the Rivals
S1me 1Aichdgn &iLy
Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
r e . _ 4
Standards of Excellence
Surpass Entertainment
.Y, MAY 21, 1961
Admissions Policy
Won't Serve State
first 22,500 "qualified" students who hap-
?en to come along, rather than select on the
>asis of merit, is a move contrary to the uni-
rersity's increasingly pronounced pretentions to
ducational quality.
This announcement of policy is also incon-
istent with MSU President John Hannah's
March statement that, with permanent admis-
ions standards set, the university could enroll
ignificantly higher numbers of students with-
ut increased appropriations.
While austerity budgets and programs for a
university are never desirable, they usually
carry one advantage, especially for public uni-
versities. That advantage is the chance it gives
hese universities to reject students who do not
-eally belong in a quality institution, but are
admitted only when the university can still
admit a large. number of students.
move would be an attempt to limit out-of-
state enrollment by handicapping those out-of-
state students who could not plan to attend
MSU until late May.
Thus while MSU does not come out and say
it is trying to limit out-of-state enrollment, this
is the effect such policies will have. Since
preference is given to in-state students and
out-of-state tuition is being raised, the univer-
sity will have whatever advantages it expects
from limiting out-of-state enrollment. It will
also have the public relations advantage of not
announcing this as official policy, although
practicing it unofficially. The benefits will ac-
crue to those many in-state and few
out-of-state students who have little chance of
gaining admittance to better institutions and
thus are prepared to commit themselves to
MSU at an early date. In other words, all except
the potential intellectual elite of the student
body will have a fair chance for an MSU educa-
rrHE REASONS for MSU's admissions policy
are hardly obscure. Preference is not only
given to in-state students, which is understand-
able, but also to out-of-state students of one
area over another. Thus, while President Han-
nah said an exact quota system was undesirable,
he did advocate a limitation of some sort on
students from New York and New Jersy. He also
predicted that the raise in out-of-state tuition
fees, unaccompanied by a raise in in-state fees,
would result in reducing the out-of-state stu-
dent percentage from 18 to 15 per cent.
attitudes is that they are in contrast with
the general atmosphere of intelligence and
foresight that marked the Board of MSU Trus-
tees meeting Thursday. Apart from this policy,
the Trustees and university officials seemed
definitely committed to quality educational pro-
gramming at the expense of non-essential ex-
penditures and university "fringe benefits" to
its students and the state.
Hopefully, MSU will reconsider its policy be-
fore it is too late and accept the opportunities
offered by an "austerity" program to raise ad-
mission standards. By adopting the pretense
that MSU's standards are as high as possible-
this is true of almost no university in the coun-
try, let alone MSU-the university does no more
than betray its already dubious claim of great-
ness. A good public university; does not accept
any obligations to be provincial in the composi-
tion of either its student body or faculty, except
those imposed from outside.
It is fortunate for this University that the
administration has never gone so far in its
efforts to "serve the state," in the narrowest
sense, by admitting students on a "first-come,
first-served basis."
; .
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The Universities' Way Out
Daily Reviewer
CRITICISM is not formed by
opinion alone. Movie criticism
does not relate directly to en-
tertainment value, although the
more successful the performance
the more likely the movie will be
entertaining. So the critic must
attend the theater with a different
attitude, for he is to pass judge-
ment. He must apply a set of
standards to that which he is
judging. This is a brief statement
of standards, though by no means
A brief statement of standards,
though by no means comprehen-
sive, includes four essential levels
from which movies must be con-
sidered+-structural, psychological,
philosophical and archetypal. Suc-
cess in any of these dimensions-
with the exception of the purely
structural - will make a good
movie; success in all dimensions
will make it great.
