Seventy-First Year _ EnrrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'e Opinions Are Free. UNDER AUTHORITY Of BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ruth Will reval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all repnts. Living ti AY, MAY 30, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH Freedom Must Ride With 'All Deliberate Speed' .IONAL director of the Congress of Racial Racial Equality James Farmer recently 3 a statement encouraging CORE mem- o extend the "Freedom Rides" to south- ailways and airlines. Highly trained groups ow organizing for this purpose. as, in spite of violence and a plea by At- y General Robert Kennedy for a "cooling period, Negro leaders plan to advance ly with courage, determination-and hope. s unrelenting will to fight injustice at all -even the cost of provoking violence- nts a paradoxical situation to supporters group dedicated to non-violence. It is this adiction which has led many people who e strongly in Negro rights to criticize the dom Riders" moving too quickly and thus Lug tension and hatred which may defeat original goals. considering the violence one must dis- ish between a group which intends to ge society by'inflicting violence upon an- group and one which seeks change igh non-violence-expecting to be the re victim rather than the aggressor in violence which is precipitated. In their geous effort, the "Riders" are acting with- eir constitutional-and legal rights; the tern whites who partiipate in mob vio- are not. Where the "Riders" are accused reaking a law" they are fully prepared to t the consequences; the white segrega- ts are not. ENE OBJECTS to the violence caused in s instance, he must also object to the ice created by enforcement of the school ration decision in New Orleans and in Rock. In both instances, individuals attempting to live freely within the scope eir guaranteed rights as citizens. Should ch efforts be stopped? leving -strongly in non-violence, the rs" would of course prefer to reach their through normal legal channels.. Yet past fence seems to indicate the necessity of nerely establishing laws, but of insuring' enforcement, and thus rendering them .ingful. At December the Supreme Court upheld the o's right, under the Interstate Commerce' to have access to integrated terminals or nal restaurants controlled by interstate portatioA lines. The Court's decision did :hange the situation significantly-as the dom Ride" has demonstrated in the last, reeks. IETHER considered just or unjust, a law s a mere formality unless it can be en- d. If in 1955 the Court had not established cedure for the desegregation of all schools, and offered federal protection to those who 1 attempted to implement ,it, the ruling might have been conveniently ignored by stubborn Southerners clinging desparately to the status quo. If the December Supreme Court decision had not been boldly tested by the "Freedom Riders," Greyhound and 'Trailways officials and man- agers and employes of Southern terminals could have remained comfortably oblivious of the fact that they were violating a national law. The Southerners wanted it this way; it was easier for bus company officials to leave change to time than to create unpleasant and unprofitable turmoil by pressuring their South- ern branches. THUS THE DRAMATIC IMPACT of the "Freedom Ride" has been necessary to force the government to act swiftly and resolutely to insure the implementation of the law. Yet, the ruling shall only have meaning when every Negro in the country is free to ride safely any- where in the South. To charges that in this determination the "Freedom Riders" are defeating their purpose, the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., leader of the 1955-56 Montgomery bus boycott answers: The Negro does not have any fear of being set back because he knows that the future is in his favor. He's determined to push and push and push until segregation is ended. He's tired of segregation. He's not willing to wait all those years that the moderates say are necessary." THE "MODERATES" are forgetting that nearly a century has passed since the end of the Civil War with only very slow progress in bringing equality to the American. Negro. Whether it takes another century before full equality is granted may be insignificant to many whites-and to the few Negroes who have seldom encountered prejudice.. But to the southern Negro who daily suffers injustice and the denial of rights, it is a situation which must be immediately rectified. ' Most important, they are forgettng that our own country might now be under British sovereignty if certain vigorous individuals had not believed that the individuals right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" were not worth fighting for, if they could be guaranteed in no other way. The direct non-violent struggle of the "Free-. dom Riders" to insure every individual his "inalienable rights" reasserts that some of the original American ideals persist in action as well as in writing. The Negro .is striving for equality with a spirit and principle whose foundation