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February 22, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-22

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Seventy-First Year
1112 Prevail"
als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. Thismust be noted in all reprints.

'U' Officials Eschew Judgment

Baroque Trio



: -I

AY, FEBRUARY 22, 1961


Study, Bureaucracy
And the Battle of Angell

MCES OF Light and Darkness (in
rm of Study and Bureaucracy) are'
heir traditional way through the halls
this year.
beginning, there was a study hall on
floor of Angell Hall. This was a fine
it allowed students who didn't want
heir way to the/ UGLI for an hour
classes to save fifteen minutes of good
1e, or the chance to write a letter, ,or
illence. It was a decent, large, quite,
't have a chance. The counseling ser-
ch have been doggedly trying to take
entire floor (the Associate Dean's
ay be next) stretched their effective
tual tentacles into this sanctuary of
ESULTS WERE appalling. Within a
three quarters of the old study hall
taken over by secretaries, telephones,

typewriters, and agonized juniors and seniors.
A hasty partition was thrown up about half-
way to the ceiling-screening the view, but
not a bit of the sound of the office from the
study hall. It is now slightly more noisy in the
Angell Hall 'study hall than In the average
Haven Hall office.
Now all of us are interested in people. But
the very vocal problems of the Teacher's
Certificate candidate, who has to drop her
French course because of her problems with
her fiance, but who wants to take Russian Lit
in translation, tend'to'interfere with absolute
concentration or% 'Paradise Lost.
There is something strange about a room
with 20 students in it who are vainly attempt-
ing to study with their fingers in their ears.
Maybe it's a good thing they stuck the study
hall sign around the corner, .so that no one
can find the place if they don't already know'
where it is. It seems the Power of Darkness
has won.

'U' Band A

rEEN THE LABO1 unions (who should
w better) and. Mother Nature (who
are less), the touring University Sym-
Band has its troubles.
nded by an airline flight enigineers'
it Detroit, the band was delayed some
rs before the union condescended to-
erican Airlines fly in a couple planes
anada, which promptly got fogbound in
al, thus arriving late at Willow Run.-
nd finally took off 19 hours fate.
instruments meanwhile went on ahead
freight on Saturday all by themselves,
ey managed to get grounded in Buf-
:appily however the bit was resolved
he band and their wayward paraphen-
re reunited at Idlewild in New York,
they promptly got fogbound together
ther 9 and a half fhour delay.
,rsity Vice-President Lyle M. Nelson.
te nice to the strikers. He congratulated
or making the. band late not in excess
yours, and there is no.report about any
s for Mother Nature.

EANWHILE, THE STATE department ex-
pressed concern over the delay at Detroit,
for they said that they considered the tour to
be of the greatest importance. However, we:
note no move on their part to rout out one
of the many military craft which lurk about
at numerous strategic points, or to aid the
band in their departure.
We can only hope, since. the band did not
arrive at the Moscow Sports Palace by 7:30
pin. Russian Standard Time (noon our time)
Monday, that all will be well.
The State. Department has indicated that
the Russians do not understand such delays
(after all, even the Russians don't put up with
strikes). .
And so it seems that the cold war,.for a
moment at least, focuses on the University, and
Russo-American relations, for a moment at
least, are her concern.
No other University can make that state-

