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February 10, 1961 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-10

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"We're Here For The Post-Inaugural Non-Gala"

Seventy-First Year
wil Preval"
als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers'
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Wayne Speaker Po
Called 'Moral Cowar

Questionable By-Law
Should Be Tested

EGENTS BY-LAW on use of lecture
s and auditoriums is probably uncon
. California's Supreme Court declared
hat a law in that state which is sim-
e University's does not level with the
fornia Education Code requires any-
ring use of public school facilities to,
statement- of information." It must
at the facilities will not be used to
t program or movement for overthrow
deral government by force or violence
unlawful means.
ants must also state that they do not
such overthrow and are neither Con-
ront nor Communist-action organiza-
UDENT organization at the University
to hold a lecture in a'University lec-

ture room or auditorium, it has to present a.
form, which the University lecture committee
reviews, that asks:
Have you investigated the background of
the proposed speaker to determine whether he
will meet the requirements of the Regents' 'by-
law set forth on the back of this application?
Is the proposed speaker a member of, or
active in, any Communist or Communist-front
THE BY-LAW REFERRED to is 8.10 and its
terms closely follow that of the California
Education Codek " .No addresses shall be al-
lowed which urge the destruction or modifica-
tion of government by violence or other unlaw-
ful methods, or which advocate or justify con-
duct 'which violates the fundamentals of our
accepted code of morals."
We urge a case to test this by-law, as the
American Civil Liberties Union tested the Cali-
fornia law by requesting use of the school
facilities while refusing to file the "statement
of information."
For it seems to us that the opinion Justice
Maurice T. Dooley, Jr. wrote for'the California
Supreme Court could equallyapply:
The requirement acts as "a prior restraint
on the rights of freespeech" and might also
"prevent lawful assemblies and the lawful exer-
cise of free speech upon an erroneous (even if*
plausible) finding." Further, in the struggle
against the Communist threat "we must be
careful not to adopt the Communist methods."
City Editor


8 SAID that a gift should be something
e recipient wouldn't buy for himself-
thing wished-for, not a necessity. Per-
selection of senior class gifts in recent
was based on a similar principle
at wish hiding wistfully in the heart of
nversity will be gratified this year? ?A
engraved rock would only be trite We
hiave flags ... A thing of beauty is a joy
er, but for two years now the UGLI has
ed one . . .
at do you get for the person who has
-. S.

State GOP Chairman Tends to Right

Swainson Plan Faces Needs

oposals for tax revision bring with them
it hope that Michigan's fiscal problems
last be brought to an end.
ig in a spirit of compromise, while at
ne time following the basic tenets of his
previous position, Swainson has evolv-
rogram which contains "something for
)dy" but still reflects consistency with
nost unanimous recommendations of lo-'
i national tax experts. '
nost important and perhaps controver-'
omnmendation, the enactment of a three
it flat-rate income tax will serve to pro-
e state with an elastic method of taxa-
temper the wildly fluctuating revenues
t in by the inadequate four per cent
ix. Proposing that the new tax be flat-'*
ther than graduated as has been favoredA
e Democrats and such experts as Prof.
Brazer of the economics department,
on artfully appeals to moderates and
atives whose fear of "creeping socialism"a
ex-Governor G. Mennen Williams'
bed plan.
IN ORDER to prevent the income tax
im becoming too regressive, placing an
able heavy burden on low income famil-
ainson proposes that a system of'exemp-
e instituted resembling the federal In-
ax policy. Low-income groups would be
"rther by his recommended elimination
four per cent sales tax on food and the
r cent tax on prescription drugs. Thus
earner who makes $5,000 and has a
of four would pay an income tax of $63
ild have, according to professional stud-
estimated $50 on food and rugs. Oddly
it is this provision of Swainson's plan
has so far reaped the most criticism as
equential" and "inedaquate."
nson also lays the groundwork for a
tory method of at last securing adequate
or local government. The state's locali-
re been under extreme fiscal pressures
rs, but their problem has been over-
ed by the more dramatic and almost
is crises of the state government. Swain-,
s proposes that an additional one-half
it be added to the personal and cor-
income tax exclusively for the use of lo-
An alternate Swainson plan asks that
allties be provided with the option of
their own income tax up to one per
proposal to provide "relief" for Michi-
siness. By asking for the repeal of the
s Activities Tax (BAT) and by exempt-
,hinery, tools and dies from local prop-
:es, Swainson in effect shifts over $100
of the tax burden from industry to the
In so doing, Swainson won the whole-
support of the state's major newspa-
: robbed the Republicans of their claim
ainson, like his predecessor, is anti-busi-
ilon controlled, and the ultimate cause
igan's fiscal and unemployment ills. But
inson has known all along, and as all
perts in the state universities have

