WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1966 THE, VIICHI'GAN lDAIL WEDNESDAY, MAY 4,1968 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY North Vietnamese Control of War Seems Greater and More Evident Rep. Robert Griffin Appears Most Likely Choice To Fill McNamara s Senate Seat By The Associated Press SAIGON-Strategists in North Viet Nam appear to be exerting more control than ever over Com- munist conduct of the war in South Viet Nam. While Hanoi's active role long' has been accepted as a fact of life, 4 there is a feeling in high places there that the Viet Cong and its political arm, the National Lib- eration Front, are being shunted aside more and more. Some evidence of this is seen in numbers themselves. There's a belief in Saigon that infiltration of regular North Viet- namese forces into South Viet Nam this month may total 7000 men. Estimates of the monthly rate have been put at 5500 since the first of the year, an increase of 1000 men a month over pre- vious months. Help from North American authorities say they are reasonably certain that more than 20,000 North Vietnamese have entered South Viet Nam since Jan. 1ito loin the fight. Other evidence of increasing r control from the north is found in reports, that it is becoming more difficult to distinguish now be- tween regular North Vietnamese units and Viet Cong main-force units. The North Vietnamese are known to be meeting attrition in their ranks by bringing in local ' recruits. The Viet Cong are known to be including more and more North Vietnamese in their lineups as the war goes on and losses mount. There have been reports some high North Vietnamese officers have moved in for on-the-spot, high-level commands. These have not been confirmed. There ap- pears, however, to be little doubt that the voice of Hanoi is be- coming louder up and down the line. Loss Rate The loss rate among Communist forces killed and captured in the south is put at 12,000 to 15,000 men a month. Despite this rate and the grow- ing punishment from U.S. firepow- er, American officials say there seems to be no shortage of man- power from North Viet Nam. Most captives are found to range from 19 to 24, a span considered to be the ideal military age. There are signs some of the North Vietnamese are being re- cruited indiscriminately, trained hastily, and rushed to the south, but for the present there seems to be enough of them. Intensive efforts are being made to arm the Communist main forces with heavy weapons to make them more of a match for U.S. units. Despite the logic in this, it has its disadvantages. Once equipped with such arma- ment, the Communist units be- come less mobile and have greater difficulty in concealing themselves. There have been increasing cases in which crew-served weapons have been found abandoned. So far the Communists have no helicopters or other aircraft in the south to help them put their operational tactics on the same basis as those of the allies. 'Monsoon Offensive' However, it is believed that the next few weeks will find the Com- munists trying for what are term- ed "substantial initiatives" during the so-called monsoon offensive. A major effort may be made in the central highlands after the rains begin in the latter half of May. Hanoi long has held that the key to control of the military situ- ation in Viet Nam is in the high- lands. Although "monsoon offensive" long has been an accepted term in the Viet Nam war, there are those who feel too much significance is attached to the effect of the rains. They point out that in earlier years the Communists have launched major offensives in the dry season as well as in the wet. American officers concede that the monsoon brings periods when there is difficulty in delivering bombs on target and helicopter operations may at times be hamp- ered. The monsoon in Viet Nam, how- ever, is not a 24-hour blanket of rain, day in and day out. And when it is wet and muddy. it is wet and muddy for soldiers on both sides. Reserve Volunteers Behind in Training U0 Mao Probably Sick WASHINGTON MP)-Some 130,- 000 young men who volunteered1 for the Army Reserve in the past1 year-and thereby became draft-' exempt-have received no military training, senators have been told.] The big backlog in Reserve training is expected to continue for some time, Lt. Gen. John L. Throckmorton testified. But he7 said it is caused and justified by the vast expansion in training of active-duty soldiers needed in Viet Nam. Throckmorton's secret testimo- ny, released in censored form re- cently by the Senate Armed Serv- ices preparedness subcommittee, was in large part a defense of7 Pentagon manpower policies by the recently installed chief of the Army's Reserve and National Guard Section. Opposes Merger Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss), subcommittee chairman, opposes Defense Department plans for, merging the Army's Reserve and National Guard forces, and he en- gaged in exchanges with Throck- morton over this program. Throckmorton, a former deputyJ Army commander in Viet Nam,, stoutly backed