Daily Staff Writer '
DIRECT, SOCIAL action by stu-
dents has, in recent months,
assumed the proportions of a ma-
jor movement, and the Univer-
sity has been not far from the
middle of it. Response to the youth
corps proposal in large measure
originated here, and Voice politi-
cal party is now playing an im-
portant part in the national Food
for Fayette campaign. Other stu-
dent action here has included
picketing of stores and beaches
to protest discrimination, demon-
strations against armaments and
civil defense, and an increased at-
tention to the Cuban problem. To
date, however, the University ad-
ministration has given no indica-
tion of an official policy toward
social action, either of- support or
To determine if there is, in fact,
a. University position with respect
to the student movement, I re-
cently interviewed President Har-
Ian Hatcher, Vice-President and
Dean of Faculties Marvin Niehuss,
and Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James Lewis. We sought to
ascertain the administration's
view of social action, its relation
to overall education, and the role
which the University should play.
* * *
that, In contrast with most Eu-
ropean universities, the typical
American school .takes an active
interest in the student's life out-
side the classroom. This interest
is typified by the doctrine of in
loco parentis, by which a univer-
sity acts as legal guardian of the
student under twenty-one in ab-
sence of his parents, he said.
The basic function of the Uni-
versity is academic discipline. But
in addition, he indicated, students
should acquire a growing sensitiv-
ity to the outside world and an
awareness of their role as pri-
vate citizens. It is in their ca-
pacity as citizens of the world,
rather than as students per se,
that they engage in social action.
The "student" movement, accord-
ing to President Hatcher, is in
fact a social movement undertaken
by citizens who are students only
incidentally. It is not a matter
calling for institutional state-
ments, pro or con. The University
hence takes a position of "toler-
ant detachment," neither' endors-
ing nor discouraging student ac-
tion as long as it is within the
If an underaged student has
legal difficulties as a result of his
involvement the University will
assist him. But, Hatcher indicated,
this is done as guardian and does
not imply sanction of the action
itself or the cause toward which
it was directed. Whether the Uni-
versity would support students who
deliberately violated laws they
consider unjust depends on the
specific circumstances, he said, al-
though cases do arise in which the
social situation is out of. harmony
with what is right and proper.
President Hatcher agreeddthat the
role of the administration in the
social movement is as guardian
of the student rather than part-
ner. Nevertheless, he added, non-
interference is a form of endorse-
pointed out that the establish-
ment of the Office of Student Af-
fairs indicates the importance the
University attaches to develop-
ment outside the classroom. While
academic pursuits must remain
paramount, his administration re-
gards student activities as an in-
tegral part of total education. The
only question is whether leaders
are responsible and action is law-
ful. When such is the case, Lewis
said, the University will stand by
the right of students to press for

social reform, and encourages con-
sultation of students with his of-
For example, initiators. of last
spring's picketing of local stores i
conferred with Lewis and the po-.
lice department before undertak-
ing the demonstration. And Lew-
is, under some outside pressure at
a meeting of the Human Relations
Commission, defended the right of
students to so demonstrate.
I asked Mr. Lewis whether this
implied University endorsement of
the movement itself. He explained,
that the University endorses the
right of students to work lawfully
for social causes, but makes no
Judgment of the issues involved.
He declined to commit himself on
the matter of civil disobedience,
saying that his position would de-
pend on circumstances; he would
not, for example, discuss endorse-
ment of the Southern sit-ins, with-
out more knowledge of the cir-
cumstances and laws involved.
4' * *
by far the most candid of the
three, was not even sure there
was a student movement. New
situations inviting action have
presented themselves; they would
have excited similar interest if
they had appeared five years ago,
he said. There is no stated Uni-
versity policy toward student in-
volvement of which Niehuss is
aware. but there is a tacit position

analysis is undertaken by the Uni-
versity results in action. Involve-
ment is a personal, not an insti-
tutional matter, and results from
individual study and conviction.
While American students have
shown on the whole too weak an
interest in current happenings,
Niehuss said events in South
America, in which universities
are closed because of extreme stu-
dent action, show that involve-
ment and activity can be pushed
too far.
Niehuss said that the neutral
position of the University does
not mean the administration has
no convictions. But it is impossi-
ble to 'express a "University" po-
sition because there are wide and
irreconcilable differences of opin-
ion among members of the fac-
ulty, administration, alumni and
student body. This neutral posture.
should be the policy of a univer-
sity, he believes. While contain-
ing within it many commitments,
many of them conflicting, it it-
self has only one purpose: the ad-.
vancement of learning and knowl-
IN SUMMARY, there has ob-
viously been no discussion within
the administration on an official
policy toward the new social in-
volvement. Used to regarding "stu-
dent activity" in the traditional
pep - rally - and - dance - plan-
ning categories, the University
leaders are not sure how to han-
dle student-action of a serious na-
ture. Nevertheless, a more or less
coherent posture of "tolerant de-'
tachment'' is tacitly shared by
the persons with whom we spoke.
The University should take no ac-
tion and make no statements en-
dorsing or disapproving a given
cause. Where action is required, as
in the jailing of demonstrators
last spring, it is taken in the Uni-
versity's role as guardian. While
the University approves in the
abstract of student involvement,.
it makes no moral judgment on a
given cause or a given action so
long as it is "appropriate."
This policy is justified on
grounds, primarily, of practicabil-
ity. Concensus is impossible in
an institution so large and diverse.
Even within the administration
there is not complete agreement;
Mr. Niehuss and Mr. Lewis, for
example, differ in their opinions
on the desirability of student ac-
tivities in general as part of a lib-
eral education. It is even more un-
likely, then,. that an administra-
tion could ever fairly represent
the views of faculty, students,
alumni, benefactors and the state
Legislature-in short, every one
connected with the University-in
a controversial issue. How can one,
express a University conviction?
The practicability (or, less po-
litely, expediency) of neutrality is
philosophically rationalized. Stu-
dents are citizens of the world, and
the two roles of citizen and stu-
dent, while loosely interconnected,