lies at the very base of the Ameri- can system. He must be supported. --IRIS BROWN (EDITOR's NOTE: This is the final segment of a two-part edi- torial.) By THOMAS HAYDEN Editor NCE IT WAS warm blue sun and very grassy, and I was beaten in a putting match by Lyle Nelson, a man who is un- fortunately. leaving Ann Arbor after several years of successfully spanning the contradictions in both human and a public relations man. Once Dean Rea found me some money, which made it possi- ble to attend a summer session. Sometimes in class a professor turned a stirring phrase, some- times I caught in my mind chang- ing or felt the deep-down chest heat that means a truth is form- ing there. And once I went to Michigras and liked the loop-the- loop. So now it is tough to think all darkly of the University that has often been so nice. The criticisms I have made are not made with- out knowledge of the University's greatness or its frequent kind- nesses. Speaking out without equi- vocation against the felt'wrongs is painful because people are hurt, but it is necessary too, if only because most of the speaking out today is, paradoxically, so pain- less, My deepest fear about the Uni- versity is the fear that we are adrift intellectually and human- ly,and that responsible flesh-and- blood leadership has been replaced by the reign of an almost undis- cussable tone which inhibits our' whole perception of the possibili- ties of human achievement. * * * THE BOGEY of. University size-would that we had not la- mented its existence so long and spent instead more hours seeking concrete means of living with it- is perhaps the crucial factor in understanding what has became of leadership and direction. Size is the undefined term we refer to with a shake of the head when someone points out that the en- tire list of University courses weighs five pounds, or that our state appropriation has nearly tripled in a decade. It is what makes us give up our pursuit of the facts and, in frustration, strike out bitterly against symbols (e.g. The Bureaucracy) which, having no such pure existence, fail to bend to our protest, thus forcing great- er frustration and greater symbol- ing. size is what makes us identify with the touchable part and not the whole-although other fac- tors, such as the relative unimpor- tance attached to "service to the University" in faculty promotions and salary increases, foster com- partmentalizing. Size prohibits uity and produces atomization. Size is what pushes us to the private, the immediately under- standable, the cliques, andneven to Silver Lake. Size deters us from entering the struggle of pub- lic affairs, and creates indiffer- ence to broader concerns. * * * A UNIVERSITY the size of the University of Michigan is inchoate, a congeries of the haphazard and in its very nature inimical to the development of driving leadership -not only are the members of the community too busy and too diverse to respond to anything but great brilliance, but even a bril- liant leader or leaders would find it difficult to make a personality or an idea felt widely in the community. Do we in fact have any brilliant leaders? Here and there exist Meisels or Frankenas or East- mans or Kaufmans who occasion- ally turn a classroom intellectually ablaze. Here and there are the Lehmens or the Habers who, though you've never been in the classroom with them, have shown drive, commitment and flare. But the leadership of these men is DAILY OFFICIAL BULL"I The Daily Official Bulletin Isan official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, MAY 30 General Notices PLANS FOR COMMENCEMENT Commencement-Sat., June 17,5:30 p.m. WEATHER FAIR Time of Assembly-4:30 pm. (except noted). Places of Assembly: Members of the Faculties at 4:15 p.m. in the Lobby, first floor, Admin. Bldg., where they may robe. (Transpor- tation to Stadium or Yost Field House will be provided.) Regents, Ex-Regents, Regents Elect, Members of Dejns' Conference and oth- er Administrative Officials at 4:15 p.m. in Admin. Bldg.. Room 2549, where they may robe. (Transportation to Stadium or Yost Field House will be provided.) Students of the Various Schools and Colleges on paved roadway and grassy field, East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tun- nel to Stadium in four columns of limited; they are in the first place scholars, and in their functional position, cannot easily have wide effect. The Administration, by and large, has provided a relatively steady maintenance of quality but not educational leadership, and the latter is necessary if quality is to be improved. Even if one sympathizes with the tremendous pressures bearing on the officials of a state institution, it is diffi- cult to condone President Hatch- er's confusion of bold action with unilateral action in the creation of the Commission on Year-Round Integrated Operation, nor can one be entirely pleased with the nobil- ity of his stands during the Nick- erson-Davis-Markert affair or on fraternity and sorority discrimi- nation, or on the Wayne State University speaker ban policy: in each case he hedged dangerously