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February 19, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-19

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alker, Denver Overwhelm Michigan Icemen,


ioneers Tally Three Straight
fter EarlyWolverine Score
(Continued from Page 1)

'd lift a short one into a corner
slide a quick one under goalie
we Butts.,
The hat trick was Walker's
ath of the season. Every goal
scores from here on out sets
new league record.
The game wasn't as one-sided
the score would indicate as a
venge - minded Michigan team
ared onto the ice last night in-
nt on beating' the vaunted-
Early Lead
After seven minutes of well-
ayed hockey, with all three
ichigan lines working the cor-
rs for the puck, the Wolverines
ok a 1-0 lead that set the lar-
st crowd in five years roaring.
'Walker Night'
Butts G Kirkwood
Paenstein D Howe
Rodgers D Munro
Berenson C Masterton
Hinnegan W Walker
Babcock- W Beatty

An innocent looking faceoff to
the right of Denver goalie George
Kirkwood proved to be the ice-
breaker. Senior center Pat Cush-
ing pulled the draw back to wing-
er John McGonigal, and in the
second before Pioneer defensemen
closed in, McGonigal wound up
and drilled a 15-ft. slap shot past
the startled Kirkwood.
Just after the 14-minute mark
of the opening period, Michigan's
upset dream began to crumble.
Walker Scores
Walker, on his way to a hat-
trick-plus-one notched the first
with a little backhand shot while
standin gin front of Butts. Thirty
seconds later hustling left wing
Terry Lomnes picked a loose puck
up at Michigan's blue line, skated
down the boards and passed to
Paul Josephson for the lead Den-
ver never gave up.
What proved to be the winner
was another Walker production-
a shor tpoke past Butts at 18:04
from the right side.
The second period was unmarred
by anything as exciting as a scor-
ing attempt by either team. The
play slowed down and only when
Michigan defenseman Tom Wilson
was shaken up on a play did the.
crowd show much interest. Wilson
returned to play later.
Two Scoring Chances
The Wolverines had the only
two opportunities to score, getting
power chances twice, but only
getting off a single shot the first
time and three. the second.
The game grew heated and
Michigan got another mower play
chance, but Kirkwood stoicly kick-
ed out everything directed his way.
Then the roof fell in.
Michigan made the mistakes

and Denver was there to capitalize
on them. Number four was Wal-
ker's hat-trick-goal-a low shot
from the side during a two-on-
one DU break.
Jerry Duffus made it 5-1, cap-
ping a pretty set up..
Kelly Scores
Bill Kelly gave Michigan fans
a final chance toeroar before they
went home to sleep on the route.
The little junion center broke
free of the ever-present Pioneer
defensemen and roared in on Kirk-
wood from straight in front. He
faked, then slipped a low shot
into the lower left corner when he
was practically eye-to-eye witha
the Denver netminder.
Walker wasn't through though,
and as the crowd headed for the
exits, he fired his fourth of the
night past Butts to set the final at
It was kind of like frosting on
the cake.

-Daily-James Warne
second line moves for a shot in last night's 6-2 loss to Denve
Defending (left to right in white) are goalie George Kirkwoo
(1), and defensemhen Jack Wilson (3) and Grant Munro (6
Wolverines (left to right in black) are Joe Lunghammner, Da
MacDonald and Bill Kelly.


Grapplers Win Ninth Straight



First Period Scoring-M-McGoni-
I (Cushing) 1:38, D - Walker
eatty) 14:20, D-Josephson (Lov -
s) 14:51, D-Walker (Beatty, Mas-
ton) 18:02. Penalties: none.
econd Period Scoring- None.
nalties: D-Wilson (holding) 8:08,
-Howe (interference) 16:13, M-
nghamer (hooking) 18:03..
third Period Scoring-D-Walker
fasterton) ,9:19,, D-Duffus (Lo-
ny, Lomnes) 12:21, M-Kelly (un-
isted) 13:19, D-Walker (Master-
a) 18:26. Penalties: M-Palenstein
Sghstickng) 1:04, D-Howe (high-
eking) 1:04, D-Beatty (cross-
ecking) 6:25, D-Howe (holding)
6, M--Macdonald (slashing) 6:36.
CHIGAN 1 0 1 2
NVER 30 3 6

Gymnasts Win Againl79y32
Special to The Daily ,

tts (M),
kwood (D)

