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February 19, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-19

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YDs, YRs Split on HUAC at Wisconsin



ADISON-The Young Demo-
and Young Republicans at
University of Wisconsin have
on tle issue of condemning
House Un-American Activi-
le YDs have begun a drive
ughout the state to condemn
committee and its highly-
cized film "Operation Aboli-
which purportedly shows
students are being used as
s" of Communism.
it fifty members of the YR
recently approved by ac-
ation a resolution supporting
committee's activities. They
. areas in which the commit-
has made contributions "per-
it to legislation."
uidents at Moravian College
the University of Washington
recently voted to censure the
roversial film..
* * *.
INCETON - Princeton Uni-
ty President Robert F. Go-
has reported that while the
ber of applicants to most

Ivy League schools has declined
this year, their scholastic quality
is still on the rise.
The decline was not because of
disenchantment with the insti-
tutions, but rather that high
school counseling has been more
effective, he said.
At a press conference, Goheen
said that "although the over-all
number, of applicants is down
from last year, the number of
qualified applicants has risen ap-
"Secondary schools," he added,
"are exercising more care in re-
commending application to Ivy
League schools. We had fewer
clearly nonqualified applicants
this years than ever before."
Those schools reporting a de-
.cline in applicants this year- in-
cluded Princeton, Yale, Harvard
and Columbia universities.
* * *
ETHLEHEM, Pa.-Following a
recommendation from its faculty,
the Lehigh University Board of
Trustees abolished compulsory
ROTC last week.

The action came after a long
series of student protests. Last
year, the student government
asked for the action several times,
and during the spring, a three-day
series of demonstrations was or-
* * *
SEATTLE - University of
Washington students have asked
their president and board of re-
gents for the elimination of com-
pulsory ROTC programs, as the
Board of Control unanimously ap-
proved the plan.
Surveys have indicated that a
majority of the students in the
basic required course are enrolled
against their willy and over 1,000
students signed a petition calling
for the modification.
The Department of Defense has
agreed to let individual campuses
decide on the question, and both
the Navy and Air Force have,
stated that voluntary programs
meet their need for officers but
the Army has insisted on the
compulsory program.
MADISON - The University of
Wisconsin Socialist Club will par-
ticipate in a "Walk for Peace"
from March 26 through April 1.
The march will be sponsored by
the American Friends Service
Committee and the Fellowship of.
The group will leave Madison
enroute to Milwaukee and Chicago
simultaneously with the Alder-
maston March in England, which
will be sponsored by the Campaign
for Nuclear Disarmament. The

British march has set a goal of
500,000 participants.
Individual responsibility to act
for peace combined with unilateral
initiatives to break the nuclear
arms race are some of the pur-
poses given for both walks for
CHAPEL HILL - Singing "Holy,
Holy, Holy," 60 Negroes marched
through downtown Chapel Hill,
home of the University of North
Carolina, Sunday afternoon, pro-
testing segregation in the town's
second "prayer march" within a
The Negroes - adults, students,
and children - concluded their
half-hour 'march with a prayer
service in front of the Town Hall.
Last Wednesday another group
of 60 persons had marched the
same route to the Town Hall,
where two prayers were given.
The marches were both sup-
ported by the local National As-
sociation for the Advancement of
Colored People.
Miller To View
'Decision Making'
Miami University President John
Miller will view "The New Sci-
ence of Decision-Making" at 8
p.m. tomorrow in the East Con-
ference Rm. of the Rackham
The Institute of Public Admin-
istration and the American So-
ciety for Public Administration are
sponsors of the lecture.