about education's twin responsi- bilities for promoting free speech and free opportunity. * * s NOT ONLY is the University sore- ly lacking human leadership-it is so lacking in structures for ef- fective and dynamic change that one is tempted to say it has lit- erally organized headlessness and irresponsibility. Student Govern- ment Council has far more busi- ness than it has time to transact business; it has a fluctuating membership yet no system for maintaining continuity or develop- ing commitment to the organiza- tion; it is institutionalized but not an institution. The faculty Sen- ate meets too rarely to be highly effective; its membership is often without the experience or facts necessary to contest basic issues; it cannot duplicate the day-to-day intensity of administrators; its members often attend because a particular issue is important, not because there is significance in a community being established and recognized. The Deans' Conference listens to speeches by top admin- istrators, then calls it a day, monthly. Lacking structures for effective containment, power is dispersed- not simply because the University consciously tries to decentralize but because it often is unwilling or unable to define the centers of responsibility. There is no bylaw delineating the philosophy of the operation of the Office of Student Affairs or its sub-units. There is no clear bylaw on the rights and responsibilities of students, their legal and moral roles within the University, the due process to be accorded when charges of any sort are to be brought against them- and, it should be noted, such due process was defined for faculty only after the disastrous dismissals of "controversial" professors sev- eral years ago. What happens to power com- pletely? An example: A special clarification committee meets to write a new Student Government Council Plan. One of the results of its completed study is a pre- 'cise identification of certain arbi- trary powers (to call for recon- sideration of a Council decision, for instance) in the office of the Vice-President for Student Af- fairs; this was in'response to the Sigma Kappa sorority issue, in which no one was quite able to determine where decision-making powers lay. It has only been two years now since the clarification committee's meetings, but already SGC (in part because of Vice- President Lewis' prompting) has established a Committee on Mem- bership and a new Committee on Student Organizations, each (their values aside) tending to snarl basic issues under intersecting lines of authority. AND SO the University drifts, and within the general malaise arises the tone to which I refer- red earlier. The tone is generated by a deep conservatism-not poli- tical conservatism, but a conserv- atism of individual and institu- tional temperaments. It is seen in the inability of certain persons -they range from socialist to right-wing, Christian to atheist-- to understand the relevance of new forms. It is fostered and sus- tained by the proliferation of com- mittees which I sometimes suspect outnumber the ideas they claim to be exploring. It is noticeable in an oversen- sitivity to the University's public image: to use the old example, the administration finally removed potentially discriminatorly photo- graphs from residence halls appli- cations with great fear of public response . . . but response was miniscule. The oversensitivity per- sists, however, and it infests the whole University's orientation, corroding. our posture with re- spect to new ideas and experimen- tation. When innovation is sug- gested, the first impulse is not toward critical examination but toward discrediting the innovation as "unrealistic." It is noticeable in the distrust of sweeping phases:in the fac- ulty's promotion of stringent methodology, in the devaluing of values, in the administration's re- jection of the Scheub report "be- caus it was not a scientific analv- eKep The emphasis in the University1 is on protocol and manner, not on enthusiasm or social vision; on the boat and not the shaking. Mod-1 eration becomes valued not mere- ly as a better alternative than chiliastic messianism, but for its own sake. Thus the boundaries of controversy, which in theory should not exist in a university, in fact narrow until moderation, becomes one extreme to be com- promised and reactionary con- servatism the other. The value of this temperament and habit of analysis lies in its emphasis on the sifting of opin- ion, in not moving too rapidly, in; deliberately exploring conse- quences which might follow ac-; tion. But the dangers are mani- fold. The greatest is the inevitable, rise of what I have called "myopic realism." This is the tendency for realism to become insensitive to changed conditions In becoming rigid, realism not only limits its own powers of in- sight, but acts prohibitively against the injection of such insight by1 others into the process of decision- making. The fact that a faculty member is young is sometimes suf- ficient condition for an old fac- ulty member to reject his opinion. " «s* THE OFFICE of Student Affairs