IY, MAY 25, 1961
__, A_2,191TH MCIGNDA,_PG
SAM, Power
Easily Beats
Sigma Alpha Mu, behind the
hitting and pitching of Fred Gor-
don, trounced Alpha Epsilon Pi
12-3 in an "A" social fraternity
first-place playoff game yesterday
at Ferry Field.
Gordon went all the way to re-
cord the win and 'helped himself
out with a two-run homer. He had
batting help from teammates Mike
Tunick and Jackie Berman. Sam
Zell, the loser for AEP, had hitting
support from Mark Rubenstein,
Phil Feitelson, and Warren Col-
In a "B" second-place playoff
game, Alpha Tau Omega edged
Beta Theta Pi 6-4. Barry Ludwig
was the winner for ATO. Frank
Maloney drove in three runs for
the Betas.
Phi Delta Theta romped over
Pi Lambda Phi 15-5 in a "B" third
place playoff. Paul Orne went the
route to pick up the win. John
Nameth was the slugging hero for
the Phi Delts as he clubbed two
home runs-one with two mates
aboard and one with the bases
full. Dave Tear also was hot at the
plate for the Phi Delts, collecting
three hits.
In an "A" residence hall game,
Michigan House dropped Strauss
12-6. Michigan pitcher Ken Burn-
ley was aided by fine fielding. His
teammates came with three rally-
killing double plays.
In "other I-M action, Chi Phi
downed Delta Upsilon 10-5 in a
"B" second-place playoff game.
Lloyd topped Wenley 8-5 in an "A"
second-place playoff.
In the day's closest game, Win-
chell nipped Adams 1-0 in seven
innings. Don Gustavson went all
the way for Adams, but lost the
game, despite pitching a one-
Gustavson had pitched no-hit
ball until the seventh inning when
he allowed a base on balls to the
Winchell first baseman, Ted Lar-
rapy. Larrapy then stole second,
and went to third on a ground out.
He scored on a single, the first hit
off Gustavson.
Ed McConkey was the winner for
Professional Fraternities and
Independents will conclude their
seasons in games to be played to-
day at Ferry Field.
eM' Big Ten All-Sport Champ
Michigan teams piled up six
team titles-four more than any-
one else-and added enough else-
where to run away with the un-
official Big Ten all-sports crown.
The first place finishes garn-
ered by the track, tennis, and
baseball teams over the weekend
pushed the Wolverines' "perform-
ance average" to a lofty 7.95. In-
diana was second with 7.35 fol-
lowed by arch-rival Michigan
State. The Spartans averaged 7.07.
10 Point Basis
"Performance average" is fig-
ured on the basis of 10 points for
first, nine for second, etc., and
then divided by the number of
sports in which a school entered
Besides the first places won
Saturday, Michigan captured the
Big Ten indoor track and gym-
nastics titles. The sixth crown was
picked up by the hockey team.
Though they finished below
Minnesota's Gophers in the final
Western Collegiate Hockey Asso-
ciation standings, in the competi-
tion between the three Big Ten
schools (Michigan State being the
other) the Wolverines were the
Finished Second
Two other Wolverine teams -
the wrestling and the swimming
team-finished second in their re-
spective meets. Only the golf,
football, and the basketball teams
missed one of the top two spots.
The Spartans, however, actually
outscored the Wolverines when all
13 of the sanctioned Conference
events were totaled. Michigan
State picked up 10 for winning
the cross country title and seven
for its fourth place finish in the
fencing meet to give them a total
of 92.
Entered in Sports
Michigan, who entered athletes
in eleven sports, passing up cross
country and fencing, finished with
Minnesota's Gophers, fourth in
the "performance" chart, finish-
ed third overall. Like Michigan
and Michigan State, the Gophers
benefitted from the extra points
picked up in hockey.
On the basis of titles won, the
Wolverines were clearly superior.
No one besides Michigan State
and Ohio State, who won two,
garnered more than one.
The Spartans won cross coun-
try and wrestling, while the Buck-
eyes captured basketball and golf.
Minnesota and Iowa split the
football title, Illinois took fenc-
ing, and Indiana swept the swim-
ming honors to fill out the card.
Headquarters for HI-Fl
Quarter track pre-recorded tape Selections-Special only 4.95
Highest quality mylar 1200; 1.75---famous manufacturer 1800; 2.25
Going away for summer specials on most Hi-Fi Equipment.
Example-Lesa record changer $29.95
Lesa changer with Shure M7-D Cartridge $42.50
One half block from Washtenow-1319 South University
-Daily-David Giltrow
STRAINING FOR THE TAPE--Michigan's Dick Cephas, shown
here running in the 100-yd. dash against Western Michigan, is a
hurdler too. In fact Michigan track coach Don Canham considers
him one of the best in the nation.