9 9 4 22
5 12 15 32

(Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwarf', "The Many
Loves of Dobie GUs", etc.)
Illustrated below is the membership pin of a brand-new national
fraternity called Signa Phi Nothing. To join Signa Phi Nothing
and get this hideous membership pin absolutely free, simply
take a pair of scissors and cut out the illustration and paste it
to your dickey.
tet me hasten to state that I do not recommend your joining
Signa Phi Nothing. The only thing I recommend in this column
is Marlboro cigarettes, as any honest man would who likes a
filtered cigarette with an unfiltered taste, who yearns to settle
back and enjoy a full-flavored smoke, whose heart is quickened
by a choice of soft pack or flip-top box and who gets paid every
week for writing this column.
It is difficult to think of any reason why you should join
Signa Phi Nothing. Some people, of course, are joiners by
nature; if you are one such I must tell you there are any number
of better organizations than Signa Phi Nothing for you to join-
the Mafia, for example.
But if you should join Signa Phi Nothing, let me give you
several warnings. First off, it is the only fraternity that admits
girls. Second, there, is no pledge period; each new member im-
mediately goes active. Perhaps "inactive" is a more accurate
term; there are no meetings, no drives, no campaigns, no sports,
no games, no dues, no grip, and no house.
The only thing Signa Phi Nothing has that other fraternities
have is a fraternity hymn. In fact, two hymns were submitted
4 0
-- I
r -_
to a recent meeting of the national board of directors (none of
whom attended). The first hymn goes:
Hotcha, boop-boop-a-doop,
Mother's making blubber soup.
The second hymn is considerably longer:
A Guernsey's a cow,
A road is a lane,
When you're eating chow,
Remember the mein!
Pending the next meeting of the national board of directors,
which will never be held, members are authorized to sing either
hymn. Or, for that matter, Stardust.
Perhaps you are asking why there should be such a fraternity
as Signa Phi Nothing. I will give you an answer-an answer
with which you cannot possibly disagree: Signa Phi Nothing
fl a well-needed gap.
Are you suffering from mental health? Is logic distorting
your thinking? Is ambition encroaching on your native sloth?
Are your long-cherished misapprehensions retreating before a
sea of facts? In short, has education caught up with you?
If so, congratulations. But tell the truth-wouldn't you like
to make an occasional visit back to the good old days when you
were not so wise and composed and industrious-when you

COLUMBUS - Captain Rich
Montpetit won three events and
placed second in two others fast
night to lead Michigan's undefeat-
ed Wolverines to a 79-32 gym-
nastic win over Ohio State at
Michigan, in winning its sixth
straight dual meet of the season,
won six of the seven events in the
one-sided affair. Gil Larose won
two events and Tom Osterland
added another first place for the
high-flying Wolverines.
Montpetit enjoyed one of his
better nights of the season as he
accounted for 26 of his team's 79
markers. His first place finishes
included the side horse, high bar,
and parallel' bars, while both his
runner-up finishes were to team-
mate Larose, in the free exercise
and rings.
While the always consistent
Montpetit was piling up the
points, however, it was tarose,
his Canadian counterpart, who put
on the best performance of the
evening with his victory in the
free exercise. The sophomore sen-
sation from Montreal amassed
93.5 points in the event to Mont-
petit's 88 to mark the fourth
straight meet in which he has
either won or tied for first in the
Tom Gomps proved to be Ohio
State's only bright spot of the eve-
ning when he upset Wolverine
standout Osterland in the tram-
poline. Osterland was outpointed,
93.5-92, and went down in defeat
for the first time this. year.
Osterland, last year's runner-up
in the NCAA and NAAU trampo-
line championships went on to win
the tumbling event, however,
while Gomps failed to place in any
of the other events.
The Wolverines, showing the
team strength and depth that has
carried them through all six of
their victories this season, placed
Six Straight
TRAMPOLINE - 1. Gomps (0),
93.5; 2. Osterland (M); 3. Smith (O);
4. Erenburg (M); 5. Syncans (0).
FREE. EXERCISE-1. Larose (M),
93.5; 2. Montpetit (M); 3. Spicer
(M); 4. Syncans (0).
SIDE HORSE-1. Montpetit (M),
90.5; 2. Turner (O); 3. Hynds (M);
4. Kattleman (O); 5. Dumarchi (O).
HIGH BAR-1. Montpetit (M),
90.5; 2. Dumarchi (0); 3. (tie)
Hynds (M) and Larose (M).
PARALLEL BARS-1. Montpetit
(M), 91.5; 2. Hynds (M); 3. Du-
niarchi (O); 4. Donaldson (O).
RING S- i. Larose (M), 92; 2.
Montpetit (M); 3. Bromund (M); 4.
Dumarchi (O).
TUMBLING - 1. Osterland (M),
88.5; 2. Brown (M); 3. Spicer (M);
4. Brodsry (O).

