WHYO NOT Y TO SELL OUT See Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom aaii4 W ARM, CLOUDY High-72 Low--43 Scattered showers in afternoon, evening. I Xl, No. 172 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, MAY 28, 1961 FIVE CENTS EIGHT P 1 I rrest 20 Eu Korean lunta Act Seize Wealthiest. Of Rhee Regime SEOUL (P)-The South Korean Ilitary junta' early this morning fested about 20 leading busi- nssmen for allegedly making ii- gal. fortunes during the regime r ousted President Syngman hee. Lee Pyung-Chul, considered outh Korea's wealthiest busi- essman, was visiting in Japan ad thus escaped arrest, sources %id. He left South Korea shortly efore the military coup two weeks go. Lee owns several big con- rns, including a sugar refinery ad.a flour mill. No specific charges against the 'rested were made public by the iiltary junta. The former regime of Premier >hn M. Chang earlier this year assed a law designed to punish ersons who had made illicit for- nes under the Rhee regime. A special enforcement commit- se was activated in April, but no uisinessmen were arrested by the hang government under the pun- hment law. dd Support Co Protest By ANN GOLDSCHMIDT Voice Political Party has added s support to the proposed Lan- ing demonstration by the Citizens >r the Support of Higher Educa- on, Kenneth McEldowney, '62, -chairman of Voice, said last ight. Speaking for the executive com- tittee, McEldowney said that the earness of finals would prevent ny formal organization being set p to aid in planning. Focus Attention "As the motion on the inade- uate appropriations passed by tudent. Government Council last Lonth focused the attention of he campus on the problem with he Legislature, so this demonstra- on will help in focusing the at- mtion of the entire state and ation," McEldowney said. Other student groups seemed ,s enthusiastic about the project. Ibron A. Kruggel, '2, frmer tatr chairman of the Student [ichigan Education Association, arned "the action is good as ing as it doesn't become uncon- 'ollable." YAF Opposed William Sikkenga, '63, former resident of the local unit of oung Americans for Freedom, uggested that methods used in he pastdhave proved "more than dequate." "The financial situation is re- rettable, but I don't see any ause to revert to methods that ould seem to detract from the ignity of the facuty," he added. The Citizens for the Support of igher Education has planned a otorcade and an orderly demon- ration in Lansing June 8 to pro- st the recent budget cut by the ate Legislature. Kennedy Plans For Vienna Talk, Kennedy 'Determined To Resist' Freedom's Opposition at Meetings WASHINGTON (P)-President John F. Kennedy said last night he is going to Vienna to tell Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev that the United States is "determined to resist all those who seek the destruc- tion of freedom." Kennedy said this determination is matched only by America's desire for peace. "The silent guest at every conference table," Kennedy said, "will be the freedom of man." Speaks to Democrats The President addressed a' Democratic party fund raising dinner tonight, but largely in nonpolitical terms. In a talk to nearly 6,000 -party members, he bore down, Paris Talks May,Concern West Berlin PARIS (IP) -Divided Berlin looms as the most immediate prob- lem when French President Charles de Gaulle and President John F. Kennedy meet Wednesday in a search for Western unity on world coiflicts. With Kennedy scheduled to meet Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush- chev in Vienna after his Paris visit, Berlin is virtually certain to head the agenda here. Bolstering this belief is wide- spread conviction that Soviet ef- forts to oust the Western powers from Berlin may reach a critical stage before the year ends. No opposition There is reason to believe that de Gaulle was advised well in ad- vance of the Kennedy-Khrushchev meeting and expressed no opposi- tion, despite the fact that its in- clusion on Kennedy's first trip to Europe as President tends to dilute the impact of the first de Gaulle- Kennedy meeting, But, it also gives the French President an opportunity to offer counsel, or restate the French posi- tion on staying in Berlin. Discussion of Berlin is sure to bring up West Germany's desire for its own nuclear armament. The West Germans feel they are the first line of defense against the military might of the Soviet Union. Geographically this is true, but long-range missiles now lay West Germany and its allies alike open to concerted attack. De Gaulle is striving to provide Prance with its own nuclear weap- ons and has made progress. May Announce Stevenson Tour By The Associated Press President John F. Kennedy met with United States Ambassador to the United Nations Adlai E. Stevenson yesterday and talked over the possibility that Stevenson would go Lon a goodwill mission to South America.. Although no formal announce- ment came out of the meeting observers expect Kennedy to con- firm Stevenson's tour within a couple of days. Stevenson toured Latin America as a private citizen last year and was well received. instead, on the journey he under- takes Tuesday that will carry him to Paris, to Vienna and to London. Meanwhile, Khrushchev left Moscow today on a whistle-stop- ping trip which will carry him to meet Kennedy in Vienna. He told those who saw him off: "I hope everything will go well." The Soviet Foreign Ministry an- nounced beforehand that Khrush- chev would be making a series of speeches in the Ukraine and Czechoslovakia en route to Vienna. was on the rise. 