THURSDAY, MAY 26, 1966 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Irmlict frilloir" TITUSPAY MA 26,1966THEMICHC3A DA~Y n rq ,fl. - PAGE THREE E: Romney Seeks Third '.Officials Believe Ky Now in Firm Control OREGON PRIMARIES: Morse Sees Hatfield Victory As Success for War Critics Term a LANSING, Mich. ()P)-Republi-< can Gov. George Romney began a third-term Michigan spring yes- terday that could be a workout for a distance race to the White House. Even as Romney was fending aside 1968 speculation, his presi- dential support from New York Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller was reported even more solid than Rockefeller publicly indicated earlier this week. The term would be four years under a new State Constitution which Romney helped write. Romney's first two terms, which broke 14 years of Statehouse rule by Democrats, were for two years each. But when asked if he expected to serve the full four years if elected, he said: "No person can foresee what will happen two or four months from now, let alone two or four years. The only office for which I am a candidate is governor of Michigan." He insisted all 1958 speculation was premature in light of a come- back task facing the GOP in 1966 congressional and gubernatorial races. Parrying newsmen's questions about his presidential thoughts, the 58-year-old governor finally broke up in laughter when asked if he would accept a 1968 nomina- tion. What some Republican leaders are foreseeing, however, is that Romney, a former president of American Motors Corp., is the most likely candidate of the mod- erate wing of the GOP. Romney stood somewhat apart from the moderates, however, as they floundered in the face of the Barry Goldwater conservative tide in 1964. Romney at the same time refused to endorse Goldwater. Civil Rights The Michigan governor's strong civil rights position is unlikely to help woo Southern support, leav- ing the populous North and Mid- west as his most probable sources of strength in any 1968 nomina- tion fight. Sources close to Rockefeller now say the New York Republican t leader has made a firm commit- ment to Romney for the nomina- tion-a commitment extending be- yond the veiled support he offered in a speech Monday night in Garden City., N.Y. The sources say Rockefeller has turned over his confidential files and lists of political and financial backers from his own unsuccess- ful 1964 presidential effort. Romney would say only that Rockefeller has often provided helpful research materials. A Rockefeller adviser said, "We would never have given him this i kind of material unless we had a clear, deep commitment." Rockefeller's public praise of Romney was coupled with a hint that Sen. Jacob K. Javits, who wants to be New York's favorite son candidate in 1968, and the Michigan governor would make a good ticket. Rockefeller said as Romney and Javits were together: "I find a growing feeling among Republi- cans that it might be nice to have them together in the future." The Michigan governor has been accused in the past of playing ok down his party affiliation. He bristled when asked about it yes- terday, saying he has run as a Republican and "I am a Republi- can who puts his citizenship ahead of his partisanship." Romney's opponent is expected to be Democratic State Chairman Zolton Ferency, a fiery attorney who has been at odds with the Democratic-controlled legislature. Michigan's two most prominent available Democrats, former Gov. G. Mennen Williams and Detroit Mayor James Cavanagh, each de- cided to contact the other for a U.S. Senate nomination rather than take on Romney. One measure of Romney's at- tractiveness for 1968 will be whether he can bring newly ap- pointed Republican Sen. Robert Griffin to victory against either Williams or Cavanagh in Novem- ber. The, governor also hopes to bring four of the state's 19 con- gressional seats and the State Senate back into Republican con- trol. Ls Governor SAIGON (IP)-United States of- ficials expressed belief last night that, while dissidence persists at Hue, Premier Nguyen Cao Ky's military government is again firm- ly in the saddle. Security forces scattered hun- dreds of demonstrators in Saigon and the Buddhist hierarchy bowed to an official ban on a proposed antigovernment "march of peace" in this 11th week of political tur- bulence. A U.S. diplomat remarked that "a lot depends on how the govern- ment handles liquidation of the revolt." He suggested a military assault, such as that which crush- ed the Da Nang uprising Monday, would be a mistake at Hue, a Buddhist center 400 miles north of Saigon. That seemed to be Ky's idea too. The government has announc- ed it will try to end the opposition without bloodshed. As part of an economic freeze, all Air Viet Nam flights to Hue have been stopped. There were reports of a fuel shortage that could affect the Hue electric power plant. Among events of the day: -About 2,000 Vietnamese ma- rines and paratroops backed Sai- gon police in breaking up groups of rioters, many led by Buddhist monks. Loosing tear gas and fir- ing shots in the air, they