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June 04, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-04

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See Editorial Page

Sir CiA au

A43ai Ii

Cooler Sunday,
showers likely

Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom


Late World News
VIENTIANE, LAOS ()-Revolting against generals of the
Laotian high command, Brig. Gen. Thao Mao has seized the
airport at Savannakhet in southern Laos, a government official
said yesterday.
Chief of the air force, the 32-year-old general has been
feuding since early last month with the generals. They accuse
him of setting up his own reign at Savannakhet and refusing to
carry out orders.
Thao personally flies and directs bombing missions of U.S.-
built T28 fighter-bombers against Communist forces in Laos and
the Ho Chi Minh Trail supplying the Viet Cong in South Viet
Finance Minister Sisouk Nachampassak flew to Savannakhet
on yesterday and met with Thao in an attempt to settle the
crisis. He told reporters on his return that the seizure Thursday
was due to a misunderstanding.
SAIGON (P)-TWO BUDDHIST NUNS burned themselves to
death today in the continuing wave of suicides that have swept
Viet Nam for the past week.
At almost the same predawn hour a 24-year-old nun com-
mitted suicide by fire in front of Saigon's main pagoda and an-
other nun ended her life in flames at Nha Trang, about 200 miles
northeast of Saigon.
The second nun perished in the yard of a Buddhist school at
Nha Trang.
The fiery deaths were part of the Buddhist campaign to bring
about the downfall of the military government of Premier Nguyen
Cao Ky.
SANTO DOMINGO (A)-JUAN BOSCH said last night he will
contest the validity of the presidential Dominican election in
which he suffered a stunning defeat by conservative Joaquin
He said a commission of lawyers will begin gathering evidence
of fraud to back up his challenge. He urged his backers to be
"calm and confident" until the investigation is completed. He
has until June 10 to make a formal challenge.
LANSING (A)-THE LEGISLATURE cannot prescribe quali-
fications for the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Atty.
Gen. Frank Kelley ruled yesterday, ending a dispute over the
right of newly-appointed Ira Polley to hold the job.
The Michigan Education Association had claimedathat Pol-
ley's background in higher education did not meet a require-
ment of a 1955 state law that the superintendent have five years
of teaching experience.
Kelley ruled that the 1963 constitution, giving the power of
appointment to the new State Board of Education, had taken
away the right of the Legislature to set qualifications for the
quest will be taken in the state Legislature next week. The House
Ways and Means Committee may act on the measure Monday,
with final House approval coming by midnight Wednesday. Then
any differences in the budgets passed by the House and the Sen-
ate will be ironed out in conference by midnight Friday beforej
lawmakers head home for seven weeks of primary election cam-
The Senate passed a University appropriation of just under
$58 million April 22, nearly $8 million less than the Regents re-
quested but $1.5 million above Gov. George Romney's recommen-
Budget trimming, especially in the area of educational ap-
propriations, is expected to be heavy in order to bring total state
spending for the next fiscal year to the area of $970 million to
$985 million. Gov. Romney recommended spending $944.9 million.
At present, prior to the expected cuts, budget bills total $1.02
CLIFTON R. WHARTON, JR., director of the American Uni-
versities Research Program, the Agricultural Development Coun-
cil, Inc., will speak on "An Agrarian Strategy for U.S. Foreign
Policy in Southeast Asia" Monday, June 6, 8 p.m., Rackham
Amphitheatre. The lecture is sponsored by the Center for South
and Southeast Asian Studies.
Wharton was a member of President Johnson's team, which
visited Viet Nam in February. He has worked and travelled in
Southeast Asia as an agricultural economist over the past six

emini Pilots
Shroud Bloci






GEMINI 9, WITH ASTRONAUTS EUGENE cERNAN AND THOMAS STAFFORD aboard, was boosted off pad atop Titan II rocket from Cape Kennedy
expected to rendezvous in space with a target vehicle launched Tuesday. At right, Stafford, twice-frustrated in his efforts to get his spacecraft off the pa
mock match before he enters the spacecraft with spacemate Cernan, left rear. The match was topped with a red and white bulb which lit up when a but
It carried a sign that read "plus count initiator."
AA UPFEacdulty Salary Study Ranks
17th Am-ong822 Educatl**inalInstlitui