'Liberty' Grows But Kennedy said he believed they will say that the dominating factor of the years from 1945 to 1961 "will be that liberty grew and spread around the world." He goes to Europe, he said, with con- fidence in that thought. Kennedy said that he believes that meetings such as those he has arranged with Khrushchev "can LID Finds Unexpected Membership Welch Said in Group Affiliated with PIC By IRIS BROWN A co-chairman of the Political Issues Club, a professedly liberal group was suprised yesterday to learn that Robert Welch Jr., the founder and head of the ultra- conservative John Birch Society, is a member in good standing of their affiliate group, the League for Industrial Democracy. Welch 'joined LID in 1958 and has paid his annual dues each year through 1961, the New York Times reported yesterday. Welch said he did not have the slightest idea whether he belonged to the League, but he said it was possible he did, Membership Form A League director produced the original membership application form containing Welch's name and address, "There could not be a more distinct opposition in our points of view," Robert Ross, '63, PIC co-chairman said. PIC is the local chapter of Stu- dents for a Democratic Society which is the student affiliate of LID. May Expel Welch A League spokesman said it was possible that Welch might be ex- pelled from the organization un- der a clause in the constitution which provides for the expulsion of a member "for an act of bad faith" injurious to the organiza- tion. Ross said that the groups are based upon a constant questioning of the goals and processes of a democratic society. "We know- ingly accept no members with, totalitarian beliefs on either the left of the right," he said. Ross also said that Welch's membership is "very understand- able." These people often send in membership blanks as a matter of course in order to receive a group's publications. U.S. Brea Claims I k Truce Agreement Cam -AP Wirephoto WITH AN EYE TO THE FUTURE-This group of young men and women were among the thousands taking examinations for the Peace Corps yesterday. Although this group is in San Francisco, the tests were administered all across the nation, including many given in Ann Arbor to University students. Volunteers Take Corps Tests Laos Rebels Twenty-two University Peace Corps volunteers were among some 3,500 taking the first in a series of examinations for the corps. They took a grueling six and one-half hour examination test designed to help select those who will lend their talents to support and aid underdeveloped nations, Richard Blake, examination ad- ministration administrator, said yesterday. CALLED 'UNNECESSARY' ''Professors Criticize Bill on Science Academy By BUEL TRAPNELL University faculty members have described the national science academy proposed in a House of Representatives bill as unnecessary, overly expensive and unlikely to be approved by Congress. "It would be much better for the government to give substantial aid to the present universities," Prof. Algo D. Henderson, director of the Center for Study of Higher Education, said. The bill, sponsored by Rep. Victor L. Anfuso (D-NY) is being considered by the House Committee on Science and Aeronautics. It NIKITA S. KHRUSHCHEV to meet Kennedy play a real and helpful role in the quest for peace." To the West, he said, the meet- ings in Vienna will symbolize the unity of the Western world. To Khrushchev, they will symbolize America's intention to leave no pathway to peace unexplored. Seeks Insight "Thus I go to Europe," Kennedy said, "seeking not solutions to all our problems but insight to condi- tions that guide our destinies." Former President Harry S. Tru- man said it is comforting to see that the issues confronting us are being met with courage and deci- sion." And in Vienna, Austrian Presi- dent Adolf Schaerf said "we hope the Kennedy and Khrushchev meeting brings about a change for the better in world politics." After the tests, Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr., Peace Corps direc- tor, issued' a statement saying the turnout "clearly shovfs the high quality of the men and women who wish to serve . Reach Goal "We have said that we would have 500 to 1,000 people overseas this year," he added. "There is no doubt that we will reach that goal," the Associated . Press re- ported Shriver as saying. A second general examination, this one for those who plan to teach overseas at the secondary level will be offered on both June 3 and 5. Peace Corps volunteers have the option