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(Continued. from Page 4)
nas except those of the School of
Dentistry, the Medical School, and
Flint College will be distributed from
I the windows of the Cashier's Office and
the Office of Registration and Records
In the lobby of the Admin. Bldg. Fol-
lowing the ceremony, diplomas may be
called for until 9:00 p.m.
Commencement Instructions to Fac-
ulty Members: Convene at 4:15 p.m. in
the first floor lobby, Admin. Bldg.
Buses will be provided in front of the
Admin. Bldg. on State St. to take you
to the Stadium or Yost Field House
to join the procession and to take the
place assigned to you on stage, as di-
rected by the marshals; at the end of
the exercises buses will be ready in
driveway east of the Stadium or at
west side of Field House to bring you
back to the campus.
The Early Registration Pass Commit-
tee of SGC is now accepting requisi-
tions for Out-of Order Registration
Passes for Fall 1961 from student or-
ganations. Passes can be obtained by
an interview on Sept. 12, 13, or 14 from
9:00-11:30 a.m. or 1:00-4:30 p.m. in Con-
ference Room 2 of the League for those
people who work over 15 hours per
week throughout the semester. A letter
from the employer must accompany the
requisition. No Pass under =any condi-
tion will be granted to those students
who normally register on Wed., Sept.
June 17, 1961
To be held at 5:30 p.m. either in
the Stadium or Yost i'ield House, de-
pending on the weather. Exercises will
conclude about 7:30 p.m.
Those eligible to participate: If
weather is fair, Graduates of Summer
Session, 1960, and Feb. and June, 1961.
Those eligible to participate: If exer-
Cises must be held indoors, Graduates
of Summer Session, 1960 and June, 1961.
Tickets: For Yost Field House: Two
to each prospective> graduate, to be
distributed from Tues., June 6, to 12:00
noon on Sat., June 17, at Cashier's
Office, first floor, Admin. Bldg.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe's Sport Shop, North University
Ave., Ann Arbor.
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct'graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be
held in Yost 'Field House, graduates
should go. directly there and be seated
by Marshals.,
Spectators: Stadium: Enter by Main
St. gates only. All should be seated
by 5:00 p.m, when procession enters
Yost Field House: Only those hold-
ing tickets can be admitted owing to
lack of space. Enter on State St., op-
posite McKinley Ave.
Graduation Announcements, Invita-
tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student
Commencement Programs: To be disa-
tributed at Stadium or Yost Field
Distribution of Diplomas: If the exer-
cises are held in the Stadium, diplomas
for all graduates, except the School of
Dentistry, the Medical School, and Flint
College, will be distributed from desig-
nated stations under the east stand
of the Stadium, immediately after the
exercises. The diploma distribution sta-
tions are on the level above the tunnel
If the exercises are held in the Yost
Field House, all diplomas except those
of the School of Dentistry, the Medi-
cal School, and Flint College, will be
distributed from the windows. of the
Cashier's Office and the Registrar's Of,
fice, lobby, Admin. Bldg. Following the
ceremony, diplomas may be called for
until 9:00 p.m.
Doctoral degree candidates who quali-
fy for the Ph.D. degree or a similar
degree from the Graduate School and
EXERCISES will be given a hood by the
University. Hoods given during the cere-
mony are all Doctor of Philosophy
hoods. Those receiving a doctor's de-
gree other than the' Ph.D. may ex-
change the Ph.D. hood given them dur-
ing the ceremony for the appropriate
one immediately after the ceremony, at
the Graduate School booth under the
East Stand, or at the office of the
Diploma Clerk, Admin. Bldg., on Mon.,
June 19, and thereafter.
Events Monday
Illustrated Lecture: "The Railroads of
Russia" by Sergei G. Guins, assistant
director of research, The Chesapeake
& Ohio Railway, Mon., May 22, 4:15
p.m., Third Floor Conference Room,
Michigan Union.