agreed, the "burden of business taxes has little
to do with Michigan's basic financial life.
Compared with other costs of industrial pro-
Eduction, state business taxes are miniscule
and are not the basis for Michigan's "unfavor-
able business climate." What is important to
business is the indecisiveness of the entire tax
structure, the state's record of insolvency and
the basic trends toward decentralization of in-
dustrial production.
YET THE DIATRIBES of Republican legisla-
tors and the twisting of facts by the press,
forced Swainson into some sort of action in
order to win his overall policy some chance of
success. Whatever basis there is for the claim
that taxes have caused industry to flee Michi-
gan will certainly be counteracted by the na-
ture of Swainson's- business tax plans. The
Business Activities Tax, which was originally
proposed by the automobile giants, but at-
tributed by the public to "Soapy" Williams,
should be repealed not because it is "heavy"
but because it is inequitable. BAT taxes com-
panies not on their profits but on the total
volume of business transactions during the fis-
cal year. Thus.unprofitable companies pay the
same tax as profitable ones, and to some slight
extent the state acts to push failing firms
either towards extinction or into another state.
But in asking that business be relieved of
paying property taxes on machinery and other
industrial equipment, Swainson is clearly bow-
ing to industry and Republicans who have al-
ready vowed to defeat many of his other meas-
ures. He is practising politics as "the art of the
possible." The Republicans, who have always
posed as the saviours of business, will either
have to accept his general program or else
reap public and editorial condemnation as ob-
structionists to any program of revision, even
when it contains the basic policies which they
themselves have long advocated.
THUS SWAINSON has justifiably stated that
his is an integrated plan, not available for
dissection or piecemeal adoption. In order to
preclude any Democratic victory, the Repub-
licans have pledged to place either the entire
Swainson package or more preferably the in-
come tax question alone on a referendum in
the April elections. They are probably correct
in their belief that voter ignorance of the en-
tire program and memories of the recently
enacted sales tax hike will spell doom for
Swainson. The Republicans ignore the fact
that legislatures exist because the general pub-
lie is incapable of assimilating the complex
and voluminous information which contributes
to wise taxation policies.
Swainson's income tax is also unpopular
with many Democrats. The governor showed
political courage when he bucked many of his
own party members by proposing what could
be a vote-costing measure but which is surely
a sound one. Clearly, the state needs more
funds; as Democrats and professional experts
all predicted, the sales tax rise was not a sat-
isfactory measure. it only added to a patch-
work tax structure which Swainson accurately
described as not meeting "the reasonable tests
of adequacy, permanency and equity."

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Michael Gill-
man attended the State Republi-
can Convention last weekend at
Cobo Hall in Detroit.)
Associate Sports Editor.
THE Michigan Republican party
took a slight turn to the right
at its biennial spring convention
last weekend. The key to the
change in direction by the state
GOP lay in the choice of George
M. Van Peursem as chairman of
the party.
Van Peursem entered the race
late at the urging of Republican
GOP conservatives. Minutes before
the nominations for the chairman-
ship were to begin, the two can-
didates that had been splitting the:
liberal wing of the party with-
drew from contention for the sake
of party harmony.
Mhe story behind his late entry
and dramatic election by accla-
mation was one of behind-the-
scenes maneuvering and an in-
tense week-long campaign waged
by members of the state senate
and the state "Old Guard."
AFTER FOUR unsuccessful years
under the liberal banners of twice-
beaten gubernatorial candidate
Paul Bagwell, the Michigan Re-
publicans were ripe for a more
conservative leadership. It seemed
not to be a change on' particular
issues, but a preference for a more
conservative personality and per-
It does not appear, however,
that the change should be consid-
ered a drastic shift to reactionary
policies or leadership. Van 'Peur-
sem considers himself a "moder-
ate" rather than an arch-conser-
vative, and apparently his en-
dorsement by the right wing of the
party was a result of his personal
appeal and the fact that anyone
farther right would have been un-
palatable to the party as a whole.
The new state chairman, in his
grueling Friday night tour through
;he district caucuses, promised that
he would not attempt any radical
departures from the organization-
al work of outgoing chairman
Lawrence Lindemer.
* * *

