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May 27, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-27

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Partly cloudy
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Ex plosion




EDITOR'S NOTE: As the world's
population mounts, scientists in
laboratories in the United States
and abroad are engaged in a des-
perate search for an effective, safe
and cheap contraceptive. Much
headway has been made but many
obstacles, among them religious and
cultural ones, stand in the way.
Here is an up to date report.
CHICAGO (P)-The world's pop-
ulation explosion has set off an
explosive counteraction in medi-
cal research.
The work is part of a broad
long-range effort to help control
the mushrooming world population
before it brings widespread famine
and wrecks world peace.
The goal is to find a variety of
means of conception controls that
are effective, safe, cheap enough
to be feasible in impoverished
areas or countries, simple enough
to encourage widespread use, and
suited to the religious and cultural
requirements of the users.
Although research covers half a
dozen radically different ap-
proaches, many scientists and pop-
ulation experts believe effective
methods for accomplishing the
task already are at hand.
They estimate between five and
seven million American women
have had virtually 100 per cent

hormonal mixtures or combina-
tions of astrogen and progestogen
--a synthetic progesterone - and
are believed to prevent the female
egg, or ovum, from leaving the
ovaries to become fertilized.
Another estimated 250,000 to
500,000 American women are using
intrauterine devices-steel rings or
plastic loops, spirals or bows that
a doctor inserts into the uterus
under sterile conditions.
With the same goal, prelimin-
ary research is being pressed on:
1-A "morning after" contracep-
tive pill that has been effective in
early trials up to six days after
sexual intercourse.
Drs. John M. Morris and Ger-
trude Van Wegenen of the Yale
University School of Medicine are
experimenting with several com-
pounds that prevent the female
egg from implanting in the womb
after it is fertilized by the male
sperm cell. Implantation normal-
ly does not occur until the sixth
or seventh days after the egg is
2-Antifertility pills and injec-
tions taken only by the male.
Drs. Warren 0. Nelson of Albany
Medical College, John MacLeod of
Cornell University Medical College

in males lasting about a month.
Other compounds tried on con-
vict-volunteers at Oklahoma and
Oregon penitentiaries successfully
suppressed the sperm count.
However, researchers say these
agents are several years away
from general use and have been
marked by such occasional side
effects as nausea and dimunition
.of the sexual drive.
3-Temporary sterility produc-
ed either in the male or female
as an allergic reaction to a sub-
stance extracted from sperm.
One investigator in this field,
Dr. Seymour Katsh, professor of
pharmacology at the University
of Colorado Medical School in
Denver, has inducted sterility con-
sistently in male guinea pigs with
a single injection into the blood-
stream of an antigen extractedl
from sperm. The sterility disap-
pears in six to eight months but
can be maintained indefinitely by
periodic immunizations.
When female guinea pigs are in-
jected with the substance they de-
velop antibodies to sperm that
keep them sterile for a year or
4-Use of hormones to effective-
ly regulate the menstrual cycles
so that the rhythm method be-
comes fully reliable.
On the matter of cost, the price
of a month supply of the oral
contraceptive pill has dropped

from $13.50 to from $2.20 to $2.50 planning and making funds avail-
in the last decade and the amount able to state and local agencies
of the dose has been trimmed to that elect to carry on such pro-
one-tenth that originally used, grams.
The intrauterine devices cost Dr. Morris of Yale, who is work-
about $2 each in the United States ing with the "retroactive" pill,
and may be used indefinitely un- said, "we have yet to find the
til pregnancy is desired. ideal pill."
The fertility rate has been in a He said he questions whether
general decline in the United the Roman Catholic Church would
States since 1957 but still is well approve the principle involved in
above the period just before World his pill, where the fertilized egg
War II. dies without implantation.
Prof. David M. Heer, a popula- Some other religions, he. added,
tion expert at the Harvard School make a distinction between biolog-
of Public Health in Boston, said ical life and human life, looking
there have been no scientific stud- upon a fertilized human egg as
les to determine the impact of The the former and a growing embryo
Pill on the declining U.S. birth after implantation as the latter.
rate but offered this opinion: "But the Catholic Church has
"Half of this drop was expected accepted the rhythm method and
and I'm sure The Pill had a great there is some belief that the
deal to do with the other half." Church ultimately will accept pills
Numerous governments and or- that prevent ovulation-as an ex-
ganizations are working in the tension of rhythm," he added.
field of world population control. Dr. Alan F. Guttmacher of New
The International Planned Par- York, president of Planned Par-
enthood Federation, with strong enthood-World Population, be-
financial backing from Planned lieves no single type of contracep-
Parenthood in the United States, tion will find universal applica-
is conducting programs in 39 coun- tion.
tries. The Ford Foundation and "We need a multiplicity of means
the Population Council, Inc., are so that couples can choose the
active on the same front. method best suited to their per-
The U.S. Department of Health, sonal, religious and cultural re-
Education and Welfare has an- quirements," he said.
nounced a policy of conducting Dr. John Rock of Harvard Uni-
and supporting programs of basic versity,. codiscoverer of the oral
and applied research on family antiovulation pills and himself a

