THE MICHIGAN DAILY MERICAN ASTRONAUTS--These three men, selected from a group of seven volunteer astronauts, ill be the first men to ride a United States rocket into outer space. From left to right, Alan hepard, John Glenn and Virgil Grissom began final training for their mission yesterday, when the reject Mercury space capsule they will ride was successfully tested for the trip into space. pace apsue Survives Flight Burma Mob Stages Riot Against U.S. RANGOON M)- Gunfire of Burmese troops yesterday crushed the biggest anti-American dem- onstration ever seen in this neu- tral nation. Steel-helmeted soldiers opened up with automatic weapons on a mob estimated at 1,000 persons outside the United States embas- sy. Bullets seriously injured five of the mob, which had proved too rough for police to handle. Thirty-five rioters and three policemen were seriously hurt in earlier hand-to-hand fighting. The demonstrators were protest- ing the supplying of United States- markedarms to Chinese Nation- alist guerrillas holed up in, the jungle along the Burma-Thailand border. United States officials are in- vestigating to determine how the weapons got to the guerrillas, for- mer soldiers of Chiang Kai-shek. They stayed behind when Chiang's armies moved to Formosa after the Chinese Communists conquer- ed mainland China in 1949. Police threw up barricades 25 yards from the embassy and used tear gas bombs and fire hoses to fight off most of the rioters, Some, however, stormed the barricades and battled the police with sticks and stones. The troops then rushed to the embassy. A government order ban- ing gatherings of 10 or more per- sons was read but the demonstra-, tors shouted anti-American slo- gans and moved forward. The troops fired, mostly into the air, and the crowd fled. AFL-CIO Plans To Put Assets In Mortgages MIAMI BEACH' (MP-The AFL- CIO announced yesterday its un- ions are preparing to spur home construction by shifting $1 billion or more union assets out of stocks and bonds into middle income home mortgages. George, Meany, AFL-CIO presi- dent, said plans under way for a year are now about to be put in- to effect. The federation has es- tablished its own investment de- partment. to channel union treas- ury, pension and welfare funds in- to government - insured home, mortgages. ' Meany said the move has a three-fold aim, to put money into a safe and useful field that will draw better interest than govern- ment bonds, to bring down home costs, and to encourage construc- tion and thus the entire economy. Meany calculated the union mortgage investment would run to $1' billion minimum. He said no- body knows for sure how much unions have available in various funds. Keninedy Urges To End Airline +? I Strike Halts Air Travel; Losses Rise Federal Commission Investigates Dispute NEW YORK (P) - President1 John F. Kennedy yesterday ap- pealed for an end to the nation's1 worst airline strike. It has closed three of the big- gest passenger lines and all but shut down three others.- The White House plea was made1 through Secretary of Labor Ar-l thur J. Goldberg, after Kennedy had set up a three-member com- mission of university professors tot look into the dispute which led flight engineers to quit their jobs.E Goldberg said the airlines hadE promised him there would be no disciplinary action against the strikers and the secretary added:r "There is no legitimate reason for the men who have walked offE their jobs to remain off their{ jobs." Closed down completely,' their planes grounded by the hundreds, their ticket offices closed, were three of the country's four biggest airlines-American, Eastern and Trans World. Pan American, Na- tional and Western airlines also were struck, although they kept token service going. Fire Engineers1 At Los Angeles, Western Air-f lines during the day fired its 130: striking flight engineers and said they will be replaced by pilots as soon as the latter can be trained1 to handle the duties. Losses in revenue and salariest to the six airlines topped the $5 million a day mark as a result of the five-day wildcat strike of 3,-} X500 flight engineers. The liveli- hood of an estimated 250,000 per- sons was affected, including 84,000 employes of the struck airlines, who face indefinite layoffs. More than 125,000 passengers in New York alone have been dis- placed by cancelled flights since the strike began last Friday. Across the nation, the figure was several times that, with some communities isolated from the air. Effects of the tieup also were felt in Europe, South America, the Caribbean and Mexico, which are serviced in part by American air carriers. 