1-2-3 in three events, the free ex-
ercise, still rings, and tumbling,
and added a 1-2 finish in the par-
allel bars.
Michigan Coach Newt Loken had
very little to say after the meet.
His only comment on the Wolver-
ine victory was a very modest,
"The boys did very well."

MAN in I t'tkn

When informed of Michi
State's 722-3912 victoryo
Minnesota, however, he ad'
"They're going to be tough. It1
be our biggest meet of the ye
The Spartans play host
Michigan Tuesday night at E

Michigan's undefeated, wrestlers
made it nine straight yesterday
afternoon, as Northwestern fell
prey to the powerful Wolverines,
"It was a great meet" com-
mented Michigan mat coach Cliff
Keen whose grapplers won six of
the ten matches, lost three and
tied one.
Of the Michigan victories, two
were won by pins, two on points,
one by default, and one by for-
Fink Wins Decision
The hgihlight of the meet was
the last match of Karl Fink's vic-
tory over Northwestern's Rory
Weber, last year's Big Ten
heavyweight champion and unde-
feated this year in six matches,
tried several times to take Fink
down but in each instance the
Michigan heavyweight thwarted
his efforts.
The big Northwesterner- scored
first when he got one point for
an escape to a neutral position,
but Fink came right back for the
equalizer by escaping from Weber.
Gains Victory
It looked like a tie match which
probably would have been a moral
victory for the greatly outweighed
Michigan heavyweight. Fink how-
ever, refused to accept the tie and
with about 30 seconds left in the
match, took Weber down to gain
his victory.
Willard Root at 115 lbs. scored
his second victory of the year and
set the pace for the Wolverine
victory when he pinned Stan
Schrager at 0:54 in the first match
of the meet.
Michigan's undefeated Don Cor-
riere, wrestling at 167 lbs., regis-
tered Michigan's second pin of
the afternoon as he completely
overpowered Northwestern's Jo
Corriere wasted no time in tak-
ing his opponent to the mat, but
the stubborn Northwesterner
fought to avoid the pin. Corriere,
maintaining his position, pressed
on and at 1:59 Sampson finally
Short Shorts
To the delight of the crowd,
Corriere wore a pair of shorts
which unlike the usual wrestling
tights, were cut about four inches
above the knees.
Michigan's Fritz Kellerman, at
137 lbs., won his match by de-
fault. His opponent Northwestern's
Mick Sawyer, trailing 5-0, was
thrown to the mat by Kellerman,
and called time out, appearing to
be hurt in the arm.
After examining Sawyer, the
Northwestern coach stopped the
match, which gave Kellerman the
victory. The nature and severity of
Sawyer's injury is still unknown.
115-bs.-Root (M) pinned Shrager
(N) 0.54.
123-tbs. - Armelagos (M) tied
Crabtree (N) 3-3.
130-lbs.-Wonders (N) def. No-
sanchuo (M) 9-2.
137-ibs.-Kellerman (M) de. Saw-
yer (N), default.
147-lbs.-Millican (N) def. Hilde-
brandt (M) 10-2.
157-bs.-Blaker (M) def. Davidson
(N), 4-3.
17-lb3. - Corriere (M) pinned
Sampson (N) 1:59.
177-ibs.-Fitzgerald (M) won by for-
19-lbs.-Jaklick (N) def. Barden
(M) 7-3.
Hwt.-Fink (M) def. Weber (N)


In other Wolverine victories Jim
Blaker at 157 lbs. outpointed his
opponent 4-3, and Dennis Fitz-
gerald won his match by forfeit.
Wildcat Victories
The Wildcats, although - they
didn't pin any of the Wolverines,
won their three matches by large'
Tom Wonders, the Northwest-
erner, wrestling at 130 lbs., out-
classed Michigan's Mel Nosanchuk,
and won his match by the strong
score of 9-2.
At 147 lbs. Don Millican de-
feated Michigan's Wilfred Hilde-
brandt by the score of 10-2, and

