SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY em.-... rakl V'l nnu i. , Dominicans Will Elect President on Wednesday SANTO DOMINGO W)-With their votes next Wednesday Do- minicans will show where they want to put the responsibility for their country's immediate future. They may place it back in the hands of Juan Bosch. Bosch is the leader of the "Democratic left," of group mostly e identifiable as young idealists. His main opponent is Joaquin Bala- guer, representing a more mod- erate, middle-road movement. The most reliable signs favor Bosch, but it is a hotly contested race that could change in the final 48 hours. Bosch won by a landslide in 1962. Seven months later he was ousted by a civilian- military coup. This could happen again. Bosch, 57, is the boss of the Dominican Revolutionary party and spiritual leader of a burgeon- ing nationalism that wants to give the government a fresh approach. Balaguer, 59, is a lawyer and author, also once the victim of a coup d'etat. His Reformist party is a political catch-all well stocked with one-time collaborators of dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo. Although former President Bala- guer served the slain tyrant for most of Trujillo's 30 years in power, Balaguer's record of hon- esty and fairness is seldom chal- lenged. He is credited with taking much of the Trujillo stamp off the dynasty after it collapsed. The third presidential candi- date, Rafael F. Bonnelly, 61, suc- ceeded to the presidency of the ruling council of state when Bala- guer was overthrown in 1962. Bon- nelly calls himself a conservative. He is backed by the Movement of National Integration, a cluster of miniscule parties whose ranks in-' clude many of the right wingers who helped overthrow Bosch. Social, political and economic reform is the theme of election promises. Bonnelly pledges a "youth le- gion," a sort of local peace corps to help out the small farmers. Balaguer would institute a pro- gram of assistance for unwed mothers and motherless children. Bosch promises changes "where necessary" in the controversial 1963 constitution which he has criticized. The constitution was drawn up by a constituent assem- bly named by a nearly all-Bosch congress. The elections are a culmination of a costly 15-month effort by the United States and the Organiza- tion of American States to restore constitutionality the peaceful way. "The elections are not a solu- tion to the Dominican problem," says the temporary president, Hec- tor Garcia-Godoy. "They merely raise the curtain on vast social- economic problems we Dominicans must confront and try to solve." The orgin of the Dominican Republic's present problems can be traced to the assassination of dictator Trujillo May 30, 1961. Freed from dictatorship, Domini- cans were left leaderless. The nation went on a binge. Imports quadrupled in value from 1961 levels to $129 million in 1964 -$54 million alone for luxury goods, cars, refrigerators, TV sets. Labor pressures, unheard of in Trujillo's times, boomed salaries 40 per cent. Government expenses, $51 million in 1961, soared to $113 million in 1964. Between 1962 and 1964 exports grew only 4.4 per cent annually while imports jumped 37 per cent. Organized tapping of the country's profits by the Trujillo family and collaborators turned to massive corruption. The country that in 1958 boast- ed it had no external or internal debt had run up public obligations of $365.7 million by the end of 1964. Unemployment soared to 30 per cent of the working popula- tion. Dominicans overthrew the Bosch regime, the only democratically elected government in 34 years. This shattered the "showcase of democracy" President John F. Kennedy promised to build next door to Fidel Castro's Cuba. Between 1962 and 1964 the Unit- ed States poured $78.4 million in loans and grants, into the Domini- can economy. In the same period of rampant corruption the de- cline in the national product averaged 1.6 per cent a year. American military intervention spawned anti-U.S. sentiment among students, young national- ists, professionals. But it stopped the civil war and sufficiently stablized the scene to make elec.. tions possible. The cost: more than $120 million in 12 months, excluding military costs. The immediate reaction to the election results may determine if it was worth the effort-whether it would have been best, as many Dominicans claim, to let the revo- lution run an uninterrupted course. Bosch and Balaguer partisans, representing to some extent the contending factions in the revolt, are so confident of victory they are talking darkly of what would happen if they lose. Each side claims it can't lose except through fraud, and the losers may not swallow defeat willingly. Much of the civilian population of each side is armed. Dramatic changes have come over the military establishment under its present leader, Maj. Gen. Endique Perez y Perez. He says he will see to it the election winner stays in power. A segment of the army and some top level military officers, however, remain anti-Bosch and loyal to ex-Gen. Wessin y Wessin, the anti-Communist militant who led the 1963 overthrow. If Bosch is elected, he is apt to be under enormous pressures from the nationalists to bring back Col. Francisco Caamano, leader of the constitutionalist revolt in 1965, and the rest of his military fol- lowers, to