Roman Catholic, contends the pills
act in a "natural" manner to pre-
vent conception by "putting the
ovaries in a state of repose." ,
Dr. James H. Beaton of Grand
Rapids, Mich., an obstetrician-
gynecologist of Roman Catholic
faith, said he prescribes the pills
for his Catholic patients if they
already have children and suffer
from irregular cycles.
He added:
"Unlike Dr. Rock, our interest is
not to block ovulation. Instead we
are using hormones to more close-
ly simulate a normal cycle so that
rhythm can be used effectively.
We may or may not be suppressing
ovulation. When anyone asks, I
tell them that in truth I don't
know, because it would take spe-
cial tests to determine this. But
this is really beside the point. The
important thing is intent of use.
These women take The Pill to reg-
ulate their cycle."
Dr. Beaton said there is no con-
flict with Church doctrine "the
way I'm doing it."
The Ecumenical Council of the
Roman Catholic Church reiter-
ated at its closing sessions that
the doctrine of rhythm remains
the only permissible methods of
birth control for Catholics.
How safe are the oral contra-
Medical literature contains the
records of numerous clinical trials

and studies that have adjudged the
pills safe and effective,
But some investigators have
questioned whether long-time use
of oral contraceptives would tend
to produce such serious side ef-'
-fects as blood clots in the legs,
long-lasting sterility, or suscepti-
bility to cancer.
However, the pioneers in clini-
cal studies of the drug, Dr. Rock of
Harvard and Gregory Pincus, Sc.D.
of the Worcester Foundation forj
Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury,
Mass., say their long-term fol-
low-up studies have failed to bear
this out.
Pincus said his studies indicate
the pills are "safe, effective and
reversible" and that their long-
term use "certainly does not sug-
gest carcinogenic cancer causing
potential, and certain evidence
might even be considered as indi-
cating an inhibiting effect."
A report of the World Health
Organization scientific g r o u p,
which contains the collective views
of an international group of ex-
perts, recently issued these gen-
eral conclusions on the safety of
the pill:
"Laboratory studies of users of
oral contraceptives have revealed
a number of deviations from. es-
tablished norms, but few, if any,
of these appear to have pathologi-
cal significance.
"Serious adverse experiences of

various kinds, such as thrombo-
embolic phenomena blood clots,
have been reported in users of
oral contraceptives, but no cause-
and-effect relationship has been
established either by available sta-
tistics or by experimental evidence.
"It should also be noted that,
despite obvious merits of current-
ly available oral agents, they
should be considered merely as the
first step toward even more gen-
erally useful methods of fertility
With all the new means being
developed, is population control
Dr. Philip M. Hauser, professor
of sociology at the University of
Chicago and director of the uni-
versity's population research and
training center, gave this reply:
"For the economically advanc-
ed areas of the world the answer
is 'Yes.' For the leveloping na-
tions, which now contain two-
thirds of the world's population,
the answer is 'We don't know.'
"But there is one thing we do
know. We cannot afford not to
exert every possible effort to help
the 'developing nations to control
their birth rates. Never before in
history have professions been con-
fronted by as significant and de-
manding a task as now confronts
the biochemical and social science
personnel on the family-planning

success in their planned parent- and Carl Heller of Oregon Medi-
hood efforts by taking The Pill, cal School have worked with these
an oral contraceptive under study compounds.
in women since 1954. Nelson said a single oral does
These birth control pills contain has induced a period of infertility


