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May 27, 1961 - Image 1

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Partly cloudy today
with rain tomorrow

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

. LXXI, No. 171




I - -


Gibson Hopeful
In Tractor Swap
Deal May Lead to Talks with Cuba
On Travel, Resumption of Trade
A decisive point in Cuba's American relations is indicated by
'the "Tractors for Freedom" drive, Richard Gibson, acting national
secretary of the 'Fair Play for Cuba Committee said last night.
"We don't believe the counter revolutionary prisoners are worth
500 tractors," the spokesman of the pro-Castro organization said.
However, the tractors could be considered as "small token reparations"
to the Cuban people for "damage by the United States.''
His speech before Spanish speaking Detroit residents was punc-
tuated by "anti-communist" picketers in front of the building. The
picketers included 30 members
from the Detroit Young Ameri-
.S SISS 1 cans for Freedom, members of the
Hungarian Freedom Fighters Fed-
eration, and Cuban Fair Play
Ay Decline Committee for USA.
Means To Negotiate
Gibson said that the fund drive
hao A iheaded by Walter Reuther, Elea-
nor Roosevelt,- and Milton Eisen-
ower could be a means of re-
By The Associated Press opening negotiations 'with Cuba
WASHINGTON-Sen. James o. and possible resumption of trade
Eastland (D-Miss) has said that and travel.
his state will accept no federal The failure of -"American in-
school aid, even if Congress passes tervention in Cuba" was the first
the administration aid-to-educa- political setback for President
tion bill. John F. Kennedy, he said. It was
The $2.5 billion, three-year pro- "educational experience" and
gram proposed by President John would lead Kennedy to reconsider
F. Kennedy was passed Thursday Cuban policy.
by the Senate and sent, free of Gibson Subpoenaed
amendments, to the House, where Gibson has appeared twice be-
school aid bills have died three fore the Senate Internal Security
times during the Eisenhower ad- sub-committee within the last
ministration. month. He was subpoenaed April
Claiming that Mississippi has 21 after speaking at a rally in
"a fine school system," Eastland Union Square in New York. The
said that federal grants would be rally culminated FPCC picketing
certain to remove control of edu- action before the UN during its
cation from states, counties and discussion of the Cuban counter-
smaller units of government and revolution.
place it in the national govern- He appeared before the'com-
ment. mittee April 25 with Marvin Mark-
Mississippi has been cited in man, executive secretary of Ad-
congressional debate as one of the vance, an allegedly Communist
low-income states having greatest youth group. The intent of the
iT et-afe e>r aid.°Under -the committee was to establish a con-
Senate-approved bill, the state nection between Advance and
would get, about $17.5. million per FPCC, Gibson said However, the
year. committee's "expert on Commun-
Eastland, who made his re- ism," Hebert Ranerstein, could
marks on the Senate floor, was only say that the Communists en-
one of the leaders of the Southern dorsed FPCC, but could not es-
Democrats opposing the school-aid tablish any Telationship between
measure in the Senate. FPCC and the youth movement.
Committee Charges
The committee also charged
that FPCC had received $3,500
G ra s P a from the Cuban government to pay
for a full page ad in a New York
newspaper which launched the
isc ssi ns uFair Play for Cuba drive. The
sub-committee also asked for
membership lists and addresses of
By PHILIP SUTIN the student and adult chapters.
A discussion group, the Inter- At the second appearance be-
disciplinary Scholars' Council, has fore the sub-committee May 16,
been formed by 35 graduate stu- Gibson said no membership lists
dents to study the vital issues fac- existed. He could only offer gen-
ing them. eral mailing lists which he said
The organization aims to foster were not necessarily indicative of
discussion among graduate stu- the paid membership. He also gave
debts rather than take any action the lists of chapters with public
from an ascertained position. addresses such as post office box
"The group's goal is the promo- numbers. He said there were no
tion of study and discussion of lists of chapters with private ad-
matters of interest to the Univer- I dresses.

