'U, 'Michiga, By ROBERT FARRELL Once again the annual drama has been played out-the Legisla- ture has passed the state's appropriations bills and the colleges and' universities have begun to prepare their operating budgets-but this year it has taken a more serious turn than previously. For the University, the consequences are not as apparently severe as for several others of the nine state-supported institutions. There will be no drastic cuts in next year's enrollment, no elimi- nations of complete sections of the academic calendar, no dropping of scholarships. But neither will there be any expansion, University President Harlan Hatcher told the Regents last week. The University will stand still--in the midst of rapidly growing institutions. The University will stand still-in spite of the rapidly burgeoning educational needs of the state and of the nation. No More Students There will be no enrollment increases next year except in the very few areas where new students can be added without any expan- sion of facilities or staff. But applicants for the freshman class are better qualified and more numerous than ever before. The University will turn down about as many applicants as it admits who would have met its standards of previous years. And high-school graduates are more and more numerous each year. Institutions Hard Hit by Bu dgets V There will be no general faculty pay raises at the University next year. The only raises will be those for promotions and those already offered to match outside offers. Faculty raises were the University's first priority with any addi- tional money it might get from the state-and first within this area were the young assistant and associate professors on their way up. Gambles on Loyalty The lack of raises will leave the University committed to a stiff gamble-it is betting that "faculty loyalty" will override financial considerations. Particularly for the young faculty with families to raise, outside offers will become more attractive as pay differentials get greater. And, as Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss has pointed out, professors like to take a "careful look" at the cir- cumstances and future of any institutions offering them jobs. Hiring Prospects Decrease With the state refusing to grant the University added funds, and with little likelihood of pay raises, prospective faculty members will think twice before coming here. And without high-quality new blood to replace faculty who retire or are lost to other institutions in the competitive academic market, the University will lose its faculty quality-one of its outstanding characteristics. But, as President Hatcher explained to the Regents, there is no alternative to the University's standing still. "The University is faced with needs that are constantly rising in a geometric progression-but1 is given a budget (by the Legislature) that is static."1 President Hatcher considered two major methods of alleviating the University's problem, at least temporarily-a tuition boost and cutbacks in some operations in order to finance others. No Tuition Raise - Tuition raises are "no longer a further resource" after last year's increase, he said. "For 50 years, the University has had a very high; fee structure. It has long been the highest in the state, both in total' income and in out-of-state fees." The University has finally reached the point where it can no longer look to fee raises for added funds without damage to the insti-1 tution, he said. Cutbacks Impossible And cutbacks in side-operations to improve the central core of University work-teaching and research-are impossible, he noted. "For many years, the University has had a policy of carefully controlled-restricted-growth," in which no new programs have been added without careful consideration. Each new operation added has been planned as a definite part of the University's central core, leav- ing nothing outside this essential portion to be cut. And, in fact, maintenance and other side operations were cut back in past years, and have not yet reached the levels they were at in 1957-58. "The University does not have a large number of adjunct opera- tions" whose budgets may be pared to provide funds for added facul- ty, for pay raises, or for other expansion in the'central core, President Hatcher said. "Those programs already in existence need and deserve expan- sion which we cannot give them," he said. "We cannot add any new programs at the University next year." But at least the University administration believes that the in- stitution can survive on its income without cutting the central core. This is better than many other state institutions. WSU Cuts Enrollment Wayne State University was forced to cut its fall enrollment by 20 per cent across-the-board and to drastically reduce the offer- ings of its summer session. Michigan State University raised its out-of-state. tuition and will slash its operating expenses by about $1 million, cutting back in several operations. Ferris Institute was forced to cut its enrollment for the fourth quarter of this year to 23 per cent of normal and to completely elim- inate the fourth quarter next year. (The quarter spreads across two fiscal years, so that one budget can affect two quarters.) The State Board of Education was forced to raise out-of-state tuitions at its four institutions (Eastern. Western and Central Michi- gan Universities and Northern Michigan College) to cease replace. See STATE, Page 2 I RACE RIOTS: DEMOCRATIC SHAME See Page 4 5kn 1kt114 PARTLY CLOUDY High-68 Low-45 Fair to warm. No rain Winds from southeast Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 167 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 23, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX PAGES Visiting Permission Excludes Freshmen Say Women Need Year To Gain Maturity, Adjustment to Campus By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Off-campus housing units will still be "off limits" for freshmen women next fall when other undergraduate women will be allowed to visit there from noon until regular closing hours in the dormitories. "We believe that a year's adjustment to the campus allows the