his election could not be inter-
preted as a mandate for reaction
came from ,his statements con-
cerning the record expenditures
approved in recent years by GOP
Legislatures-expenditures which
he approved of.
The former Speaker of the
House during his tenure in the
Legislature at one time initiated
civil rights legislation, further in-
dication of his moderate views.
His basic appeal to the delegates
was based on his endorsement by
current legislators and his prom-
ise to unify the Legislature and
the party organization. His abil-
ity to arbitrate intra-party squab-
bles, remembered from his Speak-
er days, was one of the reasons
he was first approached for the
* s s
WHEN HE originally men-
tioned, only two weeks before the
Detroit conclave, he denied any
interest in the $21,500 per year
post. He finally entered seven days
before convention time at a time
when John Stiles of Grand Rap-
ids, a Nixon organizer in the fall
election, and former Congressman
Robert J. McIntosh of Port Hur-
on appeared to have the delegates
split between them. Both are con-.
sidered more liberal than Van
Stiles' liabilities included his
residency in Grand Rapids, home
of National Committeeman John
Martin and National Committee-
woman Ella Koeze. Party prizes
are usually geographically dis-
McIntosh carried the stigma of
two consecutive defeats in Con-
gressional races.
* cc *
Lindemer and former titular head
Bagwell stayed out of the chair-
manship dispute. However Bagwell
decried another indication of the
conservative trend taken at the
He indicated his distaste of the
policy taken by the conservative-
dominated resolutions committee
over his favorite issue-that of
the constitutional convention.
Largely because of the personal

position of Bagwell, who brought
tie issue to prominence, the GOP
conventions in 1958 and 1960 en-
dorsed con-con. However, with
Bagwell largely ineffective as a
party leader this time, the resolu-
tions committee refrained from an
endorsement of it and merely
stated that since a favorable vote
on con-con was expected, the GOP
endorsed partisan election of dele-
gates to that body.
** ,
THE VEER to the right was ap-
parent through the convention as
favorites with party regulars were
easy winners over candidates cam-
paigning on an individual basis.
The defeat of Paul Chandler,
Plymouth newspaperman whose,
newspapers endorsed Gov. Swain-
son in November, by Charles E.
Brake of a long-time Michigan
Republican family (for Wayne
State Board of Governors) was in-
dicative of this.
But it was equally clear that this
was not a conservative shift of
the magnitude that the Summer-
field branch of the party planned
two years ago when state Sen. Jo-
seph Smeekens of Coldwater was
pushed for the chairmanship.
At that time the ultra-conserva-
tive Smeekens was easily beaten
by the more moderate Lindemer.
Smeekens was againmentioned as
a possibility for the state chair-
manship this time, but little sup-
port could be built up for him.
other conservatives threw support
to Van Peeursem, it was apparent-
ly with the rationale that half, a
loaf is better than none-or that
a moderate is preferable to a lib-
Thus, while the convention was
in fact evidence of a swing in state
GOP preference toward conserva-
tive policy, it was not a marked
enough change in direction as to
allow Michigan Democrats to point
accusing fingers and shout "Nean-
derthal" or "Reactionary."
The change was rather a rejec-
tion of the Bagwell liberalism that
state Republicans had flirted with
for four years and had found un-
aceptable-and unsuccessful.