In Korea
SEOUL ()-The South Korean
army ended its 10-day rebellion
against United States Gen. Carter
B. Magruder's United Nations
command yesterday after extract-
ing several concessions from Ma-
The four-star general regained
control over all military forces in
South Korea after agreeing to use
the troops solely for defense
against Communist aggression and
after releasing to the ruling junta
an estimated 3,800 soldiers to oc-
cupy Seoul.
Announce Agreement
Magruder announced the agree-
ment following two days of nego-
tiations with a Korean lieutenant
colonel sent to his headquarters
by the junta.
Indicating he was irked at re-
peated defiance of his orders since
the Korean army's successful May
16 coup, Magruder said, "I con-
sider that my operational control
has been restored to a considerable
degree rather than fully because
authority that has once been
flouted can be re-established only
by its implicit observance over a
long period.
Magruder Rebuffed
Magruder apparently was re-
buffed on his original demand that
he have the right to pass on ma-
jor command changes in the 525,-
000-man Korean army before they
Before the coup, which over-
threw Premier John M. Chang's
elected government, Magruder
had this right. But the junta lead-
ers have replaced, without his ap-
proval, several top commanders
who refused to back the rebellion.
Early in the revolt, Magruder
called on South Korea's armed




forces to refuse

support to theI

Tells FHA
To Decrease
Interest Rate
Association Steps Up
Mortgage Purchases
WASHINGTON (A) - President
John F. Kennedy yesterday order-
ed the Federal Housing Authority
interest rate on home mortgages
cut from 5/2 to 5/ per cent.
Coupled with an earlier one-
fourth of one per cent reduction,
the White House said this means
a saving of $4.47 a month to the
purchaser of a $15,000 home with
a 20-year mortgage.
Kennedy also announced that:
, Speed Purchases
1) The Federal National Mort-
gage Association will step up pur-
chases of mortgages in the sec-
ondary market,
2) The Federal Home Loan
Bank Board is embarking on a
new effort, through bank advances
at lower rates, to encourage sav-
ings and loan associations to re-
duce mortgage interest rates.
The White House said these ac-
tions all are extensions of previous
steps taken by, the President "to
roll interest rates back from lev-
els that he and the officers of
many leading lending institutions
regarded as unrealistic."
Lower Rate
The FHA rate was lowered from
5% per cent to 5% per cent a
couple of months ago.
With the additional reduction
ordered yesterday, the White
House said the monthly mortgage
payments for principal, interest
and FHA insurance premium now
will be $85.59 for a 20-year mort-
gage on a $15,000 home. Under
the old FHA rate of 53/4 per cent,
the figure was $90.06.
Seek Low Rates
The administration has been
striving, by persuasion, pressure,
and a series of executive moves,
to reduce the interest rates on
housing and other long-term in-
vestments as a stimulus to con-
struction and to business general-
Officials have been concerned
and puzzled over the failure of
mortgage interest to decline ap-
preciably even when the business
recession left apparently ample
supplies of investment funds
Three Receive
Minor -Awards
For Drama
Three minor awards in drama
were also announced at the Avery
and Jule Hopwood Contest awards
ceremony Thursday.
Marc Alan Zagoren received
$500 for a play entitled "Shana-
kind". He also won first prize in
this catagory in last year's con-
Milian W. Stitt, '63, won $300
for his play "Towers of Achieve-
ment" and Ronald Kenyon, '63,
received $200 for his play, "The
There were no awards in the
minor essay contest this year.

SWithan Eldritch Laugh. .

Wants Raise
Of $1 Billion
In Spending
Cost of Proposals
Expected To Start
Congressional Battle

-Daily-David Giltrow
DEEPER MEANING-Prof. Donald Hall (center) as a gum-chewing, slightly idiotic Nero, embodies
the essence of Christian-Dietrich Grabbe's-"Comedy, Satire, Irony and Deeper Meaning" as portrayed
last night by the John Barton Wolgamot Society players.

Adopt Code
Against Bias
LANSING (P)--An 11-point code
of fair practices, forbidding dis-
crimination in all state agencies,
was issued yesterday by Gov. John
B. Swainson,
The governor said existence of a
Fair Employment Practices Act in
Michigan imposes a special respon-
sibility on all state agencies to
keep their own house in order.
"We must see to it that race,
creed or national origin are never
a factor in recruiting, hiring, up-
grading, conditions of employment,
dismissals, referrals and training
programs," the governor said.
Swainson sad there had been no
Swainson said there had been no
specific complaints of discrimina-
tion by state agencies to prompt
issuance of his code.
"I was a state employe myself
and I just thought there was a
need for a positive statement," he
Swainson said he saw no conflict
between his code and the powers
of civil service, which regulates the
hiring and work standards of state
SGC Names Two
For Committee
On Wednesday Student Govern-
ment Council appointed Dorothy
Morrall, '62, and William Gomez,
'61E, to the Committee on Mem-
bership in Student Organizations
for one-year terms expiring in
May 1962. They will replace Wal-
lace Sagendorph, '61, and James
Seder, '61.



