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May 23, 1961 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-23

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"Cold War-Hell!"

Seventy-First Year
Truth Will P~eval" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorialsprinted in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Raisin in the Sun'
LORRAINE HANSBERRY wrote the screen adaptation of her own
prizewinning play, "Raisin in the Sun" and, as she triumphed
on Broadway with first stroke, so she has turned to Hollywood and
single-handedly (she shares screen credits with no one) transformed
her play into a beautiful and important piece of cinema.
She has realized the difference of timing and space between the
Broadway and cinematic stage, realized it and taken advantage of
it. She has transformed the traditional three acts with their build
ups and climaxes into a continuity of emotions, objects and faces.
She has understood that the film can make a special (and some-
times dangerous) thing of objects and she has planned the movement

AY, MAY 23, 1961.


Attack on Freedom Riders:
U justifiable and Disgraceful

EMBATTLED and embittered Montgomery,
Alabama this week is the unhappy and re-
.ctant host of many diverse groups:
A small, biracial group of college students
who stopped there as part of "Freedom Ride"
-seeking to crack an illegal front of segrega-
ion in dining and rest room facilities connect-
d with public transportation.
An angry mob of Southern whites who at-
acked and beat the "trouble making" non-
riolent resisters, 10 or 15 of them surrounding
ach student and pummeling him with sticks,
netal pipes and fists.
An unlucky collection of press men and pho-
ographers whose equipment and personal; selves
ecame part of the target for the mob brutal-
An administrative assistant to the Attorney
.eneral of the United States who was trying
o protect a girl from the incensed whites and
was struck on the head and fell dazed to the
avement with a minor brain concussion.
AN UNCONCERNED police chief who failed
to have his officers on hand when the
reedom riders bus appeared in Montgomery
,fter a series of violent encounters elsewhere
n the South. Police Chief Sullivan also re-
used to call an ambulance to the scene where
leeding students lay in the streets because
they haven't asked me to."
Ku Klux Klanmen and members of the na-
ional, states rights party who flocked to the
Vontgomery bus stops to lead the hostilities.
kmong them were two Grand Dragons whose
areers have been marked by a murder indict-
vent and .include opposition to mental health
appropriations and fluoridation of water be-
ause both are held to be subversive.
A disgraceful governor refusing to provide
olice protection for the lbus riders and who
:laims he will arrest 400 United States mar-
hals sent by Attorney General Kennedy if they
nterfere with the solemn sovereignty of his
The federal agents, sent in by Kennedy to

enforce law and public order who stand armed
by the buses and encircle the home of the Rev.
Ralph Abernathy, an outspoken critic of seg-
regation policies.
THE EYES OF THE WORLD are trained -on'
that bus stop in Alabama where American
prestige has slipped several .more crucial
That the bloody violence which has occurred
in 'Montgomery could happen in the United
States in the middle of the Twentieth Century
is almost impossible to imagine. The behavior
of the people there is a blind, irrational, im-
mature attempt to oppose a change that must
some day come to the South.
As the Nashville Non-Violent Movement and
the Congress of Racial Equality last night
pledged again their efforts to continue the
"Freedom Ride" across Mississippi to New
Orleans, the' situation is certainly headed for
deeper crises.
One may not believe in the freedom riders'
mission. One may think they are nothing but
"trouble makers," that they are ruining all
other less militant attempts to end segregation,
that they are, as Gov. Patterson believes, Com-
munist led, and even that segregation is a
wise and necessary policy. This is still no argu-
ment that the students should not be accord-
ed full police protection. This is no excuse for
allowing scores of people to attack them merci-
lessly while law enforcement officials stand
smirking in the background.
The "Freedom Riders" are breaking no .law;
they are attempting to secure rights the Unit-
ed States Supreme Court has held are theirs.
And even if they would lave transgressed
the law, mob reprisal still has no part in our
system of social order. Vigilante justice and
anarchy of the law passed from the American
scene in the gun-shooting days 'of the Ole
West. Any attempt to resurrect this profane
authority is an insult to the nation and to
human dignity.

r -
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PartiSan School Boards Needed

Daily Staff Writer
Arbor Board of Education (all
but one are Democrats) has ex-
pressed "grave concern" (where
have we heard that one before)
over the city and county Republi-
cans lending open support to three
candidates in the upcoming school
board election.
It appears that it is the "estab-
lished policy of the Ann Arbor
Public Schools that 'the freedom
of school government and control
on the local level from political
partisanship in any form or man-
ifestation is a cardinal principle
in our society.'"
*. *
THE most incredibly ridiculous
part of the board's statement is:
Questions which the school boards
face in the course of their duties
bear little or no relationship to
the attitudes and points of view
normally associated with the two
major national political parties."