* * *
THE structural dimension in-
cludes all the techniques of putting
a film together. The only purely
structural films are the experi-
mental art films which are in-
variably meaningless. The struc-
tural element, when noticed in
conventional movies, is usually
seen as "camera tricks,' like the
first scene in "The Ballad of A
Soldier" where the camera does
a loop-the-loop, or the documen-
tary scenes in "Hiroshima.. . Mon
Psychological dimension is char-
acter portrayal dominating the
narrative. The most completely
psychological film appearing in
Ann Arbor lately was "General
Della Rovera:." There were no
"camera tricks," and little com-
ment on life in these times. There
was a weak man getting in situa-
tions that demanded moral cour-
age. Each time the situation was
a little more desperate, and each
time he was just able to summon
his courage. The narrative devel-
oped in a spiral fashion until the
General was able to choose en
honorable death - a choice he
could not have made at the start
of the movie.
THE philosophic dimension
rarely dominates the narrative,
mostly because character portray-
al, i.e., psychological action, is the
most immediate and important,
and is usually inseparable from
the narrative. In "Cimarron," the
philosophic counterpoint of hust-
lers-settlers versus adventurers-
leaders tends to dominate because
the portrayal of character is so
"The Nights of Cambiria" is
roughly half psychological and
half philosophical. The viewer
follows Cambiria around, but there
is a constant philosophical atti-
tude underlaying the narrative
that is obviously the director's-
nvironment wins in any one situa-
tion, but the human spirit goes on
s r a
THE archetypal dimension de-
mands the greatest perspective to
discern. This is a critic's pitfall
if he must judge before a deadline.
Nevertheless, the only movies that,
should be considered great fall in-
to this category. The closing scene
of "Greed" is archetypal; human
conflict in an ultimate situation,
the desert Movies like "Treasure
of Sierra Madre," were merely
elaborations of this one scene.
"The Virgin Spring" reached
archetypal "heights." It developed
as a ritual of revenge within an
ancient Swedish myth. It was per-
haps the most successful of re-
cently produced movies coming to
Ann Arbor.
The most ambitious was "Hiro-
shima ... Mon Amour." Starting
with unusual and forceful struc-
tural effects-the fallout covering
the lover's bodies, then the docu-
mentary--it moved into the psy-
chological relationship of two
lovers from different cultures that
had recently tried to destroy each
other, and explored the philoso-
phic psychological relationship be-
tween memory and reality-her
German lover persisted in mem-
ory for years whereas her love for
her Japanese lover faded as soon
as they climbed out of bed.
It failed, however, by not be-
coming archetypal. The embrace
of France and Japan via these two
lovers was a very unsuccessful and
sorely stretched metaphor. The
opening embrace was an excellent
symbol of the world's plight, but
the symbolism did not previal, and
the end fell flat.
* * *
OF COURSE, movie audiences
do not have to examine movies
under these (or any) criteria, if
they do not desire. It might in-
crease their appreciation, however,
if they admit standards of ex-
cellence do exist, even for movies.
to the
Economy .. .
To the Editor:
been watching with interest as
the skies overhead filled with war
clouds, and, gaining strength,
headed due west for the state
Legislature. Our mobilization was
for naught, as President Hatcher
informed the Board of Regents
this past week that we would have
a -go at it even though .the in-
creasing funds were not appro-
priated. It was the only sensible
answer, for it is quite doubtful
that any rebellious school or school
board in Michigan is going to gain,
in the long run, by using pressure
tactics against the Legislature.
I would suggest that this Uni-
versity could wisely take further
steps. We may well capitalize on
the mistakes made by WSU and
MSU and thus gain an even better
advantage in next years annual
* *
De mocracy Costs Money
is in another mess. Olsen has been accused
in Detroit by two of his former assistant prose-
cutors of operating a political slush fund be-
cause he levied a 2 per cent "campaign tax" on
the salary of each of his assistant prosecutors.
The two prosecutors said payments were com-
pulsory, but the chief assistant prosecutor in-
sists they were voluntary. "We have in fund
today $32.46, he said. This will be spent for
flowers and advertising items."
Wayne County Circuit Court judges, many
former prosecutors, were also reached for com-
ment. Most of them weren't surprised to hear
of the slush fund, and noted voluntary contri-
butions to political bosses were often expected.
Most of the judges, however, condemned com-
pulsory contributions.
has been in deep political trouble. The first
"scandal" came in 1958 after his appointment
by Wayne circuit judges to fill an unexpired
Olsen accepted $11,000 in campaign funds
from the Teamster's Union, insisting there were
no political strings attached. It was a move
which would spell political death for almost
any other public official.