method- ically cleared street after street. Officers said some of the men they arrested were agitators dis- guised as monks. The Viet Cong has sought from the start to ex- ploit the unrest. -Moscow, Peking and Hanoi radios beamed words of encourage- ment to the antigovernment fac- tions. Communist North Viet Nam's station accused Ky's gov- ernment of "brutal supression of labor and student groups.'' -The U.S. Command announced another search-and-destroy op- eration against the Viet Cong. This is a sweep launched by the U.S. 173rd Airborne Brigade and an Australian infantry battalion May 16 near Vung Tau, 40 miles southeast of Saigon. They were reported to have killed 20 Com- munists. The announced toll on the enemy from two previously announced American drives mounted to 389. Fliers carried on the aid war both north and south of the border despite monsoon storms. -Two military leaders of the Da Nang uprising-Lt. Col. Dam Quang Yeu and Maj. Ton That Tuong-were flown to Saigon for interrogation. Both apparently surrendered voluntarily yesterday, Yeu had been staying at the U.S. 3rd Marine Amphibious Force headquarters. The official Ameri- can explanation for Yeu's presence there was that he was on leave. -The tide of rebellion appear- ed to be ebbing in the north. A dispatch from Hue said only a few roadblocks remained, most of these were unguarded, shops were open, and the city seemed almost back' to normal. But about 100 Hue Uni- versity students staged a hunger' strike outside the U.S., consulate. They sat down for the strike after presenting a letter asking that President Johnson end American support of Ky's government. Gen. Nhuan T he Hue military commander, Brig. Gen. Phan Xuan Nhuan, confirmed in an interview with Associated Press correspondent Bob Gassaway that he has assured the central government of his loyalty. Nhuan declared his several thousand men making up South Viet Nam's 1st Division, previously loyal to the regime. considered dissident, were also Soldiers wearing the 1st Division shoulder patch, however, helped Buddhist civilians prepare and guard roadblocks in Hue last week and spoke against Ky at antigov- ernment rallies. WASHINGTON (P)-Loser by proxy in an Oregon senate pri- mary, Democratic Sen. Wayne Morse said yesterday that victory is ahead-in the person of Re- publican Gov. Mark O. Hatfield- for critics of this country's Viet Nam war policy. Morse offered that assessment after Democratic Rep. Robert B. Duncan, cast as a hawk in the war talk campaign, trounced peace candidate Howard Morgan for nomination to the Senate. Hatfield, a critic of President Johnson's policy in Viet Nam, had no real opposition in Tuesday's balloting for the Republican sena- torial nomination. Repudiation Morse said in Washington that the combined primary vote cast for Hatfield and Morgan "indi- cates strongly that the Johnson administration will be repudiated on the Viet Nam war issue by a substantial majority of the voters of my state." But in the House, a Democrat who backs Johnson and faces pri- mary opposition from a peace candidate breathed a sigh of relief at the Oregon results. "Wonderful," said Rep. Charles H. Wilson, who seeks renomination in California's June 7 primary. "It shows the position we've taken in Viet Nam is not objectionable to the people." The Oregon tally, with 2526 of 2946 precincts reported: Duncan 159,618. Morgan 88,834. Easy Victory Hatfield easily outdistanced three little-known rivals and had 152,404 votes. But most senators who talked about the outcome were not read- ing the vote as approval or dis- approval of Johnson's policy. Sen- ate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois summed up: "You can make pretty nearly any- thing you want to out of the results." Johnson. whose policies and as- sociates were Morgan's campaign targets, was silent. "The President doesn't act on primaries," the White House said. Other Results These were the major results in other Tuesday primaries: -Miami Mayor Robert King High defeated the renomination bid of Florida's Democratic Gov. Haydon Burns. In a rerun of a race he lost two years ago, High won by 86,000 votes. Claude Kirk Jr. of Jacksonville is the Republi- can nominee, but the GOP hasn't elected a Florida governor in a century. -Preston Moore, once national commander of the American Le- gion, beat former Gov. Raymond Gary for the Democratic guberna- torial nomination in Oklahoma. State Sen. Dewey Bartlett of Tulsa won the Republican nod.' -Republican Pat J. Patterson of Oklahoma City was nominated to challenge Sen. Fred R. Harris (D-Okla) in November. -Democratic State Treasurer Robert Straub and Republican Secretary of State Tom McCall won the gubernatorial nomina- tions in Oregon. -Republican Sen. John Sher- man Cooper was renominated in Kentucky, and Democrat John Young Brown was chosen to op- pose him in November. -A critic of Johnson's Viet Nam stand apparently won nomination to the House in Oregon's 4th dis- trict. He is former Rep. Charles 0. Porter, who topped Dist. Atty. William Frye, a Johnson suppor- ter, in the unofficial