"We Don't Want No Troublemakers from the United States", Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 "Where Opinions Are Free Truth Will Preval" INTERPRETING THE NEWS: Kennedy's Challenge is Answered By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst PRESIDENT KENNEDY has called the nation, "born of revolution and raised in freedom," to a war of attitudes as well as of money and physical power. * Gone is the Kennedy who spoke not so long ago of unwillingness among the people to pay his estimated price of victory. The people, he says now, have responded. "It is heartening to know, as I journey abroad (to meet de Gaulle of France and Khrush- chev of the Soviet Union), that our country is united in its commit- ment to freedom-and ready to do its duty." Gone is the Kennedy who Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprikits. Y MAY 26 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINE DOW1 Lack of Commumcation Strangles Innovation W ITH the Student Government Council mo- tion on The Daily, with the relationship between the University and the Legislature, with the Laotian civil war, with fraternity dis- crimination-one basic problem seems appar- ent. While the nature of the issue may vary in each instance, all share the almost'unalter- able stumbling block or poor communication. The problem involves an atmosphere preclud- ing the simple exchange of ideas, and an in- ability to listen with an open mind which possesses at least the potentiality of accepting change. Thne University has become so large that an inertia has become inherent to the point where movement is prevented. Many members of the University community appear to have en- trenched themselves in a narrow gully-a gully that allows for performance of simple mechan- ical functions In a routine manner over a per- iod of years, but permits no room for new ideas or possible innovation. Each individual seems to operate in his own small sphere,constantly reinforced in what he is doing by the comments of all, the others who are equally as conditioned by the closed system in which they function. Suggestions, if ordered, are often merely brushed aside with a comment that "you don't understand all the complexities of the sys- tem" or "you haven't worked closely enough with the system to realize that your idea is Infeasible." Certainly for students who are only here for a few years the system operates as a near- ly impassable barrier. While many of the sug- gestions made by students are of questionable value, many have merit. But, in most cases, they are listened to with the same quizzical look-the same skepticism. THE LACK of effective communication isn't solely between administration and students. An example of the same phenomenon in an- other context comes to mind-the conflict of opinions on the present evaluation form on dormitory and quadrangle residents. In the Dean of Women's office it is believed that the forms they use are both fair and complete. But, they criticize the forms used by the Dean of Men's office as containing questions that can't be answered fairly. The Dean of Men's office, of course, believes that its forms are superior. Members of the academic counseling staff; who receive portions of these reports, assert that the information they receive from the women's residence halls is of little value, The forms don't ask for the in- formation counselorsneed. And so the three spheres continue to exist, each going its own separate way, being, of little value to the other. As one member of the Dean of Women's office said, "I keep trying to make an appointment with Dean Robertson of the literary college to discss the forms, but we never seem to be able to arrange a meeting time." Whetheror not this statement is com- pletely accurate, it is a sad commentary on the University. AT THE LEVEL of student-to-student rela- tionships, further examples are to be found. Much, if not all, of the recent problem be- tween The Daily and SGC resulted from a lack of communication. This unfortunate situation was caused both by a lack of necessary effort being expended to gain needed knowledge and to a great tendency to view the entire issue with a closed mind. Fortunately a joint SGC- Daily meeting provided the necessary com- munication and the problems were largely ironed out. But before the meeting, many Council mem- bers were willing to pass an extremely vague motion-a motion which was interpreted by many both on and off campus as being an ef- fort to censure The Daily. This was the view despite the fact that the supporters of the mo- tion stressed that their actions were merely in- tended as constructive criticism and not a censure. The dispute over the intentions of the off i- cers of the Michigan Union in attempting to revise the MUG's atmosphere is largely a re- sult of both those who support and those who oppose the changes having little communica- tion outside of articles and letters printed in The Daily. No meeting has ever been held to explain the reason for the changes. The issue has still not been resolved. No one is completely sure what the others are doing or why. OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY the same prob- lem exists on a much