the plan of Secre- tary of Defense Robert S. McNa- mara to reshuffle the Army's Re- serve by giving high priority to a{ small number of selected divisions and units, chiefly National Guard, and using the Army Reserve as a manpower pool. President Johnson's defense1 budget for the next fiscal year would lump the Army, Guard and Reserve funds together and carry out the merger Congress rejected last year. "I feel the reorganization plan will result in improved readiness, improved conditions in the Reservej components, and I would strongly recommend that the Congress ap- propriate the money in accord- ance with the proposals submit- ted in our budget," Throckmorton said. Stennis said it would "be a mistake to abolish all the Reserve units in the Army" and relegate it to status of a manpower pool. It is common knowledge, Sten- nis said, that the initial Penta- gon plan was "to eliminate the National Guard instead of the Re- serve" but congressional support for the Guard was too strong. The general answered affirma- tively when asked by Sen. Leverett Saltonstall (R-Mass) if he thought "the Reserve and National Guard are being operated to the greatest possible advantage in view of the rather strenuous conditions in Viet Nam and elsewhere in the world." Under questioning, Throckmor- ton said the backlog in the Re- serve training prograni had result- ed from the heavy input of draftees and volunteers for reg- ular Army duty. These active-duty forces and the high-priority Reserve units got first call on crowded Army train-' ing spaces, he explained, adding that the Reserve training backlog would be handled later. Questions Policy Stennis asked why Army Re- serve training units had not been called to active duty to help with the training. He charged that 'a substantial part of this training now being LANSING (P)-Republican Rep Robert P. Griffin appears the most likely candidate to succeed thle late Sen. Patrick McNamara (D-Mich) in a six-month appoint- ment that could improve his chances to a full Senate term. Michigan political leaders from Republican Gov. George Romney on down had refused to speculate publicly on the governor's pending appointment before funeral rites for McNamara, a Senate veteran who died Saturday. House Member But the strongest logic points to Griffin, a five-term House mem- ber and co-author of the Lan- drum-Griffin Labor Act. He was chosen 11 weeks ago by Republican leaders as their pre- ferred candidate for the seat Mc- Namara planned to vacate at the end of this term. And so far, there has been no in- dication anyone else is being ser- iously considered to fill the vacant Senate seat. Romney might, however, decide to appoint an interim senator who would not run for election in No- vember. Hannah? Best bet for this type of ap- pointment could be Michigan State University President John Han- nah. Some top Republicans had eval- uated Hannah last year as the party's best Senate candidate for 1966 but he rejected their over- tures. At least one party source said there conceivably could be a fresh attempt to get Hannah to run from the stronger incumbent position. Theother two possible but ex- tremnely remote moves Romney could make would. be to appoint no one to the vacancy or to name himself. He is expected to run for a third term as governor, however .vents him from using an incumb- ency designation on the ballot. Indications are that if Griffin is named, it will not be until at least Saturday and more likely not until May 16. Viet Trip Griffin is scheduled to leave Fri- day with a House of Representa- tives group to visit Viet Nam. If he were named senator before the group left, he would lose his jus- tification for making the trip since he -would not be a member of the House. He's due back May 16. A trip to Viet Nam would be an obvious campaign asset for Grif- fin. Griffin's situation is like that of ANNOUNCEMIENT:0 CHAPMAN COLLEGE, located in Orange, California, one aft the oldest colleges in the West, is accepting applications for admis. sion for two 107-day semesters for the fal of 1966 and the spring of 1967 aboard Holand-America Line's s.s''Ryndam. This is the second year of operation of Chapman College's floating canpm. Outstanding college and university students are invited to spend these semes- ters at sea, enrolled for 12-15 units of credit, applicable toward the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Scienice and Bachelor of Music degrees, or 9-12 uiita toward the Master of Arts degree. Onboard, students will experience a situation of intense academic concen- tration, supplemented by personal meetings ashore with men who are the world's leaders, monuments which are the world's heritage, and people whom. apparent differences often prove to hide human similarities. College classes will be held during 56 class days at sea in mpdern, air conditioned classrooms and laboratories equipped with all facilities necessary for course work offered. former presidential Press Secre- tary Pierre Salinger. He was the Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate seat from which Califor- nia's Clair Engle planned to re- tire. Engle died, and, Salinger was appointed to 'the remaining months of the term. But he lost the November election. Separate Race Whomever Romney appoints will serve only until the November election. The balance of McNa- mara's term-about seven weeks -will. then be filled at that election in a separate race paral- lel to the contest for the six-year term. Read and Use Daily Classified Deadline for filing for e] is not until June 14. Contenders for the sever term will almost certainly 1 same as those for the six Conceivably in a very close tion, one man could win th en-week vacancy and his.o ent the six-year term. One Democratic leader tained that giving Griffin t cumbency advantage would no difference in November the odds are that Romney challenge this theory. done by those divisions that are and even a chance for an instant supposed to be fighting divisions Senate seat is not expected to could have been done through your change his course. Army Reserve units." Underdog Saltonstall told Throckmorton Griffin has been seen as an "the whole background of your underdog to either former Gov. G statement has the feeling that we Mennen Williams or Detroit May- are degrading the whole idea of or Jerome Cavanagh, principal the Ready Reserve and National contenders for the Democratic Guard." - nomination. "I regret that the statement But an incumbent position could gave that impression because I provide Griffin with additional op- had no intention of doing so portunity to speak and be heard- the general answered. by the voters. Michigan law pre- t k ITINERARIES:Fall 1966 Semester leaves New York October 20, duration. 107 days; to Lisbon, Barcelona, Marseille, Civitavecchia (Rome). Piraeus (Athens), Istanbul, Alexandria (Cairo), Port Said, Suez, Bombay, Colombo, Port Swetten- ham (Kuala Lumpur), Bangkok, Hong Kong, Kobe,Yokohama (Tokyo), Hawaii, arriving Los Angeles February 4, 1967. Spring 1967 Semester leavesLosAngeles February 7, duration 107 days; to La Guaira (Caracas), Port of Spain (iiw dad), Salvador, Montevideo, Buenos Aires, Rio De Janeiro, Lagos, Dakar, Casablanca, Cadiz, Lisbon, Rotterdaim (inland to France, Belgium and theNeth- erlands), Copenhagen, London, Dublin (overland to),Galway,arriving NewYart City May25,1967. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Experts on China suggested Monday that Mao Tze-tung undoubtedly has been ill for several months and may be near the end of his long reign. The Chinese Communist party boss has been missing from public view for five months, notably Pe- king's big May Day celebration last Sunday. Illness, U.S. experts now believe, provides the only rational expla- asnation for Mao's prolonged "in- visibility" and the secrecy with which other officials have sur- rounded his whereabouts. The ex- perts assume that he is still alive because they see no logical need for the other Chinese leaders to prolong the mystery when he dies. 4 Physical Breakdown They also think it likely that he has suffered a physical breakdown -perhaps a crippling stroke, an enfeebling disease, or a severe operation. Leadership changes which would result from Mao's departure from active direction of Chinese Com- munist affairs give special sig- nificance to recent efforts by Johnson administration leaders to redefine U.S. policy toward the Peking regime. Vice President Hubert Hum- phrey, Secretary of State Dean Rusk-and presumably President Johnson-are known to believe that some day a new generation of Communist Chinese leaders might decide to ease relations with Washington, and Rusk and Hum- phrey have tried to indicate that Washington would be receptive. Successor U.S. officials are confident that when Mao yields power the suc- cession will pass to a longtime close associate, Liu Shao-chi, pres- ident of China, who will try to carry on the major lines of Chi- nese policy as Mao laid them down. Liu is already so old, however, that his own direction of China's power structure will inevitably be limited and eventually he and the other men who have served Mao must give way to a new genera- tion. It is that generation to which Humphrey and Rusk and other officials look for change. Shifts in U.S. policy are concerned more with the immediate tactical prob- lems of fighting against the seat- ing of Red China in the United Nations or satisfying administra- tion critics than with a serious effort to alter U.S.-Chinese rela- tions, although that isan element. So long as the war in Viet Nam goes on, U.S. officials rule out any probability of an easing of rela- tions with Red China, regardless of what happens to Mao. They do not, however, feel the same way about the Sino-Soviet split. It could get worse if Mao re- linquished power, or the post-Mao leadership might decide for prac- tical reasons to restore some mea- sure of cooperation. The Soviets are still holding the door open for them, apparently being as puzzled as Washington officials about China's future course. 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