Nothing could be farther from the
Ever since the beginning of our
nation, the government has had
its hand in education.. The make-
up of the government is decided by
the means of partisan politics, and
it contains, one hopes, dedicated
people who will adhere to their
own particular partisan ideas.
With the increasing push for
federal aid to education, and the
various edicts and controls on
education that it will entail, the
local school boards will be deciding,
whether or not to accept such aid.
The Republicans oppose this aid,
almost to a man. And the Demo-
crats, though not as strong in
their views, are for it. It stands to
reason that if the Democrats con-
trol a school board, they will ac-
cept such aid, and if the school
area is predominantly Republican
as in Ann Arbor, the constituents
of these board members will be
against such acceptance, and to no

ADCConfused, Powerless,

MONG THE STUDENTS who know of As-
sembly Dormitory Council, there is some
iestion as, to just how effective a legislative
)dy it is.
Surely with its "dynamic leadership" and en-
usiastic members, Assembly should be doing,
at least saying, more than it is at present.
om its meetings, Assembly would appear to
a liaison between independent women and
,rious student groups around campus, rather
an a body of legislators. Unfortunately,
hether its duties are legislative or liaisonic
,nnot ,be ascertained at the present time, since
s leaders seem somewhat confused as to
hich, in all honesty, it is supposed to be.
)NE OF ASSEMBLY'S major problems is the
disorganization which is so prevalent at any
ven meeting. Before the present ADC regime,
ok command, the situation was decidedly
Drse. The former president, at one meeting,
ided under "new business" a criticism of
i editorial in The Daily. The members looked
from their knitting and realized that what
e was speaking was "Truth." One member
yly questioned if it would be advisable for
DC to send a note of censure to The Daily
ncerning its editorial policy. The president,
wever, calmly waved it off and moved on to
e next topic of importance.
Too often these "topics of importance" be-
me the second major problem which ADC
.st face: that is, devoting time and a vast
nount of energy to causes which are worthy
neither. While Panhellenic and IFC are con-
rning themselves with bias clauses, rush, and
e problem of accomliodating themselves to
e needs of students at a modern university,
4 while IQC is at present attempting to find
isible solutions to pressing problems such as
e modernization of mens' residence halls,
sembly for the past semester has been trying
decide if (with funds it does not at present
ve) it will or will not sponsor an ice skating
ik on Palmer Field, which it may or may not
yve permission to do.
SSEMBLY was in accord with the Board of
Governors recently when it rejected the
quest by IQC to establish a committee to in-
stigate the possibilities of co-educational
using in the near future. It was decided to
yve IQC wait until next semester so that As-
Editorial Staff
City Editor 'Editorial Director
WNNETH McELDOWNEY.....Associate City Editor
DITTI DONER.................Personnel Director
OMAS KABAKER..................Magazine Editor
ROLD APPLEBAUM .. Associate Editorial Director
OMA*WITECKI*..............Sports Editor
OHAEL QILLMAN........Associate Sports, Edith'

sembly, which had not been consulted, could
have the opportunity to look into the matter
As IQC was beginning an examination of non-
academic evaluations, Assembly, too, raised tho
question of the merit and morality of the
forms. The question remained on the floor for
some weeks, with hearsay and rumors sufficing
for Truth until, finally, a committee was estab-
lished to see "one of the Deans" about the
evaluations. This committee, composed of four
ADC members, represented every independent
woman on campus. What it said, what it ques-
tioned, what it wanted to know were the same
things which independents living in dormitories
and University co-ops also were!curious about.'
THREE MEMBERS of the committee (as
usual,one-fourth of Assembly was absent)
saw Assistant Dean of Women Catherina Ber-
geon last Friday. What occurred at this meeting
is the third, and most important, problem
which Assembly faces. There was surely co-
operation on the part of the Dean. Her answers
were beautifully regulated and unbelievably am-
biguous. When asked the purpose of the non-
academic evaluations, she replied that they
were used for the same things which evalua-
tions were used for since "we were in kinder-
The women who went to the SAB and inter-
viewed Dean Bergeon had behind them the full
power of Assembly Dormitory Council, and the
stated rights of more than 3,000 women. Still,
the answers which they received were meaning-
less answers-true as far as they went, but
shallow and obvious and given because an
answer had to be given. They were not com-
plete answers. They were not thorough an-
swers. They said nothing new, nothing which
had not been known before by Assembly, by the
women who went to see the Dean, by anyone at
this University who is the least bit cognizant
of what is happening.
ASSEMBLY, even with the most capable offi-
cers, with the most interested and informed
members, cannot at this time be anything more
than a liaison between independents and or-
ganizations or independents and the Adminis-
tration. It will never be legislative because, as
one of the members said, Assembly cannot go
over the head of a Dean when it has once
been stopped.
It was said by an Assembly representative
that Assembly is to the independents as the
United -States government is to the citizens of
this country. Nothing is further from the truth.
In the government no one is higher than the
people. In the government We The People have
the right to impeach any official we feel worthy
of impeachment. In the government, legisla-
tion can be passed and nothing which is wrong
can continue to be wrong for a very long
BUT ASSEMBLY is composed of students and
above it reigns the Administration. "We are