must be separated when affected
by University policy. The Univer-
sity insures the freest expression
for all opinions by itself remaining
detached, serving as an Impartial.
broker in the exchange of ideas.
As Mr. Lewis put it, he who gov-
erns least, governs best.
* * *
a persuasive case for its own neu-
trality. Nevertheless there are in-
consistencies. Consider for exam-
ple the two roles of "student" and
"citizen." Student Government
Council existsbecause the Univer-
sity recognizes that the two roles,
at the local level at least, are in-
separable. But where does the lo-
cal level give way to the national
and international? When SGC
takes action on discrimination in
"local" fraternities, it is unavoid-
ably drawn into the national pic-
ture. When it -sends letters to
Southern governorsntdis obvious-
ly involved in national affairs and
less directly in world affairs. At
a time when local action, national
action and the total world picture
are inextricably interconnected,
does it make sense to try to com-
partmentalize them? And if the
separation of roles as "student"
and "citizen of the campus" is
admittedly impossible, is it not
equally impossible to distinguish
between "student" and "citizen of
the world?"
The rationale for administra-
tive neutrality is very disturbing
-not because it is incomprehen-
sible, but because it is not unique,
If the impossibility of concensus
at a university logically Implies
that its leaders must be neutral,
does not this argument obtain in a
myriad other settings? Student,
scientist; corporate executive, la-
borer--all are part of a larger
whole within which total agree-
ment is unlikely. Should they too
eschew commitment, rationalizingt
an unwillingness to brave contro-
versy-with the need to remain "of-
ficially" neutral?
* * *
WE BELIEVE THAT ,the heads
of a University have a responsi-
bility for educational leadership
above and beyond their duties of
administration and conciliation.
If it is impossible to give a "Uni-
versity" opinion, it is certainly pos-
sible for them to give their opin-
ions as University .officials and in-.
dividuals. The tendency to hide
behind an office is alarmingly
prevalent in this society; college
administrators should not, by ex-
ample, pass it on to students
searching for meaning and com-
mitment. Issues produce contro-
versy because they are complicat-.
,ed, but because they are compli-
cated leadership is more than ever
required. In an age over much
given to empty "objectivism'" col-
lege administrators must demon-
strate -the value and need for care-
ful consideration, independent de-
cision, and commitment to prin-

In Late Period Works
The Baroque Trio, with members from the Michigan School of
Music, gave their second concert of the season last evening in Rack-
ham Auditorium. The concert was in conjunction with the Centennial
Celebration of The Unification of Italy (1861-1961), and was the
opening program in the festivities which will last through June.
The music performed was drawn exclusively from the 16th and
17th century Italian Baroque school, and brought to the fore some
hitherto little known but certainly accomplished composers: Perhaps
the single identifying characteristic' of all eight composers in the
program was their late Baroque stlye; a style depicting greater freedom
of expressive melody, chromaticism, and novel rhythm arrangement-.
quite -apart, I would say, from the certain ascetic melody and, at
times, placid stateliness of an earlier German period.
* * * *
WITH THE EXCEPTION of a troublesome oboe, the group produc-
ed their artistry in the usual flawless manner; a manner, however,
which must not be taken for granted. Music of the Baroque era is
of an intense nature, and ultimately demanding of the performing
group. It is at the same time appreciated by a group of listeners quite
apart from the usual concert going crowd, and as such the possibility
of a filled auditorium is at best remote.
The Trio, accompanied by Clyde Thompson on the double bass,
included four numbers for tenor solo as sung by Richard Miller. While
a bit harsh in the upper range, Mr. Miller otherwise displayed excellent
control and ennunciation in the lyrical style of the traditional Italian
--Roger Wolthuls