student to gain maturity," Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis said Friday. "Freshmen will get to understand the campus and its customs this way. Since other privileges are granted to upper- classmen, we thought it would be more meaningful if this one were ad- ministered the same way." Consult Subcommittee. The decision not to include freshmen women was made after consultation with the University Senate Subcommittee on Discipline Scots Ata ck 100 Pacifists DUNOON, Scotland MA1 - Fifty tough Scottish constables threw themselves at 100 pacifists trying to immobilize America's Polaris submarine base at Holy Loch yes- terday. Dozens of demonstrators were pitched aside and dragged roughly across the road. One 15-year-old boy was hurled head first against a concrete post. An English woman was hauled away face downward through the dust. Violence flared on the banks of the sunlit loch in a hot-tempered climax to a 20-hour sitdown dem- onstration by the campaigners against nuclear weapons. Police forcefully thrust them- selves into the ranks of the dem- onstrators, Viand other administrators in the office of Student Affairs, he ex- plained. The original recommendation for a change in the ruling gave second semester freshmen women the same privilege as sophomores,. juniors and seniors. The proposal was made by a committee of Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, Assist- ant Dean of Men John BingleY, outgoing Joint Judiciary Chair- man Howard Stein, '61, and Doro- thy Wilson, '61, outgoing Women's Panhel member. Miss Bacon said she hopes the carrying out of the ruling can be left largely to the common sense of the students and correct educa- tional information from various student organizations. Must Assume Responsibility "Although the restrictions on freshmen women will not apply to many students on campus now, she said, "not only incoming freshmen but all other students as well must assume responsibility for adherence to the regulation." The new regulation, approved by Lewis and the Subcommittee, on Discipline, was announced Fri-- day following a meeting of Miss Bacon, Women's Judiciary Chair- man Deborah Cowles, '62, Joint Judiciary Chairman Charles Gess- ner, '$2, and Jane Glick, '62. Although no method of handling infractions of the ruling has been established yet, Miss Cowles said a standing committee of both Women's Panhel and Joint Judic members will probably be formed to hear referrals of these cases from the Dean of Women's and Dean of Men's Offices. KOREA U.S. Voices 'Regrets' Over Junta WASHINGTON (P)-The Unit- ed States government last night voiced deep regret over the mili- tary overthrow of South Korea's civilian regime, but applauded the new junta's avowed aims of Unit- ed Nations support, social reform and return to constitutional ways. In its first public policy pro- nouncement since the new Seoul group took over, the United States also proclaimed "full confidence" in the United States representa- tives in Korea who had backed the deposed premier, John M. Chang. The State Department issued the statement following receipt by President John F. Kennedy of a message from the head of the new Korean military ruling group, Lt. Gen. Chang Do-Young. Press Officer Lincoln White said the letter from Gen. Chang out- lined the junta's program. A See Related Story, Page 3 United States reply hastnot yet been dispatched, but last night's statement indicated Washington has decided to go ahead in deal- ings with the Chang group and will seek a return to constitutional processes as fast as possible. Marshall Green, the United States charges d'affaires in Seoul, and Gen. Carter B. Magruder, United States chief of the Unit- ed Nations command in South Ko- rea, expressed opposition to the military takeover shortly after the coup got underway May 16. Senate To Air Haber Report University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday called a special meeting of the faculty senate for 4:15 p.m. Thursday to discuss the report of the Commission on Year- Round Integrated Operation, chaired by Prof. William Haber of the economics department. Copies of the report, presented to the Regents at their meetings last week, are being distributed to senate members prior to the meet- ing. C Students Set To Continue On. Bus Rd Bevel Claims Group Holds Primary Goal NASHVILLE (P)-The chairman of the Nashville Student Non- Violence Movement said yesterday the group still plans to send its "Freedom Riders" all the way to their original destination-across Mississippi to New Orleans. However, James Bevel said It was "hard to say" when they would leave Montgomery, where their arrival set off Saturday's race riots. "When we left it was our inten- tion to go from Birmingham to New Orleans, across Mississippi by regular bus," he said. "That is still the plan." Twenty-one racially mixed col- lege students from Nashville, all veterans of sit-in or stand-in dem- onstrations, made the trip from Birmingham to Montgomery. The two white girls returned to Nash- ville Saturday. The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) said last night it hopes to begin another leg of the "Free- dom Ride" today. CORE head- quarters said six members ar- rived in Montgomery yesterday morning and National Chairman James Farmer had tried all day to make bus reservations for them. Farmer went to Montgomery Sunday night after violence mark- ed the arrival of the biracial Ten- nessee group. Bevel said about 30 other Ne- gro students arrived in Montgom- ery Sunday and yesterday to join the original group. He said they were from Atlanta, New Orleans, Washington, D.C., and North and South Carolina. MarshalsL eave Pres MARTIAL LAW-National guardsmen patrol the Greyhound bus station John Patterson proclaimed martial rule to end racial rioting. 