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May 25, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-25

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BIDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

The Forgotten A lternative?

Exam Reading Period
Practical, Desirable

EVERY FEW YEARS at this time, the admin-
istration tantalizes embattled students by
reopening the possibility of establishing a read-
ing period of adecuate length between the
end of classes and exams. Every few years, it is
promptly dropped, leaving the final exam sit-
uation in the same miserable, contradictory,
confusing mess that we are all about to face.
The University places great emphasis on
final exams. It considers the current two-week
"extended" exam period an integral and signifi-
cant part of higher education. One of the big
objections to the trimester proposal for full-
year operation was the necessary cut a three
semester operation would make into the final
exam; the three hour final is usually the most
important single factor in a grade.
BUT WITH ALL, the emphasis on the final,
the University handles its final exam
scheduling in a haphazard and unavoidably
unequitable manner. Exams fall purely by
chance-the lucky will have theirs evenly
spaced with three days before they begin, the
unlucky moan that they have four exams the
A Change.
WHY HAS President John F. Kennedy re-
fused to see Korean Premier Chang Do-
Young after a definite, even if not too diplo-
matically correct, indication by the Korean
leader that he would like to visit the United
States and see Kennedy?
There would appear to be two possible ex-
planations. It might be that this is just a cal-
culated slight to one of our more minor allies
(a nation in which we still have United States
armies, one might note).
,Or it might be because Chang is the leader
of a military junta which is ruling its, country
by force-essentially tyrannical, however be-
nign it may be.
ONE WOULD HOPE that the latter explana-
tion is correct, and that this indicates a
major change in American foreign policy. Pre-
viously this country has been all too willing
to ally itself dipl natically with dictatorial
regimes as long as they would continue op-
position to Communism. (Witness Batista,
Betancourt, Saud, Rhee and similar rulers who
were supported by the might of the United
If this refusal to invite Chang to this coun-
try is really indicative of a reversal of this
policy, it deserves praise.
Although opposition to strongmen may be
less helpful in combatting the Soviets, it is
the more ethical stand for a nation which
claims to uphold democratic, libertarian ideals.
It is high time for a resurgence of idealism in
this country's foreign relations, and if it is
coming under Kennedy and Rusk, we should
salute it.

first two days and a week and a half, till the
Having the exam schedules printed with the
time schedules is not the cure-all it was in-
tended to be. At best, it adds another variable
to the already difficult task of trying to cram
five courses into reasonable hours (sometimes
difficult in the current fad for offering all the
most popular courses MWF 11 or MWF 2). At
worst, Cassandra-like, it leaves the student pre-
warned and helpless with an inevitably horri-
ble exam schedule made unavoidable by re-
quired courses which fall at specific hours.
IN FACT, knowing the exam schedule at reg-
istration puts the student in a very strange
position. He can either sacrifice the courses he
wants to take to the goal of "no eight o'clocks"
and a great exam schedule,'' or he can take
courses for their academic merit and suffer.
One way or another, a student's grade point
can easily hang on a room scheduling secre-
tary's whim.
The University can do something about this,
and the administration knows it. There are
various possibilities; all of them have been
kicked around the dean's offices in the past
few weeks.
The reading period is the best idea. If
classes are scheduled to end on a Friday,
exams would start one week from the follow-
ing Monday, and run straight through the
week. This would eliminate the chance factor
from the exam schedule and give all students
an equal chance to study for the same exams.
It would also give the best students the op-
portunity to do extra reading, and the most
lax a chance to catch up (which is not abso-
lutely immoral, despite the opinion of many
members of the faculty).
It would give the average.student more time
to synthesize a course, to let it settle a while-
giving the opportunity not only for more
cramming but for more consideration of ideas,
and hopefully, even for creation of some new
IT IS DIFFICULT'to see what is wrong with
this plan--what the disadvantages are, or
how they outweigh the considerable advantages.
It has the solid precedent of Harvard's read-
ing period successfully behind it; it is reason-
able enough to keep coming up for considera-
tion every time the exam problem is discussed.
It would not even take more time than the
present system. One week would be used for
the reading period. The next week would be
filled with exams. Even if the exam time were
extended to a week and a half, the few days
lost would be insignificant and well spent.
The Haber report suggests that this time of
impending transition to full-year operation is
also the time for experiment with educational
forms. The institution of a reading period
would not be a particularly daring experiment,
but it would be a change both useful to the
student and certainly more consistent with the
University's general attitude towards final
Acting Magazine Editor

