CORPORATE ETHICS See Editorial Page Ci r *ir 743 atly FAIR High-70 Low-40 Warmer temperatures; cloudy skies tonight Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXVI, No. 2S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MAY 5,1966 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Expect Rise r idiizui aiI9 In Summer NEWS WIRE Enrollment i A CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATION of the relationship between the Central Intelligence Agency and the nation's colleges was announced Tuesday by Rep. Adam Clayton Powell (D-NY). Powell said he was disturbed by recent reports that CIA agents took part in a Michigan State University project in South Viet Nam several years ago. The House Education and Labor Committee, which Powell heads, will look into the general subject of CIA activities in higher education circles, he said. The committee has helped expand greatly the federal role in education and just Monday won passage of a bill authorizing $2.95 billion for college academic construction during the next three years. "Congress has not appropriated billions of dollars for the nation's universities to have them used as a cover by the CIA," Powell said. ROBERT G. FORMAN HAS BEEN named executive director of the University's Alumni Association it was announced Satur- day. He will succeed Robert O. Morgan, who will become director of special programs and executive consultant. Forman has been associate executive director of the associa- tion for the past two years. In his new post, he will be responsible to the group's executive board of directors for the executive management of a broad range of programs for the University's more than 200,000 alumni. His appointment becomes effective June 30. ** * * MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY POLICE found a 75mm cannon in front of their offices yesterday morning. Officers picked it up on the front steps of a dormitory, where somebody had moved it in the night, said Richard Bernitt, uni- versity public safety director. The cannon was stolen from the city of Olivet, about 30 miles away, police discovered. It awaits return to Olivet. FIVE RUSSIAN SCIENTISTS WILL BE among 35 foreign visitors who will be at the University Monday to view the 50 million electron volt cyclotron. The $12 million cyclotron is used to study the structure of the nucleus of atoms. * * * STANFORD UNIVERSITY'S CLASSIFIED contract in en- gineering research with the Central Intelligence Agency has resulted in protests from a graduate-student group. But a university spokesman says, "Stanford will not know- ingly accept any contract or grant in which the university is used as a cover to clandestine activities." The protest was staged Monday by the graduate coordinat- ing council's academic freedom committee. The group picketed the school's administrative offices and met for more than half an hour with Hubert Heffner, associate provost for research. Heffner, as spokesman for the university, said the classified contract "does not differ in any significant respect from the other research contracts." THE FORD FOUNDATION HAS AWARDED $155,580 to the University for a research project on the extent to which low- income families benefit from private construction. The one-year study will be conducted by the University's Survey Research Center, under the direction of SRC program director John B. Lansing. Starting with a sample of newly-constructed housing units, the research team will trace the sequence of moves-who moved into the unit vacated by the family who moved into the newly- constructed housing unit and what happened to the unit the second family vacated. Because of these chains of moves when a new dwelling comes into the housing market, it is possible for the general supply of housing to "trickle down" to the lower-income groups. If the "trickling down" process is fast and effective, Lansing noted, stimulation of new housing may be a preferred policy to subsidizing new housing for low-income persons. But if the pro- cess is slow and ineffective, he added, more direct methods must be relied upon for increasing the supply of housing for these families. HI. R. CRANE, UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR of physics and chairman of the physics department, has been elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Crane's election to the top body of scientists in the United States was announced today in Washington. Election to mem- bership is made by other academy members in recognition of outstanding scientific achievement. The National Academy of Science was established by Con- gress in 1863 to further science in the United States and serve as an official advisory body to the government on matters of science and technology. Election of the 42 new members announced today brings the group's membership to 745. All eight state members are Univer- sity men. Crane