presents itself as a model of the conservative temper. Vice-Presi- dent Lewis preaches a philosophy of "non-direction," which is theo- retically premised on the belief that given enough freedom of ac- tion, students will come to be re- sponsible. But in practice, "non- direction" amounts to a suspend- ed tyranny. It presents no posi- tion which one can criticize, and that is exactly what should be recognized as the most dangerous "posture" of all. "Non-direction" is not laissez-faire; there is al- ways a shadowy Leviathan who alone determines the perimeter be- yond which no student can pass, beyond which authority reveals it- self decisively and unexpectedly. This means students are unaware of the limits until the moment when authority steps in to draw the lines. We are not allowed to know we are not free until we are not-and even then, the explana- tions given for punishment often are ad hoc or inhumanly arbi- trary. Last spring, the Office of Student Affairs wanted to expel two freshman demonstrators-in large part to prevent further dem- onstrations (expulsion for such an offense had never been recom- mended in University history). It was an action which showed less regard for the individuals than for the potential precedent. Surrounding the whole thesis of "non-intervention" is an attitude of realism which does numerous disservices to the University. For instance, a special committee was formed two years ago to write a policy on discrimination in off- campus housing. Under Mr. Lew- is' influence, the group agreed to act against discrimination in off- campus housing units only if more than two students resided there (Mr. Lewis wanted the limit at four, but students on the commit- tee were successful in whittling the number down to two). This much compromised already-the University has a bylaw which op- poses any* discrimination - Mr. Lewis wrote a letter to landlords in explanation of the policy; the letter is a masterpiece of realism: It praises the rights of property holders, gently points out that the University wants such property holders not to discriminate if they rent to two or more students, and concludes by stressing that the University is not trying to in- terfere in the right of landlords to choose among students of good "moral" character. Review of the policy, bitterly protested by the students at that time, was set for early this spring-and it never took place ... REALISM is evident in the Of- fice of the Dean of Women, if non-direction is not. It is really not necessary 'to heavily document the attitude that Miss Bacon, her assistant deans and the house- mothersi(the latter represents the University's most flagrant nega- tion of the freeing aspects of uni- versity education) have taken to- ward change of any sort. Miss Bacon, for instance, has described culture as a "goldfish bowl" against which we (fish) bump our heads, never knowing that should we break the glass our life-giving context would run out. An attitude of this Office's kind- distrustful of students, opposed to the off-beat, circuitous in justify- ing itself-is deeply abusive to the University's internal freedom. The discouragement of imag- inative programs and radical sug- gestions, and the narrowing of the range of controversy-both results of realism-are unsatisfac- tory conditions for this University. However, the consequences of realism extend further. We betray in our practical ac- tions, for example, the princi- ples we appeal to for justification. Or, in other words, in paying lip service to ideals we undermine tically, an academic dean supports vigorously The Tribe of Michi- gamua which sloshes through ini- tiations which mock the purposes of a university, which promotes a secrecy of program inimical to- a vigorous interchange of ideas, which arrogantly elevates itself according to the most superficial of criteria (if X is the leader of organization, Y, X is an important leader of the Michigan campus), and which in operation and phil- osophy projects itself as a social anachronism. - * THE FAILURE of the Univer- sity of Michigan has been in its glaring refusal to close the cleav- age between ideal and practical- ity. Abstract support of free in- quiry does not liberate the intel- lectual from the inhibitions im- posed by the realism pervading the university. The University: must give its ideals a human, realizable meaning. When it sup- ports academic freedom, it should do it directly: abolish the lecture bylaw, prepare pamphlets on aca- demic freedom for distribution to freshmen during orientation week, write rules relating to due process for students, cease tacitly cooper- ating with the state security po- lice, get rid of any loyalty forms, politely tell the FBI that you do not keep information on a teach- er's beliefs, stop emphasizing the superficial value of the grade and help turn the student's attention to the content of the course, ini- tiate study periods before fall ex- aminations, eliminate the "credit- hour." Recognize that freedom to learn is freedom to participate: do not sustain discrimination of any sort in any living unit