of taking this test on either date, so that there be no conflicts with their Uni- versity examination schedules. No Cutoff Peace Corps officials say that there is no such thing as a pass- ing score on these tests. Instead they will be evaluated to discover those who have the particular skills needed on specific projects. This group of tests are the first in a series. Persons who are in- GOP Attacks Kennedy's Job WASHINGTON () -- Republi- cans tagged President John F.' Kennedy's domestic programs last night as "pie-in-the-sky" and said his foreign policies have driven United States prestige to a new low. GOP National Chairman Thrus- ton B. Morton and the national committee's& "Battle Line" publi- cation fired double-barreled blasts at Kennedy's proposals to Con- gress Thursday and his support of the Cuban tractors-for-prisoners fund raising campaign. terested in applying for the Peace Corps may submit their applica- tions to the national offices in Washington, D.C. and be sched- uled for one of the later testing dates. Probably more than half the 7,- 000 who asked for applications showed up yesterday morning. Three Countries So far, the 'Peace Corps has agreements with the Philippines, Colombia and Tanganyika. Officials say they also are ne- gotiating with Ghana, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Burma, Malaya and Thailand. Johns Hopkins Asked To End Research Job BALTIMORE (,)-Johns Hop- kins University confirmed yester- day that it is being relieved of managing the Operations Research Office at Bethesda, Md., by the Army.. Ellis A. Johnson, director of the research organization, said a dis- agreement between the Army and the university about the prepara- tion of certain research programs at ORO led to the Army's deci- sion. "The Army and the university could not agree on the details of the Army's desire to manage ORO's research in detail, and to limit the scope of the research itself," said Johnson. "The university took the atti- tude," he said, "that research should be conducted on the basis of letting the chips fall where they may. Johnson said the Army had "demanded" his dismissal, but that the University refused. Says Troops Deliberately Violate Pacet Pathet Lao Denies Charges; Protests Western Aggression GENEVA (A-The United States yesterday accused the Communist- led Pathet Lao rebels of repeatedly and willfully violating the cease- fire in Laos, and demanded a halt. The Pathet Lao denied the charge and accused United States officers of fomenting disorders in Laos. The United States delegation is- sued a statement to the stalled 14-nation Laotian conference de- nouncing the Pathet Lao and enumerating what it said were at least 30 truce violations by the rebels dating back to May 13. Continue War The statement said Path et Lao troops are continuing the civil war in cynical disregard of the cease-fire agreement. Phoumi Vongvichit, Pathet Lao delegation head, called the Ameri- can charges pure falsehood. He told newsmen ''that Unte4 States officers have parachuted pro-West royal Laotian and Thai- land soldiers behind Pathet Lao lines and masterminded repeated cease-fire violations. Ask Real Truce The United States statement urged the conference to get busy hammering out a real truce in. Laos to replace what many West- ern delegations regard as an in- effective paper cease-fire now in effect. There waf.' no explict threat of a United States withdrawal from the conference, but this implica- tion was plain: The United States delegation is not prepared to sit in Geneva in- definitely while Pathet Lao ar- tillery and rebel infantry units whittle away at territory held by the pro-Western royal Laotian government. Fighting Continues Fighting was continuing in Laos. Associated Press correspondent Rene-Georges Inagakivaited.pro- government Meo tribesmen In Pa Dong, 100 miles north of Vien- tiane, and found an artillery duel in progress. A spokesman for the Interna- tional Control Commission, charg- ed with supervising the cease- fire, said there was "heavyfight- ing" at Pa Dong but gave no details. He denied reports of heavy fighting near the royal capital of Luang Prabang. BULLETIN JACKSON () - Five of 27 "Freedom Riders" who were jailed in their protest against segregation in Mississippi post- ed bond--three late last night -and were released from jail. The three, who were not identified immediately, posted bond and prepared to fly from Jackson. See earlier story, Page 3 JDENTS RUN FOR POSTS: Con-Con Delegates Agree on Position Favoring Independent State Colleges Texas GOP Leads in Race For Senate DALLAS (A') - Republican col- lege professor John G. Tower, who said he has never supported a liberal cause, shook the Texas' Democratic Party early this morn- ing as he increased his lead in a special United States Senate elec- tion. The election of Tower, who has never held public office, would put a Republican from Texas in the Senate for the first time in the 20th century. In returns at 2 a.m. Tower had 444,386 votes to 436,210 for Wil- liam A. Blakley, conservative Democrat