form the nucleus of a new armed forces leadership. This is not expected to be taken graciously in military circles, even by those willing to accept Bosch as president now. The Communists remain a ser- ious problem under these circum- stances of potential instability. The far left has developed more cohesion and strength. It appears the winner of the elections will need the help of the inter-American peace force for the time necessary to consolidate his hold on the presidency. This may explain why removal of the 8,000-man hemisphere peace force-6,800 of them Ameri- cans-has not become an open election issue. NATO Allies To Study Guantanamo Scene Mrg~. N Pan-European leetin! On Secona inciaent U.S. DENIES REPORT: General Reports Cambodia Is North Vietnamese Santuary LONDON (P)-An allied move responding to the Soviet Union's call for a high level East-West conference on European security was reported under way last night. Denmark has served notice itj will raise the idea of such a con- ference for discussion by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization'sa council of foreign ministers, which meets in Brussels June 7, Qualified diplomats said the United States and various other allied countries reacted cautiously but not adversely when they were notified of the Danish intention in Paris recently. Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko, with the support of * -i' - ,.. "-VWASHINGTON (P) - Another American-Cuban shooting incident other East European Communist at Guantanamo was reported yes- ohernetstpalledComuistterday while Havana pledged a paEr eans hs cariyo ference redoubling of guerrilla activity in pan-uroykenscuit cofrnt Latin America in retaliation for Gromyko indicated it should the killing of a Cuban soldier at include the Americans. - the big United States naval base. But all members of the 15-na- The Defense Department said tion Atlantic alliance-with the six Cuban soldiers slipped through exception of France, which has the perimeter of the base in east- still to declare itself-have made ern Cuba Monday night and ex- clear they would expect the Unit- changed gunfire with U.S. sen- ed States to participate. tries. A spokesman said the in- Any conference on European truders fled after the shooting security would have to be focused and, as far as is known, no one on the major source of East-West was hit. The U.S. has protested tension-the continued division of the intrusion. Germany 21 years after World War There was no immediate word II. bloodstained bunker where they said Ramirez was killed. Maj. Demetrio Montseny of the Cuban border brigade told the reporters that Ramirez was shot in the back. He said the angle of the bullet's entry showed Ram- irez was shot as he stood at the bunker with his back to the base. By The Associated Press An Army general fresh from Viet Nam said yesterday there is evidence that up to six regiments' of North Vietnamese regulars are massed in Cambodia for a possi- World News Roundup Rusk Sees No Troop Pullout from NATO ble drive into South Viet Nam. But the Defense Department promptly disputed his statement. Maj. Gen. Stanley R. Larsen said there is "plenty of evidence" of such a troop concentration - which could amount to as much, as 10,000-men in a position where it could menace the midsection of South Viet Nam, But five hours after Larsen's talk with newsmen, the Defense Department issued a statement which said: "While there have been uncon- firmed reports for months of North Vietnamese activity in Cambodia, there exists no evidence strong enough for the commander of the United States Military Assistance Command Viet Nam to validate the presence of any North Viet- namese regiment in Cambodia at this time." The Pentagon statement added "there is today no North Vietna- mese regiment" carried on the in- telligence estimates in Cambodia, as either confirmed, probable or possible. "On several occasions during. the past few months, reports have been received from the field indi- cating that North Vietnamese reg- iments were stationed in Cambo- dia. "Investigation of these reports, however, has not substantiated them." Larsen is commander of Field Force 1, comprising all major U.S. Army and Korean ground forces in about 40 per cent of South Viet Nam. (Continued from Page 1) '~ Rusk, who leaves Tuesday for a NATO ministers meeting in Brus- sels, said the U.S. assurance against any major American pull- out of forces was given to the North Atlantic Council-the NATO political unit which meets in Paris. "At the present time," Rusk said, "I would think that unless there was some major change in the situation, some significant change throughout the European scene, there would not be reductions in our forces." Rusk said the Brussels meeting 2 will provide an opportunity to give new emphasis to that part of NATO's purposes-as he put it- to look for "the settlement of the great problems still dividing East and West." All Objectives Apart from the immediate prob- ' lems stemming from France's deci- sion to withdraw from NATO's in- tegrated defense system and her ouster of NATO facilities from French soil, Rusk said the Brus- sels meeting will discuss "all three of NATO's objectives." He listed the three goals as pro- viding an effective defense of the Atlantic area, maintaining "a powerful deterrent against aggres- sion," and