A fight with the Wayne County Democratic
organization followed, and Olsen was warned
his actions would be watched with the "closest
As the Olsen-Party rift grew wide open,
Wayne County Democrats decided Olsen was
too great a political liability. They supported
Zoltan Ferenc, now the governor's executive
secretary, for prosecutor in the primary. Olsen
istrator, Olsen has now embarrassed the
Democratic party organization on two occa-
sions. The party is trying to disown him, but
cannot entirely shake off the partial responsi-
bility for his appointment.
The public is asking. for Olsen's resignation.
He may be booted out at the next election. If
the charge of compulsory contributions is
proven; party leaders might be wise to urge
such a resignation, both to save party face and
also to prevent the two "scandals" from having
a detrimental effect on the prosecutor's work.
THE PARTY may be forced to take this action
only in reaction to public opinion. The pub-
lic, with little understanding of politics, is cer-
tain such practices are "wrong." They have not
considered the broader implications of the
Olsen case.
OF ALL THE Circuit Court judges reached for
comment only one, Victor J. Baum, got to
the heart of the matter. He refused to answer
questions on the specific case, but, very signifi-
cantly, asserted "I do think that financing of
political campaigns, nationally and on the state
and local levels is a problem."
Even Judge Baum understated the case.
Taxpayers, for the most part, consider public
officials well-rewarded. The public officials'
many financial difficulties have not warranted
finance a. $5,000 to $40,000 campaign every
two, four or six years, depending on appoint-
ment and tenure. In addition, public officials
are increasingly "hit" for party fund-raising
drives, including several $100 a plate dinners
each year. Charitable organizations are hounds
at the door of any public figure, and social
action groups like the NAACP expect life
Politics costs money; democracy is expensive.
The political assessment, in which the public
official's own employees are tagged for cam-
paign expenses, is a fact of American political
life. Contributions by political appointees, and
employees not under civil service, is a throw-
back to the old spoils system.
MICHIGAN LAWS have attempted to fix
limits on campaign expenditures. Full of
loopholes, the laws have been ineffective be-
cause they pace unrealistic ceilings on expen-
ditures and assume politics does not cost money.
Government subsidy of campaigns has been
advocated. In Florida, a state law provides a
ceiling on expenditures and an authorized cam-
paign treasurer to enforce the law. Michigan
public officials are not likely, however, to vote
themselves a watchdog.
Unfortunately, the responsibility for preven-
tion of slush funds and "dirty" politics lies with
an amorphous mass-the public. The public has
not yet accepted the responsibility of donations
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
last article in a three-part analysis
of the problems of higher education
in Michigan.)
Acting City Editor
formation of a moderate bloc
in the legislative GOP and the
publicity given to various higher
education "austerity" measures-
indicate the Michigan colleges and
universities may yet escape their
difficulties. At least they suggest
two lines of approach to a solu-
The publicity and political re-
alignment, if effective, may solve
the primary difficulty of higher
education-money. However, the
University's problems-its need to
maintain a high out-of-state stu-
dent level, need for funds that
transcends those of other institu-.
tions, the desire for a liberal and
uninhibited faculty are not really
subsumed under the need for
money. Deeper understanding is
required of both the public and
legislators of this state if the Uni-
versity is to meet all these needs
and continue to be one of the
world's finest educational institu-
Let's examine the two recent and
auspicious trends:
1) Politics-One of the problems
in recent history has been a rela-
tively unresolvable gap between
the two parties, the Democrats
in the executive and the GOP in
the legislative branch. This was,
of course, partially attributable to
the GOP's monumental dislike for
their conqueror, G. Mennen Wil-
This year, however, Gov. Swain-
son has had more cooperation
from all sides of the GOP, even
given the fact he hasn't pushed
hard for much that is strongly
displeasing to GOP leaders. At
this point, the deep split is there-
fore latent.
*$* *
THE really auspicious events
have been the formation of "mo-
derate" blocs in both the House
and Senate. There are eight Sen-
ators, including Ann Arbor's
Thayer, and 15 representatives in-
cluding Ann Arbor's Bursley.