Daily Staff Writer
HE recent Scheub report on
conditions in residence halls
regardless of its "faulty sampling
techniques," seems to have caused
a bit of discussion about one of
man's basic needs-shelter. And
in the process of talking, making
motions, referring to committees,
no one-besides the bearded anar-
chist who mumbled something
about arson-appears to have come
up with anything startling or even
Strangely enough, one seemingly
important type of housing was
almost entirely overlooked. The
Co-ops were hardly ever mention-
ed. Most people simply don't know
what a co-operative is-or else
they harbor some dim childhood
impression of Russian peasants
hauling wheat to a communal
grain mill, followed by fierce look-
ing cossacks.
* * *
BUT perhaps this advertising
failure, can tell one more about
the "inner nature" of the co-ops
than any concentrated Madison
Avenue campaign could. The first
thing that often strikes a visitor
when he enter a co-op is that no
one is trying to sell anything. If a
house is dirty, chances are a
co-oper., after a few feeble excuses,
will tell you it's usually like this
anyway (most co-op houses, by
the way, are kept quite clean).
There is no attempt to present the
visitor with a gilded image.
Most cooperative houses are en-
tirely student run operations, al-
though the University does oper-
ate several of its own houses for
women. The co-op movement to
provide low cost student housing
actually originated on this campus
during the early '30's, rapidly'
spreading to many colleges and
universities all over the country.
Today, at the University, a co-
ordinating body-The Inter-Co-
operative Council-made up of stu-
dents, owns three men's houses,
five for women and one for mar-
ried students.
* *
tage in co-op living is the cost.
Those who live and eat in the
house usually spend about $250
per semester. Boarders usually pay
about $160. Since there are no
janitors, maids, or hired cooks,
house members are required to

PEOPLE seem to gain a sense
of genuine solidarity and friend-
ship through useful physical work.
This is the avowed purpose of the
euphoristic "work week" that
many fraternities require. It's ac-
tual usefulness is sometimes open
to question-but not so with co-op
And there is also an often over-
looked "equalizing" effect of man-
ual labor. This, is more apparent
when a co-op visitor finds out
that of the three men on cleanup
-one is a middle class American
studying philosophy, another a
high caste Indian of aristocratic
lineage majoring in physics and
the third a future African leader
whose British accent might dis-
guise his tribal origin.
Because of the diversity and age
differences in a co-op house, so-
cial functions are not what they
could be in a homogeneous "fra-
ternal type existence." Most houses
are not too enthusiastic about or-
ganized dances and time-consum-
ing" floats. While occasional open
houses and "wet" folksings are
somewhat sporadically organized,
the majority of houses seem to be
fairly apathetic in this realm. Of-'
ten a social budget is spent on
magazines before a majority of'
the house members will vote an
appropriation for a dance. Some-
times when the "social movement"
gets this far, a motion suddenly
appears proposing an all male beer
party. Of course, since those pres-
ent are "all male," the vote is
Several of the co-ops, have had
some difficulty with the Univer-

sity's Environmental Health de-
partment. Since funds are not
abundant it is sometimes diffi-
cult to replace an old but still
operating stove or remove wooden
shelves and replace them with
stainless steel ones. Few of the
co-op rooms can compare with
the functional modernity of those
in South Quad.
* * *
SOME PEOPLE - particularily
those who live in co-ops will con-
tend that these drawbacks are
minor-if anything really becomes
objectionable, one can just pick up
his valise and leave the house
after a semester-all men's con-
tracts extend only for that long.
Surely, co-op living is not ideal
-it can't compete with the smooth
operation of a Benedictine Monas-
tery. There can be bad food, people
with whom one would rather not
live, and certain work cdmnmit-
ments that can get burdensome.
Yet within this framework-one
can "risk" a co-op for a semester
and then feel no reproach when he
decides to move out four months
But there are some advantages
in living with people who are just
plain different-who are Moslems,
Hindus, atheists, segregationists or
utopian socialists. Here is the aim
of the University's residence halls
realized-and on an un-simulated
voluntary basis. Here is also where
graduate student can talk to un-
dergrads and often provide the
type of natural "intellectual at-
mosphere" which some other forms
of housing are so earnestly trying
to provide.