"I hate to haggle for salary
When I went into teaching, I
expected not to be bothered
such things."
Despite the sentiments expre s-
ed above by a faculty member o
a leading private university, sal-
aries, like all of a university's lim-
ited resources, will probably al-
ways be haggled for.
In dealing with the subject of
faculty salary, a recent American
Association of University Profes-
sors survey shows that the aver-
age nine-month faculty salary at
the University is $12,482.
This figure makes the Univer-
sity 17th in a field of 822 insti-
tutions who reported salary fig -
ures to the AAUP.
Commenting on this rating, As-
sistant to the Vice-President for
Academic Affairs William Schlat-
ter said that it was very nearly
correctdat present, but that plans
for a general increase in faculty
salaries have been made. Action
by the Legislature on the Univer-
sity's budget will probably deter-
mine if and when this increase
can be put into effect.
The proposed budget for 1966-
67 anticipates an eight per cent'
rise in teaching salaries, with $5.2
miillion of the requested $16.1
million increase in state appro-

pria t ions going for salary inciease
and inflation.]
The salary figure is up from
last year's average of $11,450. On
the AAUP scale which ranges from
AA to E, the University was grad-
ed "A" for the average faculty7
compensa tion, which includes re-!
tiretnent and fringe benefits, and
"B" for minimum compensation
Both gradings ate improvements,
over last year's standings, with
averag e compensation at $14,130,
up from $12,769, and minimuml
compensation in the range of $12,-

These figures do not include
Schools of Medicine and Denti
for 1964-65 and also the Scl
of Nursing for 1965-66. The m
ical school was given "A" ra
ings for both average and m
mum compensation. Average c
pensation there is $14,725, up f
$13,330 last year, and average
ary is $13,132, up from $11,960.
Considering both average;
minimum compensation levels
least 23 other institutions r
above the University.
Figures are computed usingc
the ranks of professor, assoc
professor, assistant professor

the instructor. Lecturers and teaching centage, 42, be
stry fellows are not included. pendent univer
hool One source of complaint of esting to note1
ied- teaching fellows, who have be- University of Ca
nk- come extremely vodiferous in voic- ed only a "B"
ini- ing their complaints recently, is compensation,
om- that, in asking for appropriations, The AAUP su
rom the University classifies teaching a national bas.
sal- fellows as faculty, but salary rat- increase in av
ings exclude them. Average salary pensation show
and for University teaching fellows is of increase si
at $2,475 yearly, plus in-state tui- pointed out th
ank tion classification for all. all rate of ine
Of the universities given "A" was a proport
only classifications for average compen- crease for ful
iate sation, only three per cent are rate of 7.5 per
and public universities, the largest per- other academic