returns. (Russian Asks Return To Stalinist Writing -Associated Press GOV. GEORGE ROMNEY let himself in for more speeches yes- terday when he announced his candidacy for another term. FARM WORKERS GAIN: Vote Minimum Wag WASHINGTON (A"-The House voted to extend minimum-wage coverage to farm workers for the first time yesterday but balked at bringing in employes of small re- tail firms. The action added up to a major victory and a major defeat for sponsors of the administration- backed bill and left the measure's shape still to be determined. Final voting is set for today. The victory was scored on a 157-149 vote that rejected an amendment to remove farm work- ers from coverage under the bill. The defeat was dealt by Rep. John B. Anderson (R-Ill) who won an amendment limiting the reach of the legislation to com- panies with an annual gross busi- ness of more than $500,000. The bill would have dropped the $500,000 limit to $250,000 in 1969. Anderson said his amendment was intended to cut out 955,000 employes of small retail and serv- ice establishments, but Rep. John' H. Dent (D-Pa), floor manager of the bill, said it actually would eliminate 1.6 million. Anderson later told newsmen he had included mistakenly lan- guage in his amendment that went further than he intended. The effect would be to cut out 650,000 additional employes in small min- ing, manufacturing, processing, finance and insurance operations. House rules permit a separate roll-call vote before final passage on any amendments adopted dur- ing considreation of a bill, and Dent is expected to request one in hope of knocking out the Ander- son amendment. The House made other small changes in the bill. One would bring the employes of elementary and secondary schools under the act, and another would provide that restaurants need pay only 55 per cent of the minimum wage to tipped employes, on the theory the other 45 per cent would be covered by tips. But most of the long day was spent debating the amendment by Rep. Dave Martin (R-Neb) to re- move coverage of farm workers. Martin said farmers are already in bad financial shape and requir- ing them to pay higher wages would put a lot of them out of business. Representatives of some farm areas, notably California, opposed e Change Martin, however. California al- ready pays higher farm wages than the bill would provide. Dent said only 1.6 per cent of the nation's farms-the largest ones-would be covered by the bill. No action was taken on the bill's proposal to raise the $1.25 an hour now in effect for covered workers to $1.40 next year and $1.60 in 1968. An amendment is expected to be offered to hold the minimum at $1.40 until 1970 before the $1.60 goes into effect. Congressman Claims Deception Used In News Services' Viet Nam Picture MOSCOW UP)-The Soviet mil- itary establishment has thrown its considerable weight against liberals on the Soviet cultural scene. Literature must show "the greatness of our time" instead of questioning heroic legends of World War II, a military spokes- man says. And, he adds, Josef V. Stalin's reasons for sending peo- ple to their death or concentra- tion camps should be appreciated. After earlier sniping by Red army spokesmen at liberal writers who failed to follow the officially endorsed canons of "Socialist real- ism," a summary of the military attitude on culture was published yesterday with these points. The summary was made by Gen. Alexei A. Yepishev, head of the central political department of the Soviet army and navy, in a speech reported by the military paper Red Star. Yepishev's hard line on culture came as part of a resurgence late- ly of Stalinist-type comments about arts. Their fire has been centered on Alexander T. Tvardovsky, editor of the monthly journal New World that has published much of the new liberal writing. Tvardovsky was dropped from the Communist party's third rank of leadership recently but contin- ues to edit the journal. Yepishev's praise of writers and artists who were favored during the Stalin era indicated a craving for the simple old days of party- line culture that existed only to support the regime. But in the past decade some writers have de- viated from the simple approach of depicting heroic builders of Communism. Yepishev was particularly criti- cal of Vadim Bykov's book, "The Dead Feel No Pain." "What we need is the truth" in writing about World War IL "The truth, as is known, is that' the Soviet people, under the lead- ership of our party, displaying high courage and organization," held the Germans, checked the blitzkrieg and broke the invader. Passport Pictures Application Pictures Group Pictures Wedding Pictures Available at any time Ready Quickly CALL NO 3-6966 This, Yepishev claimed, showed "the advantage of the Soviet way of life, of our society and govern- ment." In an obvious reference to Stal- in's purges and banishing of mil- lions to concentration camps, cri- ticized here as unjustified, Yepi- shev said: "Some people who write about the death of people, imprisonment and the difficulties of the strug- gle do not always remember the character