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May 24, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-24

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lendez Hopeful Over Guatemala-U.S. Rely



Special To The Daily
-Julio Cesar Mendez-Montene-
gro, the president-elect of Guate-
mala, said in an interview with
the Daily here recently he has
high hopes for the United States-
Guatemalan relations and indicat-
ed he intends to move swiftly to
solve his country's serious domes-
tic problems.
Mendez' inauguration on July 1
will mark the first time that an
opposition presidential candidate
will have been chosen in free
elections and have assumed office.
"We hope that relations with the
United States will be harmonious
and helpful," Mendez said, "and
we also hope that the United
States will aid our country's prog-
Mendez, speaking through an
interpreter, was interviewed at his
Thant Hopes
For Viet Nam
Peace Talks
Says Starting Point
To Be in Lessening
Of Military Activity
retary-General U Thant of the
United Nations said yesterday the
starting point for peace in Viet
Nam is a scaling down of military
operations to initiate discussions
including Communist China.
"The solution lies in the hands
of those who have the power and
responsibility to decide," he de-
Thant said it is an illusion to
think of the war as a conflict be-
tween communism and liberal
He said: "There is growing evi-
dence that the so-called 'fight for
democracy' is no longer relevant
to the realities of the situation.
What is really at stake, unless an
early end to the hostilities is
brought about, is the indepen-
dence, the identity, and the sur-
vival of the country itself."
The secretary spoke before the
25th biennial convention of the
Amalgamated Clothing Workers of
Am e ri ca. The 1,500 union
delegates- repeatedly applauded
Thant's discussion of Viet Nam.
The loudest ovation occurred
when Thant asserted: "I have said
that peace can only be restored by
a return to the Geneva agree-
ments and that, as a preparatory
measure, it would be necessary to
start scaling down military opera-
tions, and to agree to discussions
which would include the actual
Possible Agreement
"Perhaps, under these condi-
tions, it still will be possible to
arrive at an agreement between
all powers concerned, and among
them, the five major powers, in-
cluding the People's Republic of
People only delude themselves,
Thant said, by believing that ac-
tion by him and the UN can re-
solve the Vietnamese conflict.
He previously has said the UN
was unable to act because Com-
munist China and North Viet1
Nam, two of the parties concerned,
are not members.
Thant added that if the powers
directly involved in Viet Nam seek
p. peaceful solution, the UN and
many of its 117 member nations
"stand ready to help them in all
possible ways."
The majority of members, he
said, "are convinced that military
methods will not restore peace in
Viet Nam, and that this war must

be stopped on the initiative of the
participants lest it get out of
The secretary said that 20 years
of outside intervention and the
presence of foreign armies have
profoundly affected Vietnamese
political life.
"Indeed, recent events have
shown that the passion for
national identity - perhaps one
should say national survival - is
the only ideology that may be left
to a growing number of Viet-
NOUNCEMENWS is available to official-
ly recognized and registered student or-
ganizations only. Forms are available
in Room 1011 SAB.
Hillel Graduate Student Council, Pic-
nic, June 5, afternoon, Island Park.
* S *
B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Sab-
bath service, John Planer, cantor, Fri.,
May 27, 7:15 p.m., William Present
Graduate Student Council, Business

heavily-guarded temporary resi-
dence in suburban Guatemala
City. The interview is believed to
be his first with an American
journalist since the presidential
elections of last March.
Guatemala is presently under a
state of siege which suspends the
constitution and allows the police
to search without a warrant after
Communist, terrorists kidnapped
two officials in the present mili-
tary junta of Col. Enrique Peralta
Azurdia less than two weeks ago.
Asked about the United States
intervention in the Dominican
Republic in 1965 and the Central
Intelligence Agency-backed coup
of Col. Carlos Castillo Armas,
which toppled Guatemalan Presi-
dent Jacobo Arbenz in 1954, Men-
dez replied, "We do not like any
kind of intervention because we
very much respect national sover-
eignty. We in Gautemala will

start by working with public opin-
ion 'in our own country to resolve
our internal problems. and there
thus will be no necessity for out-
side intervention of this kind.
But, Mendez emphasized, "If the
United States devoted more effort
and attention to the resolution of
the economic and social problems
of Latin America it would be a
great contribution.",
He mentioned specifically the
Alliance for Progress, stressing the
importance of both economic and
technical assistance, and added
that increased assistance in agri-
culture, electrification and high-
ways would "put many Latin
American countries in a much
better position."
A former dean of the University
of San Carlos here and, before his
presidential campaign, often men-
tioned as a likely candidate for its
next rector, Mendez added that