work from between three and a
half to six hours per week. Food
is generally better than that of-
fered in the residence halls and
since the house elects its own
steward who plans all the menus,
considerable pressure can be
brought to bear on "quality con-
A co-op is rarely torn by in-
ternal politics. Officers are elected
each semester and posts are not
looked upon as "prestige positions."
Each house has a distinctive at-
mosphere-even in politics as in-
dicated by a recent mock election
this fall. Some houses voted Demo-
cratic, one Socialist, and another
Republican. There can be no "co-
op sterotype," no standardized
dress, ideology, or interests. It
seems that "the -co-op spirit," if
there is such a metaphysical en-
tity, exists only in the futile at-.
tempt to define one.
* * *
SINCE there is little standar-
dization within each house, the
co-ops have traditionally attract-
ed a large number of foreign stu-
dents. Probably more than any
other formal type of Ann Arbor
housing, the co-ops offer signifi-
cant possibilities for real contact
and friendship between Americans
and international students.

Because discipline is rarely a
problem and because of the gen-
erally higher level of maturity,
there are few burdensome regula-
tions. Besides the usual restric-
tions on women, those who live in
the co-ops are quite free to do
as they please, as long as their
fellow co-opers and the University
never become involved. Rules cease
to have an autonomous existence
and are maintained only so far
as they serve a mutual and agreed
upon purpose. There are no dress
The disadvantages of co-op liv-
ing are those inherent in any type
of organized housing. One has to
live in a group and thus sacrifice
some part of his own individual
freedom. However, it is probably
safe to say that this sacrifice is
the least of all forms of housing
available on this campus-with
the obvious exception of one man
apartments. While the food is us-
ually good-there is always the
occasional cook who burns or un-
der cooks the chicken and forgets
to mash or wash the potatoes.
Surprisingly these "unfortunate"
instances are unfrequent. Never-
theless,' a non-profesional co-op
cook can rarely compare with
those employed by fraternities and




r j

* Uniform Law Code
Would Add Flexibility
Daily Staff Writer
CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN announced last week that he has
appointed a committee to look into the possibility of establishing
a uniform code of evidence for the Federal. Courts.
At present the rules which determine what is acceptable evidence
in a federal trial, are based upon precedents which have evolved
from decisions laid down by individual judges from case to case.
This system derived from the traditional English .common law,



at first glance appears to be more

Advice for Grad Council.


United Fund: A Misnomer
7E ANN ARBOR Chapter of the United In the UF there are charities of almost every
Foundation seems to be intent on perpe- description; many of which, I am certain, the
trating a deception in its very name. donor would never think of contributing to,
Across the nation its sister organizations were it not buried deep in the rolls of the UP.
have persisted in implying that all charities The fact that the Roman Catholic Church
are united under one banner when indeed happens to sponsor a charity should make
this is not so. Locally, UF action seems to have absolutely no difference, since in many in-
reached the very height of inanity. stances charities are included which are spon-
It seems that the Catholic Social Services sored or boosted by labor unions or other spe-
agency has been denied UF membership by cial interest groups, both extremely objection-
one vote, right on the heels of an appeal by able to a large bloc of the public.
19 local Protestant clergymen to .keep them By the ministers' argument, the public
out. should not be asked to contribute to any or-
Perhaps the two events have no connection, ganization backed, wholly or partially, by any
but one tends to doubt it. Apparently the element to which he does not subscribe.
United Foundation will continue to be a mis-
nomer. Such prominent organizations as the If everyone used this reasoning, the United
March of Dimes refuse to get in, and in light Foundation would be the world's most spectac-
of the fact that such worthy causes as the ular flop.
Catholic Social Services Agency are kept out, And anyway, according to UF publicity, one
it is not hard to see why the Dimes people are is "allowed" to designate which of the includ-
intents on avoiding UP. ed charities he wishes his donation to be given
to. Presumably, therefore, one would not have.
THE MINISTERS based their opposition on to donate to the Catholic agencies if he did
the alleged duplication of most of the not wish to do so. Whether or not this situation
services offered by Family Service of Ann Ar- actually prevails is something else again.
bor (a weak excuse indeed; there are many
duplications in the Uf), and on a sectarian HOWEVER, it must be pointed out, in their
basis "as their denomination prescribes." rejection, the Catholic Social Services
The ministers also expressed the belief that Agency joins a rather prominent group of UF
community support should be asked for "only 'outsiders': The March of Dimes, as already
non-sectarian agencies which will be less like- mentioned, the Cancer Society (in some places),
ly to treat clients with bias." Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Christ-
This is outrageous, to say the very least. To mas and Easter Seals, and a whole host of
even suggest that the Catholics, or any other other smaller groups.
church group, would consciously discriminate
against a needy person because of his creed is That's an impressive list, and it goes to prove
extremely unlikely, and such remarks must something: In many areas, UF uses the slo-
not be tolerated. In fact, it casts some doubt gan, "Give to one, and the giving is done," a
on these 19 ministers and their unbiased inten- monstrous falsehood. In fact, the Catholics
tions, by the very suggestion, should look at the company they are keeping
among the other 'outsiders,' and the reputa-
RUT PERHAPS the most ridiculous state- tion those charities have individually, and be