Buddhist Rebels Revolt,
Destroy U.S. Building
SAIGON (Pi-Riot police firediU.S. Information Service building Several hours later, 500 battle-
tear gas Friday to break up a in Hue. equipped soldiers making up one
demonstration by 30 to 40 Bud- About 200 screaming students of the 1st Division's battalions
dhist monks protesting the mili- smashed windows of the modern, were trucked into the city to es-
tary regime of Premier Nguyen two-story building, unoccupied at tablish guard at the U.S. consu-
Cao Ky. the time, and surged in to loot late and other American facilities,
Quick action prevented one of and burn books, films, shelves, including a relay station of the
the monks from possibly burning and desks in support of the Bud- Voice of America.
himself to death and heavily arm- dhist campaign for quick restora- Dominating other news of the
ed troops kept demonstrators tion of civilian rule. day was an announcement of the
away from the U.S. Embassy. The building had been battered U.S. Command that American
Ky planned to fly to Da Nang, and smoked up in a similar po- casualties last week were the high-
where forces loyal to him crushed litically motivated attack Jan. 23, est in the war. With more battal-
Buddhist rebels earlier this week, 1965. At that time, the Buddhist lions than ever before in the field,
and take personal charge of end- hierarchy was crying against a they totalled 966 against the pre-
ing the northern rebillion against civilian regime, the government vious high of 710 in the third
his government, of Premier Tran Van Huong. week of last November, the period
This rebellion had an anti- American officials estimated of the Ia Drang Valley battle.
American character and rioters they destroyed 90 per cent of the There was a difference, how-
yesterday burned and sacked the library and its equipment. ever, in that 146 were killed last




MAYOR JEROME P. CAVANAGH of Detroit, candidate for
the Democratic nomination to the U.S. Senate, will speak at 8 p.m.
tonight in the Ann Arbor Community Center.
His public appearance is sponsored by the local branch of the
Council for Democratic Directions.
MICHIGAN'S JULY DRAFT CALL will jump by nearly a
third over the June call, State Selective Service headquarters
said today.
The July quota is 2,225 men. In June 1,675 men are to be
called. The increase is in line with the national increase for July.
The state director, Col. Arthur Holmes, said local draft boards
have been instducted to review all college student deferments,
particularly to weed out part-time students from the deferred list
and to begin using national draft test scores and college ranking
information, soon to be furnished.
SIX DEMOCRATIC SENATORS have called for a Congres-
sional study of alternatives to the present military draft. They
asked that the study include such alternatives as the peace corps.

-week while 820 were wounded..
There was a narrower ratio in the
seven days of mid-November-240
killed and 470 wounded. Losses
among both the allies and the
Viet Cong exceeded those of May
Of ground operations, a spokes-
man reported "no significant con-
tact." B52 bombers from Guam
hit four suspected Viet Cong es-,
tablishments in South Viet Nam,
two Wednesday night and twoj
Thursday afternoon.
Foreign Minister Tran Van Do
cabled Secretary of State Dean
Rusk an expression of "consterna-
tion and sincere regrets" about
the attack on the USIA center and
its library in Hue.
Outside of some uncontrolled
elements, he said, "the Vietna-
mese people have always been
friendly to the Americans, to
whom they are grateful for accept-
ing sacrifices for the cause of
No Americans were injured.
U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge called it "a distressing
act." He said, "We do not believe
this violent action represents the
views of the Vietnamese people
as a wholek"
The attack reflected an old
trend among antigovernment fac-
tions to blame the United States
for South Viet Nam's political

Seek Counseling Improvements


Buddhist monks lead funeral procession through Hue, South Viet Nam today for a Vietnamese army lieutenant killed by an American
helicopter gunner in Hue last week. Banner in background reads: "Down with Thieu and Ky." Lt. Gen. Nguyen is South Viet Nam's chief
of state and Ky its premier. The procession later turned into an anti-American demonstration.

Rep. Vivian
Prepares To
Visit China
State Department
Issues Passport;
China Visa Needed
The U.S. State Department
said Wednesday it will issue Con-
gressman Weston E. Vivian (D-
Ann Arbor) a passport to travel to
Communist China. The depart-
ment will issue the passport, bUtt
said that they can not guarantee
that the Chinese government
would issue a visa to permit the
Vivian wrote to Secretary Dean
Rusk last March 28 requesting the
passport to Communist China be-
cause, he said, "It is a great mis-
take for us to be in the dark"
about Red China's scientific and
technological developments.
Vivian has been outspoken on
behalf of admitting Red China
into the United Nations. He has
favored r e p 1 a c i n g Nationalist
China with Red China on the Se-
curity Council. All the nations on
the Security Council would be
then equipped with nuclear power.
Vivian is also a member of the
House Science and Astronautics
Committee.sW h e n questioned
about the visa he said, "I am not
sure that I could or would go to
China at this time because of the
conflict in South Viet Nam.
"All I wanted to find out in my
query to the State Department
was if it might be possible to go
to Red China in the future if the
diplomatic situation would permit
Assistant Secretary of State
Douglas McArthur II said in reply
to Vivian, "Passports valid for
travel to Communist China are
issued to authorized news corres-
pondents, public health officials,
scholars, family members of per-
sons imprisoned in Red China, and
to those whose travel is considered
in the national interest."
The State Department considers
that members of Congress fall
within the national interest cate-
"Any American congressman
who wants State Department per-
mission to go to Red China can
have it," the State Department
spokesman remarked.
This remark was an indication
of the easing of travel bans to
Communist China by the State
Actually, Americans rarely get
into the Communist Chinese main-
land, despite State Department
policy relaxations, because the
militant Peking regime is still
strongly against mingling with
what it calls U.S. "capitalist im-
U.S. newsmen have been. wait-
ing in vain to get into Red China
with the State Department's per-
mission. Beginning last December,

