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May 19, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-19

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

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Winds from the







Out-of- State


Board RecommendsI
Enrollment Freeze
Cut Operating Budget One Million
To Meet Legislative Appropriation
Special to The Daily
LANSING-Michigan State University's board of trustees un-
animously recommended yesterday freezing enrollment at the present
22,500 level, an increase in out-state tuition to a flat $750 a year rate,
and other austerity measures which will cut $1 million from present
operating expenditures.
None of the trustees actions on the budget, tuition and enroll-
ment were called final, but were made recommendations to MSU
admiriistrators responsible for the














.. . MSU austerity

MSU Moves
TO Voluntary
Special To The Daily
LANSING-By a 4-2 vote, Mich-
igan State University's Board of
Trustees yesterday appro 'A a plan
to switch from a compulsory to a'
voluntary Reserve Officers Train-
ing Program by the fall of 1963.
The Trustees, who had rejected
a similar proposal last year, this
year accepted a recommendation
from the Faculty Committee on
ROTC. The committee met two
weeks ago with representatives
from the departments of military
and air science to establish a pro-
gram for the changeover.
The Trustees said their action
was being taken in view of state-
ments by the Defense Department
that "compulsory ROTC is not
essential to satisfy the military
requirements of the armed forces,
if elective programs are properly
organized and supported."
Thomas Barrett, chairman of
MSU's air science department, said
the MSU branch of AFROTC had
supported the Defense Depart-
ment's policy. He added "it is up
to each university to determine its
own policy."
Freshmen will still be required
to enroll in the compulsory pro-
gram next year, however. In the
fall of 1962, incoming freshmen
may enroll in ROTC on an op-
tional basis and sophomores who
enrolled as freshmen in 1961-2
will complete their second year in
the program during 1961-2.
MSU President John A. Hannah
said these measures were designed
to provide for a gradual and or-
derly transition from the compul-
sor" to the voluntary program.
-n orientation course, intended
to inform students of the oppor-
tunities of the ROTC program,
will be substituted for compulsory
ROTC in the fall of 1962. This
year's committee rejected last
year's academic senate recommen-
dation for a full term course of
orientation to military affairs.
MSU students have indicated
their opposition to compulsory
ROTC for several years. The Trus-
tees delayed approval of the
change last year, however, when
Wilbur F. Brucker, who was then
Secretary of the Army, urged con-
tinuation of the compulsory pro-
ar v A n~ic

budget. The, final budget will be
submitted and considered at the
June trustees meeting.
This means that MSU will ac-
cept 1,500 fewer students than
had been planned when it asked
the Legislature for a higher ap-
Requested $37.5 Million
MSU's requested budget of $37.5
million was cut to a $31.5 million
recommendation by Gov. John B.
Swainson and trimmed to $29.6
million by the Legislature, a $205,-
000 increase over last year's bud-
- Half the increase was granted to
the university's Oakland branch
which couldn't have admitted a
freshman class without the grant.
The branch will still start opera-
tions in the fall on a deficit bud-
get, however, with the understand-
ing that the Legislature will be
given a request next fall for a
supplementary appropriation.
Austerity Needed
Hannah explained that austerity
measures were necessary, in spite
of the increased appropriatinn,.
since the present enrollment was
1,600 more than MSU had planned
to take. The $1 million budget
cuts, $500,000 increased revenue
from tuition raises and several
other actions to raise revenues will
"provide the quality program we
should have had last year for the
higher enrollment," Hannah com-
The present out-of-state tuition
was based on a sliding scale of
$645-$750 per year, depending on
how much Michigan students were
charged by the college or uni-
versity in the applicant's home
state. The increase is expected to
raise an additional $400,000. Elim-
ination of free scholarships for
children of deceased veterans, in-
creased health service rates to
part-time students, and elimina-
tion of the university subsidy for
the college newspaper, will raise
an additional $100,000 annually.
Won't Abandon Rule
Hannah said the decis on not
to admit all qualified students does
not mean the university is aban-
doing its announced policy of
freezing admission standards at
the present level.
"Applications of all students who
are qualified will be accepted un-
til the 22,500 limit is reached," he
said. Hannah did predict, how-
ever, that state students would re-
ceive preferential consideration,
and that students from certain
out-state areas, such as New York
and New Jersey, will need ex-
tremely high qualifications to be
The university expects a fre.;h-
man class of over 6,000.

