THESE PEOPLE HAVE GOT TO EAT See Editorial Page Seventy-Five Years of Editorial Freedom :43 a t I# FAIR High-74 Low-40 Warmer temperatures, little chance of rain VOL. LXXVI, No. 21S ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1966 SEVEN CENTS Vet Aam SituationRequires ounger Dr In time of war the accent is on tive Service is turning more to- 20,000 who held statutory defer- about 14,000,000 have passed mil- Next in line are the draft reg- no children. Fifth are' registrants an youth. The average age of Ameri- wards college-age men. So far col- ments as college students. itary age, this would appear to be istrants who volunteer for military age 26 through 34 whose military ca cans called up through the Selec- lege students have been given un- Theoretically, the youth who is an ample supply of manpower. service, choosing to enter through liability has been extended be- lib tive Service System has drifted questioned student deferments. deferred until he finishes his edu- But student and other defer- the Selective Service System cause of earlier deferment, and pr steadily downward under pres- Deferment of the college or col- cation is vulnerable to military ments cut deeply, as does the fact rather than by enlistment. The sixth are men from 181/2 to 19. sures of the Viet Nam war. lege-bound group is under cri- service on graduation from col- that about half the prospective volunteers are a relatively small The military services prefer men th In 1963 the mean age of all in- ticism in Congress and elsewhere lege. Many eventually do serve. inductees are rejected for physi- group and last year the number who are young and unencumbered re ductees was 23 years. In 1964 it on grounds that it is undemo- But a deferment during college cal or mental reasons. More than volunteering through the draft by family. Draft board rules, how- t dropped to 22.4 years, and last cratic and puts an unfair burden years gives a man great advant- 1,000,000 are tied up in the re- dropped to less than 10 per cent ever, require that in case of non- year it dropped to 21.2. More than on those who can't afford a higher age. serves. The result is that the 1-A of total draftees. volunteers between 19 and 26 the sm twice as many men were drafted education. Over the nation there are more pool, including conscientious ob- Third in the order of call, and oldest must be selected first.-h last year as in 1964. In the last year only about 3 than 400,000 Selective Service jectors, is reduced to something numerically most important, is When men in upper age groups be In the two-year period, the pro- per cent of the men drafted had boards. As young men turn age more than 1,000,000. the group of nonvolunteer regis- are not available because of de- p portion of men drafted in the college degrees and an additional 18, they are required to register When the Department of De- trants 19 through 25 years old ferments or for other reasons, it year they turned 19 went up four- 17 per cent had attended college. and are classified. That system has fense sets the monthly draft quota, who are single or, if married, mar- is necessary for draft boards to fold and the proportion taken in About 55 per cent were high school 18 categories, including the top- draft boards follow an "order of ried after Aug. 26, 1965, and as choose younger men, and this ap- ab the year they turned 20 went up graduates, and 23 per cent had most, which is class 1-A, or "avail- call" in selecting the men to be yet are without children. This parently is what has beenhap- ed more than six times, statistics less than a high school education, able for military service." called up. First to be summoned group totaled 472,398 at the end of pening as draft calls have gone up. an compiled by the Army Surgeon As of March 31, the Selective Last year 1,960,000 young men are the "delinquents" - men who March. Fifty-one per cent of last year's General indicate. Service System had 1,878,242 reg- were registered and added to the have failed to register or other- Fourth are men in the 19 to 25 crop of high school graduates, or in, The trend toward drafting istrants who were in a deferred total of living registrants, now wise comply with draft regula- age group who married on or be- more than half, were in college by ic younger men means that Selec- status as college students and about 32,000,000. Even though tions. fore Aug. 26 of last year and have October, and the male youths w FOUR PAGES iftees mong them presumably were ndidates for deferment under )eral draft board policies then evailing. With the Viet Nam squeeze on, ie Selective Service System in cent months had to prepare for e possibility that some students ust be taken, and for that rea- n a system of nationwide testing is been resumed to help draft ards decide which are least ex- ndable. Many people would feel better out the draft system if it weigh- less heavily on the culturally id economically