:f..Ordered pTo
Pla y'it Safe
Cernan Prepares
For Execution of
Marathon Spacewalk
eager Gemini 9 pilots caught their
target in the sky yesterday-but
found a space lnkup blocked by
a shroud that made the target
ship look like "an angry alligator"
with its jaws agape.
Instead of docking, the Gemini
pilots separated and rendezvoused
with the target again-then broke
away for the night-setting the
stage for another rendezvous and
a marathon walk in space today.
Command pilot Thomas P. Staf-
ford repeatedly pressed a sugges-
tion that he try to knock the
ociated Press shroud off the target ship with
yesterday. It is the docking bar of the Gemini
d, carries a large spacecraft. But specialists in
ton was pressed. Houston and Cape Kennedy said
they thought it wouldn't work.
_- ._-- a__ Stafford and copilot Eugene A.
Cernan met the no-bumping order
with a dejected, "Okay."
For a while they flew in close
formation with the target ship
and gave flight experts a descrip-
tion of the clamshell spunglass
shroud from 10 feet away.
At first, Stafford said he didn't
dare get closer because of the
danger if the shroud were to sud-
~io ndenly break away and hit the
Ordered to Safety
eing private, inde- The Gemini 9 was ordered to
rsities. It is inter- get safely ahead and out of range
that the prestigous of the target for the sleep period
alifornia was grant- last night. The first order of busi-
rating for average ness today will be to rise above
the orbit of the target, and close
irvey noted that, on the 86-mile gap separating the two
is, the 17.3 per cent craft.
erage faculty com- When the two astronauts found
us the highest rate the shroud still attached after
ince 1959. It also their pursuit through 75,000 miles
iat while the over- of sky, they reported to ground
rease is high, there stations its condition and experts
ionately higher in- immediately began to ponder
1 professors, at a what could be done.
cent, than for any The shroud on the ATDA-
rank. Augmented Target Docking Adap-
ter-was intended to act as a pro-
tective nose cone for the target
ship during its rapidly accelerat-
ing flight up through the earth's
blanket of air.
Explosive bolts' exploded releas-
ing the two halves of the nose
cone, and springs shoved it part -
way open, but the wires held ;it
on, blocking the docking collar of
rm, which in its last the target ship.
5 students. Officials who feel that docking
eachers is not a particular problem any-
onvenient time for way decided to take no risks.
not make the spring Stafford and Cernan performed
lly public school their four major space pursuit
are in school while maneuvers with great precision,
m is in session. For narrowing the original 640-mile
are department re- gap between the two craft in 41/
per cent of its stu- hours.
mmmer half term are Looking into the bright moon,
rsity students. The they had trouble seeing the ATDA
minantely teachers. in detailed fashion until they got
lment figures are: quite close.
chitecture and De- While experts were pondering
tool of Business Ad- what to do, the Gemini 9'l backed
524; College of En- away some 13 miles and then flew
; School of Nursing, back up to the target with preci-
ol of Medicine, 580. sion, pretending that their radar
had gone out-and making the
approach by computers, the stars
and their own vision.
Pi1 I~ Fire Thrusters '
Barely 2 hours and 25 minutes
from the 9:39 a.m. blast off, Staf-

ilitary personnel in ford fired his thrusters to settle
am." the Gemini 9 into a circular orbit
t Nam echoes in the 170 miles high.
That was just 15 miles below
inistration officials and 125 miles away from the tar-
lief that despite the get and Stafford and Cernan were
violence in the closing the distance at 226 feet
aese political struggle per second.
deep-seated dispute It was the third in a series of
presence there. precise maneuvers as the pilots-
y say, the turmoil working with computer calcula-
an internal power tions and guiding by the stars-
took dead aim on the fleeting
ation officials wel- ATDA.
by the Philippine They roared into space two days
ing the dispatch of after the target was launched-
force of engineers breaking 17 days of flight frus-
roops to South Viet tration with the fiery and perfect
blast off of their 11-story Titan 2

Record Total Enrollments of 10,034

Legislature Proposes Colleges
Submit Tuition Figures Early

The House Ways and Means
Committee adopted a provision
late yesterday that would commit
state supported colleges and uni-
versities to a specific tuition figure
by January 1 of each year.
Under the bill the school would
be required to state whether or
not it intends to change its tuition
in the forthcoming school year.
If the school says it will make
no change in its tuition, and a
hike occurs after January 1, the
amendment authorizes the State
Administrative board to reduce
the state's monthly payments to
the school in proportion to the size
of the tuition hike.
Early Notice
If the university or college in-

committing the schools to a spe-
cified tuition rate.
If the House as a whole adopts
the Ways and Means Committee
version of the Higher Education
Bill with the tuition amendment,
the bill will go to a conference
committee from both chambers.,
There the differences in the two
bills will be ironed out.
Faxon Speaks
Rep. Jack Faxon (D-Det) said
yesterday, "We can't force the
schools to hold the line on tuitions,
but we are legally within our
rights to reduce their appropria-
tion by the same amount they
raise tuition."
Under the state constitution, the
colleges and universities are au-
tonomous bodies, and cannot be
rietatit bn h the Teislature. The

believed to be alarmed by the
The move was a result of a
committee investigation of a Uni-
versity tuition hike last year. This,
followed what many legislators-
but not the University administra-
tion-considered to be a generousj
hike in appropriations.
Neihuss Argues Back
Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Neihuss explained yesterday
that a fund of close to $250,000
was set aside for students who
indicated that the University's
tuition hike had been a hardship.
Niehuss told the legislators at re-
cent committee hearings that
there was no strife at the Univer-
sity as a result of the increases.
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs Richard L. Cutler said that,I
"'rn fh.,,. i--f4 n.hilif qnimy I