is known for his research in many areas of physics but has most recently received attention for his work in refining the accuracy of the gyromagnetic ratio, or "g factor," of the electron and positron. The results of this work have served to shore up the subject of quantum electro dynamics, the modern physical theories of the ultimate structure of matter and the universe. Extending back to 1950, Crane's research resulted in his achieving one of the most accurate measurements in the history of science. Before turning to the g-factor work, Crane achieved recog- nition for his pioneering and leading work in the design of nuclear particle accelerators. Recently he has also made con- tributions to the technique of radio carbon dating-the finding of the age of ancient objects through analysis of the amount of carbon-14 they contain. The University recognized his achievements and service in Early Registration Heavy; 16 Per Cent Increase Anticipated By MICHAEL HEFFER As classes begin today, officials are counting registrationnaires to determine if predicted enrollment increases over last spring have Iactually occurred. Tuesday's half-day registration period saw about 2000 students register after waiting in a line be- fore Waterman Gymnasium that reached all the way to the flag pole. Registration yesterday end- ed the regular period, but late registration is taking place today. In last year's summer trimester there was a total of 15,461 stu- dents (not including those tak- ing extension courses) at the Uni- versity, including the Dearborn and Flint campuses. During the spring half-term there were 7,- 087 students. During the winter of 1965, when officials were planning for what was to be the first summer tri- mester, plans were begun to ac- commodate 3000 students in the spring. However, after conducting a survey on student plans, admin- istrators doubled their estimate tc 6000. Yet as pre-registration ended only 3000 students had signed up and many departments were faced with great student shortages. In the last days of pre-registration and during registration, enroll- ment jumped as students discov- ered they couldn't find jobs or de- cidedaat the last minute thatasum- mer at school would not be a bad idea. This year there are about 3100 students, all undergraduates. pre- registered for the spring half-term and the spring-summer term. Of- ficials are confident that when registration figures are completelb compiled last year's figures will be exceeded, hopefully by about a 1(I per cent increase. This would bring spring and spring-summer enrollment to a to- tal of about 8,220, with total en- rollment at about 18,000. -Daily-Thomas R. Copi STUDENTS FOR A DEMOCRATIC SOCIETY met last night to discuss plans for administering a "counter draft test." The test will be given in reaction to the Selective Service draft deferrment test and will consist of questions on the Viet Nam war, with the arfswers provided at the end of the test. ADISORY COMMITTEE WORK: Plan SingleStudent Aartet By SHIRLEY ROSICK Since its inception last fall, the student housing advisory commit- tee has moved quickly to influence administrative Plans for housing the increase in student population which started in the fall of 1964. The committee influenced Uni- KelleyBacks Diassenters ALBION 'f-.At. G in. Frank Kelley s1)eaks out in defense of dissent today at a college forum which feahires a right-to-lefit spectrum of national leaders ir dissent,. versity officials to move to meet Under consideration is a plan tension department three Univer- the most pressing student housing for the University to build over 100 sity-owned sites on central cam- need - married student apart- low-cost units, designed in such pus where apartments could con- ments-asking for 400 units to be a way that each student will have ceivably be built. He said the built on North Campus by spring his own bedroom, in a high-rise committee had consulted the of 1967 and 400 more to be tenta- structure located somewhere in the builder of a low-cost development tively completed about a year and central campus area, in Detroit similar to the one they a half later. Due to the commit- Vice-President for Business and would like to see established here. tee's suggestions, the new units Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont has Long simmering discontent over, will offer greater quiet, more floor said that he would be amenable the limited availability of low-cost space, extra bedrooms and some to University-owned single stu- student housing flared last fall, unfurnished apartments-as mar- dent apartments if they were to when Voice political party and Tied students have indicated they be on North Campus. However, he other groups, staged protests, d(sire. contended that because of the high which included a threatened With married si udent housing cost of land in the central cam- sleep-in on University