disadvantaged. This becomes all the more press- g at a time when military serv- e may' well turn out to be a one- ay ticket to Viet Nam. I Bosch Trails In Dominican Elections 4 First Returns Show Balaguer Leads Vote For New President SANTO DOMINGO (M)-Former President Joaquin Balaguer mov- ed into a surprising lead over heavily favored Juan Bosch in fragmentary early returns from= the Dominican Republic's calm and peaceful presidential election yesterday. Unofficial returns were in from such a tiny fraction of the coun- try's 3400 precincts that the re- sults so far could not be regarded ~as a definite trend. Bosch, who won by a landslide in 1962, was trailing Balaguer even in his stronghold of Santo Do- mingo. First returns in the capi- tal gave Balaguer 1,478 to 1,121 for Bosch. At this same time in the 1962 elections, Bosch already had clinched victory in the city. In the Cibao Valley, northwest of Santo Domingo, Balaguer had 662 to 320 for Bosch. In San Francisco de Macoris, it was 5,- 512 for Balaguer to 3,138 for Bosch. Balaguer was also leading in Moca, 3,890 to 834. Peacefully Dominicans voted to decide peacefully an issue they were try- ing to resolve by force a year ago. The issue was the restoration of democratic rule to this little country that has had only seven months of it during the past 36 years. Veteran observers were surpris- ed by the smoothness of the vot- ing. There were no incidents of significance reported during the 12 hours the polls were open. For a violence-prone country that was in the grip of civil war a year ago, this was "amlost un- believable" as one Organization of American States official describ- ed it. Women Vote Women voted in surprisingly large numbers to chose as presi- dent either Juan Bosch, 57, a writer who in 1962 became the Dominican Republic's first demo- cratically elected president since 1930, or Joaquin Balaguer, 61, a lawyer with a long record of serv- ice to former dictator Rafael L. Trujillo. NEWS WIRE Reaches MOOr 7 e Um w %~UUw U U EEU ! w k"Oor Sot MICHIGAN DRAFT DIRECTOR, Col. Arthur Holmes, declar- ed today he does not think the state "is being treated unfairly in the draft." A statement released by 13 Republican congressmen earlier this week had indicated Michigan was being tapped for proportionately more draftees than Texas. But Holmes said the states are on equal footing when both enlistments and induc- tions are considered. Holmes said Michigan probably has more draftees because "for economic reasons, it has fewer enlistments. The boys are not enlisting at as rapid a rate as in the poorer states." Michigan's unemployment rate is below the national average and its personal income rate is above the average. He explained that in an area where many young men are enlisting, fewer draftees are required for the area to make its overall proportionate contribution to military manpower require- ments. The state headquarters uses the same theory in allocating Michigan's draft quota to various local boards. The group of House Republicans asked a congressional inves- tigation, claiming state induction quotas are inequitable. Sen. Robert P. Griffin (R-Mich) contended that Michigan consistently has been required to draft more men than it should and more than Texas, although Texas' population is much larger. A PROPOSAL TO LIMIT STUDENT DRAFT deferments to people studying in "essential fields" was made yesterday by Sen. George A. Smathers (D-Fla). He filed a bill to amend the Selective Service Law, limiting deferments to people studying to be doctors, scientists, researchers or in other fields designated essential by the President. "The President would still have broad discretionary power to grant exemptions, but the grounds for student deferment would be based on essentiality," Smathers said in a statement. Landing Successful S * * PROF. KENNETH E. BOULDING of the economics depart- ment will receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree at Mar- quette University Sunday. He is also director of the Center for Conflict Resolution. One of the nation's leading economists, Boulding has achieved acclaim for his works related to the economic aspect of disarm- ament and the shift from production of military goods to con- sumer products. THE U.S. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Development has filled its quota of 40 graduate students to serve as "summer in- terns" in South Viet Nam and Laos. The primary aim of the pro- gram is to recruit young university men to work in most of Viet Nam's 44 provinces, mainly with South Vietnamese political offi- cials. But AID officials admit they hope some of the summer in- terns can be recruited to full-time careers for the agency, which has 3000 staffers in South Viet Nam alone. 