sity community in general," Jas-
per Reid, Spec, the council's presi-
dent, said.
He compared the group to the
Graduate Student Council, noting
that the GSC attempts to' repre-
sent the grads as a vast body,
forming opinions that "are a mile
wide and one inch deep.'"
"The group is not formed to
fight the University or any one
else. It does not pretend to be
anything like the graduate stu-
dent council or the student gov-
ernment council," he explained.
The group hopes to meet the
problem of student apathy giving
more thought to student problems
rather than trying to represent,
them in any action.
The Council is studying two
areas at present. The major one
is the change in the University
calendar to a trimester system. y
The group is particularly in-
terested in the effects on research
and the application of the longer
summer semester. ,In the fall, the
Council hopes to present a panel
discussion with graduate students
and faculty, Reid said.
The impact upon higher edu-
cation next fall's constitutional
convention is the area being con-
sidered by the group.
Attack Truman's
.Eb. 1 C. -

Cash Withdrawn
The sub-committee then asked
about $19,000 which was with-
drawn in cash from tfhe FPCC ac-
count in December. The investi-
gators implied that Robert Taber
had "fled to Cuba" with the funds.
Taber is the national executive
secretary of FPCC and is now a
correspondent for Revolucion, the
official Revolutionary government
newspaper in Cuba.
Goldberg Cites
Kennedy Acts
In Civil Rights
WASHINGTON (A' - Secretary
of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg said
yesterday that President John '.
Kennedy is demonstrating by
deeds as well as words that he
means business in enforcing civil
Goldberg cited as instances the
dispatch of federal marshals to
Alabama to curb race riots, and
adoption of a strong anti-discrim-
ination policy by an aircraft com-
pany, which holds government
The labor secretary, speaking to
the Washington chapter of the
American Jewish Committee, at
the same time urged members of

Challenge To Consider
Warfare in, Nuclear A, ge
The topic of next semester's "Challenge" program will be "War-
fare in the Nuclear Age."
Lawrence Meyer, '63, spokesman for the organization, says "the
program will attempt to analyze the problems involved in the arms
race and in the process of decision-making in the United States,
Russia and China."
It will also be concerned with "the place of arms expenditures
in our economy and with the social, psychological and biological
implications of the nuclear age." The format of the program will be
similar to this semester's with.


however, a much heavier emphasis
on seminars.
More Academically Oriented
Challenge will be more academi-
cally oriented. Meyer explained
that "the program will be trying
to take an objective view of the
situation in order to discern what
problems have been overcome and
try to make some inroads into
the problem as a whole.
"Challenge speakers will take
less of an overview and deal di-
rectly with specific problems," he
The colloquium, tentatively, will
discuss disarmament problems and
Compile Reading List
A summer reading list will be
compiled consisting of approxi-
mately 20 books which are central
to the problem.
The program was characterized
by Meyer as an educational or-
ganization-an organization which
provides an audience with a work-
ing knowledge of the problem. The
basic knowledge acquired from the
stimulus provided should give the
participants in the program an
involvement with the issues being
This background will be useful
to the participantswho decide to
join any one of the action groups
at their disposal, Meyer said.

'U' Receives
Science Grant
The National Science Founda-
tion has presented the University
with a grant of $35,260 for its
psychology project designed to
stimulate research and help im-
prove college-level psychology in-
Last year the Foundation award-
ed $25,980 for the development of
the project bringing the total of
grants to $61,240.
The research will be conducted
by ten psychology teachers from
small colleges throughout the
country at the psychology depart-
ment here.