improving the country's educa-
tional system was a major target
for his administration and indi-
cated an interest in possible Unit-
ed States assistance in this area.
"The United States could con-
tribute much in the way of at-
tacking illiteracy and providing
technical education and equip-
ment," he said.
Mendez indicated a cautious op-
timism about both the present
state of Guatemalan democracy
and its future. Democracy in
Guatemala is definitely getting
stronger," Mendez declared. "The
past presidential election marks
the first time the people have
decided the race for themselves
rather than having a choice im-
posed on them by the government
in power.
"Even with the pressures the
present government exerted-and
there were some-the people were

able to make their choice them-
selves this time," he said, adding
that United States support for
free elections "helped insure they
were indeed free."
While there was some concern
after the elections that support-
ers of Mendez's opponents would
succeed in nullifying his election
or in pulling off a coup, the pres-
ent military junta, led by Col.
Enrique Peralta Azurdia, refused
to support these dissidents
Since Mendez received only 44
per cent of the total vote in the
March 6 elections two opponents,
both army colonels and one with
the backing of the Peralta regime,
received 56 per cent and prevented
Mendez from receiving an absolute
majority. The 55-seat national
congress voted between the top
two candidates on May 10 here.
Mendez, whose revolutionary

While, with the state of siege and
renewed activities by the Com-
munist guerillas, the political situ-
ation is still tense; President-elect.
Mendez is understood to feel thatl
the army now will not itself at-
tempt a coup and that it will'
oppose such an effort from thel
far right or the Communists.
Mendez added that he intends
to start to work at once on a host
of domestic problems-education,
health, housing, agriculture-but
will at the same time move to
conciliate forces on the right and
the left.
He emphasized the need for
education and effort to integrate
Guatemala's Indians, about 60 per
cent of the country's 4.3 million
population, into the life of the
country. Illiteracy is believed to
be as high as 9 per cent among
the Indians and is about 70 per

Turning to the Guatemalan3
economy which last year had a;
$40 million balance-of-payments;
deficit which economists here say
is grave (Guatemala's total ex-
ports were $180 million in 1965).-
Mendez said he would seek a "tax
on some luxury and nonessential
imports, a flat ban on others, and,
an increase in production for ex-
port as well."
He added he was also consider-
ing an increase in real estate,
taxes. International organizations
such as the World Bank have,
called the eight per cent of na-
tional output the government re-;
ceives in very light or modest;
taxes on income, property, imports,
and exports (principally coffee)
much too low to finance the de-
velopment and public investment
programs the country needs.
While the Guatemalan economy

grew at seven per cent in 1964 and
at five per cent last year after a
six-year period of declining gross
national product, economists here
are alarmedat the dangerous
growth of private indebtedness.
Qualified observers also feel end-
ing duplication and inefficiency
in the government could cut its
expenditures appreciable.
The Peralta regime, which Men-
dez replaces on July 1, took over
in a bloodlessncoup in 1963 pre-
cipitated by the return of former
president Juan Jose Arevalo, an
outspoken leftist, and the unrest
and widespread corruption of the
government of Col. Miguel Ydi-
goras Fuentes. Fuentes took over
in 1958 after the assassination of
Col. Carlos Castillo Armas, who
in turn had used CIA support to
overthrow the allegedly Commun-
ist-dominated regime of Col.
Jacobo Arbenz in 1954.

party holds 30 seats, was elected.' cent overall.

Ky To Restore Order, Nhuan
Forsakes Rebel Allegiances

SAIGON, South Viet Nam (P)--
Victorious in Da Nang, Premier
Nguyen Cao Ky's government
pledged yesterday to restore order
elsewhere in the mutinous north-
ern provinces because "a country
that harbors open rebellion can-
not survive." Conflicting reports
switched the spotlight to Hue.
Defense Ministry sources said
Brig. Gen. Pham Xuan Nhuan,
commander of the rebel 1st Viet-
namese Division in Hue, wired
that he was resuming allegiance
to Ky. It was not clear whether
Nhuan spoke also for his several
thousand troops, but there were
unconfirmed reports some of the
soldiers were changing sides.
On the other hand, Buddhist-
led struggle committees still man-
ned barricades in Hue, a Buddhist
center and former capital 400
miles north of Saigon. Radio Hue
beamed out antigovernment pro-
paganda throughout the day and
another mass demonstration was
set for today.
Minimum of Bloodshed
All action against remnants of
the uprising will be carried out
with a minimum of bloodshed, the
government said. Officials con-
cerned with tactics in the political
struggle at Hue have leaned to-
ward starving out the town by the
use of economic pressure, rather