-Daly-James Warneka
WEBER IN TROUBLE--Michigan's heavyweight, Karl Fink, is
giving Northwestern's Rory Weber, who has a. leg hold on Fink, a
hard time. Fink's 3-1 victory was the climax of the very exciting
meet, which the Wolverines won, 28-1i.
Swimmers Beat Badgers
As Thrasher Sets Record

at 191 lbs. Michigan's previously
unbeaten sophomore, Jack Barden,
was outpointed 7-2 by Northwest-
ern's Al Jaklich.
In a hard-fought match, Michi-
gan's Armelagos wrestled North-
western's Joe Crabtree to a 3-3
Keen was pleased with the Mich-
igan victory but the Wolverine
mentor also was aware of the
important dual meet with Michi-
gan State on Monday.
"It's going to be a tough one,"
said the veteran coach in referring
to the meet with MSU at Yost
Fieldhouse at 4 p.m.

J7IS IS THE story of a piece of paper. It's pretty cheap paper-
commonly known in newspaper offices as copy paper.
This particular piece of paper went with me to the hockey game
last night. It was going to be used to take notes -- notes on the
Denver hockey team. This team won the NCAA championship last
March in Boston and is well on its way to copping its second straight
national championship without much of a challenge from anyone.
It's in my shoe now-the paper, that is. It was wet last night
and I've got a hole in my sole. By the time the first period was over
it seemed like a pretty good idea to plug up the hole. It gets cold
in the Coliseum.
Besides ... there wasn't much else you could do with the piece
of paper.
What could you take notes on? All you could do was sit there
in awe as the Denver machine rolled on.
What can you say when Michigan plays two of Its better games
of the year . .. and gets beaten twice? What can you say when you
fire more shots at Denver goalie George Kirkwood than he has seen
in a single game all season . . . and still get geaten by four goals?
What can you say when a guy that can't skate' especially well and
doesn't set up many plays stands around in front of your goalie and
gets four goals?
Not much.
THE FRIGHTENING THING about the evening was the simple fact
that Michigan did play a better than average game. They only
let up a couple of times-and got scored on in the process.
A defenseman would carry the puck too far away from his body
and seconds later a Denver wing was racing down the boards with it
-a red-faced Michigan defender hot in pursuit.
Or try a long pass across ice to a breaking forward. That was
just a joke as white shirts converged on it half-way to destination.
For pure beauty you have to remember the Denver front line
moving as a single body into the offensive zone, every pass precise--
every pass clinging to Denver sticks like glue.
For pure futility remember three or four Michigan power play
chances ... and the one or two puny shots on goal each time Denver
had a man in the sin bin.
But sometimes a shot got through (more often than usual in
fact) and a few of them were even hard shots.
And then there was George Kirkwood (profession: goalie). Before
the series there were Doubting Thomases who pointed to the few
stops the All-American netminder has been having to make per
game. Converts to belief in the ability of the DU goalie can join
this corner in a belated salute.
No, the paper didn't get much use. You don't have to take notes
to remember the weekend show. To be sure, Denver isn't invincible-
Michigan Tech proved that early this year. But it's getting around to
that time when someone is going to have to prove it again. You
don't need notes on a piece of paper to remember that, either,
I'm glad I shoved that blank sheet of copy paper in my shoe
last night. It was wet outside.


Special to The Daily
MADISON - Michigan's power-
ful swimming team swept to an
easy 63-42 victory over an out-
manned Wisconsin squad here yes-
Competing in the Badgers old
fashioned 20-yd. pool, the Wolver-
ines took seven of eleven first
despite the fact that many of the
team's top swimmers didn't even
make the. trip.
Highlighting the win was Steve
Thrasher's first place finish in
the seldom swum -160-yd indivi-
dual medley. His time of 1:39.7 set
a new NCAA record.
Wisconsin's top performer, free-
styler Ron McDevitt, won two
events and swam the anchor leg
on the winnig freestyle relay team.
In 60-yd. event, he turned in a
time of :27.6 to whip Michigan's
Jim Kerr. In the 100-yd. event,
he upset Michigan Captain and
defending Big Ten champion,
Frank Legacki, with a time of
:49.6. The Badgers fourth victory
was in the medley relay.
. Other first place finishers for
Michigan were Warren Uhler in
the 440-yd. freestyle, Bob Webster,
in diving, Terry Slonaker in the
200-yd. butterfly, Steve Reissing
in the 200-yd. backstroke, Win
Pendelton in the 440-yd. freestyle
and Ken Ware in the 200-yd.