(Continued from Page 2).
ington (girls), Mich.-Mr. & Mrs. Tom-
Unson & Mr. Jaenicke interviewing
Thurs. from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Camp Chi, Wia Coed Camp-Bernard
Scotch from Jewish Community Cen-
ters of Chicago interviewing Thurs.
aft. from 1:30 to 4:55.
FEB. 24-
Camp Lawrence Cory (boys), N.Y. -
W. B. Hester interviewing Fri. from
9:30 a.m. to 4:55 p.m.;
:Detroit Area Bopy Souts' Camps --
Fred Leist interviewing men counselors,
nurses, & secretaries for jobs all day
For further information go to Sum-
mer Placement Service, D 528 SAB.
Open daily from 1:00 to 4:55 p.m. and
Friday all day.

4021 Admin., EXxt. 3371 for further in-
The following part-time fobs are
available. Applications can be made in
the . Non-Academic Personnel Office,
1020 Admin. Bldg., Monday through
Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employees should
contact Jack Lardie, at NO 3-1511, ext.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
1-Experienced switchboard operator
(Saturday 6 p.m.-12 midnight, and
Sunday 8 a.m.-1 p.m.).
1-Arts and crafts supervisor (Friday
evenings 7-10 p.m.).
44-Psychological subjects, two 11, hour
periods, total time.
1-Experienced camera repairman
(min. 20 hours per week).
8-Psychological subjects (hours to be
7-Psychological subjects (Tuesday
afternoon, February 28).,
1-Translator, German technical arti-
cals intorEnglish.
4-Experienced radio and TV repair-
men, hours to be arranged.
6-Social photographers, mostly week-
2-Dark-room technicians, afternoons
and weekends.

Personnel Requests
Arkansas Civil Service-Psychologi-
cal Examiner TRAINEE. M.A. in Psych.
or its equiv. in grad. trng. in applied
PMonitgomery Watd, Denver Mail Order'
Plant - Administrative Accountant -
man (Exper. preferred) & Accounting
Supervisor-WOMAN. Both req. B.B.A.
In Acctg.'
U.S. Air Force, Control & Command
.Dev. Div., Bedford, Mass.-Grad. physi
cists, physical chemists, aerodynamicists
for Electromagnetic Radiation Lab. of
Cambridge Res. Labs.
Chas. Proper Co., Ann Arbor-Recent
grad. or possibly grad. student with
general knowledge of business ;proced-
ures as Office Assistant-to help set up
office procedures; some acctg. involved..
Mich. Civil Service-Latest listing of
current openings posted on bulletin
board outside Bureau of Appts., 4021 '
Please contact Bureau of Appts.,

?eviews Ar ticlIe on Pressures'

1--Experienced switchboard operator
(Saturday 6 p.m.-12 midnight, and
Sunday 8 a.m.-1 p.m.).
10--Psychological subjects (21 or over,
for. drug experiments).
1-Arts and crafts supervisor (Friday
evenings 7-10 p.m.).
1--bul-time typist for two -weeks.

rTEN ON CAMBRIDGE snowbanks, they,
y, is the message, "Dr. Binger lies." It is
'but if you read his article in the current
i expecting an explanation of the pres-
college puts on girls, you will be dis-
ted. If Binger thinks the problems of
rying to find love are especially acute
dents, he has some proving to do, and
if he thinks that "an identity crisis ...
at some time and in varying intensity
ctically every girl during her career in
is news, to a culture saturated with
y and crises.
not so important that social and aca-
crises occur as that the problems implicit
her education for women become very
ant when things are not going well. It
s very much, therefore, that a girl faces;
is between academic achievement and
ife, that she seeks a connection between
he is doing and her future life, and that'
ademic world pressures her to intellec-
all experience.
er observes that women seek husbands
in college, and that this aim is so
ant that girls conceal it not only from
but from themselves. And he proceeds to
the effects of young ,men's failure to
the security and approbation the girls
he ignores the evolution of women's edu-
since the time when participants were
d to be pioneers making their own place
ty, and apparently does not see that the
g popularity of higher education for
has destroyed the sense of a frontier
t creating places in society for educated
herefore does not observe that if girls
o get married and see no relation be-
their education and their futures, col-
comes a ritual, a pointless set of hurdles
vercome, and an utterly artificial invest-
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
'H McELDOWNEY,.......Associate City Editor
DONER... ................Personnel Director
S KABAKER.. . ........ Magazine Editor
APPLEBAUM.. Associate Editorial Director
3 WITECKI.................Sports Editor'
L GILLMAN;........ Associate Sports Editor:
Business Staff