than military force. Loyal troops
held positions around the city.
The government's pledge to re-
store order was contained in an
optimistic report to a group of
about 1,000 selected representa-
tives of the army, religious sects,
and political parties called the
military and people's congress.
Buddhists boycotted the meeting.
U.S. Ambassador Henry Cabot
Lodge, watchful of the effect on
American interests in Viet Nam,
was in the audience.
Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thieu, the
chief of state, reiterated that the
military regime will carry out its'
promise for election of a Consti-
tuent Assembly this fall. He said
the 10-man directorate is con-
sidering a proposal to add five
civilians to its membership.
Students Protest
While the congress was meeting,
antigovernment students a n d
Buddhists staged orderly marches
in Saigon streets. Four hundred,
including 150 robed monks, pro-
ceeded peacefully before the
heavily guarded U.S. Embassy to
protest crushing of the Da Nang
revolt. The groups were relatively
small and the impact limited.
American Marines, cavalrymen
and infantrymen carried on the
war against the Viet Cong. They
reported 79 dead from scattered

skirmishes while their own losses
were light. B-52 bombers blasted
at a Communist concentration,
believed to total about 350 men,
in the highlands 35 miles west of
Quang Ngai. The U.S. Command
announced the loss of two planes
and one pilot in operations Mon-
Rusk Optimistic
In Washington, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk took a cautiously
optimistic view of the political
"I think things are settling down
a bit in Viet Nam," he said.
Ky gave that impression in a
relaxed appearance before the
The premier said his troops took
more than a week to restore or-
der in Da Nang "to avoid blood-
shed as much as possible and not
to take over the places of wor-
ship." He referred to the pagodas
from which the rebels finally sur-
rendered Monday.
Speaking of the defiance of Hue,
Ky said:
"The government cannot tol-
erate any rebellion south of the
17th Parallel"-dividing South
Viet Nam from the Communist
North. "We cannot aceept any
further partition of our beloved

GOP Ticket
Rise for '68
Romney-Javits Link
Comes As Governor
Bids for Re-election
LANSING (I)-Michigan Gov
George Romney said yesterday
that any talk of a Romney-Jacob
Javits Republican ticket in 1968
is "pure speculation ... I have no
understandings with anybody ..
The firstdthing the Republicans
have to do is make a comeback
in 1966."
Meanwhile, Romney's staff
scheduled a "special announce-
ment" news conference for early
today. It was quickly learned that
hie would, as expected, announce
his candidacy for a third term as
Michigan's governor.
Romney, as he has often de-
clared, said "We needsall the en-
thusiasm, industry and hard work
we can get In 1966. If we take our
eye off that target, we're not like-
ly to make a comeback."
Romney told newsmen that if
Republicans could pick up 40 or
50 congressional seats, "we will
have achieved a real comeback,
but it's an uphill battle."
Completely Surprised
The governor, who appeared
with New York Gov. Nelson Rock-
efeller and Javits at a fund-rais-
ing dinner, said he "got there and
was completely surprised by what
was said. While it's an honor to
have anybody talk in those terms,
it's vital to put first things first."
Romney will be running for the
first four-year gubernatorial term
in Michigan history. A strong fav-
orite against probable Democratic
candidate State Chairman Zolton
Ferency, Romney's candidacy is
expected to aid Republican chanc-
es to pick up as many as four
House seats in Michigan.
Romney and former Vice-Presi-
dent Richard Nixon have been
most prominently mentioned as
potential 1968 GOP presidential
Risks Acknowledged
The governor acknowledged that
"certainly there are risks in urg-
ing everybody to concentrate on
1966," and observed in answer to
a question that presidential can-
didates in 1960 and 1964 had be-
gun laying their groundwork
years in advance.
. But he said the Republican sit-
uation is different this time be-
cause'of the election debacle in
1964-that ground must be recap-
tured for the 1968 race to have
any meaning.
Romney will also be attempting
to bring U.S. Sen. Robert Griffin
to victory as well this November.
Griffin, named to a Senate vacan-
cy this month, will have to de-
fend his seat against either for-
mer Gov. G. Mennen Williams or
Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh
Either of the Democrats would be
F ini............-