'Blame Relay For Failure Oif Gem ini 9' Trace LatestTrouble To Blocked Signals; Third Mission DelayI CAPE KENNEDY (U) - Flight experts found the faulty relay that stymied yesterday's Gemini 9 mission. It improved the odds on a Friday launch, but there re- inained a chance that the often- delayed flight plan might have to be changed again. The specific cause of yesterday's scrub - the third in the jinxed Gemini 9 mission-was drawn to a signal relay system that failed some four miles from the launch pad at Cape Kennedy. The trouble was pinpointed in late meetings-some of which in- volved the unhappy astronauts, Thomas P. Stafford and Eugene A. Cernan, both of whom express- ed disbelief and dejection when they discovered their flight had been postponed for the third time. The chance still existed that the flight plan for the Gemini 9, al- ready revised, might have to be changed again - because of the, possibility that the protective hroud covering the target satel- limight not have dropped off on launch. Stafford and Cernan were to have pursued the target in space in a 17,500-mile-per-hour chase and to have docked with it. But if the target ship is still wearing its shroud, docking will likely be impossible, although Gemini 9 may still be able to chase down the target and flirt Cwith it in the skies. The North American Air De- fense Command radar spotted six elements in the target ship's orbit. In the order of flight they were two identified pieces, the Atlas rocket that sent the target into orbit, the target ship itself, and two other unidentified objects. If the unidentified pieces turn out to be parts of the shroud, then it is likely that docking between the Gemini 9 and its target would be assured. If not, some changes in the flight plan will have to be made. The specific cause of yesterday's scrub was laid to a black box of electronic translation equipment that was to send guidance com- mands to the spacecraft. But late post mortems found that the trou- ble occurred well before the signal reached the relay box in a trans- mitter relay system. The flight had to be postponed at least two days because the Gemini's space target - a make- shift flying barrel - won't be in position to be caught during prime time today, "I just can't believe it, I just can't believe it," Cernan said when guidance control trouble clipped th lainhoninid - laMnnq WORKERS PU.S. Craft -Daily-Thomas R. Copi WENT BACK TO THEIR JOBS at Bursley Hall and other University projects yesterday after the end of the carpenters' strike. Carpenters' Strike Concluded; Work on 'U' Projects Resumes Sends Back TV Pictures First U.S. Attempt Complete Success as All Systems Function By The Associated Press PASADENA, Calif.-The United States successfully achieved a soft- landing on the moon early today as the Surveyor camera-carrying space robot gently touched down on the lunar surface. The touchdown came on sched- ule at 1:17 a.m. EST. Twenty min- utes later its television camera be- gan sending earthward pictures of the lunar surface. The first shot was expected to show how well the 620-pound craft survived the land- ing, and perhaps give some hint of terrain where astronuats some day may tread. First information radioed after the craft settled on the moon in- dicated proper operation of strain gauges on its shock absorbing legs. There was an early indication that the spacecraft's antenna arm, the status of which had been un- certain during the spacecraft's three-day flight to the moon, had properly been extended. There had been fears that the antenna rod had not been properly extended. Five minutes prior to the scheduled landing on the lunar surface, altitude marking radar was activiated from the Jet Pro- pulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. The command was successfully ex- ecuted as confirmed by telementry signals. The altitude marking ra- dr command was a critical point in the mission. Four minutes before the land- ing, the thrust phase electrical power was turned on and the command was again confirmed by telementry. On-Board Computer The Surveyor's on-board com- puter was activated from the ground one minute and 30 seconds before landing on the moon. The computer then guided the space- craft to a gentle, 3-foot per sec- ond landing on the moon. Retro rockets were fired on schedule as tension grew in the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's aud- itorium. The spacecraft's rapid descent was gradually slowed as it hurtled toward the moon's surface. 