University enrollment, continu-
ing its upward climb, has reached
10,034 for the spring and spring-
summer terms, Edward Groesbeck,
registrar, announced yesterday.
This figure represents an in-
crease of 21.3 per cent over the
same period last spring, when en-
rollment reached 8,300. These
totals include extension students,
but not those at Dearborn and
Flint, still in winter session.
Marked Increases
The figures reveal marked in-
crnases in certain schools. Educa-
tion) school enrollment increased
by 64.9 per cent to 845, social work
school enrollment went up 50.5
per cent to 143, and music school
enrollment jumped 48.6 per cent
to 110.
Groesbeck's figures assign grad-
uate students according to their
field of specialization. There are
6.021 undergraduate, 3,268 grad-
uate, and 745 graduate-profession-
al students taking University
courses this spring. This includes
963 taking extension courses.
The ratio of undergraduates to
graduates, about 60 to 40, is the
same as in the fall and winter
terms, but is above the 50:50 ratio
of summers before the trimester,
indicating the summer trimester
is attracting more undergraduates.
The ratio of men to women, a
little under 2:1, also is about the
same as in the fall, but at 6,675
to 3,359, it could indicate another


size of the summer in relationship:
to the other two semesters.
More for Summer Half
Summer trimester enrollment
has been at or above 50 per cent
of the other two trimesters since
the trimester went into pperation.
Last summer's total enrollment
was over 16,500.
At the rate of growth of the
spring term, the suymmer trimester
might reach 20,000 this year. Fall
enrollment, which has been rising
at about 7 per cent per year, is
projected at about 33,250 next fall.
This would represent an increase
of 6.4 per cent, or 1,983 students.
If total summer enrollment
reaches 20,000, it will be at about

Peking Considers Nuclear
WASHINGTON UP)-The United The Peking regime has consis- Vietnamese m
States has asked Red China about tently refused so far to sign the South Viet N2
a no-first-strike nuclear agree- limited atomic test-ban treaty ad- In other Vie
ment and about an end to U.S. hered to by all other major powers capital:
bombing of North Vie Nam, pro- except France. -High adn:
vided the Communists make re- On the question of bombing reiterated a be
ciprocal moves. North Viet Nam, Washington from anti-American
Disclosing this yesterday, State time to time has inquired what South Vietnam
Department officials did not say Hanoi would do if the American there is noc
what reaction, -if any, has come air attacks stopped. U.S. diplomats over the U.S.p
from the Reds. Both subjects have have sought word that the North Rather, the
been sounded out fruitlessly be- Vietnamese would quit sending results from;
fore. troops into South Viet Nam. struggle.
The U.S. soundings were report- -Administr
ed to have been made at the latest State Department press officer comed action
American-Communist Chinese am- Robert J. McCloskey declined yes- Senate approv
bassadorial meeting at Warsaw, terday to discuss the latest U.S. a 2,000-man
Poland, on May 25. probe on this matter specifically, and security t
Tn zl r n.irthird ,lp1. but said again that North Viet- Nam.

60 per cent of next fall's enroll-
ment, with no end to its growth
relative to the rest of the year,
in sight.
Although the schools are plan-
ning for increases in enrollment
for the summer half term, they
have no indication of how accur-
rate they will be because there is
no preregistration for the summer.
Literary college spring enroll-
ment accounted for 34.5 per cent
of the spring figure. Last fall
literary college enrollment ac-
counted for 44 per cent of en-
Last year there were over 8,800
in the summer half term. This
term is roughly the same as the

old summer tei
year had 14,01
It is at a c
those who cane
term, especia
teachers who
the spring tern
example, the,
ports only 15.
dents in the su
regular Univel
rest are predo
Other enrol
College of Ar
sign, 116; Sch
gineering, 2505
353, and Scho



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