Conference Planners Unveil
Civil Rights Action Blueprint


WASHINGTON (R)-Designers
of next week's White House con-
ference on civil rights unveiled
yesterday a blueprint for sweep-
ing action at all levels of govern-
ment and private life to improve'
the Negro's lot in American so-
While acknowledging that all'
of the measures recommended1
might cost billions of dollars, Ben
W. Heineman Jr., the railroad
magnate who is organizing the
conference, denied that the goals
set forth are "pie in the sky."
And he described as regretable
the decision by one major civil
rights group-the Student Non-
violent Coordinating Committee-
to stay away from the conference,
which is expected to attract more
than 2,400 persons from virtually
every walk of life.
The conference's planning coun-I

cil disclosed a 100-page report sent
to all conferees this week. It con-
tains dozens of recommendations
for immediate and long range
action to bring the Negro into
equal status in housing, educa-
tion, economic and job security,
and the administration of justice.
The conferees will not be asled
to vote on the measures, but their
discussions and suggestions will be
recorded and reflected in a report
to be submitted to 'President
Johnson a few weeks after the
June 1-2 assembly.
While recommending federal
and state governmental action in
all fields, the council said such
action "cannot succeed unless it is
'accompanied by a mobilization of
effort by private citizens and the
organizations and institutions
through which they express their

The report said the federal gov-
ernment's response to the cry of
the Negro for justice and equality
"has not been matched by state
and local government, by business
and labor, the housing industry,
educational institutions, and the
wide spectrum of voluntary or-
ganizations who have the power
to improve our society."
In the field of education, the
council called for an end to public
school de facto segregation by
"color conscious- planning of
school systems."
The council said private em-
ployers, unions and government
must take immediate action pro-
vide more and better jobs for
And it called for reform in the
administration of justice.
One idea stressed by the council
already is running into strong op-
position in congress-a call for
"an absolutely open, racially un-
restricted market in which hous-
ing is affirmatively merchandised
to families and persons of all
racial groups."
Senate Republican' L e a d e r
Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, at
a news conference yesterday, re-
iterated his position that a pro-
vision in Johnson's new civil
rights bill to ban discrimination
in housing sales and rentals is

world News Roundup


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEwRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
No Events Scheduled.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Thurs., June 23.
Communications for consideration at
this meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Thurs., June 9.
Doctoral Examination for Martin
Rothenberg, Communication Sciences;
thesis: "The Breath-Stream Dynamics
of Simple-Released-Plosive Production,"
Wed., May 25, 166 Frieze Bldg., at 1:30
p.m. Chairman, G. E. Peterson.
Doctoral Examination for Daniel Ger-
ber Sayles, Education; thesis: "Brain-
Wave Excitability, Perseveration and
Stuttering," Wed, May 25, 1610 Wash-
tenaw, at 12 noon. Chairman, D. E. P.
Doctoral Examination for Ralph Wil-
l1am Rudolph, Chemistry; thesis: "Di-
fluorophosphine Ligands, Their Prep-
aration, Properties and Chemistry,"
Wed., May 25, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at
1:30 p.m. Chairman, R. W. Parry.
Research Training Program in Social
Science Education: Offered by the Uni-
versity of Michigan, School of Educa-
tion (Room 3206), Office of Social Sci-
ence Education, Ann Arbor, Mich.
The program is designed to prepare
researchers in social science education
both at the elementary and secondary
school levels. The research focus will
be given to problems relating to the

teaching of the social sciences and of Civil Service Welfare Depts., Albany,
history and to such topics as cur- N.Y.-File immediately for Case Work-
riculum construction, controversial is- er exam to be held for positions with
sues, the conduct of inquiry, civic edu- local welfare depts. Preliminary appli-
cation and political socialization, evalu- cation available at the Bureau.
ition of materials and audio-visual com- Local Institute, Ann Arbor, Mich. -
munication media, and development Computer services coordinator. Tenta-
and testing of instructional theories. tive requirements: BA or MA in com-
All interested persons may pick up puter sci. or related field such as engi-
application forms for this program in neering. 2-5 yrs. exper. in programming
Room 3206, University High School. Fur- and systems; ability to give solid ad-
ther information about the program vice to researchers on limitations of
may be obtained by calling 764-8416. information technology and methodol-
ogies; knowl. time-sharing, input-out-
put devices; statistics; familiarity with
Plac ment the devices to be used is desirable.
* * *
POSITION OPENINGS: For further information please call
The National Clearinghouseforren- 1764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
tal Health Information of the Na-Aponmts320AB
tional Institute of Mental Health, Beth- -_nmt,3 AB
esda, Md.-Program Specialist wanted, EDUCATION DIVISION:
serving as subject-matter consultant Wayne State University: Will conduct
in nnv WayneoStaterUniversity:ofWill conduct