Haiti Provides
Example for Castro

But if the board were composed
of Republicans, the will of their
people, in exercising their right to
determine their educational me-
thods,, would be heard. As things
stand, most likely it would not.
* * *
FURTHER, the question arises
of which teachers shall be hired
and which curricula shall be pur-
sued-again a partisan issue. Ttie
Democrats will be sympathetic to
a teacher who advocates federal
aid to education, and other par-
tisan issues, a d this teacher's ad-
vocacy of these ideas will seem
perfectly natural to them.-
But it would be repugnant to
the Republicans, and since Repub-
licans are predominant in Wash-
tenaw County, they should not
have to be represented by a Demo-
This brings us to the question
of non-partisanship in itself.e
Non-partisan elections are the
cloaks of the cowards. They hide
a man's true politics, and thus
they hide his basic beliefs, for no,
man can be truly non-partisan.
In Ann Arbor, eight persons
termed Democrats by the Repub-
licans (though no one can be cer-
tain they are all Democrats) are
presumably hiding beneath this
non,-partisan cloak and serving on
the school board. In a partisan
election, they would not have stood
a chance of winning.
When a -decision of basic belief
confronts the board members, as
well it could, can they be expected
to act in any other way than their
own beliefs direct? Absolutely not,
for they are compromising them-
selves if they do. But if they make
this decision on the basis of their,
own beliefs, and this decision
doesn't keep faith with the people,
who don't feel the same way, and
who elected them with the feeling
that the members would protect
their educational system from the
concepts they disliked, are they
acting responsibly?
* * *.
AND SO the Republicans are
only doing what they must in their
line of duty to the Republicans
of Tlashtenaw County: They are
identifying the members of their
own party for the voters, a phe-'
nomonen heretofore unrealized.
And the voters have a right to this
knowledge, just as they have a
right to know any man's qualifi-
cations for office. Any candidate
who withholds it, is a candidate
who has no courage in his con-
Were the Democrats an ef-
fective opposition, they too would
feel a responsibility to identify
their partisans for the voters.

of her tragedy so that it sud-
denly pans in on a small section
of the room or focus attention on
a face or hand at just the right
moment; she has not, happily,
given in to the resultant tempta-
tion of writing down to senti-
mentality, giving over to the cin-
ema's easy power of evocation, but
maintained the integrity of the
original play, while revising its
" . .
UNHAPPILY, the actors have
not moved to Hollywood with equal
grace. Daniel Petrie, tha director,
has realized the importance of
physical presence in a one-room
drama; and that Claudia McNeil,
simply by virtue of the setting's
size will take on greater signifi-
cance than she did on the stage.
To off-balance this, he has
asked Sidney Poitier to dance a
little. Poitier, it is to be ac-
knowledged, is the restless type
and nobody begrudges him a little
movement projection, such as Ken-
neth- Haigh gave us 'in "'Uok
Back in Anger," but if Poitier had
concentrated a little more on the
limits of furniture or to put it
in Stanislavcky's terms, general-
ized a little less, his humanity
would have been a little more
identifiable. (Why didn't Stanis-
lavky tell us outright that all he
wanted was a little humanity? It
would cut the population of the
acting schools in half and might
save some good actors from slip-
ping into neurotic 'blustering or
As ,it is he barely gathers it up
for the last and vital speech. He
must have spent hours working
on the motives for that one.
* , ,
CLAUDIA McNEIL is removed
from Poitier by an extremity as
an actor, and strange to say she
has managed to exemplify all the
faults that Stanislavsky started
out to demolish. She is terribly ad-
dicted to mannerisms; a little ex-'
tra work on. the jaw muscles por-
trays -her faith in God, her eye-
brows can't wait to join in dis-
dain of racial prejudice.
I wanted, for the life of" me,
just to see her give in and imitate
Ethel Waters to the finish.
-Robert Kraus"
(Continued from Page 2)
contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ext.
2939.' n
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should, consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
1-Counter clerk, Monday, Wednesday,
Friday 3-7 p.m. and Tuesday, .Thur-
day 4-6 p.m., Saturdays 2-6 p.m.
5-Meal jobs.
4-Counter assistants, hours to be ar-
18-Psycholokicai subjects, hours to be
3-Salesmen, commission, full-time.
2-Inventory clerks, full-time from
May 28 thru June 1 or 2.
3-waiters, every day at noon for one
3-Experienced full-time summer day
camp counselors.
1-Speech correction major, 1-2 morn-
ings or afternoons per week, thru
summer and fall.
6-Miscellaneous jobs, mostly yard-
1-Experienced bookkeeper, full-time
summer and part-time in the fall.
1-Experienced typist, full-or part-
time for 3-4 weeks.
1-Experienced bookkeeper, full-time
summer and part-time in the fall.
47-Psychological subjects, 21 or over,
to participate in drug experiments.
4-waitresses, every day at noon, for
one hour.
4-waitresses, hours to be arranged.
1-Speech correction major, 1-2 morn-
ings or afternoons per week, thru
summer and fall.