Ann Arbor ranks third in the
world in the number of psychia-
ti'ists per caipta, with more than
40 who see patients privately and
an additional number who are
connected exclusively with the
University. Yet, a student who de.
sires psychological treatment may
have to wait two to three weeks
for an interview.
Even those who want counseling
from a psychologist or social
worker frequently have to wait a
similar amount of time for inter-
Does this hard-to-fill demand
for psychological counseling indi-
cate that a disproportionately
large number of students seek
counseling because a University
setting naturally contributes to
neurosis? Probably both yes and
On the one hand, Dr. Thomas
N. Cross of the Medical School
says that emotional problems are
common and that any psychiatric
facility in the country is over-
The relatively short waiting list
students are forced to endure here
does not necessarily indicate that
mental health facilities are gross-
ly inadequate or that emotional
difficulties among students are
surprisingly rampant in compar-
ison with other groups or areas in
the country.
Yet, the University "experience"
is certainly a factor in explaining
why students need to seek help at
all. Dr. Donald Schaefer, director

ent staff is adequate to handle thet
some 2,000 cases that come toI

interrelationships and exchanges
between the various agencies al-

them yearly. ready exist.p
Cross says probably 250 pa- However, the move to adminis-
tients a year, at a "very rough tratively coordinate the several
guess," are treated at the Adult units would facilitate a more effi-
Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic and cient system of keeping records
the Intensive Psycotherapy Cen- of just how many students re-
ters of University Hospital. How- ceive what type of counseling
ever, about five times that many where and of research activity at
come for evaluations, he said. the different counseling agencies.
Cross said some University stu- The revision of the counseling
dents use both facilities, though booklet, according to Mrs. Dav-
they have to compete with state enport, is aimed at getting rid
residents. And, again he contends of. the "yellow sheets" or "direc-
that the number of personnel tory" approach to describing coun-
here is not inadequate consider- seling services.
ing the situation across the Penny Ingram, Grad, intern in
country. the counseling office who is do-
Nevertheless, the counseling of- ing the revising, says that she is
fice sees acquiring additional clinic trying to make the new booklet
personnel as its foremost objec- more "personal and honest" than
tive in improving psychological its predecessor. She says she's at-
counseling for University stu- tempting to give a feeling of a per-
dents. sonae, or "someone who's been
According to Mrs. Elizabeth through it," to the descriptions.
Davenport of the counseling of- Mrs. Davenport indicated that
fice, efforts will also be made to other changes in the OSA coun-'
provide a more efficient adminis-
trative "coordination" of the vari-
ous agencies offering psychologi- AN
cal counseling, while maintaining Appol tlLW
the present decentralized system, r
and to make the services more Secretarand
"visible" to students.
Major innovations will include
the appointment of a new direc-'
tor of counseling, expected to be President Harlan Hatcher an-
announced by Vice-President for nounced today that Herbert W.
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler Hildebrandt of the speech depart-
by July 1, and the revision of the ment was appointed to the posi-
ol d"Guide to Counseling" book- 1 tion of secretary of the University

seling division would probably in-
-the addition of premarital,
marital counseling staff, a need
which was pointed out by a Stu-
dent Government Council com-
mittee studying the problems of
that area of counseling as well as
sex education. The Mental Health
clinic presently spends about one-
third of its time on premarital,
marital counseling problems ac-
cording to Schaefer;
-acquiring a full-time psychol-
ogist who will do counseling in
the OSA itself;
-Staff additions within the of-
fice itself to bring the number
of personnel to four full-time and
three part-time people in addition
to the new director and
-An expansion of the in-serv-
ice training program for coun-
selors to include "anyone who has
anything to do with students,"
not Just those who counsel directly.

Faculty Senate. Dr. Hildebrandt
has been a member of the Uni-
versity faculty since 1958.
In another appointment made
by Vice-President Gilbert Lee,'
Howard Cottrell was promoted


and assistant to the president.

~' ~t

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