By The Associated Press
BOSTON-The United Presby-
terian Church in the U.S.A. staked
out yesterday a new platform of
convictions, their first creedal re-
form in over 300 years.
Leaders saw it as a beacon for
clearer directions and greater
vigor in the church's life.
KAMPALA, Uganda - Uganda
government troops yesterday seiz-
ed the palace of the King of
Buganda Province after a day-
long battle the regime of President
Milton Obote announced.
The latest trouble developed
from the king's demand that the
central government of President
Obote get out of Buganda Prov-
ince. This followed a decision in
February by Obote to declare him-
self President of Uganda and
abrogate the four-year-old con-
MOSCOW-The Soviet central
Asian city of Tashkent, where
100,000 already were homeless,
suffered yesterday its third major
earthquake in less than a month.
The earthquake struck in mid-
afternoon. Many of the city's mil-
lion residents were in safer, newer
office buildings.
No casualty figures were dis-
closed immediately. But it appear-
ed they might be lighter than
those in the earlier quakes, which
occurred at night and caused
Dial 662-6264

heavy damage to many old, frail
* * *
NEW YORK-The stock market
registered its third straight ad-
vance yesterday, buoyed by re-
ports of improved automobile
sales in mid-May over the previous
10-day period.


I i

inayarea or eci nzationorsyn
or Soc. Psych. positions require the
PhD; the Sociology positions, education
or exper. relating to mental health or
Illness in addition to the PhD.
GMC Truck and Coach Division, Gen-
eral Motors Corp., Pontiac, Mich.-As-
sistant Public Relations Director. Write
releases, magazinetarticles, TV, press
contact. BA in journalism plus prefer-
ably 1-2 yrs. exper.
Merck and Co., Inc., Raway, N.,J.-
Product development pharmacist; BS
or MS in Pharmacy, 2-7 yrs. exper. In
formulation and dosage.
Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Syra-
cuse, N.Y.-Several engineering posi-
tions. Management training, electrical,
mechanical and civil engineer design,
system studies, plant operations, nu-
clear engineering, chemical engineer-
mng and others. Most require no ex-
perience beyond the appropriate de-
North Central Airlines, Inc., Minne-
apolis, Minn.-Desire single girls with
two years college for Airline Stewardess.
Sorensen Gross Construction Co.,
Flint, Mich.-Grad, no exper., Civil En-
gineer for construction building proj-
ects and office estimating work.
Sangamo Electric Co., Springfield, Ill.
-Design engineer, electro-mechanical
instruments and controls. Degree in
Electrical or Mechanical Engineering
with interest in both. No exper. des-
Ignated. Instrument controls for elec-
tric utility industry.
Case Worker with the New York Dept.

a summer training program forthe Na-
tional Teacher Corps. Candidates will
be selected from among outstanding
college seniors and graduates with
little or no teaching experiences. Teach-
er-in terns will serve In the National
Teacher Corps for two years, combin-
ing part-time teaching and community
services with two years of tuition-
free part-time graduate study leading
to a Master's degree. The pre-service
tuition-free university program-which
precedes National Teacher Corps serv-
ice-will train you especially for your
job by hig4hlighting the sociology of
poverty and ways to teach the cul-
turally deprived. Other benefits in-
elude salaries at local rates; stipends
during pre-service training; payment of
travel and relocation expense; injury,
disability and death coverageJ
The program will begin on June 27.
1966. The deadline for application is
May 31, 1966.
For applications write to: Otis Mor-
ris, WSU-NTC Recruitment Coordina-
tor, 489 Education Bldg., Wayne State
University, Detroit, Mich., 48202.
For additional information contact
Miss Collins, Bureau of Appointments,
Education Division, 3200 SAB, 764-7462.



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