President io'eds expected to be sufficiently pus area, such apartments could Hatcher's lawn. taken care of until at least 1971, not be constructed there. As' a result, Vice-President for the committee will now be focus- Committee member Robert Goy- Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler. mg on single student housing er, Grad, said that the committee and Vice-President for Business problems, had been shown by the plant ex- See STUDENTS, Page 8 SDS Draws Up Counter Draft Test Exam To Be Given In Conjunction with Federal Draft Test By BETSY TURNER Students and faculty members met at the home of Anatol Rappa- port last night to discuss plans for administering the "counter draft test" composed and spon- sored by Students for a Demo- cratic Society. Representatives of SDS and the faculty will meet with University officials today. They will request permission to use University facil- ities in which they can administer the test the night preceding the first draft deferment test, May 13, and the afternoon following the test, May 14. Similar requests will be made for giving the test in conjunction with each of the three other de- ferment tests scheduled within the next two months. The SDS test is open to anyone in the community who wants to take It. "It is important that the entire community and not just the men who are taking the draft de- ferment test have an opportunity to take the SDS test. It deals with many important and pertinent as- pects of the question of U.S. in- volvement in Viet Nam," com- mented Prof. Rappaport. In addition to the test, answer sheets will be available. A panel discussion on these answers is also planned. This will enable the par- ticipants to explore the issues fur- ther by asking questions and mak- ing comments. "It will be, in many respects, a silent teach-in," Rap- paport added. The chapter of SDS at the Uni- versity is also handling the print- ing of exams for chapters at Mich- igan State University, Eastern Michigan University and Wayne State University. In addition to the test, SDS will be distributing information concerning the war on each of dates when the deferment test is being given. The main purpose of the test is educational. Aspects of the Viet Nam war which are not wl pub- licized or generally known ire pre- sented in the form of question and multiple choice answers. Among the topics covered are the effects of bombing, statements made about the war in the past and their authors, North Vietna- mese participation in actual com- bat and excerpts from magazines concerning the brutality of th war and their sources. At Antioch College in Ohio, where the SDS chapter is also administering the test, the ad- ministration has given the SDS test equal status with the regular exam. It will be administered in the same room immediately fol- lowing the draft deferment exami- nation. The students may take the. second exam on a voluntary basis the same as the first one. The examination however will have no effect on the score the student receives on the draft de- ferment test since the latter is being given by the government and not the college. r i 1 + 4 I NSA'_! Group Finds South ' Viet Students Strongly Anti-nAmerican I 3 ts u q tvot r(.rl Aofl h- Kellov1nI Before the summer trimester urged aeademicians tosipea out summer enrollment used to in- even more and said, "We should crease by about from three to five encourage diversity. not stifle it{ per cent each year. The increase The surt',t road to national ruin, last year was 17.5 per cent. The is that which folows the path ofj increase planned for this spring contormity." was budgeted by the Office oI Though defending dissent. Kel-f Acadamic Affairs. Starting with Icy said freedom of speech should the summierhalf term, all budget- not be ued as a cloak oftself-pro- ing and thref(ore all increases w ill tection lordl liberate viola.trins of be planned by the deans of the the law schools and colleges. He criticized h Michigan Sen- A major growth question re- ate and others "who would refuse volves around the relation of the to permit the First Amendment's summer trimester to the other two protection of freedom of speech Enrollment for last summer was 5C to be utilized by those who they per cent of the following fall's en- consider to be spreading danger-t rollment, and 57 per cent of the ous ideas. preceding fall. "Do you really think . . . the Fall enrollment, which has been expression of divergent views rep- rising at about 7 per cent, is resents a danger to our youth and projected to be 33,250 next fall ,to our security?" he asked. "If you an increase of 1,983, or 6.4 per do, you hf much less faith in cent. If this summer's enrollment the strength of our nation and our reaches 18,000 it will be at 54 per way of life than your super-pat- cent of the following semester. riotic posturings would indicate." By Sl SAN SCIFNEPP Soth