ment of emotion into classes of activity with
little significance to the girl. He does not
tonclude that this unreality might be the
reason that so many girls seem to be grinds,
interested in grades because they never find
greater scope or meaning in education.
He also does not recognize the dilemma of
intelligent girls forced to compete academic-
ally with men who, on the whole, are not as
bright. Too, the need to once to succeed and
to seem not to work creates a real tension for
many who must work hard to do well.
But Binger is not concerned with these
pressures, primarily, it seems, because he
sees crises in terms of interpersonal relations
rather than institutional conflicts. And even
though he never says very much about the
effect education should have on its victims,; he
shows an acute sense of the defects of any
solution a girl may find. For half a page he
explores .the hazards of steady relationships,
then he says,
The foregoing description is of one kind
of behavior, but of one only ... There are,
of course, "popular" girls who have a dif-
ferent date every night, and like to keep
lots of boys on the string; idealistic, old
fashioned girls, perhaps with 'a religious
upbringing, who want to keep themselves
pure for the great love to come; shy, im-
mature girls who do not date .
His suggestions have an almost pathetic air.
He wants girls to have a chance to talk to
"reasonably mature adults." But almost every
therapist and educator alive thinks this would
be good-how is it to be achieved? Elsewhere
he informs us that, "We have no sure formula
to prevent the kind of depression I have de-
scribed in this article... But we can encourage
self-acceptance and a sense of identity."
His approach becomes doubly unfortunate
when he says, "It seems to me that educators
have at least the responsibility of looking facts
in the face. If they relax parietal rules suf-
ficiently to permit girls to go to boys' rooms
and remain there until late, then they should
realize what the consequences are likely to
be." He sounds like a prig, but'I do not think
that he intends to suggest that the need for
emotional engagement will vanish if the most
obvious opportunities are removed. Rather, he
is speaking for tht mental health movement
that maintains the necessity of treating emo-
tional problems as part of education, and he
seems to be trying to say that the college must
be directly responsible for the psychological
effects of its actions.
Because I am deeply sympathetic with this
outlook, I find the failure of his article to
present an analysis of the real pressures exert-

Urbanites Bid For Equalty

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
final article in a two-part analysis
of unequal representationinathe
U.S. House of Representatives and
the state legislatures.)
Daily Staff Writer
Representatives was designed
to be as a tool of the populace
and to reflect as perfectly as pos-
sible, a cross section of America.
In order to secure this aim,
federal law requires that after
every ten year census, the number
of representatives each state sends
to Congress must be readjusted to
conform to population shifts.
Every ten years, the states must
split the 435 member Congres-
sional body along new lines.
But since the actual division
within a state is usually left up
to state legislatures, the equity
of American congressional district-
ing is hampered by the same poli-
tical gerrymandering which af-
flicts state legislative districts. It.
is a tactic which has been used
with great 'success by both poli-
tical parties at various times and
in varying regions of the nation.
Thus James Roosevelt's Cali-
fornia constituency winds And
twines through urban and sub-
urban Los Angeles, picking up on
its way the Mexican, Negro and
Jewish communities. All are load-
ed into a single Democratic zone,
thus assuring Republicans in other
districts that -the Democratic-
voting minorities will not be able
to tip scales in their areas.
inequality arises from the fan-
tastic inequality in the size of
Congressional districts. In the
eighty-seventh Congress, James B.
Utt of California will represent'
1,007,140 voters, while John B.
Bennett of Michigan's Twelfth
district in the Upper Peninsula,
will represent 175,968.
In Bennett's case, the small size
of his district is the deliberate pro-
duct of a Republican legislature
which has squeezed large numbers
of nemoc rtsirtn am nwS.ern