These men realize the need for
stronger support for higher educa-
tion and other state functions, and
apparently will swing the balance
in the Legislature towards more
adequate expenditures, (and pre-
sumably, a tax structure to fi-
nance them).
If the Democrat's past record
is a true indicator, there will be
more than adequate support for
more appropriations. The parties,
or at least substantial parts of
them, will be able to get together
finally, and accomplish what
ought to be done.
* * *
2) Publicity-To ensure higher
education's success, more is need-
ed than some defections from the
old line GOP. A popular and
operative base of support must
be built for higher education.
The recent operating cutbacks
have been given immense publi-
city. Both Detroit metropolitan
problems, even if the view they
receive is oversimplified.
In addition, higher education's
leaders are beginning to talk
tougher in their speaking trips
around the state. There's no set
policy agreed upon by all the in-
stitutions, but this is the way it
will continue to work out.
* * *
PRESIDENT Hatcher's speech
to a Traverse City audience went
farther than his usual "shockingly
inadequate" remark. His state-
ments were refreshing and signifi-
cant. "Thinking about higher edu-
cation is badly out of joint in re-
gards to needs at the national
level and apparent needs at the
state level," he said. "Billions are
spent on the launching pads at
the national level while we deny
thousands needed to train man-
power for the launching pads ..."
"We live in an expanding econ-
omy. For the University to stay at;
its present level it needs more
funds every year ..."
University and college officials
are attempting to fix the blame
for enrollment limits and other
austerity measures where it be-
longs-on the Legislature. It is
essential that higher education
not be held guilty for doing what
it was forced to do. If this were
to happen, the situation would be
far graver than it already is.
* *~ *
getting editorial support. An ex-
ample from yesterday's Detroit
"It is customary for public
agencies, including colleges, to
predict nothing less than the
downfall of western civiliza-
tion should their full budget
requests be slighted. It is cus-
tomary for legislatures to cut
them nevertheless. It is cus-
tomary that few if any of the
dire predictions come to pass.
"But the squeeze has been
on for several years; over the
long haul it must make itself
felt. The early years of belt-
tightening cut more fat than
flesh, with no great harm
done. Eventually, belt buckle
begins to rub vertebrae. Top
teachers begin to drift away;
the best professorial prospects
begin to shun the place; aca-
demic beri-beri begins to
"We suspect that Michigan's
colleges and universities are
at that point now- especially
those such as Wayne, engaged
in a massive, commendable
and necessary self-improve-
ment effort, or Michigan State
University Oakland, building
a whole new institution from
"Apparent from recent his-
tory is the fact that Michi-
gan's economy, to stay
healthy, will in future depend
less upon the mass-production
industies which increasingly
employ machinery, not people;
more upon research, design
and other hard-to-do opera-
tions which require high levels
of education and brain-type
activity. How can Michigan's
universities provide this edu-
inn n +nirn hnrda-et in-.
by magic; the money came
from the Legislature.
"Yet this year it somehow
ran off the track. Shouting
demands that already high
student fees be increased, cry-
ing for the scalps of the out-
of-state students every college
needs to avoid provincialism
(and reprisals), legislators
have defied budgetary logic
and adopted a "let-em-eat-
cake" stance. That Governor
Swainson's flip-flops were no
help does not detract from
legislative responsibility in the
"The damage done by this
spring's work wil not show up
in one year; our children may
reap some of it. Neither can
it be repaired in a year, but no
time is too soon for a start."
However, this relatively-favor-
able view toward higher education
is only part of the picture.
The fact remains that the Uni-
versity, although sharing the prob-
lems of the other state-supported
educational institutions, is sad-
dled with the unique and difficult
task of convincing legislators not
only of the needs of education in
general, but of the special re-
quirements for maintaining the
quality of the state's finest uni-
* * *
nually send forth a great many
graduates into the state. One
would think this might eventually
make a difference in that each
would be an "ambassador" for the
But count the many graduates
in the Legislature, or the number
which have relatives who are grad-
uates. One would think this would
have an influence on their actions.
It apparently does not.