larger scale. Many of the state legislators still fail to realize the needs of quality education. They fail to un- derstand the need for a certain degree of con- stitutional autonomy-the need for sufficient funds-that it costs more to educate a graduate student than a freshman-that out-of-state students greatly enhance the quality of an aca- demic institution. After listening to all argu- ments in support of higher appropriations, they allocated funds of such an insufficient naturethat sharp cutbacks have been neces- sary. Their minds were closed; the communica- tion was not complete. INTELLIGENT PEOPLE watch "Operation Abolition," the controversial film on the student demonstrations against the House Com- mittee on Un-American Activities in San Fran- cisco, and they advocate sharp limitations on constitutional rights. Some even suggest that those who are in opposition to their opinions be deported or killed. Such individuals are view- ing the film and their own democracy in a context of blinded bigotry. They become so positive of the validity of their own beliefs th tX they are unable to listen rationally to argu- ments of others. It's a problem that varies in degree and effect, but which has existed over the centuries and with no solution in sight. The situations in Montgomery, Laos and The Congo seem almost beyond a rational settlement. BUT IT IS INDEED difficult to understand 'why such a predicament should exist on this campus-at a University which prides it- self on its quality as an intellectual leader. 'An atmosphere of poor communication, of closed minds, of inability to discuss change can only lead to stagnation and a corresponding decrease in quality. A university such asythis cannot af- ford to stand still, to accept blipdly what has been done in the past. Criticism must be voiced and intelligently received. Meetings such as the recent residence halls conference and the Conference on the University are good beginnings. But mass meet- ings alone must not be relied upon to bolster communication. There must be increased in- teraction between individuals and groups on this campus. Fresh ideas must be voiced often and openly, and acted upon when unbiased reason so dictates. Fortunately there already exist the institu- tional media for effective communication on this campus. But often this machinery breaks down and each time it does the University loses an idea, a suggestion, a crucial possibility for its improvement. -KENNETH McELDOWNEY Associate City Editor TODAY AND TOMORROW: Before Paris and Vienna for a time confused even his well- wishers with his emphasis on domestic planning in a world where fires smouldered around the edges and threatened to set the whole structure ablaze. .* .. THOUGH STICKING FIRMLY to his concept of the image which America must present in the at- tainment of her potential great- ness, the President's message Wed- nesday finally achieved a packag- ing of those elements and those measures required "for a great positive adventure" into the search for human freedom. Money wove its way throughout the message. Money for space, money for military strength, money-much more money-for the security of the people against possible bombing attacks. Money for economic and educational de- velopment not just of Americans, but for the human race. * -* * MANY FOREIGNERS, asked whether the United States can best spend her money on the dra- matic space competition with Soviet Russia, on military pre- paredness of the non-Communist world, or on irrigation and health and economics, reply: "The United States cannot choose. She. must do everything." That is what the President ask- ed. Hie also said: "We stand for Democratic revo-, lution of- social progress. We stand for diversity, honest disagreements and mutual respect . . . "We intend to go the last mile in patience." "Preserve the independence and equality of nations and bring about world peace under law " "Practice democracy at home." "Whatever mankind must'un- dertake, free men must fully, share." "Seek no conquests, no satellites, no riches." * * * THIS is speaking not only of money, not only of rockets, not only of the presentation of an economic and social image in an appeal to the material senses of men; but also of attitudes, and of promise beyond materialism. Lost " IF THERE WERE in the world today any large number of people who desired their own hap- piness more than they desired the unhappiness of others, we could have a paradise in a few years." -Bertrand Russell tElTERS to the EDITOR Nazi Hate... To the Editor: RECENT EVENTS in the South concerning the American Nazi Party have brought shame to us all. The very idea that this vermin- infected hate mongrel still exists, expecially in the United States, is horrifying. We students should be even morehrepelled and more shamed by theactions of the Nazis of America, because, working as we do alongside persons of all races, creeds and nationalities, we can realize the utter absurdity of the Nazi's Big Lie. But we do nothing to prevent the spread of their gospel of hate. In fact, we even permit them to propagandize on our own campus. ** * THIS MORNING, in Angell Hall, a member of this ridiculous, but terrifying, group placed a