Southwestern Wayne County
where the population is 803,456.
SUCH A SITUATION is not only
inequitable and undemocratic, but
plainly foreign to the intentions
of the framers of the Constitution.
It exists because of the powerful
GOP-farm-conservative block in
the state legislature and because
of a tendency even among the
urban public to glorify the north-
ern region and its rough and tough
pioneer citizens.
This latter position is consistant
with the American "agrarian
myth" which equates "being close
to the soil" with all that is glorious
and virtuous in American society.
Perhaps if these citizens would.
substitute the word "dirt" for
soil," public pressure might en-

hance the chance for more equit-
able districting. The idea that pine
trees, lakes, and trout need rep-
resentation in the United States
ICbngress obviously needs some
critical thinking.
Such an opportunity ;now pre-
sents itself in Michigan. As a re-
sult of the 1960 census, Michigan
will pick up an additional seat in
the House. The new 19th district
can either rise out of the northern
woods and thus so dify the exist-
ing inequalities or can be carved
out of a heavily populated area to
provide more accurate representa-
* * *
merelydivide Wayne County's 16th
district, but since this would re-
sult in another Democratic Con-

To Th. Editor -~~

gressman. it is sure to be downed
by the GOP. Rep. George Mont-
gomery has come with a minch
grander plan which would redraw
boundaries of every district to
guarantee that the largest des-
crepancy between any two con-
stituencies would be 72,333. But
6ain, this plan. would hurt the
Montgomery has been' admon-
ished by the press because of his
lack of "compromise." It is point-
ed out that the Republican legis-
lature will never assent to such
a -scheme and that the Democrats,
if they back Montgomery, will only
strangle all redistricting legisla-
But the newspapers do not real-
ize that the "compromise" they
request is one between inequity
and democracy - a compromise
which should not have to be made.
act before the 1962 Congressional
election, the new Congressman will
be elected at large, and most ob-
servers predict that this would
result in a Democratic victory.
Thus, pressure is on the Republi-
cans to provide a measure which
will not hinder their party, but at
the same time will escape Gover-
nor Swainson's possible veto. Com-
plicating the GOP's task is the
fact that any attempt to redraw
district lines is bound to meet
with resistance from the repre-
sentatives involved. When a Con-
gressman's constituency is chang-
ed, no matter how small the ad-
justment, new people mean less
political security.
Yet the dilemma which the
Michigan legislature faces is not
nearly so great as the problems of
states which have lost population.
New York and Pennsylvania must
redistrict away two and three seats
respectively, or face the alternative
of electing all Congressmen at
require time-consuming and ex-
pnsaiu mnaans fnenr,. esneoan-

Rebels in Search ..
To the Editor:
T TUESDAY'S recital by Mr.
Szeryng in Hill Auditorium two
men stationed in the corridor be-
hind the second balcony per-
formed a vocal duet which dis-
turbed many ticket holders during
three movements of a Beethoven
sonata. Since we pay to hear music,
not conversation, I hope that
something will be done to prevent
such a disturbance at future con-
certs. Should an usher not be
commissioned to silence both those
whose behavior contradicts their
mature appearance, as well as any
noisy students?
-James Toy, Grad.
Best Fishes . * *
To the Editor:'
Daily's being named winner in
the Overseas Press Club competi-
tion, It is indeed grntifving tn

Discouraged .
To the Editor:
I FIND IT discouraging that the
heretofore great University of,
Michigan has been reduced to a
state of slavery; for you surely
are no longer free; your silence
has enslaved you.
In an article in the Saturday'
Review -(Feb. 18, 1961, p.6) an
incident occuring in TThompson;
Michigan is reported. It reports a
school teacher fired from his job
and arrested because he permitted
his students to read "The Stran-
ger" by Camus. State police, call-
ed in by the school board, search-
ed his classroom and home, and
destroyed "Crime and Punish-
ment"-a dangerous book indeed!
* * *
HOW HAVE THE people at the
University of Michigan responded-
to this? If not by silence, at least
not in a voice loud enough to be
heard as far away as West Vir--

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