77 Held in Contempt Meanwhile, Eastern. Airlines' flight engineers in Miami were1 held in contempt of Federal Court and fined $200,000 "or whatever, is in the treasury." Judge Emett C. Choate ruled that the Miami Council of Flight, Engineers was in contempt for not responding to a temporary re- straining order he issued Saturday commanding an end to a work stoppage. Choate refused an appeal bond but he offered to withhold action long enough to allow union attor- neys "to fly to Jacksonvile," Fla.,, to seek a reversal from a Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judge sitting there. After the union's sole witness, H. J. Rush, vice-chairman of the Miami council, testified that the entire airline was closed and that no members were reporting for1 work, the judge ruled the walkoutI was a concerted union strike. UNEMPLOYMENT STRESSED: President Presents, Priority Bill Listing WASHINGTON (M - President John F. Kennedy gave Congres- sional leaders a priority list of 16 bills yesterday with heavy empha-I sis on helping the unemployed.- The Democratic leaders, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana and1 House Speaker Sam Rayburn ofI Texas, promised speedy action. Topping Kennedy's list, as giv-t en out after the, weekly WhiteI House conference of legislative leaders with the President, werei these measures. 1. Emergency extension of un- employment compensation.- 2. Making the children of un- employed parents eligible for Fed- eral-state aid. 3. Providing more liberal Social Security benefits and extending coverage. 4. Setting up a program of Fed- eral aid for economically depress- ed areas. Variety of Subjects A dozen more measures on a variety of subjects followed. White House Press Secretary Pierre Sal- inger at first said the 16 bills were listed in order of priority but later he said all were priority measures and should be "under- taken at the earliest opportunity." The House Ways and Means Committee already has started hearings on the Emergency Un- employment Compensation bill and the Aid for Children measures and committee action is under way on the Depressed Areas Aid bill. The Social Security bill reached Congress from the 'White House only Monday.1 "I think now that we are going to have full steam ahead," Ray- burn told reporters after yester- day's White House breakfast meeting. He said he though Con- gress already is "moving pretty fast-as fast as is judicious." Fast as Possible Mansfield said he agreed that Congress is moving as rapidly as could be expected. World News Roundup By The Associated Press VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE-The Air Force said yes- terday it will make no attempt to recover the space capsule of the satellite Discoverer XX, because of an equipment malfunction. It was launched last Friday and original plans called for a recovery try after a record four days in or bit. * * * RIO DE JANEIRO-President John F. Kennedy's "Food for Peace" mission left yesterday aft- er surveying food needs in Rio de Janeiro and hard-pressed North- east Brazil. * *" s MOSCOW-The newly formed Soviet news agency will be called Novosti, the Russian word for news, Tass said yesterday. Tas, until now the only Soviet news agency, said Novosti is designed to promote understanding between nations. It gave no details of No- vosti's plans. In calling for speed on economic recovery measures, Kennedy said last week that "only by putting millions of unemployed back to work can we expand purchasing power and markets." ,The Emergency Unemployment Compensation bill would provide up to 13 weeks additional benefits for those who have exhausted their rights under existing law. Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg has estimated that three million more persons will suffer long term unemployment in the next 13 months. The House Banking Committee decided today to start hearings Friday on the aid for depressed areas bill. A Senate banking sub- committee is due to wind up its hearings on a similar measure next Tuesday. Polaris Sub LONDON () - A British nuclear, weapon group yeste threatened a mass attemp board a United States missile marine tender after it dock Scotland's Holy Loch. The vessel is the Proteus, w will provide Polaris missiles other supplies for American clear subs from its mooring in river Clyde. A spokesman for the Direct tion Committee Against Nu War said the plan to board Proteus was iabled to Pres John F. Kennedy in Washin The spokesman said the bo ing attempt will be made Mi at the end of a mammoth pr march 350 miles from Londo Holy Loch. The committee has taken in a number of recent anti-nu protests. It has been active Royal Air Force bases which been armed with American missiles ,which can carry nu warheads. Many of its follo have been jailed for breach the peace. Striker ako Walkot ry WJLW. 1 To Prot4 You will surely enjoy seeing all the fine patterns of Stainless Steel on display - Patterns created by Georg Jensen, Dansk Frasers, Lauffer and Gense-. JOHN LEID Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East L 11 ., r ,, 1 , ., f . .K _ t ... 'I THE JACQUELINE HAIR -DO !?Z For soft Fluid lines to flatter you! NO APPOINTMENTS NEEDED The Dascola Barbers near the Michigan Theater . . m : . . : I a , y. f t1 {{ t¢ ' D HEEL & il COUNSELORS rv ' for > . } FRESHMAN RENDEZVOUS needed for next September Fringe fashion benefits. a citified all cotton check cut to a wonderful sheath shape; with fringed ties for trim.. Blue, or beige. 5 to 15. 35.95 $ 3 if I I, S$ S; ,+. Help acquaint freshmen with University life ! APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE I vIG JI i "."S I I i