'Looks Great' "It looks great," a mission di- rector said as Surveyor approach- ed the moon's surface at rates decreasing from 1400 feet per sec- ond to the final 3 foot persecond landing rate. The spacecraft's pro- gress was termed 'stable' by mis- .sion directors. The effect of the Surveyor's one unextended an- tenna rod was still not known. When the spacecraft landed on the moon's surface in an appar- ently perfect maneuver, applause and cheering broke out in the au- WORK OF SHAW: 'U' Players Give 'Misalliance, Lively, Amusing Production University construction resumed yesterday as the four-week car- penters strike ended. According to James Brinkerhoff, director of Plant Extension, the University had $71 million in con- struction held up by the strike, which is still going on in other Michigan areas. The South Central Carpenters Association of the AFL-CIO which covers workers in Ann Ar- bor, Lansing, Jackson and Adrian areas voted to approve a two- year pact Tuesday night. How- ever, at the same time carpenters in Saginaw Valley turned down an offer from management. Two Year Increase The approved contract calls for an increase over two years in Ann Arbor of $1.12 an hour, boosting wages to $5.59. Increases in the other areas brought hourly wages to $5.43 indAdrian and $5.47 in Jackson and Lansing. The settlement involved some 1,500 carpenters, who first struck By GAIL BLUMBERG The University Players provided a lively and amusing evening with their opening production of the summer, G. B. Shaw's "Misalli- ance" last night. If this is a forecast of things of come, the summer season should be a success. The actors, in most cases, showed a reasonable skill and some talent. The stage setting was delightful and the pace of the play was maintained, seldom allowing audience interest to flag for more than a few moments. However, something was missing which kept this production from theatrical excellence, even judging on a non-professional level. Not Polished philosophizing. Even in its original production, with excellent acting, "Misalliance" never achieved a high degree of popularity. The danger lies in the tempta- tion for the actor to orate or re- cite his lines on one level, while at another entirely different level he enacts the incidents of the play, making them seem improb- able and himself shallow and stereotyped. As expected, the ac- tors here were at their best where discussion was at its least. Keith Jochim as Lord Summer- hays and Frederick Coffin as Mr. Tarleton seemed to have the most success in their roles. They took their time, handling discussion logically and as an integrated part of their roles. Frederick Coffin's -- 1 . .. .t - . - -4 n t - dashing romantic lead, although at times his portrayal seemed a bit too stilted. Beth Rankin as Lina was quite successful in her handling of dialect, although I did feel that emotion and warmth were absent in her portrayal. Es- pecially in her final speech, one felt little understanding of or con- nection with this character. Susan L. Reynolds as Hypatia Tarleton and Margaret Albright as Mrs. Tarleton seemed to have the greatest difficulty in master- ing Shaw. Their phrasing of the dialogue was faulty and lacking in truly reasonable expression, their motions and poses were often stilted and distorted. Their per- formances lacked subtlety or wit. Finally, Robert Einenkel as f'"~v.v~w - - .n x 2 f% .rvi AEC Officials Plan To Revisit North field' on May 1, tying up millions of{ dollars in industrial, commercial and institutional construction. About 700 Ann Arbor workers were among those who returned to work yesterday. These men will first benefit from the increase Nov. 1, when their wages will be raised by 25 cents. Pension Plan Their pay increases may even- tually go in part toward either a pension plan, paid vacation, or holiday pay, depending on what the union membership decides at some future meeting. The settlement by the carpen- ters leaves only the laborers with no contract. The laborers were re- ported working on a day-to-day basis. There is a possibility that they will meet with management shortly, but no plans have been made for this. Douglas Harding, president of Laborers Local 959, said the labor- ers would continue working "in good faith" until June 6, at which they they will review the situation. 'U' Affected Vice-President for Business and Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont, in reviewing the situation, said al- though University buildings had been held up four weeks the strike would not seriously affect plans. He mentioned that Cedar Bend I, , ,'4.. t. f . . __,rn - ofinn i" el By PAT O'DONOHUE Executives of the Atomic Energy Commission plan a third visit to nearby Northfield Township on June 11 to examine the area as a possible site for a proposed $350 million national atom smasher. AEC Commissioner James T. Ramey is making the belated trip because he was in the hospital when Chairman Glenn Seaborg and Commissioner Gerald Tate made the initial visit. Before the commission makes the final de- cision as to the exact location of any questions the committee might raise. The committee will visit all six of the sites remaining in con- tention and will be coming to Ann Arbor the night of June 10 from Madison and will tour the 5700 acre site the morning of June 11. The AEC officials then will re- turn to campus for discussions with the University representa- tives, scientists and engineers. A 1:45 p.m. departure flight is scheduled. rM_ ..v - n a - i" .huttr- 4