fore, could only increase the dan- ger of the whole project. Ironically, as Daniel related last week, President Kennedy later told Mr. Catledge, "If you had printed more about the opera- tion, you would have saved us from a colossal mistake." Kennedy also told Mr. Dryfoos, "I wish you had run everything on Cuba. I am just sorry you didn't tell it at the time." While most newspapers do not have to make decisions of this magnitude (lacking the prestige, influence and contacts that the Times has) and be forced to live with the consequences of that de- cision, similar situations come up every day for newspapers. In every case, several men, acquainted with the business of running a news- paper and with the issues that are in question, sit down and try to look into the future. They must try to gauge what social scien- tists and historians have not been able to determine-the effect of their action on the future of their country, state or city. THE NEW YORK TIMES, in making its decision also made some fundamental determination of its place in American society. It decided that it was beyond its authority to make a moral deci- sion on the rightfulness of the invasion, that, as a major insti- tution in American history, it had an obligation to use its power to protect that society. Therefore, the decision was made on the bas- is of national interest and secur- ity. Undoubtedly many of the Times executives disagreed with the methods and the objectives of the invasion, but they could not bring themselves to expose it in the face of more important con- siderations. The Times had to make a sim- ilar decision in the Cuban missile crisis, and chose, this time, with more gratifying results, to sup- press this story too. However, in this instance, there was closer con- tact with the administration, to aid them in making the decision. THE DAILY has often been fac- ed with this kind of decision. In this situation, the first priority is the good of the University. How- ever, the difficulty comes when one tries to determine which course of action is ultimately for the "good" of the University. And, this difficulty is compounded when 10 senior editors must come to an agreement on a complicated issue. A situation in the University that might confront The Daily with a difficult decision is the release of the budget. Suppose we may have some indication of the exact amount of the University's budget before it is officially re- ported out of committee. The question in this case is whether or not publishing the proposed budg- et figures would move legislators to change (more specifically, lower) that amount. In this instance it has been determined that for the good of the University, budget stories will usually follow only of- ficial reports. DESPITE THESE precautions and the care taken in making every decision, there are bound to be mistakes, as in the Cuban invasion story. At times like this one can pon- der "What might have been," but regret does not help. One can learn and wait and hope that next time he will still be sure of his decision in the morning. .'r 4 y, r'1i 4-1r; l'r. o i FC M . 1 1 .L "The Proud Tower": The Uses of Power By DAVID KNOKE The Proud Tower Barbara Tuchman, MacMillan, 1966 'THE UNITED STATES finds itself in possession of enor- mous power and is eager to use it in brutal fashion, against any- one who comes along, without knowing how to do so and is therefore constantly on the brink of some frightful catastrophe." J. W. Fulbright speaking on the arrogance of power? Staugh- ton Lynd on U.S. in Viet Nam? Not at all. E. L. Godkin, editor of the "Nation" some 71 years ago confided these fears to a friend on the eve of the Spanish- American War. BARBARA W. TUCHMAN, fol- lowing her successful "Guns of August," chose as her subject that era of world history across which "the Great War of 1914-18 lies like a band of scorched earth di- viding that time from ours. In wiping out so many lives which would have been operative on the years that followed, in de- stroying beliefs, changing ideas, and leaving incurable wounds of disillusion, it created a physical as well as psychological gulf be- tween two epochs." Yet, in many ways that lost The corruption of the French military establishment, in which the choice of support between Dreyfus or the Army, pitched to a point of honor, split the nation. American jingoism, annexing Ha- waii as an act of "manifest des- tiny" and suppressing a genuine Filipino war of national libera- tion, was futilely opposed by Charles Eliot, president of Har- vard and the Anti-Imperialism League, On the continent, Richard Strauss was astounding the cul- turati with slick tone-poems and neo-Wagnerian operas, while an undercurrent of anarchism and socialism stirred radical dissidents with a spectrum of philosophies- some violent, some conciliatory-- to bring the millenium to this dread shape humanity be- trayed. Plundered, profaned and disinherited ... MISS TUCHMAN confines her attention to a limited part of the world 20 years before La Grande Guerre; yet her unique sense of the dramatic situation selected from a backdrop of chaotic events gives her work a feeling of his- tory as narrative. The result of mixing Blenheim Palace with Homestead lockout, of Mahan, Victoria and Czar Nicholas with Kropotkin, Juares and Reed is a pronortionate blend perspective or the strong style with which Miss Tuchman writes, however. She writes to revive the era, not exhaust it. Her ability to leap oceans, transcend class lines, relate sta- tistics to individual anguish, con- trast foppishness to desperation shows once again that history immersed in detailings can still emerge with a vision of the pur- poseful interactions of people. Few other writers possessed this vision; Toynbee is certainly one, as is Prescott and perhaps the Durants. THE PROBLEM for any histor- ian beyond the technical accum- ulation of facts is their assembl- age into coherent, meaningful re- lationship. Of all man's studies, history mal indeed teach him nothing more than that he learns nothing from history. Human beings cer- tainly do not independently per- form the myriad individual daily tasks with the prior intention of "making history"; the philosoph- ical historian who tries to fore- cast the future from the past too often winds up off base like Marx or Spengler. On the other hand, singular at- tention to key "great men" or traumatic events may likewise overlook the extent to which so- ciological hidden currents play a deterministic part. AT BEST it remains doubtful that any historian can write about a time or event and say he has captured the atmosphere, inter- actions or implications as they really were. Yet man will always remain curious about his origins; to know the full sum of his dis- parate influences, he must look beyond the dogged chroniclers of battles and treaties, the official biographers, and philosophizers of grand but irrelevant theory. Miss Tuchman has created such a viable, but valid accounting of the past. She can pinpoint the automobile and the discovery of the unconscious potent forces in future social change, yet not be- labor the point for they had little impact on the temper of the time. "The Proud Tower" is, in ef- fect, a readable, relevant history, entertaining, which is in itself admirable. A- ~ '~a REVIEW: The Luck of Ginger Coffey' By ANDREW LUGG lRVIN KERSHNER'S "The Luck of Ginger Coffey" is a small masterpiece. Seldom does a di- rector seem so involved in and excited by his subject. Nothing distracts Kershner from Ginger boat fare back to Dublin. Like a dahma-doll, with blarney par ex- cellence he sets out to work. We see why he has never been able to keep down a job. He angles for uhe world, but throws away ever v opportunity which presents itself. He ia brash. but as they say. the husband, and in that order! Done before, but who cares? The plot is redeemed by Shaw's superb acting together with Kershner's thoughtful direction. Kershner sets the film in a sim- ple, quiet tone. Action filled, the film moves only slowly-the gen- 4