To the Editor:
IF THE Graduate Student Coun-
cil really wants to keep afloat
and raise some money, let it do
the following: set up a desk over
in the Rackham Building, where
all graduate students must go to
pick up registration material, and
collect 25c from each of the 9,000
students the Council claims it rep-
resents. That would yield $2,250.
If the Council wants to do some-
thing effective for the graduate
community, let it co-operate with
the Inter-Disciplinary Scholars'
Council, a new organization set up
to do some studying and thinking
about problems before passing
resolutions about them, and let
the Council concentrate on major
issues which it could do something
:-J. B. Reid, Spec.
R. E. Seavoy, Grad.
Scholars' Council
Psych 31 ...,
To the Editor:
HOW CAN psychologists decry
the mind-body problem if they
force this dichotomy upon the
students before they are even
aware of the nature of the science?
Certainly the separation of the
"physical" and "social" nature of
psychology in an introductory
course oversteps the bounds of the
present unhealthy educational
trend toward specialization. It
gives non-psychology majors an
unrepresentative view of the field
and psychology majors a senior
year to integrate what the de-
partment has managed to sepa-
To make matters worse, the
student grades will be based on a
"depth study" of an individual
topic. Perhaps this means an in-'
tegration course consists of re-
conciling the thalmus with the
hypothalmus. Having "colloquium-
type lectures by specialists" seems
to be a way of paying lip service
to the aims of education-breadth
of knowledge and ability to com-
municate with divergent groups.
-Bernard Weiner, Grad
-Stuart D. Klipper, '62
-J. Curtis Senie, '63
Movie Criticism
To the Editor:
THOMAS BRIEN did an intel-
ligent and stimulating article
defining the facets of cinema art
concerning a series critic. It would

is .evident in most of the signifi-
cant films made in the world.
* * *
that the best way to tell whether
a picture is worth seeing is by
who directed it retains its validity.
Look at a worthless, anonymous
hodgepodge like "The Big Show"
(made by a couple of unknown
hacks named Clark .and Sherde-
man), which wasn't worth the
review space it was given, and
then highly individual, significant
creations like Wilder's "Apart-
ment' Bergman's "Virgin Spring,"
Zinnemann's "Sundowners" and
DeSica's "The Roof."
Exclusively impersonal film cri-
ticism of the type advocated by
Mr. Brien can sometimes become
overly abstract and vague. A bit
more attention in reviews to the
director and his personal style
could add to their readability and
* * *A

films in the latest Daily magazine
needs one comment. It should be
remembered that only the better
foreign films are imported into
this country (andneven then many
low-quality French Bardot vehi-
cles, British lowbrow farces, and
Italian costume spectacles are in-
cluded). Therefore, generalizations
to the effect that a good foreign
film is intrinsically better than a'
good American film are based on
unequal comparisons.
In any case, there is room for
a bit more tolerance in Mr. Mar-
cus' article; that is, neither pro-
nor anti-foreign prejudice, but an
objective viewpoint, taking each
film on its own merits regardless
of national origin. Or, if Mr. Mar-
cus' main interest, as seems likely,
does lie in foreign films, let that
be stated at the start of the ar-
ticle, but not be used -as the un-
stated bais for generalizations
about American vs. foreign Cin-
-Steven Hill, Grad.