preserving the "unity of action necessary to the settle- ment" of great East-West issues. He said German reunification is the prime issue in the East-West -i postwar difficulties over Europe. Concerning the Viet Nam war, Rusk said the Viet Cong guerril- Veterans View Club's Refusal To Seat Them MUNDELEIN, Ill. (P)-A Ma- rine corporal, his leg paralyzed by a bullet in Viet Nam, viewed yesterday the banning of him and other disabled veterans from a Chicago hotel night club with the comment: "It's like they said, 'Sorry about that, we don't need you'." "What we do over there in Viet Nam we do out of pride," Cpl. John Raines, 21, of Detroit told the Associated Press. "Then you come home and this happens. You feel no one gives a damn." Porter Parris, manager of the Conrad Hilton Hotel which fea- tures an ice skating show in its fashionable Boulevard Room, said Thursday he did not want a par- ty of about 70 wounded veterans to attend because their presence might depress other patrons. Parris offered to put on a spe- cial matinee for 600 residents. But residents of Mundelein, a suburb northwest of Chicago, who spon- sored the servicemen's entertain- ment, declined the invitation. At a news conference yesterday, Parris claimed he had been mis- quoted, then said, "I consider this a public apology," but added later that he "would issue an apology only if necessary." las are apparently avoiding direct} military engagements to some ex-' tent now. He said this has hap- pened from time to time before, and he saw no significance in the current guerrilla pattern of oper- ations. He said the Reds are con- tinuing their terrorist activities. He voiced hope that the quar- relling South Vietnamese would "come to some conclusion that the, main problem is the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese" and not their internal political ambi- tions in South Viet Nam. The U.S., Rusk said, believes itI is important that South Viet Nam go ahead with the proposed elec- tion of a constituent assembly. He said this would bring into being "a representative group from all segments of the population." In the northern dissident city of Hue, from which Americans were evacuated because of attacks on U.S. buildings by what Rusk term- ed "certain irresponsible ele- ments," Rusk said those elements had apparently been trying to "put pressure on the U.S." "We know that is not going to succeed as far as we are concern- ed," he said. The Hue dissidents have been calling for the ouster of the Ky regime. When asked about revised esti- mates by U.S. authorities about the size of Communist China's most recent atomic explosion, Rusk said the Atomic Energy Commission is best qualified for such calcula- tions. The first U.S. announcement of the explosion estimated its power as perhaps the equivalent of 20,- 000 tons of TNT, but subsequent information raised the estimates up to 10 times that much. Successive attempts by the Bigc Four powers-the U.S., Britain,1 France and the Soviet Union-to1 solve this problem have failed. Denmark's move has come at a time when France is believed ac-] tively considering the idea of aj new East-West attempt to tackle Germany's future. Foreign Minis- ter Maurice Couve de Murville, ac- cording to reports reaching Brit-] ish authorities, lately sounded out several East European govern-1 'ments on the issue. This is believed to be in prep- aration for President Charles de Gaulle's official visit to the Soviet" Union June 20. It would surprise few British or American diplomatsI if the French and Soviet leaders were to come out with a new call for a security conference with theE Americans. British officials said this coun-9 try would favor the idea of some sort of meeting that brought the# NATO and Warsaw-Communist- alliances into discussion. That would assure U.S. attendance. Prime Minister Harold Wilson's government has come out in favor of a phased program of disen- gagement in Europe which would1 leave the balance of military pow- er undisturbed. from Cuban officials on this lat- est outburst but they had plenty to say about the fatal shooting last Saturday of a soldier they identified as Luis Ramirez Lopez. After that incident, the Defense Department said a Marine sentry fired on an armed Cuban soldier on base territory when the Cuban ignored a warning shot. But Communist Prime Minister Fidel Castro said Ramirez was slain on Cuban soil and called the killing a vile assassination. Armed Forces Minister Raul Castro renewed the often-repeat- ed demand that the Americans withdraw from the treaty-held base and described the killing as "this latest crime by North Amer- ican forces in Cuban territory." The Havana version of the Ra- mirez killing is that he was shot in the back while standing sentry duty at a concrete bunker on Cuban territory. The Cubans say the shot was fired from an Amer- ican vehicle which was 90 yards away behind a double barbed wire fence on base territory. In an effort to support this version, Cuban officials flew a party of about 80 foreign and Cuban newsmen to the village of Guantanamo and took them to the KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (A) -Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Razak of Malaysia declared yester- day that Indonesia's 3-year-old undeclared war against his coun- try has "unofficially ended." This is proved, he