To Oppose
Soviet Plan
WASHINGTON (P')-President
John F. Kennedy plans to tell
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev in Vienna that continued
Kremlin insistence on a veto in
international control machinery
threatens an accord on major
East-West issues.
United States officials who dis-
closed this last night said at the
same time that Kennedy does not
intend to issue any warning or
draw hard line when he meets
Khrushchev in the neutral Aus-
trian capital June 3-4.
They expected that Kennedy
would get a good chance to meas-
ure his major opponent in the cold
war and clear away some of the
fog. that has sprung up around
East-West disputes, even though
no one expects either side to un-
dergo a fundamental change in
The Soviets have been pushing
the veto idea-or more precisely
a scheme for three-headed control
by the Russian term "troika"--on
outstanding questions ranging
from the atomic test talks to Laos.

WASHINGTON (RP) - President
John F. Kennedy yesterday asked
Congress for a sweeping overhaul
of the foreign aid program.
He proposed a $4.8 billion aid
effort for the coming year and
$7.3 billions in borrowing author-
ity over the next five years for
easy term economic development
loans abroad.
Kennedy's price tag for the fis-
cal year startin July 1 was a
billion dollars igher than the
amount Congress voted for for-
eign aid last year. All but about
$80 million of the increase would
be in economic aid.
Uncertain Future
The progiam faces an uncertain
future at the hands of the law-
makers, not only because of the
higher expense which Kennedy
said is necessary to fight the Com -
munist threat around the world
but also because of soifie of the
new ideas it contains.
Congress rebuffed some similar
reorganization ideas which had
been advanced by former Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Kennedy asked for speedy pas-
sage of the bill he sent up yester-
day, exressing his "earnest hope
and expectation that the, United
States will meet its c ialanges and
responsibilities in this decade of
development in a forthright, af -
firmative manner which can en-
gender the respect and coopera-
tion of the community of free na-
Important Innovation
One innovation, which the Pres-
ident termed "of l aramount im--
portance" to his long-range plan,
would be the $900 million for the
coming year and $1., billioni ,n
each of the following four years
which Kennedy wants to oorrow
from the Treasury.
These sums would be usd4 to
promote economic development
overseas through loans up to 50
years carryinig little or no interest.
Congress has been cool in the
past to such a .rncedure which
would bypass the yearly ap.ro-
priations pro'ess.
Businesslike Plan
However, Sen. J. William Ful-
bright (D-Ark), chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Com-
mittee, said Kennedy's proposals
would permit the planning of for-
eign aid programs on a busines-
like basis.
Fulbright praised Kennedys em-
phasis on repayable, loans. saying:
"This new emphasis should give
fresh drive, spirit and imagination
to United States officials who
operate these programs."
Set Hearing
The Foreign Relations Codmit-
tee scheduled a heaing on the
new aid program for next Wednes-
day with Secretary of State Dean
Rusk as the first witness. The
House Foreign Affairs C0)igit-
tee will start hearings on June T.
Kennedy said the near-by-year
appropriation method is wasteful,
and long-range economic projects
require long-term authority.
The President also sought au-
thority to use for future long-term
economic loans the funds now be-
ing paid back by foreign countries
from previous United States loans,
This is expected to come to some
$300 million a year.
Plan Sumimer
On English
The improvement of college

Government To Give Tests
For Peace Corps Selection
By The Associated Press
The Peace Corps tests for prospective members will be given at
8:30 a.m. today at the Main Street Post Office in Ann Arbor..
The government is giving the all day nation-wide exam as the
initial step in selecting candidates for the corps, which will send
skilled Americans to underdeveloped nations. The corps members
will work long hours at low pay and share the normal living con-
-ditions of the host country. This


Study Reveals Politics Attitudes

"The public's positive and nega-
tive feelings toward government
are of immense significance,"
Prof. Donald E. Stokes of the Uni-
versity's Survey Research Center
reports in a recent study of pop-
ular evaluations of government.

electorate are sources which might
be "tapped by parties whose
stance is hostile to the prevailing
The purpose of the study was
to learn what criteria the public
uses in formulating opinions to-
ward government in general and

Prof. Stokes concludes from the
similarity of American attitudes,
compiled from samplings of di-
verse social groups, that attitudes
on government are not signifi-
cantly influenced by group con-
The study revealed that citi-

first examination will be followed
by a special test on June 5 for
candidates who want to teach high
school courses overseas. The corps:
plans another general examination
like the one today in early July.
The United States already has
made agreements with Tangan-
yika, the Philippines and Colom-
bia to send peace corps volunteers
to those countries. The volunteers
will help with road building in
Tanganyika, farm and community
development in Colombia and Eng-
lish and science teaching in the

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