Radiation Laboratory Lecture Series:
"Radiation from a Bi-Conical Antenna"
by Martin A. Plonus, Radiation Lab-
oratory, on Mon., May 22 at 4 p.m. in
E. Engineering 2084.
Automatic Programming and Numeri-
cal Analysis Seminar: "Buffering Meth-
ods for the IBM 709/7090 or Buffer,
Buffer, Who's Got the Buffer?" by R.
M. Graham on Mon., May 22, at 4:00
p.m. in Computing Center Seminar
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Mon., May 22, at 4:00 p.m. in 311 West
Engineering Bldg. R. J.. Donnelly, Insti-
tute for the Study of Metals, Univer-
sity of Chicago, will speak on "The
Stability of Viscous Flow between Ro-
tating Cylinders."
Coffee at 3:30 in 201 West Engineer-
Doctoral Examination for Romeo
Omer Legault, Zoology; thesis: "The
Early Embryology of Teleosts with Spe-
cial Reference to Percina caprodes,
Brachydanio rerio adn Osmerus mor-
dax," Mon., May 22, 2109 Natural $ci-
ence Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A.
H. Stockard.
Doctoral Examination for Philip
Stanley Thomas, Economics; thesis:
"Capital Intensity and the Theory of
Technical Choice with Special Refer-
ence to India," Mon., May 22, 105 Eco-
nomics Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
Gardner Ackley.
Doctoral Examination for Wayne Kel-
ler Murphey, Wood Technology; thesis:
"Aspects of Wood Rheology in Tension
Parallel to the Grain," Mon., May 22,
1041 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00
a.m. Chairman, S. B. Preston.
Doctoral Examination for Myrle Viv-
ian Cross, Jr., Mathematics; thesis:
"On Spaces Approximated by Open Sets
with Compact-Closures," Mon., May 22,
1020 Angell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Chair-
man, R. L. Wilder.
Doctoral Examination for Antanas
Melnikas, History of Art; thesis: "Gen-
tile da Fabriano: The Origins and De-
velopment of His Style," Mon., May 22,
205 Tappan, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, M.
J. Eisenberg.
Doctoral Examination for Danny Tra-
vis Bedsole, Library Science; thesis:
"Library Systems in Large Industrial
Corporations," Mon., May 22, E. Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, M. D.' Carter.
Events Tuesday
Linguistics Club Lecture Meeting:
Tues., May 23 at 8 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Amphitheater. Chalres J. Fillmore
will discuss "Metaphonemics."
Social Work Colloquium: "Interna-
tional Perspectives in Social Work Edu-
cation," Miss Katherine Reebel, Tues.,
May 23, 12:15 in the 4th floor lounge.
Graduate Round Table: Tues., May
23, at 8:00 p.m. in Rackham Assembly
Hall. The winning paper in the 1960-
61 graduate student seminar-prosemi-
nar competition will be announced and
delivered. Election of officers.
1321 S. University
(between Forest
and Washtenaw)
25c per page
Doctoral Examination for M. Robert
Boekeloo Klinger, Education; thesis:
"A Comparison between American and
Foreign Student Groups on Certain
Moral Values," Tues., May 23, 4020
U.H.S., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, D. K.
Doctoral Examination for Betty E.
Chmaj, American Culture; thesis: "The
Double Attraction: A History of the
National Artistic Will, 1890-1917," Tues.,
May 23.' 2601 Haven Hall, at 8:30 a.m.
Chairman, J. L. Davis.
Doctoral Examination for John George
Hutchinson, Business Administration;
thesis: "The Measurement of Produc-
tion Standards and the Administration
of Systems of Production Standards: An
Analysis of Selected Firms in the Auto-
mobile and Auto Parts Industries,"
Tues., May 23, 438 Bus. Ad. School, at
2:30 p.m. Chairman, J. W. Riegel.