All of the nine institutions carry
out a great many practical ac-
tivities - labor relations confer-
ences, dissemination of advice on
agriculture, extension services and
radio programs. These apparently
don't have enough of an effect.
Even the accomplishments of
the universities which directly af-
fect the whole nation-like the
University's Wallops' Island rocket
program - apparently don't im-
press lawmakers.
* . C
FURTHERMORE, the Legisla-
ture has hardly changed its atti-
tude, as evidenced by Sen. Fran-
cis' charge that higher education
is now trying to discredit the
Legislature by the cutbacks.
However, Rep. Engstrom, after
receiving a letter from Wayne
State University's President Hill-
berry and a meeting with Univer-
sity Regents took a concilatory
stance after initially criticizing
* s *
EXACTLY what the Legislature
will do next year is therefore un-
clear. The moderates and the
Democrats may join to push
through adequate support. The old
guard GOP might come around, or
it might block the whole effort.
What happens to public opinion
in the next year is still an open
In the lngrun n highere duna-
F'IDEL CASTRO has offered to exchange 1,200
rebel prisoners for 500 American bulldozers,
the Associated Press has reported. In Detroit
it was announced that Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt,
Milton Eisenhower and Walter Reuther and
other private citizens are scurrying around try-
ing to raise capital to buy 500 bulldozers. In
Washington, D.C., the State Department de-
plored the moral inequity of trading human
lives for bulldozers-and then proceeded to
promise "most sympathetic consideration" to
allowing the machines to be exported.
It is rather sad to see United States foreign
policy reduced to the barbaric level of buying
men's lives. Worse yet, the country would not
have been presented with this moral dilemma
had it not been for inexcusable bungling and
incompetence from an administration whose
leader six months ago was calling for a dy-
namic foreign policy.
-G. TO
Editorial Staff
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
A meeting of the senior class presi-
dents and other specially appointed
representatives will be held in 302
west Engineering Bldg., Wed., May 24,
at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of discuss-
ing the schedule and plans for Com-
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed by
the Regents at their meeting on Febru-
ary 28. 1936: "Students shall pay all
accounts due the University not later
than the last day of classes of each
semester or summer session. Student
loans which are not paid or renewed
are subject to this regulation; however,
student loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day, of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withhold, the grades for the semester
or summer' session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer session until pavment has been
FOr, A STARTER, and at the
expense of losing Democratic
favor, I would like to see an of-
ficial survey made of union
featherbedding practices here at
Michigan. The example in which
six service employees take four
hours to rake a small plot of grass,
or the effect achieved in noticing
that virtually every other truck
in Ann Arbor carries the Univer-
sity sticker would lead the casual
observer to believe that political
favoritism and/or union pressure
has made the University service
department an overstaffed and
underworked unit. This is certainly
one area where a great deal of
needless expense can readily oc-
A second challenge presents it-
self in the form of curriculum
change. The first reaction by sev-
eral legislators to the WSU cut-
back was an immediate probe of
curriculum at that school. Credit
courses such as bait-casting,
square-dancing, folk-dancing, etc.
were found to exist, yet WSU pro
posed its cutback within the more
academic pursuits. One feels sure.
that the same legislators will find
even more "bait" when they get
around to scanning the curriculum
offered within a stones throw of
the state capitol steps.
WE MIGHT do well then to re-
evaluate the University curricu-
lum; making stronger that which
is necessary, and .doing away with
other less academic interests.
Certainly there is no more im-
pressive action which this school
can take than to reform from
within those areas which have
such need. In the end, such a self-
initiated move would gain us- im-
measurable favor with the Legis-
lature, and at the same time give
the University an ever-increasing
measure of academic strength--
the type of strength that separates
a great University from
of the pretenders.
-Roger Wolthuis,'62
Ban Coeds !...
To the Editor:
HAVE READ with considerable
interest the small note in the
issue of May 16 of the incipient
plans for housing of a coeduca-
tional nature. I thoroughly com-
mend it, and any zeal your paper
shows (and your paper will show,
I trust, zeal) for the furtherance
of this will be heartily approved
by the present writer.
But may I suggest that while