'U' Professors Cite Legal I Al abama; erv e Law 'Officials Tell i Of Violence,,.T } Riots, Arress: r Bomb Threats Reach Riders, Bus Station; Calls Warn Schools BULLETIN MONTGOMERY (M')Rov-. ing gangs of white youths threatened a new racial dis- turbance early this morning, but National Guardsmen and civilian police acted-swiftly to break it up. The 50 steel-helmeted sol- diers guarding the Greyhound bus station were reinforced momentarily by 150 additional troops as military authorities enforcing martial law sensed possible trouble. -AP wirephoto But after five buses arrived in Montgobery after Gov. without incident, the extra troops were sent back to the National Guard armory. There were no indications that' any "Freedom Riders" were n any of the buses. MONTGOMERY (M - Federal p of "Freedom Riders" who authorities pulled United States ed in Montgomery on a Grey- marshals off patrol duty in riot- id bus Saturday. stricken Montgomery yesterday condly, Prof. White said, the and left it to battle-trained Na- titution grants to all individ- tional Guardsmen to keep order. freedom of movement, which The Justice Department an- nother possible defense that nounced in Washington that 200 administration could have more United States marshals were ordered sent here, but eputy rthermore the Supreme Court Atty. Gen. Byron R. (Whizzer ion which makes segregation White, who is directing their ac- 11 lines of communication un- tivities, said they will serve mere- titutional could also be ap- ly as replacements for 200 others i specifically to this case, Prof. being sent home. te feels. Pick Up Four At the same time, federal offi- vials announced the first arrests in the bloody outbreaks of racial violence in Alabama which began eight days ago. The Justice Department said four men were picked up by the * FBI on charges of setting fire to 1 sportation a Greyhound bus at Anniston May 14. The bus was carrying "Free- dom Riders" on a test of south- DOW ern racial barriers. American and Soviet rail- Caller Threatens Violence npare them honestly, research Montgomery lay under the calm rsity Transportation Institute of an uneasy quiet yesterday ex- rsitycept for a rash of bomb threats , which failed to materialize-one es delegation which inspected of them at the Greyhound bus d the relative inefficiency of terminal where the rioting broke out Saturday. An anonymous caller a 1sw threatened violence at the Trail- ways bus station lunch counter if Negroes are served there. The call- x er told Mrs. Walter Evans, wife of the cafe manager, "either close the lunchroom or don't serve any Negroes. The first one to servea. Walter Says Reds Discredit HUAC's Name WASHINGTON ()-Rep. Fran- cis E. Walter (D-Pa) yesterday charged that Communist- organi- zations are trying to discredit the House Committee on Un-Ameri- can Activities by releasing names of persons subpoenaed for a new investigation. Walter, chairman of the com- mittee, said these organizations have blamed the committee for making public the names. Walter's statement was placed in the Con- gressional Record; he did not de- liver it on the House floor. "These Communist organiza- tions," he added, "have included the names of educators not sub- poenaed by the committee in order to support their fraudulent claim that the committee's hearings constitute an attack on academic freedom." (Rep. Walter said HUAC plans no investigations in Michigan this year. "The committee has made no plans to hold hearing in Mich- igan this year," he said yesterday in a letter to The Daily.) Walter said an investigation of the Fund for Social Analysis had been scheduled to start yesterday, ENGLISH 32: Bacon Charts Novel Course By JUDITH BLEIER There is no serious question over the legality of the federal govern- ment's intervention in the Ala- bama race riots, two members of the political science department agreed last night. "I rather seriously doubt that the governor of Alabama thinks so either," Prof. John White said yes- terday. Helps Gain Success "We must keep in mind that while federal intervention in Lit- tle Rock was successful, it also enabled Gov. Orval Faubus to gain great political success, and I'm afraid that other southern gov- ernors may attempt to follow his example," Prof. White said. "Southern governors, however, are sworn to uphold the laws of their states," Prof. Joseph Kallen- bach noted, "and in many states segregation laws have not been challenged by the courts and still remain on the statute books." Choose Justification The United States has chosen to justify its intervention on the basis of the Statute of 1871 which clearly gives the federal govern- ment the right to keep the peace when such action has not been accomplished by local officials, he noted. "The administration could have taken its pick of any one of a Garcia Asks number of justifications," Prof. White claimed. "The federal gov- ernment has all sorts of interests in the issue." Dispatching the marshals to Alabama could have easily been defended on three other grounds, he indicated. The United States Constitution specifically grants the federal government control oved interstate commerce. This would authorize the administra- tion the right to put down the violence created by the white mob which attacked the racially mixed By FLORENCE SISKIND Miss Deborah Bacon, known to University women in her various capacities as chief money lender, housing permission granter and problem solver, plans to add the title "grade giver" next semester when she will teach one section of English 32. Miss Bacon, Dean of Women, has never taught at the Univer- sity before, but holds faculty standing as an assistant professor of English for the twelve years she has been on campus. She holds a doc- torate in English from Columbia University. The course Miss Bacon will teach, Drama and the Novel, does not have a definite reading list, but allows the instructor an almost free choice of reading material. Miss Bacon plans to teach the 19th century English novel be- group arriv houn Se Cons uals is a] the used Ful decis on a cons plied Whit RAILROADS: Gumns Reports Of USSR Tray By CAROLINE] The great differences between the road systems, makes it impossible to con engineer Sergei G. Guins told the Unive yesterday. Guins, a member of the United Stat Russian railroads last summer, defende American railroads by noting that American railroads were highly competitive and overextended, while the Russian system was a state-subsidized closely-regulated monolopy of long distance trans- portation. Efficient and capacity use of