Versatile Cephas Finally Gets Victory;
Shatters Hurdles Record in Process
Dick Cephas has always seemed
to be running in someone's shad-
ow until he came into his own in
the Big Ten Championships last
Cephas is probably the most
versatile man on the team, run-
ning everything from the 440-yd.
dash on down to the 100, hurdle
events from the 440-yd. down to
the 120, and high jumping as
well. Of course, many trackmen
can do these things, but none has
the all-around power that Cephas
In addition to being a finalist
Major League Standings
in the United States Olympic
trials last summer, the lithe speed-
ster has sparkled many a time
for Michigan.
Runs in Footsteps
After running in Bennie Mc-
Rae's footsteps for two years,
Cephas finally made it, winning
the Big Ten 220-yd. low hurdles
title last Saturday in the record
time of :23.4. In addition he cap-
tured a fifth in the 100 and tied
for third in the high jump, but
there were subordinate to his
record-setting race.
Why wasn't McRae in it? "Ben
has had a recurring back injury
this season which could get worse
if he were to run hurdles around
a turn," states Coach Don Can-
ham. "We didn't need him to win
the meet so he didn't run."
Running on Curves
"Running around a turn puts a
terrific strain on a runner's
back," continued Canhan. "He's
twisting, jumping, banking, and
turning at the same time. There
were some teams at the meet
that got hurt very badly. Western
Michigan used theirhbest pole
vaulter against us when he was
hurt and the boy pulled a lot of
muscles in his leg.
Canham sees Cephas as being
in a great deal better condition
than he was last year at this
time. "You can't be sure, but Mc-
Rae and Cephas could be the best
of the hurdlers in the country,"
stated the track mentor.
Previewing the NCAA meet
June 16-17 in Philadelphia, Can-
ham believes the Wolverines could
do very well. Entered will be all
men who placed first, second or
third in the Big Ten meet, which
would include Ergas Leps, 880 and
mile champ; Tom Robinson, sprint
titlist; McRae, Cephas, Dave Mar-
tin in the mile and 880, Rod Den-
hart in the pole vault, and Les
Bird in the broad jump.
"It isn't like swimming where
the Big Ten is Just about the
only decent conference, but if the
team gets together and works on
it, we could score quite a few
points in the NCAA meet," Can-
ham related.
Iowa Cager
In Scandal
NEW YORK (P) - The Big Ten
was brought into the recent bas-
ketball scandals yesterday when
Iowa freshman Cornelius (Connie)
Hawkins, who recently dropped
out of school, was accused as be-
ing an intermediary between play-
ers and gamblers.
The accusation was made by
New York District Attorney Frank
Hogan, who has been conducting
the investigation into the point
shaving scandal.
:' W L Pct. GB
San Francisco 22 13 .629 -
Pittsburgh 20 13 .606 1
Los"Angeles 23 16 .590 1
Cincinnati 20 16 .556 2'A~
Milwaukee 16 17 .485 5
St. Louis 15 18 .455 6
Chicago 12 23 .343 10
Philadelphia 11 23 .324 102
San Francisco 5, Cincinnati 4
Philadelphia 7, Milwaukee 1
Pittsburgh 7, Chicago 3
St. Louis 7, Los Angeles 2
Pittsburgh at Chicago
Philadelphia at Milwaukee (N)
Los Angeles at St. Louis (N)
(Only games scheduled)
W L Pct.
Detroit 27 11 .711
x-Cleveland 21 15 .583
New York 19 15 .559
Baltimore 21 18 .539
Minnesota 18 19 .486
Washington 18 21 .461
Boston 15 19 .4411
Kansas City 14 18 .4381
x-Los Angeles 13 21 .3821
Chicago 14 23 .3781
C-Playing night game.
Baltimore 2-5, Chicago 1-3
New York 3, Boston 2
Kansas City 6, Washington 5
Detroit 5, Minnesota 4
Cleveland at Los Angeles (inc.)
Detroit at Minnesota
Boston at New York (N)
Washington at Kansas City
Chicagoat Baltimore (N)
Cleveland at Los Angeles
New "wetter-than-water" action melts beard's tough.
ness-in seconds. Remarkable new "wetter-than-water"
action gives Old Spice Super Smooth Shave its scientific
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Shaves that are so comfortable you barely feel the
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makes Super Smooth Shave stay moist and firm. No
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the most satisfying shave...fastest, cleanest-and most
comfortable. Regular or mentholated, 1.00.
0 F ill one of Trojan's GIANT clothes hampers
with all of your bulky winter clothes. The clothes
will be stored and insured in our Refrigerated
vault for the summer for only $4.95. Next fall
they will be returned cleaned, pressed, on hang-
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CALL NOW for immediate delivery of a Trojan Storage
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Light-weight Imported Wools . . . $so.00 up
TAILORED SLACKS that meet the demands of &
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Drip-Dry Dacron and Topel ...$10.50
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Dacron and Wool Gabardine . .. $25.00
Imported All-Wool Tropicals . . . $25.00
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