Courage ...
To the Editor-
M ANY of us have been appalled
in the past few days to see
what has happened to a racially
mixed group that has tried to ex-
cersise what the courts have de-
clared to be their right to Inte-
grated bus travel. May I suggest
that those of us, like myself, who
do not have the courage to under-
go what they have undergone and
are undergoing, help them by
sending a contribution to their
sponsor, the Congress of Racial
Equality, 38 Park Row, New York
-Eugene Feingold,
Department of
Political science,
An Ode ...
To the Editor:
An Ode to Fractured Dignity
FOUR little ladies, so proper and
Came to dine and practice
The talk was gentle, the atmos-
phere refined:
"How lovely the weather"-"The
asparagus is devine."
BUT then it happened, oh dear,
oh my,
("Emily and Amy we thought we'd
A band of cannibals, black and
Burst through the door and dared
to intrude!
THEY claimed to, be from Fiji
but were obviously Greek
("For who else could be so nasty
and intellectually so weak.")
Then oh goodness gracious ("They
embarrassed us all") -
They called forth some other girl
and asked her to their ball.
AND ("Take us back to Bryn
Mawr"), they gayly interfered
With the very grown-up atmo -
phere, so somberly revered.
Thus to our four young ladies go
the sympathies of all
For, despite their fight for cultnre,
they're not going to the ball.
-William Ransom, '63L
Growing Old ...
To the Editor:
N REGARD to the letter to tlye
editor of May 20 complaining
about the rude interruption of a
served dinner by some shrieking,
blackened fraternity men, I should
like to say that-the "sit down" din-
ners in our dorm have never been
that, enjoyable ,to me that iths;
brokeni my heart to see them I-
tertupted by a little fun. The
trouble with some students is that
they, think college is only classes,
and that students should 'con-t.
stantly-even after hours-main-
tain a heavy intellectual- attitude.
I think it's fine to lose a little dig-
nity once in awhile. The Phi
Gam's way of doing so 'makes their
Island Party quite special on this
campus. Things to which one is
not invited often seem hopelessly
silly, so perhaps those four girls
can be excused for their matronly
In our dining room, the m ake-
believe cannibals were a welcome
diversion from our lesson in "eti-
quette and proper decorum." It is
very difficult to be dour when one
is only 19-at least for most of us.
-Judy Stock, '63

to the



WHEN Fidel Castro renounced
elections the other day the
roof fell in, not in Cuba to be sure,
but in the United States. Fidel
was denounced, and not unjustly,
as mocking both the theory and
the practice of democracy. Our
zeal for democracy drops off
sharply at the eastern tip of Cuba,
however, and is non-existent by
the time it reaches Haiti, separ-
ated from Cuba only by a narrow
On May 9, it was announced in
Port-au-Prince that the Haitian
dictator, President Dr. Francois
Duvalier, had been elected to a
nex six-year term on April 30, al-
though his present term does not
end till 1963.
This remarkable event left the
legions of American journalism
calm; many papers, in fact, over-
looked it completely, as did radio
and television. The New York
Times gave it a few inches on an
inside page under the caption,
"1,320,748 Haitians Voted - for
Duvalier." Apparently few, if any
of the 1,320,748 knew that their
master was standing for election,
much less that they were voting
for him. They were voting for
Deputies to serve in the uni-
cameral legislature. Only the

names of well-known Duvalier par-
tisans were allowed on the ballot.
This is "comme it faut" in Haiti
and excited no remark. for that
matter, no "one is allowed to vote
unless he is a Duvalier partisan.
But over the name of each can-
didate for Deputy there had been
printed the words "Doctor Fran-
cois Duvalier - President." Thus
the good doctor received a un-
animous' mandate from the voters.
** *
THIS EPISODE shows how
stupid Fidel is. Haiti is an eco-
nomic dependency of the United
States and Dr. Duvalier can al-
ways count on us for a few mil-
lions when he is in more trouble
than usual. The average Haitian
cannot read or write and lives on
$75 a year. Duvalier wants more
money from the United States, but
this will not necessarily show up
in the Haitian worker's pay en-
velope. Most of the university stu-
dents are angry with Duvalier, and
are attracted to Castroism. The
United States, it is clear, is re-
pelled by Castroism because Cas-
tro derides elections; it assists
Duvalier because Duvalier is a
firm; believer in the electoral pro-
cess, as he has just proved.
--The Nation


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