who is now interim Senator by appointment. Tower had 50.46 per cent of the ballots out of the estimated one million votes cast. Bob Johnson, head of the Texas election bureau, said "we'll just have to let the figures speak for themselves." He said he would not predict the outcome on the basis of the midnight vote count. The 35-year-old Tower cam- paigned hard against the President John F. Kennedy administration's new frontier with the help of Sen. Barry Goldwater, (R-Ariz) and GOP national committeeman Thruston Morton, Kentucky. Republicans were jubilant at the showing of Tower against the ranks of the state Democratic party's major leaders. calls for an institute that would give both graduate and under- graduate training in science and engineering. Consider Youths Applicants 17 to 25 years old would be considered. Vice-President for Research Ralph A. Sawyer said that, as chairman of the governing board of the American Institute of Physics, he had filed a statement with the chairman of the House committee about the bill. The statement called such an institute unnecessary and said that scientists can be better train- ed in our existing universities. May Die in Committee Sawyer said that he does not think the bill will get out of com- mittee, because it does not have much support in the House. Prof. Henderson objected to fie portion of the bill that would re- quire a set period of government service from graduates of the academy. He addedthat the academy would not have trouble getting good faculty members because the federal government pays well, but it would have to take teachers away from the established univer- sities. Prof. Merritt M. Chambers com- mented that if the academy gives a free college education, as the military academies do, it would have no trouble finding a large number of applicants. Request Probe Of Police bias WHAT KIND OF FIGHTING? Y GLORIA BOWLES HARRY PERLSTADT .iversity students, professors, ers and county clerks are all nig bids to attend the Con- ional Convention this fall in ing. e major issues and reforms ntly sought are a proposed year gubernatorial term, a on of the state judicial sys- abolition of constitutionally narked" state revenues and pressional-reapportionment. of most interest to theaca- c community is the consti- nal status of the state's col- and universities. chael Gillman, '61, a political ce major and member of the d in Control of Student Pub- sities were to be brought under a single board such as the Board of Education, its academic pro- gress would be hindered and part of its uniqueness lost. Faces Former Clerk Gillman, 22 years old, faces a former county clerk, 72 years old, in his primary race. "The con- vention won't lack for experienced men," Gillman said when asked about his age. Jasper B. Reid. Spec, a Republi- can is running from Oakland County's Third District. Reid is president of the Interdisciplinary Scholars' Council, a new graduate student group. , No Specifics The group is considering the in,,,e, i m ,nn icrh; .-rni,,. '. n t.. -.I the constitutionality of the uni- versities as one such exception. Prof. Eugene Sutter of Eastern MichigangUniversity's political science department, running from the Second Representative Dis- trict, said he "always thought that the University's constitutional sta- tus protected it from partisan poli- tics. "The University particularly needs such protection," he said. Two other Con-con candidates agreed that the universities should remain autonomous. Expect No Change Alan Grossman, a Saline at- torney, does not expect the con- vention to reduce University au-' tonomy by placing all Michigan institutions of higher learning un- rArn "A Qfn .s a +a rill'.nn -4'. n arri-.- Intentional Atomic War S But Conventional Battle iV By JUDITH BLEIER University. faculty members yes- terday agreed in general that there would probably be no in- tentional nuclear war in the near future, with some claiming that one might start from a limited, conventional war. "It's ancient history that we're not going to have an all-out nu- clear war," Martin C. Needler of the political science department said. But Prof. Irving A. Leonard of the history department believes that the line between conventional Although people are obviously aware of the possibility of atomic warfare, it remains a remote pos- sibility like disease or death, which most prefer not to con- sider. Cites Dulles' Policy Needler cited former Secretary of State John Foster Dulles as be- ing "the massive retaliation man." But, headded, even Dulles real- ized that all-out nuclear war was obsolete. Prof. Leonard explained that aid Unlikely, light Expand the Middle East-in the Congo?- Yes. Around the fringes of China? -No." Missiles- have been and may, again be used effectively, he ex- plained. The fact that we didn't use gas in World War II, although both sides had it, cannot be com- pared to a restraint in the use of missiles.- He cited this parallel as a "com- mon error" in military thinking. Inaccurate "Gas was not an accurate weap- on," Prof. Bretton said. "The dan-