Folk Music, Jazz ...
To the Editor:
YOUR ARTICLE on folk music
("modern America needs this
means of communication, etc. ad
nauseum") is the final straw which
breaks my silence .. .
Miss Dow's effort . .. shows a
lack of understanding of jazz, and
relatively little . analysis of the
half-truths and mistaken beliefs
concerning it which are included
in the article. Apparently, she is
incapable of comprehending any
symbol system more abstract than,
our sign language, as you do not
feel that the sounds of jazzdwhich
are used to represent feeling are
"'coherent". In fact, by stating
that we became "near-machines"
as a result of listening to music
which you admit is pure "feeling"
(i.e. emotion), you lead me to
question your ability to compre-
hend, or at least to use coherently,
the English language. I ask you:
have you ever tried to picture an
emotional machine?
We have trouble holding an
"old-fashioned" folksing today.
Why? Certainly not just because
we don't know any folk songs, for
if folk music was a valid expres-
sion of our society, we would, by
definition, be the ones to originate
the songs. The difficulty lies in-
stead in the fact that we are con-
tent to listen to others sing at
concerts and on records rather
than singing ourselves, even
though we "think we could do
better". And so we are led to
consider why the people of a so-
ciety which needs the personal ex-
pression of folk music" choose not
to express themselves in folksings.
The answer is that they are pro-
ponents of "mental inertia," a
trend in modern society toward
non-participation in life.
-Paul Wiers, '63

flexible than a specified code, snd
gives a judge greater leeway to
meet each particular situation
with its own special applications.
This is not necessarily the case,
result of the Common Law pro-
cedure, certain rules do begin, to
emerge. But they are not broad,
flexible axioms; they apply speci-
fically to individual cases. A judge,
who is faced with a decision re-
garding evidence has before him a
multitude of particulars, which are
not applicable to the situation at
So long as there are no problems
it is thought that it is better to
leave the common law system as
it is. But today the complexity of
modern society has forced the is-
sue out into the open. "The de-
mand (for a uniform code of evi-
dence) has been so widespread,
and has come from such respon-
sible sources, that the matter
should be given very serious
thought and attention," the Chief
Justice said.
Actually such a measure is not
a radical step in our judicial sys-
tem. It is in keeping with the
trend toward uniformity and
greater power and control in the
hands of the Federal government.
FEDERAL RULES of civil pro-
cedure were established in 1938,
and in 1946 rules for federal crim-
inal procedure were drafted. These
rules were devised by professional
committees and then established
by the Supreme Court under a
Congressional enabling act.
The proposed rules on evidence
would specifically apply to 'the
Federal courts, but professors of
law predict that such rules would
probably be picked up by the
states, following the general ten-
dency, particularly on. the part
of the western states, to incorpor-
ate Federal judicial rulings into
their systems.
This result would indeed be de-
sirable. A uniform code would al-
low more flexibility than the com-
mon lay system. A judge would be
less bound. Broad, general rules
would allow him a new discretion.

Newest Problems
In Growing Up
THE GROWTH of a new attitude toward child-rearing has meant
that most parents in bringing up this generation have made a
genuine effort to understand their children and not to impose
parental authority in ways that might inhibit the young child.
As a result, it is extremely difficult for the child to rebel, since
he is understood rather than repressed. This has its consequence in
giving him nothing but feather pillows to fight, and in developing an
attitude of self-understanding before there is a great deal of self
to understand...
IF AN EFFORT is made by parents to assert authority, it is

usually rejected, since both parents
the parent can do about refusal
to accept authority. The, modern
parent is unlikely to threaten the
sixteen-year-old with bodily harm.
and threats to withhold money or
special privileges very often pro-
duce more tensions and problems
than they solve .. .
Most sixteen-year-olds are suf-
ficiently sophisticated not only to
know the limits of power possessed
by their parents if it were to be
put to the test, but are also pre-
pared to live an independent emo-
tional life by depriving the par-
ents of a return of affection, by
appearing a minimum amount of
time at home, by surface con-
formity to demands, or by simply

and child know that there is little

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent, in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices

on Fri., May

26. Office of the Dean of

Disciplinary Action: One student fined
$100 for removing without charging
books from the Undergraduate Library.
Office of the Dean of Men.
The Applied Mathematics seminar
scheduled to meet Thurs., May 25 at
4:00 p.m. in 246 West Engineering has
been cancelled because of the Univer-
sity Senate meeting.
Students who are receiving Education
and . 'Trnii nc Allin.. nn i in. fl,,l.i

1. Any bicycle parked on University
property (classroom areas, residence
halls, University owned apartments,
Medical Center, etc.) must bear a CUR-
2. Summer storage of bicycles on Uni-
versity property is not permitted. Bi-
cycles not in use during summer school
must be taken home or put instorage.
For your protection as, well as for good
order on the campus, bicycles stored
(left over 48 hours after June 13 with-
out a "hold" order) in the racks on
University property will be Impounded.


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