housing univer- sity students, develop positive means of providing interracial and intercultural relations within the campus housing and organization- al units, actively seek student opinion where it is relevant in con- sidering changes in the University, get behind a broad, critical and self-interrogating Conference on the University. When the ideals of university education are ignored, when ad- herence is more admired than autonomy, when, ,students are treated as immature, when insti- tutional power, is irresponsible to those who feel its impact, when all this is the image of the world which crystallizes in the still- forming mind of youth-then the University of Michigan has failed to discharge its duty as an edu- cational institution: to exist in the tender balance between the' postures of 1) toleration of indi- vidual whim and, inquiry and 2) heresy in calling men to the his- toric task of radical examination and re-examination, * S S NOW; certainly the University is, relatively, great. And certainly it is beset by problems-partic- ularly fiscal problems-that would make the greatest institution sen- sitive. But the University of Mich- Pledge igan must know clearly that "re tively good" (look at the rankin of universities in the latest po ular magazine!) is adequate fo: university in its role as a busin organization, but never in its r as an educational institution higher salaries and better work conditions can be gained pie meal perhaps, but intellectual berty evaporates if the intell fails to question when questio ing there should be. Much as it would like to ' lieve so, the University's funi mental problems are not fise They are moral and institution Morally, the University must cide upon the value it wishes place on total human freedom to read, write, say, and basica to exist in the knowledge that ciety wants one to have such fr dom. Institutionally, the Univ sity must find means to introdu the freedom of the spirit usefu into an arid bureaucratic mecha ism. Only then will the Univers have opened the way for an i to realism and the great rise of' human spirit to its legitimE place. Until that day comes, the s dent is left alone to pursue critical dialectic between hims and the "realities" which the T) versity and the society offer. ' student should be asking the questions which the bluebo spurn but the world of living m raises endlessly: What things si I think beautiful? What things worth the trouble of wantin What basis have I for my way life and the way of life I "best?" s * s PERHAPS the essence of e cation is in the coming to ter with oneself, in the ripping and looking over of what has b inherited, in the wondering ab our personal mystery, and in recognition that we share our m; tery with other men. Education neither restive nor reassuring, it can be fulfilling-fulfilli without end. Lillian Smith wril " peace and happiness presences, not objects we can gr and hold to. They are our i ments of grace which fall up us at the height of creative t sion ..." Creative tension in our tin has been dissipated, restlessn has gone out of education,s liberty has lost its guardians. have been left with a system t flaunts its ideals, men whose sp it has run out, and a world' t threatens closure every day. The desire to reject it all, lie down in waiting, to pass days on seashores is sometin overwhelming. The other cou requires saying "No" to the re ists, promoting a free society by unkept pledges to democra ideals but by living 'the i pledge and, in living it, wager on its worth . . . and in kn ing the wager can be lost,I never conclusively won. Let us continue the game. Action Comes Too Late. AT TH E ,MOYIE WIZENS FOR THE Support of Higher Edu- :ation is planning a motorcade "march on sing" June 8 in an attempt to secure addi- al funds for the state's colleges and uni- ities. Although it is obvious that some type ction is necessary to arouse constituents legislators, the timing and the means ex- ed by this public-spirited group will have ffect on legislation passed during the two hree-day session. takes time to arouse constituents to an re interest in an issue, and it takes time nake the political compromises necessary any additional appropriation. The time for i a march is this week, when publicity Ld have time 'to, work on legislators and r constituents. Any political deals or iges of mind must be made before June 8, after the Legislature convenes. tizens claim that "participation in an or- y demonstration is more effeciive than peti- s and letters, that it will focus attention on urgent issue.. ." The time, money and phy- . effort going into the "march" might well' ut to use in chain phone calls and flyers ng people to write representatives. )ST IMPORTANTLY, we must face the fact that the battle for higher appropriations for universities is lost, at least for the coming year. We can only hope for positive influence from two major forces to effect a change next year. Public pressure-especially from parents whose children are refus.ed college admission- may be forthcoming. But it is to Governor John B. Swainson that we should look