Vietnamese students view' the United States and the Nation- al Liberation Front with equal! hostility, according to a three-! an te-am from the U.S. National Student Associaion which has just returned from a two-week trip there. The delegation, sponsored by the State Department, included Philip Sherburne, NSA president, Mel Kovacs and Greg Delin, both NSA staff members. Sherburne said that f o u r themes seemed to underlie all of the group's conversations with South Vietnamese students: -a general unwillingness to be part of any coalition government or to participate in any negotia- tions with the National Liberation Front; -a high degree of dislike for sovereignty has been violated, he the United States: said. -a strong feeling that the U.S. Another reason for anti-Ameri- has violated the national sover- can feeling, explained Delin, is eignty of South Viet Nam: that the presence ofeAmerican troops has caused a severe strain -a great desire to have elec- on the economic system of South tions so that a national govern- Viet Nam. ment with some legitimacy can The social hierarchy is in dan- be formed. ger of being reversed, meaning The group talked to student un- ions and student leadership at four South Vietnamese universi- ties, Buddhist students and four Buddhist monks, and militant and conservative Catholics. Delin said that one of the most general feelings the group encoun- tered was a strong negative reac- tion to present U.S. policy in Viet Nam. The way the U.S. has oper- ated has led to sentiment among students that South Vietnam's that taxicab drivers and others who render services to the Ameri- cans who can afford to pay well for them are becoming rich, while the traditional middle and upper classes are becoming poorer. This situation, said Delin, is difficult for students, who are mostly mid- dle class, to accept. Delin said that the students are strongly opposed to the present government, which they feel rep- resents no one but the U.S. and See VIETNAMESE, Page 5 STARTS TODAY: May Festival Presents 'Musicthon', Ormandy By BETSY COHN The ancient custom of skipping about a Maypole clutching lively, colored streamers was a practice used to ward off the cold and evil spirits of winter and welcome in the humid hot spirits of summer. In the latter days of active thought, this lively custom came to be replaced by a more passive reception of the summer months. Today, the May Festivities con- sist of taking a taxicab to Hill Auditorium, clutching vivid black and white programs and absorbing the spirits emanating from the stage. - This year's four day "music- thon," the 73rd annual May Festi- val ritual, will again be conducted under the capable baton of Eugene Ormandy. The first concert, this evening at 8:30, will feature Montserrat Caballe, Spanish soprano, who will sing "Com' e Bello" from "Lu- crezia Borgia," "E sara in quest 4tured orribili momenti, vivi ingrato" tue from "Roberto Devereux" by Doni- share the program with Caballe. _ Senora Modern Turn The May Festival will take a' more modern turn Friday evening as the internationally reknownedj piano of Gyorgy Sandor repro-j duces the music of Bartok. Thor Johnson and Mr. Ormandy will conduct the University Choral Union in "Te Deum" by Kodaly, featuring soloists Jennifer Vyvyan, Lili Chookasiam, Waldie Anderson and Sherrill Milnes. Saturday afternoon at 2:30, the program will get off to a lively and melodious start with Proko- fieff's "Lieutenant Kije" Suite, followed by "Concerto in B minor for Viola and Orchestra by Han- del, conducted by William Smith featuring violist, Joseph de Pas- quale. William Smith, assistant conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, will also conduct Sym- phony No. 5 in E Minor by Tchai- kovsky. The Saturday performance will be an all orchestral program hon- cata and Fugue in D minor" by Bach and "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op. 67, by Beethoven and in Symphony No. 2 in D major by Brahms. Academy at Five Born in Budapest, 1899, Or- mandy was destined to become a musician, entering the Royal Aca- demy of Music in Budapest at the age of five. In 1921 he was invited to make his first concert tour to the United States and in 1930 he directed his first concert with the Philadelphia Orchestra and the New York Philharmonic. The turn- ing point in his career came the following year when he served as a replacement for Toscanini in a guest performance with the Philadelphia Orchestra. Sunday afternoon's concert will also broadcast a note of reverance. John Bogart and the University Choral Union will present,. "Chi- chester Psalms" for boy solo and chorus, by Bernstein followed by "Requiem" for soprano, baritone and chorus with the University ORMANDY, internationally renowned conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, is fea nvvo j.A, VjiT;, q~s.4 tydavneroranv, illbe n ll rcestal roramho .mo hi.c i I