To the Editor:
ALL THAT HAS been demon-
strated by this Board of Gov-
ernors at Wayne State University
in seeking a uniform speaker poli-
cy for all Michigan State Col-
leges is that they are moral cow-
ards. Stunned by the fire they
have drawn upon themselves by
65,000 Michigan citizens in oppo-
sition to their new policy, too
proud to yield to the will of the
people and aware that their argu-
ments to support the new policy
are hollow,'they have found it
necessary to run for protection,
support and consolation to the
Council of State Colege Presidents.
Irregardless of the decision of the
Council of State College Presi-
dents the financial support of the
institutions these presidents rep-
resent remains in the hands of
the people.
--Ann Byerlein
-Donald Lobsinger
Dissenting Voice...
To the Editor:
1 - THOSE WHO raise their
voice in protest-
It doth seem that such a hue
and cry ill-becomes those of an
otherwise liberal spirit and mode
of thought. To those sectarian
libertarinists,.herewith is raised a
voice in sharpest dissent.
The Bil of Rights and civil liber-
ties right properly are our heri-
tage; arising most appropriately
with and from most particular
Is our way right for us? If not,
then would we be otherwise?
Can your rightness be mine?
Can my wrongness be yours?,
Each world creates itself and Is
created in and toward an Image.
Whose image shall prevail? An
image as such stands not alone,
but must contend and compromise
(O dirty word) with conditions of
necessity. Can our imageb e torn
from our conditions and super-
imposed upon .other circum-
If we decry revolutionary ex-
cesses, ought we not to likewise
oppose reactionary excesses?
-T. Kuroki
To the Editor:
IN REGARD to the article
"Chinese Excel in Jade Work,"
which appeared in The Michigan
Daily on Sunday, January 15,
1961, I wish to correct several in-
stances of gross misquotations
and errors in reporting.
The quotations in the first, sec-
ond, and sixth paragraphs of the
article were not uttered by me,
but taken directly from a catalog
of an exhibition of early Chinese
jades, the introduction of which
was written by Dr. Max Loehr. A
copy of this catalog was given to
the reporter.
In regard to the notched disc, I
said that some authorities have
proposed the theory that these
discs were used for astronomical
As for the bronze vessel called
a ku, I stated that bronze vessels
used for ceremonial purposes were
of various shapes, not the ku,
which is a term used to designate
a type of shape.
CEYLON'S Service Center for
Students Abroad is pioneer-
ing in a neglected, field-that of
assisting the country's students
who are studying in all parts of
the world.
The Center orients Ceylonese
students on what to expect in the
lands where they plan to study.
It helps them obtain passports,
visas and foreign exchange, and
provides them with the addresses
of friends and helpful institutions,

It also contacts appropriate'
organizations abroad to tell them
when and where the Ceylonese'
students will arrive. In addition,
it conducts a program to help re-
turning students readjust to their
-World Campus

ly garbled and erroneously qu
ed me In describing the t'ao-t'
masks. For those interested in
ceiving correct information C<
cerning the ku and the interp
tation of the t'ao-t'ieh msa
suggest that the following be cc
sulted: Bulletin, University
Michigan Museum of Art, nmi
5, May 1954; and Chinese
volume I, pp. 161-82, by WI I
In regard to the bronge mlrrt
I stated that they were hig)
prized and often kept in spec
containers, not that "they were
handled very often."
As for Chinese pottery, I
made any reference to Chin
potters, "pulling up "stakes af
moving south." I. told the re
er that interesting examples
Chinese pottery had been found
the Philippines and in southe
In a feature of this kind or
subject that is highly speclaltz
it would seem in the best nt
ests of the newspaper, tex
porter, the person interview
and the public to have the art
checked by the Opecalst befi
publication occurs in order
avoid what turned out to be
notoriously inept Job of repo
-Milan Mihal
Museum Assista
Gitka ...
To the Editor:
Arbor Civic Theater will p
form "The Flowering Peac
Clifford Odets' beautiful and st
sitive interpretation of the st
of Noah. Jerry Sandler will
Although universal In its A
peal, the play contains a num
of peculiarly Jewish referen
Among the most important
these is Odets' charming lii
creature, the "Gitka." It is p
sible that some Daily reader
supply the exact definition and
etymology of the word, if s
exist? Even an educated gu
might shed welcome light on -
It is a bit important. Ei
people are even now working V
hard to prepare for a long Jo'
ney with this little fellow-i
they would like to know Jusi
mite more about his family bac
ground before taking him abo
-Zeke Jabbou
Undlarmed . .
To the Editor:
As SOMETfINGof an unort
dox liberal QI ocasionally w
a vest), I was interested in's
Peter Stuart's report in SUnd
Daily Magazine ("See Rght-W
StudentShift," page five).
Because of the modest suece
scored by liberalism, the task
the liberal has grown more di:
cult while the goal of the ci
servative has become increasin
more "radical" and more. sim
articulated. The Goldwater c
servative has a one-word solut
to the problems of our age: re
The liberal, on the otier ha
is faced with a more coml
problem. He must defend the
cial welfare measures of the
quarter century, distinguishing
tween their basic good and t-
bureaucratic failures, and conti
to fight forsolutions to the pre
ing social problems of today
STILL, I CAN see no reason
great alarm. There is no gr
decline of liberal activity.
around us new liberal proje
are growing up to challenge
progressive imagination.
If the situation still looks
pressing, the liberal can alw
relieve his depression by observ

the irony of his "conservati
brother in the "Intercollegiate 1
ciety of Individualists" fight
against the very freedom of ci
science his organization's na
would imply through the "Natic
al Student Committee for
Loyalty Oath."
-Paul W. Heil, '63


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