said, by the unprecedented visit of an Indo- nesian goodwill mission made up of military men, most of them connected with the "crush Malay- sia" command, which directed the confrontation. LANSING, Mich. (')-A legis- lature collapsed and died of a heart attack yesterday after es- caping from a fire at Lansing's Roosevelt Hotel. State Sen. William Romano, 55, collapsed and died from a heart attack after groping his way to a sidewalk from a seventh-floor room. LITTLE ROCK-Arkansas' an- tievolution law, one of three re- maining in the nation, was struck down yesterday as an unconstitu- tional restriction on the quest for knowledge. Chancery Court Judge Murray Reed ruled in favor of a biology teacher who filed suit earlier this year challenging the constitution- ality of the law. MOSCOW-Top leaders of the Communist party approved yes- terday a massive 10-year program to reclaim millions of acres of land and establish new farms to help produce larger and more stable crops. The long-range plan, designed to put more food on Soviet tables, calls for draining up to 39.5 mil- lion acres of marshes and irrigat- ing up to 19.7 million acres of dry land. The cost would run into the billions of rubles. PAID PSYCHOLOGICALj SUBJECTS WANTED at Mental Health Research Institute Call Miss Basis at 761-2114 8 a.m.-5 p.m. T WORSHIP I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST SCIENTIST 1833 Washtenaw Ave. For transportation call 665-2149 9:30 a.m.-SundaySchool for pupils from 2 to 20 years of age. 11:00 a.m.-Sunday morning church service. Infant care during service. 11:00 a.m.-Sunday School for pupils from 2 to 6 years of age. A free reading room is maintained at 306 E. Liberty. Open doily except Sundaysand holidays from 10:00 am. to 5:00 p.m.; Monday evenings from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. THE CHURCH OF CHRIST W. Stadium at Ed ewood Across from.Ann Arbor High Rev. V. Palmer, Minister SUNDAY 10:00 a.m.--Bible School 1 1:00 a.m.-Regular Worship. 6:00 p.m.-Evening Worship. WEDNESDAY 7:30 p.m.-Bible Study. Transportation furnished for all services-Call NO 2-2756. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Phone 662-4466 1432 Washtenaw Ave. Minitsers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm G. grown, John W. Waser, Harold S. Horan SUNDAY Worship at 9:00, 10:30, and 12:00-12:45. Bible Study for College Students at 10:30 am. Presbyterian Campus Center located at the Church. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH and the EPSICOPAL STUDENT FOUNDATION SUNDAY 8:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. 9:00 a.m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. 11:00 a.m.-Morning Prayer. 7:00 p.m.-Evening Prayer (Chapel). TUESDAY 10:15 a m.-Holy Communion. WEDNESDAY 7:00 a.m.-Holy Communion. FRIDAY 12:10 p.m.-Holy Communion. LUTHERAN STUDENT CENTER AND CHAPEL National Lutheran Council Hill St. at Forest Ave. Dr. H. O. Yoder, Pastor SUNDAY 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service. 5:00 p.m.-Supper and Discussion-Campus Chapel, Washtenaw Ave.-"What's Ahead in Literature?"-The Rev. Gordon Jones. UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1511 Woshtenaw Ave. The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod A. T. Scheips, T. L. Scheidt, Pastors Sunday at 9:45 a.m.-Service, with sermon by Pastor Scheips, "Disciples Who Speak Plainly.," Sunday at 11:00 a.m.-Bible Study of I John. Wednesday at 10:00 p.m.-Midweek Devotion. ST. MARY'S STUDENT CHAPEL 331 Thompson NO 3-0557 Msgr. Bradley, Rev. Litka, Rev. Ennen SUNDAY-Mosses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:15, 10:45, 12:00, 12:30. MONDAY-SATURDAY -- Masses at 7:00, 8:00, 9:00, 11:30 a.m. and 12:00 ind 5:00 p.m. Confessions following masses. WEDNESDAY - 7:30 p.m. - Evening Mass, Confessions following. SATURDAY -Confessions-3:30-5:00, 7:30- 9:00 p.m. HURON HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH Presently meeting at the YM-YWCA Affiliated with the Baptist General Conference Rev. N. Geisler SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 a.m.-Sunday Bible School. 11 :00 a.m.-Morning Worship. 7:00 p.m.-Evening Gospel Hour. An active University group meets each Sunday for the 9:45 service. Coffee is served at 9:30 a.m. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH 1501 W. Liberty St. Ralph B. Piper, David Bracklein, Fred Holtfreter, Pastors Worship Services-8:30 and 1100 a.m. Holy Communion -- Second Sunday of each month. Church School & Adult Bible Class-9:35 a.m Holy Baptism-First Sunday of month. Nursery faciilties during worship services and church school. When you can't afford to be dull. sharpen your wits with NoDozTM NoDoz Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mental sluggishness. NODOZ helps restore your natural mental vitality...helps quicken physical reactions. You be- masculine CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State & William St. Only One Service-10:00 a.m.-"Dream On," Rev. Terry N. Smith. UNIVERSITY REFORMED CHURCH 1001 E. Huron at Fletcher Pastors: Molefyt and Van Hoven 10:30 a.m.-Worship Service with Rev. Calvin Malefyt speaking: "Pentecost and Pur- FIRST METHODIST CHURCH & WESLEY FOUNDATION At State and Huron Streets Phone 2-4536 Hoover Rupert, Minister' Eugene Ransom. Campus Minister ...that's the kind of aroma she likes be- 9% it i i ;I