Next Saturday the Wolverines
will meet the Buckeyes of Ohio
State at 3 p.m. in the Varsity
Pool. This will be the last dual
meet before the Conference meet,
to be held March 3,. 4 and 5 in
400-YD. MEDLEY RELAY-1, Wis-
consin (Clothier, Smrzina, Berms,
Stroker), 2 Michigan. Time-3:54.7.
220-YD. FREESTYLE - 1. Uhler
(M), 2. Birmingham (W), 3. Pendel-
ton (M). Time--2:02.2.
60-YD. FREESTYLE-i. McDevitt
(W), 2. Kerr (M), 3. DeJesus (W).
160-YD. IND. MEDLEY-1. Thrasher
(M), 2. Huffaker (M),'3. Hope (W).
Time- 1:39.7. (New NCAA record.)
DIVING-1. Webster (M), 2. Cox
(M), 3. Stulgawattis (W). Points-
200-YD. BUTTERFLY-1. Slonaker
(M), 2. Pettinger (M), 3.s Easton
(W). Time---2:11.1.
100-YD. FREESTYLE-1. McDevitt
(W), 2. Legacki (M), 3. Kerr (M).
200-YD. BACKSTROKE--1. Reis-
sing (M), 2. Duing (W), 3. Clothier
(W). Time--2:11.0,
440-YD. FREESTYLE-1. Pendleton
(M,2.Uler (M), 3. Mietzel (W).
Ware (M), 2. Skalinder (W), 3. Ful-
cher (W). Time-2:22.5.
Wisconsin (Hlertns, DeJesus, Birm-
ingham, McDevitt), 2. Michigan.



Toronto Downs Chicago, 5-2


Out-of-stock Books
Arriving Daily


By The Associated Press
TORONTO-The Toronto Maple
Leafs spotted Chicago two first
period goals and then roared back
to beat the Black Hawks,'5-2, in a
hard - hitting National- Hockey
League game last night.
It was the first NHL victory for
rookie goaltender Gerry McNa-
mara, who was playing his second
game as a replacement for in-
jured Johnny Bower.
Toronto goals were scored by
Frank Mahovlich, rookie Dave
Keon, Billy Harris, Bob Nevin and
defenseman Carl Brewer. Maho-
vlich's goal was the 44th of' the
season for the big leftwinger,
leaving him only six short of
equalling the one-season record
of 50 set by Maurice Richard of
Montreal in 1944-45.
Montreal 7, New York 4
MONTREAL - Bernie (Boom
Boom) Geoffrion, leading point-
getter in the National Hockey
League, scored three goals last
night to lead the Montreal Cana-

diens to a 7-4 triumph over the
New York Rangers.
Jean Beliveau scored two of
Montreal's other goals and also
had two assists.
* * ,
Detroit 5, Boston 1
DETROIT--Norm Ullman at-
tained the 20-goal mark for the
fourth straight season, won a wild,
fist-swinging battle from Boston's
Art Ericksen, and led the Detroit
Red Wings to a 5-1 triumph yes-,
The usually mild-mannered Ull-
man scored his 20th goal early in
the final period, and 10 seconds
later got involved in a bruising
duel with Erickson.
* * *
Los Angeles 121, New York 106
NEW YORK-The Los Angeles
Lakers protected their second-
place lead in the Western Divi-
sion of the National Basketball
Association yesterday by defeating
the New York Kni'kerbockers, 121-

106, in a nationally televised game
at Madison Square Garden.
Elgin Baylor and Frank Selvy
each scored 28 points and paced
the Los Angeles spurt that gave
the Lakers their sixth victory over
the Knicks in nine meetings.
St. Louis 141, Detroit 138
DETROIT-Bob Pettit equalled
the Olympia Stadium record for
individual scoring with 57 points
in leading the St. Louis Hawks to
a i41-138 victory over the flound-
ering. Detroit Pistons last night in
a National Basketball Association
Sinking 25 of 42 attempts from
the floor plus seven free throws,
Pettit matched the point output
of Los Angeles' Elgin Baylor,
made only last Thursday. It was
Pettit's career high.
Texas 71, Southern Methodist 65
Notre Dame 80, Portland 49
St. Bonaventure 7.8, DePaul 69
Cincinnati 81, ,Tulsa 52
Detroit 59, Chicago 39
Bradley 105, North Texas State 70
Washington 61, Southern California 55
Minnesota 3, Michigan Tech 2





a S* .S
(Min.age 19&completion of at least l year ofeCollege)

I Mf

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