for leadership. Swainson, pri- vately telling friends that his image is slipping, should take the initiative in this fight for more money for schools. The Governor is looking for an issue. Repub- lican strength in the state is growing, and a gu- bernatorial election is fast approaching. Swain- son's record on education has generally been superior to the GOP's. Thus he has a tailor-made platform. The Swainson attack can be three pronged: criti- cism of the Legislature for inaction, publicity of the Swainson record of support for higher appropriations and a campaign for increased appropriations in the 1962 session. More money for institutions of higher learn- ing should be high on the governor's political priority list, second only to the sound tax struc- ture needed for its support. Swainson needs it --Michigan needs it. --HARRY PERLSTADT -GLORIA BOWLES The Young Savages THE YOUNG SAVAGES, an- other in the juvenile delinquent cycle of pictures, is not an un- forgettable experience but is a superior Hollywood product which indicates that exciting artistic at- tempts do not have to originate in Italy or France. The two features of the State's current show which mark it as superior to the usual movie fare are the often imaginative direc- tion of John Frankenheimer and the excellent photography of Lio- nel Lindon. FILM IS THE ART of motion- a fact which is usually ignored by Hollywood. However, in "Sav- ages" the unique juxtaposition of scenes (the, murder of a blind youth contrasted with the blind- folded goddess of justice), the exceptional angle shots of the murder, and the minute attention to relevant detail create adnearly unbearable tension and demon- strate the story-telling power of a moving picture. Like Blackboard Jungle, the film re-examines the causes of teen-age crime, again reaches the inescapable answer-crime is the sickness of a society. S* S BURT LANCASTER and Dina Merrill bring little to their roles but often are only a few steps be- hind the acting paces of the tal- ented actors who create the slum dwellers. Vivian Nathan renders the rather tried-and-true lines in a touchingly restrained manner for maximum significance. The three young murderers are understandable but terrifying with their warped grins and pathetic tears. One would not expect a Age of Infidelity THE SPANISH FILM, "Age Infidelity," now playing at Campus, is an example of h an artistic work can be so grou: ed in the peculiarities of a natiy life as to be meaningless to foreign audience. The failure this moving picture -to conmim cate emotionally to an Amen public points up the general pr lem of the universal in art. Both Oedipus Rex and Pat Panchali are able to strongly m a modern American audience.' "Age of Infidelity," although p vocative and even scandalous the Spanish, leaves us cold. The film is about the selfi dishonorable conduct of thei per class in modern Spain. Ba upon a true story, the events lated tell of a married won ,and her lover who commit a and-run murder. Failing to rep the accident, the lovers go throu much guilty soul-searching. last, when the man decides confess, the woman runs b down, only to immediately die still another car accident hers * s * ALTHOUGH THE ACTION silly enough, with its mult deaths-by-automobile, the d logue is even more tedious. In : life it may be true that a cat trophe of any sort causes the dividual to make such a total evaluation of his own moral I cepts and those of his so class, but dramatically the rangement is most unconvinc Because the theme is no' natural outgrowth of the act the film fails to appeal universa Certainly for the Spanish v on the slimmest pretext, can excited about the issue, then an appeal. But for us, we must led by the drama itself inti consideration of Spanish hc The Choice for the Riders i ISSUE that now faces the Freedom ders is whether they will gain or lose by ahead uninterruptedly in their challenge al segregation laws in Mississippi, Ala- and Louisiana. orney General Kennedy has pleaded for oling off period ... until the present state ifusion and danger has passed." Dr. Mar- uther King, principal leader of the stu- "non-violent action" campaign and Roy ns, executive secretary of the NAACP, as as Negro integration leaders in Mont- ry, have all rejected Mr. Kennedy's plea. e Freedom Riders and everyone else have bsolute moral and legal right to unin- hibited transit from one state to another in this Union. President Kennedy and the At- torney General deserve praise for the firm way in which they have moved in to protect that right. The mob action and the failure, where it occurred, of local and state officials to take proper measures were disgraceful and contemptible. The basic injustice of segregation in any form 100 years after the Civil War is beyond dispute. The facts and the situation today add up to a victory for the Freedom Riders, one that most Americans will applaud. All the same, it looks as if this victory can be diminished, or nullified, if the agitators press on through an inflamed atmosphere. They are ' challenging not only long-held customs. but' passionately