Doctoral Examination for Eldon Titus
Hitchcock, Chemistry; thesis: "A Study
of Lewis Acid-Base Reactions," Tues.,
May 23, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, P. J. Elving.
Doctoral Examination for Russell
Smith, Geology; thesis: "The Geology
of the Redwing Area Huerfano County
Colorado," Tues., May 23, 4065 Natural
Science Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
E. N. Goddard.
Doctoral Examination for George Ar-
len Hellwarth, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "Speech Signal Analysis Utiliz-
ing Continuously Tuned, Automatic
Tracking Filters," Tues., May 23, 166
FriezeBldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
R. K. Brown.
Beginning Tues., May 23, the follow-
ing schools will have representatives at
the Bureau to interview for the 1961-
1962 school year.
TUES., MAY 23-
Parchment, Mich.-Elem.; Librarian;
HS Art/Eng or SS, Voc Mus/Eng.
WED., MAY 24-
Clawson, Mich.-Elem.; Sp Corr, Ment
Ret-Type A; Jr. HS Span.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.,
Ann Arbor-Training program & per-
manent career openings for seniors &
recent grads. Will also consider part-
time people who expect to work full-
time after graduation. Complete line
of Life, Accident, Sickness, Hospitali-
zation, Group, Pension plans.
Lockheed Aircraft Corp., California-
Openings in Reports Cataloging &
Books Cataloging at Palo Alto location.
Reference work position-involving the
answering of many diverse inquiries
from a 1g. scientific, tech. & profes-
sional public-at Sunnyvale, Calif. MA
in Lib. Sci. required.
Large Publishing Concern, N.Y.C. -
Asst. Controller-BBA in Accounting.
MBA desirable. Should have some aud-
iting exper. & broad, general acctg.
background in large company. Oppor-
tunity to assist Comptroller on cor-
porate level & to gain exper. in all of
firm's financial activities.
Ward's Natural Science Establishment,
Rochester, N.Y.-Decent grad, or '61
degree candidate to work with Live
Material Cultures in Biology Division.
Some field work also involved. Req'uire
BS, or preferably MS. Studies should
have included general biology, special-
ized courses in field ecology, taxono-
my & systematic, as well as some spe-
cialized trng.r inbotany, invertebrate
zoology, or parasitology.
Ohio University, Athens, Ohio-Grad-
uate Assistantships available to stu-
dents studying for master's degree in
various areas. Teaching Fellowships for
doctoral candidates in Chem., Educ.,
Physics, Speech, & Speech & Hearing
Therapy. Special Appointments & Tui-
tion Scholarships also available.
Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021
Admin., Ext. 3371 for further informa-
Pledges Hold Help
Fraternity and sorority pledges each contributed one afternoon of
their time last week towards putting the University's Fresh Air Camp
into condition for the summer.
Each year more than 200 emotionally disturbed children from
all over the state visit the camp for the summer.
The pledges and new initiates-all members of Junior Inter-
Fraternity Council and Junior Panhellenic, take buses to the camp
to paint, rake the grounds, wash windows and otherwise prepare the
The aim of the project is two-fold, said Junior Panhel officials.
The workers are making the best use of their efforts by contributing
to a worthy cause, and sorority and fraternity pledges are brought
together to work on a common project,
A party was sponsored on Friday to reward the work-weary
CONCENTRATION-All the pledges worked
hard, some just work with more dedication.
NO 5-7921
the, farther: -';':'",.f r
Sm travels
the milder,
the cooler,
the smoother
K d
g s A
flar; and aE ; ii.:ecia porous pape
o r
Make a date with flavor. Try Chesterfield King.
Every satisfying puff is Air-Soitened to enrich the
flavor and. make it mild. Special porous paper
lets- you draw fresh air into the full king length of
CARRYING LEAVES-Fraternity and sorority pledges haul the leaves they have raked to the pile for dumping. Other workers, have
removed all the large sticks and rocks from the path of the oncoming rakers.
Ideal for