broad- side of invective against the Jews in one' of the University glass- covered bulletin boards. I removed it. After class, I found another one between the glass. I removed it. Still later, I found another one so situated that I could' not re- move it. I reported it to the authorities, but, no doubt, untold damage' to the morale of Univer- sity Jews had already been done. I By WALTER LIPPMANN THE RUN OF BAD NEWS from, Cuba, Laos, Alabama, is of course, a depressing prelude to the President's trip abroad. But we mustenot exaggerate. While the reverses we have suffered have hurt us with out allies and friends, I do not think they will have any substantial effect, one way or the other, on the basic problems which the President will be dealing with both in Paris and in Vienna. IN PARIS, the problem will be how the Western Alliance is to be managed. In Vienna, the problem will be howrthe relations between the two great constellations: are to be controlled. The two men with whom the President will be talk- ing are realists who calculate thei; policy primarily in terms of na- tional power. There are almost no American public men who are realists in the same degree. At least they do not talk out loud about it. Gen. de Gaulle and Mr. Khrushchev believe in their own calculations of what the various powers can do, and in their own thinking they are very little im- pressed by, indeed they have a very high degree of immunity to, public relations and "images" and that sort of thing. Mr. Khrushchev is of course, a great propagan- dist. But his policy is based on a cold calculation of power. The language of the Paris and Vienna talks will have to be the language of power politics-which deals with what nations will do in relation to what they can do when their truly vital interests are in- volved.' There is, I realize, a certain tactlessness in speaking of what is common to the Paris and Vienna meetings. Indeed, I was one of those who thought that it would be more tactful if the President did not go straightfrom his meet- ing with Gen. de Gaulle to a meet- ing with Mr. Khrushchev. But now that the arrangements have been set-with the blessing, so I hear, of Gen. de Gaulle himself-it is useful to realize not only that the President will be talking with two realists, but that their realistic calculations arise from the same factual base. This is the fact that American military supremacy, which lasted from 1945 until shortly after 1955, has been replaced by a balance of power. This is the central event of our time, and it affects pro- foundly and pervasively all inter- national relations. * * * WHEN the President meets Gen. de Gaulle, he will find a man who, with the insight of genius, is acutely aware of the change in the world balance of power. This awareness is the root of his dis- belief in the validity of the NATO structure and strategy. This is the root of his lack of confidence, which must not be ignored, in the United States as the protector of Europe and the leader of the _nri rhi Innirofnf fi(pn. A tical structure built upon the old paramountcy is shaken. It is this shaking which constitutes a large part of the subject matteir of our- diplomacy. IN MR KHRUSHCHEV the President will meet a man who is deeply conscious of, whose policy is governed by, the new fact that there is a balance of power. Un- less I am mistaken, Mr. Khrush- chev's confidence in Soviet power is accompanied by a very healthy respect for American power. I do not share the views of those who are afraid that out reverses in Cuba and Laos have caused him to underrate American power or American determination. He knows perfectly well that the United States could take Havana in an afternoon, and that what restrains is not the fear of Soviet missiles but a recognition of the political disaster we would precipitate throughout the hemisphere and the free world. As for Laos, he has had, of course, the certainty that we could not fight a Korean war in Indo- China. We could not fight it be- cause in 1960 we do not have as we had in 1950 a monopoly of nu- clear weapons which could in the last resort bi decisive. AS I UNDERSTAND IT, the new Soviet dogma-that all interna- tional dealing must be tri-partite and by unanimous consent-rests ultimately on the same fact, that there is a balance of power. When there is a balance of power be- tween two states, each state has a veto. Nothing can be done unless they agree. Mr. Khrushchev carries this principle to an extreme point. Thus there might be agreement to abide by the. judgment of a third party. That, in'effect, is what we want. Mr. Khrushchev is more vehement and more irreconcilable than 'his own principle requires. In any event the controlling fact in dealing with Mr. Khrushchev is his insistence upon a full recog- nition, with all its consequences spelled out, of the new balance of power. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. "4 WE STUDENTS should do some- thing against such extremist or- ganizations. They are as bad, if not worse, than the John Birchers and Communists. I propose a United Front Against Extremist Organizations to be or- ganized, on campus to battle, in intelligent, rational persuasion, the chauvinist ideologies of the far political right and left. These people, not currently regarded as 'serious threats, are potentially serious threats to our way of life. In the 1930's they laughed at a funny little man named Hitler. Let us not make the same mistake of laughing. at his disciples. Since they have the right to speak their minds on these mat- ters, so do we. Let those students interested in combatting such ex- tremists unite! The Nazis broadside asked "Are Jews people?" We know their an- swer. Now let's give them ours! -James Havel, '64 I . am: 'r ~n.; : : 1;.;5..: ti",a;"rry;r"r,,?:":;k : :r; . A.fl s VA,,S, r^"VA {Vrtf " at.'YA :: I...":f,..."."A ra-g___ .;r ".'fl ~ yay..V ":___ _ D...,6h" r:AILY O Fd v..iwn"a:{ .4 . r'":"FICIA L BU LLETIN 'r1' . ri. h~vGae S~r4rhf a .4J .rJi~441:~l _____~,Lw.icdr ~ ram"5.} '. Ci'l"Y i i.rr" " .,ix.* *'i*' r__ (Continued from Page 2) Plight of the Arts AT THE RECENT PANEL "Arts in the Six- ties," sponsored by the Michigan Union's Creative Arts Festival, approximately 15 people showed up to hear editors of Generation and Arbor magazines speak on the state of con- temporary art. One panelist commented that the meager size of the audience was a strong indication of the unfortunate state of the arts in the present decade. And I am inclined to agree with him. The Creative Arts Festival set its goal at as- sembling a wide selection of cultural activities and bringing them before University students. Some of its speakers may have been considered controversial, but none of its events were with- out interest to those who cared to take the time to attend. There was no lack of publicity and yet-one speaker who had originally been scheduled for an appearance at Hill Auditorium had to be changed to the Union ballroom because ticket receipts did not warrant such a large audi- torium; other less controversial events drew only nominal crowds. THE QUESTION ARISES whether the blame rests entirely with an apathetic student body or whether the Creative Arts Festival has iit. .w . . si mply not presented events which are of in- terest and value. Perhaps the scheduling of events come at a poor time for students who are busy catching up on their homework and term papers. Yet one event, the faculty poetry reading hour had an overflowing audience in spite $ of whatever work remained at home. Yet it seems clear that the Creative Arts Festival cannot remain an integral part of University activities unless it fulfills its pur- pose of bringing cultural events that please the students' taste, broaden their cultural horizons and draw them to Hill Auditorium for a dollar or to the Multipurpose Room for free. ALTHOUGH MANY DEPARTMENTS of the University incorporated lectures and events scheduled for the two-week period into the Creative Arts Festival, other departments did not. Had these non-participating departments joined the project, they would have benefited from the Festival's publicity while increasing the scope and variety of Festival events. Perhaps it would be more beneficial to the Festival's success if it were to be held in the fall rather than in the spring when so many other cultural events take place. Events such as the May Festival and the drama season 1. Expression, of support for his ac- tion in regard to the demonstrations against the freedomnriders and our hope that he will take any further steps necessary to guarantee that all people may ride and use facilities re- lated to such riding together anywhere in the United States. 2., 3., 4. as in (B) above. Events Friday Kasimir Fajans Award and Lecture in Chemistry: Bi-annual award for the most outstanding doctoral dissertation in chemistry. Presentation of award to Donald McLaughlin. Lecture title: "En- thalpy-Entropy Relations in Molecular Addition Compounds." Fri., May 26 at 4 p.m. in 1300 Chemistry Bldg. Mathematics Colloquium: Dr. Jussi Vaisala, University of Helsinki and Harvard University will speak on "Ex- ternal' lengths and quasiconformal mappings in 3-space," Fri., May 26, in 3011 Angell Hall at 3 p.m. Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall at' 2:30 p.m. Doctoral Examination for Leonard Gordon, History; thesis: "Formosa as an International Prize in the Nine- teenth Century," Fri., May 26, 3061 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Hall. Doctoral Examination for Raymond Harry Wheeler, Sociology; thesis: "The Relationship between Negro Invasion and Property Prices in Grand Rapids, Michigan," Fri., May 26, 5609 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A. H. Hawley. DotrlEvents Doctoral Examination for Alfons Jo- zef Claus, Engineering Mechanics; thesis: "Large-Amplitude Motion of a Compressible Fluid in the Atmosphere," Sat., May 27, 244 W. Engineering Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, C. S. Yih. Doctoral Examination for Herbert Da- vid Saltzstein, Social Psychology; thes- is: "The Effect of Rejection from a Group on Conformity to Its Influence Attempts," Sat., May 27, 6625 Haven gree Doctor of Musical Arts, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Stud- les.,Mr. Work will perform compositions by Tartini, Brahms, Stravinsky, and Schubert, accompanied by Gail Haver and Edna Craycraft, pianists. Prof. Robert