of our struggle or the cause forwhich those sacrifices were made." By The Associated Press Rep. Harris B. McDowell Jr (D- Del) demanded yesterday an ex- planation of what he called dis- crepancies between captions on news service pictures from Viet Nam and a story by a Washington Evening Star correspondent. He spoke of Associated Press and United Press InternationalI pictures showing a woman and a crying child. The story, by Rich-I World News Roundup1 I j By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - Diplomatic troubleshooter John J. McCloy counseled yesterday against any withdrawal of American troops from Europe. He expressed belief the need of military commanders in Viet Nam is not sufficiently acute to re- quire a shift of forces, and he said the situation in Europe "requires that our guarantees should be maintained in full force." * * * JAKARTA - Top-level delega- tions from Indonesia and Malay- sia will converge on Bangkok, Thailand, tomorrow for talks on ending Indonesia's three-year-old undeclared war against Malaysia. Official sources in Kuala Lum- pur, Malaysia, said the talks would begin Sunday. Deputy Pre- mier Tun Abdul Razak, who will head the Malaysian delegation, told a news conference yesterday his aim would be to set up a sum- mit meeting to symbolize the end of the confrontation. * * *, CAIRO - Responsible United States and Egyptian sources re- ported in Cairo yesterday that the United Arab Republic had agreed in principle to permit the U.S. 6th Fleet to make its first visit to an Egyptian port. But no date has been set, the sources said. The last American warship to call at an Egyptian port was the destroyer Soley, which berthed at Alexandria briefly in 1962 to pick up a cargo of emergency food for Kenya. American sources said the visit would be a goodwill gesture, sim- ilar to those made by fleet war- ships at other Mediterranean ports. MOSCOW -- Thirteen minor earthquakes have hit Tashkent since the city's third serious quake in a month struck there Tuesday, Tass reported yesterday. The official news agency said, however, that the city was calm and that life there was normal. It gave no casualty figures. Official figures disclosed since the first major earthquake in the central Asian city April 26 have reported eight deaths, 1000 per- sons injured, 100,000 left home- less, and 67,000 buildings damaged. Non-Communist correspondents have been denied permission to visit Tashkent and have been forced to rely on official Soviet accounts. * *, * WARSAW-Envoys of the Unit- ed States and Communist China held another session of their am- bassadorial talks yesterday. It was the 130th scheduled ses- sion of the meetings that began nearly 11 years ago at Geneva. ard Critchfield, Asian correspon- dent of the Star, accused Budd- hists of permitting wounded wom- en to lie about on stretchers and on the ground in "a hideously callous display for press photog- raphers." McDowell read to the House from Critchfield's story: "'Per- haps the most cynical and out- rageous touch was a wailing baby someone had propped against the body of a dead woman for the photographers' benefit'." AP Caption He said The Associated Press picture appeared with a caption saying: "Lying wounded on a stretcher, a Vietnamese mother, who was caught between opposing forces fighting in Da Nang, com- forts her crying baby while await- ing further aid yesterday." McDowell said the UPI caption on its picture included the words, "Sharing a stretcher with his wounded mother, a bleeding baby boy wails in pain after they were hit yesterday in Da Nang during an exchange of fire at the sur- rounded Tien Hoi pagoda." In New York, The Associated Press said its picture came from a staff photographer with a cap- tion stating the picture was taken in a Da Nang street and not inside a pagoda where actions described by Critchfield took place. The Associated Press said its was ask- ing its Saigon bureau for details. UPI Investigation An executive of United Press International said its picture was also taken by a staff photographer and an investigation was under way. McDowell said: "There are glar- ing discrepancies between the AP and the UPI picture story and its caption on Monday, and the Critchfield dispatch the following Tuesday and I demand an expla- nation by the responsible news media. "Either the photographer and these official pictures of the UPI and AP, major news gathering media around the world, were at fault and are guilty of inaccurate and irresponsible reporting, or the reporter, Critchfield, is equally guilty . . . "I therefore call upon these private agencies . . . to clarify the marked variances . . . and if they are in the wrong to admit their error . When you can't afford to be dull* sharpen your wits with NoDoTM NoDoz Keep Alert Tablets fight off the hazy, lazy feelings of mental sluggishness. NODOZ helps restore your natural mental vitality...helps quicken physical reactions. You be- come more naturally alert to people and conditions around you.Yet NODOZ is as safe as coffee. 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