Premiere Performances
To Highlight Concerts

Rushing Party Rou es

uciano Berion, Italian com-
er and director of the Electric
sic Studio of Milan, will present
first in a series of concerts
turing new music of American
European composers at 8:30
. Friday and Saturday at the
I Unitarian Church.
e will be assisted by an cn-
ibiQ of six musicians which will
ude Cathy Berberian, mezzo-
rano. They will play works by
lo, Maderna, Bussotti, Pous-
, Cage, and, Ramati. The se-
d program, to be given Satur-
, will consist of works by young
erican composers living in or
r Ann Arbor. Electronic music
be featured. Tickets may be
wined from the Dramatic Arts
ter, Post Office Box 179, Ann
Ames Travelogues . .
he sixth annual series of the
ton Holmes Travelogues will
n at 8:30 p.m. Thursday at
And. Motion pictures in na-
I color will guide the viewer
ugh "The Countryside, of Eng-,
1." Buses, steamers, bicycles
trains will take him to the
uresque villages and towns
r London. Tickets may be pur-
sed at the Platform Attractions
Office in Hill Aud.
owering Peach' . .
lifford Odet's "The Flowering
eh" will be presented by the
i Arbor Civic Theatre at 8 p.m.
rsday through Saturday at the
a Mendelssohn Theatre. Tick-
may be purchased at the
tre box office.
ch Lecture-Recital ...
*of. John Flower o fthe music
irtment will present the 10th
series of lecture-recitals en-
d "Johann Sebastian Bach's
-ess To Prnt
rmin Series
he University Press will pub-
eight new An Arbor paper-
:s on April &'
iree of the volumes form a
s entitled "Gateway to the
dle Ages" by Eleanor Shipley
kett. The trilogy includes the
:s entitled "Italy," "France"
her volumes on the Spring
ication schedule i n c l u d e
stration" by Norman Maier,
;uste Comte and Positivism"
John Stuart Mill, "Hobbes"
ir 'Leslie Stephen, "Voices of
Industrial Revolution," edit-
y John Bowditch and Clement
sland and "The Image" by
neth Boulding of the econom-

Well-Tempered Clavier" at 4:15
p.m. Monday in Aud. A, Angell
Hall. The program will include
six Bach preludes and fugues.
Victorian Age Via TV...
"A Music Pioneer" will be pre-
sented at 9 a.m. today over
WXYZ-TV. London-born cellist
May Mukle will discuss music in
the Victorian age in which she
was. born. The program is a part
of the "Understanding Our World"
Religion and Family .
The Rev. William Genne feels
that religion can add a vital "third
dimension" to family life. This and
other ideas will be presented on
"Religion and the t Family" at 12
noon, today over WWJ-TV. Rev.
Geene's discussion is featured in
the series "Family Living."
Faculty Concert.. .
A concert by the Baroque Trio
will be broadcast from Rackham
Lecture Hall over WUOM at 8:30
p.m. Tuesday. Works by Albinoni,
Bononcini, Sammartini, Scarlatti,
Staffani and Veracini will be pre-
sented by the trio composed of
faculty members of the music

Try FOL LETT'S First
New Books If You Prefer

This year's 1,457 rushees are by now old hands at attending
They began the round Friday night when they went to five
parties, and added another nine yesterday afternoon and evening.
Today they will attend the last eight mixers concluding their first
visits to all 22 University sorority houses.
Tomorrow the rushees will pick up their invitations to the
second set of parties which will be held Monday and Tuesday.
At any time during rush, rumors which rushees report to their
rushing counselors are posted on the "Panhel Rumor Board" along
with answers. While some questions are founded in fact, many
things rushees hear are "just rumors." For this reason; they are
urged to check the board frequently outside the Michigan League
Undergraduate Office.
During the third set of parties rushees get a chance to see more
of the sorority house and visit the actives in their rooms. They are
entertained with skits and songs during the fourth set.
Final desserts are held March 2 and 3. Rushees receive their in-
vitations to pledge March 5. For them the fun will be just beginning,
and the weary IBM machine which processes the endless rushing
cards will at last be able to rest.

MARCH 5-After picking up their invitations at the Michigan
League, the rushees, soon to be rushees no more, hurry to their
new sorority houses to greet their, sorority sisters and begin
pledge activities.


in A. A*

From 11:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. . . . Monday-Friday
The Finest Classical Selections

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of The University of Michigan Art Faculty
at the Rackham galleries, 3rd floor of the Rackham Building
open daily except Sunday 10:00 A.M ,to 10:00 P.M.

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MIXERS-After the first nervous "what's your major?" rushees and actives enjoy informal talks. ... rumors fly

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