Courte is chairman of.Mr. Work's doctoral committee. Open to the public without charge. Placement Overseas Teaching-The Turkish Min- istry of Education is interested in con- tacting American teachers to teach Eng- lish, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Math in Turkish-English high schools in Istanbul, Izmir, Eskisehir, Konya, Samsun, and Eiyarbakir. Applicants must have at least an A.B. and some training for teaching. Experienced teachers given preference. Husband and wife may teach in the same school if qualified. For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, Teaching Division, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. Applications are available at the Bu- reau of Appointments for Chinese scholars who are doing post-graduate work here and wish to teach in the post-secondary colleges in Hong Kong. For additional information and appli- cation blanks contact the Bureau of Appts., Education Division, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489. SUMMER PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: FRI., MAY 26- J. Strickland & Co., Metropolitan De- troit Location-Single summer opening to sell new product to retail stores. Mr. MacCollom interviewing this after- noon-interested only in students who actually need this money to return to school next fall. Good salary plus ex- penses. Camp Fairwood & Four-Way Lodge, Ohio-Ward Peterson interviewing for Mrs. M. F. Eder, Director. Openings for men at Fairwood: Canoeing, Sailing, Riflery, and Arts & Crafts Instructors plus 2 cabin counselors. Openings at Four-Way Lodge: Experienced secre- tary-bookkeeper; Archery Instructor; Campcraft, Tennis, & Water-skiing In- structors. Interviewing to continue un- til positions are filled. For further information, visit the Summer Placement Service, D-528 SAB. Open each weekday afternoon from 1:00 to 5:00, and all day Friday. Engrg.'& 2 yrs. Bus. Ad. No previous sales exper. required. Salary & com- mission. Long Beach State College, Long Beach, Calif.-Student Activities. To work with student organizations in- cluding special interest groups, service clubs, & fraternities. To prepare re- ports & studies as requested. Man with MA & background in personnel pre- ferred. Rohm & Haas Co., Philadelphia, Pa. =-BS-MS in Chemistry for Research, Manufacturing & Sales positions. BS- MS in Chem. Engrg, for Manufacturing & Technical Sales. BS-MS in Mechani- cal Engrg. for Technical Sales of plas- tics. Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021 Admin.,. Ext. 3371 for further informa- tion. P .art-Time Employment The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non-Academic Per- sonnel Office, Room 1020 Administration Building, during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employees should contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext. 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daily. MALE 3-Psychological subjects, for one 2 hour session, Friday 1-3 p.m., or 3-5 p.m., or Monday 2-3 p.m. 1-Inventory clerk, full-time from May 28 thru June 1 or 2. 2-Experienced full-time day camp counselors.; 2-Waiters, every day at noon, for one hour., 1-Speech correction major, 1-2 morn- ings or afternoons per week, thru summer and fall. 4-Salesmen, commission basis, must have car. 15-Psychological subjects, hours to be arranged. 2-Meal jobs. 1-Counter clerk, Monday, Wednes- day, Friday 3-7 p.m., and Tuesday, Thursday 4-6 p.m., Saturdays 2-6 p.m.,)must be in Ann Arbor at Daily Policies.. . To the Editor: LATELY there has been a great deal of controversy concern- ing "irresponsible reporting" on the part of the Daily. Perhaps this could be cleared up by some ex- planation, from The Daily itself, of. its policies. Such an explanation might restore The Daily's good name, and certainly would advise its readers just what to expect, at least in the way of news report- ing. ** * MANY QUESTIONS could be asked; I would suggest these for a start: Why was there so little fac- tual coverage of Shepard's flight, and instead, stories on the opin- ions of various people? After all, students on this campus had at best rather uninformed views- unless they had read some off- campus newspaper. Why is there no mention at all of any Ann Arbor or ,campus event which is not a campus activity? There was some excitement in front of the Law Quad yesterday; surely that is of interest to students; perhaps a very small column on such hap- penings, on-campus events which are not related to campus activi- ties, could be initiated. Why were members of activities honoraries mentioned twice, once in a news article and again in the Honors Edition, while scholarship or re- search honoraries, surely as im- portant in a school supposedly dedicated to scholarship, were mentioned only in the Honors Edition? Why was Toynbee's speech reported inconspicuously on the second page, while what the reader assumes is a private inter- view (he is never told) appears with a picture on the front page? Why was the emphasis on Roger Seasonwein's words rather than on those of Fulton Lewis III, in the report of their debate? After all, by this time everyone should be aware of Mr. Seasonwein's views nn +he matter- what we a venot 4