Four Urge
U.S. To End
Cuban Plots
Four professors from the Uni-
versity's history department were
among 181 historians from 41
American universities and colleges
who urged President John F. Ken-
nedy to oppose any further armed
American intervention in Cuba.
The four faculty members were
Prof. John Bowditch, chairman of
the department, Prof. Alexander
DeConde, Prof. Irving A. Leonard,
and Prof. Albert Feuerwerker.
The request was made in an open
letter to the President dated May
10. It was made public on May 13
by Prof.yCarl E. Schorske of the
University of California.
Not To Censure
This is not to censure the Presi-
dent for past mistakes, Prof. De-
Conde said. The incident is over
with and it should be laid to rest.
Rather, he said, it is a plea not to
use strong arm methods which are
not in keeping with America's
peaceful tradition.
Prof. DeConde emphasized that
the letter was not in support of
Castro or his policies. "What we
are afraid of is that some of the
President's advisors might per-
suade him to support another in-
vasion of Cuba," he said.
The letter also opposed Ken-
nedy's appeal for self-censorship
of the press in the national inter-
Facade 'Dangerous'
It said that "further interven-
tion in Cuba and a facade of na-
tional unity at home are equally
Serious concern was expressed
at the administration's "apparent
attempt to fabricate. national
unanimity in support of a Cuban
policy whose future outlines re-
main obscure."
An earlier open letter to the
President, which had been signed
by 70 educators and authors in-
cluding 41 members of the Har-
vard University faculty, urged that
the United States "give no further
support for the invasion of Cuba
by exile groups."
By The Associated Press
of the military junta that de-
posed Korea's elected govern-
ment announced a sweeping
crackdown on leftists today and
predicted amicable relations
with the United States.
Lt. Gen. Chang Do-Young
announced at his .first news
conference the arrest of 930
leftists, and said former Pre-
mier John Chang and other
members of his cabinet were
under house arrest.

IFC SING-Lambda Chi Alpha, led by John Emmert, '63, went away with the first place trophy in
the annual IFC Sing last night singing a medley entitled "Wonderful Women." Delta Tau Delta and
Sigma Alpha Mu finished second and third, respectively. The Delts sang a medley centered around
"Rolling Along," and the Sammies did a medley of spirituals. In the support group contest, Alpha Xi
Delta, Alpha Phi and Alpha Delta Pi took the first three places while Kappa Kappa Gamma received
honorable mention.

Hatcher Cites Confusion
About Education's Needs
Special to The Daily
TRAVERSE CITY-"Thinking about higher education is badly
out of joint in regards to needs at the national level and the ap-
parent needs at the state level," University President Harlan Hatcher
said last night.
He addressed a dinner meeting and awarded a Regent's citation

of honor to Dr. Edwin Thirb,
Kennedy Sets
With Shriver
Director of the peace corps R.
Sargent Shriver will report to
President John F. Kennedy today
on the results of Shriver's re-
cent trip to Africa and Asia to
test reactions to the peace corps
and to obtain ideas for further
Shriver said Wednesday that
when the agency was on a per-
manent footing it would require
an annual budget of $25 million
to $40 million.
He is expected to. suggest a
budget range to Kennedy for the
fiscal year that begins July 1.
The peace corps, now on a tem-
porary basis is currently financed
from special assistance funds.

Greeks Vie for 'Stng' Honors

Foresee Planning
Without Growth
Hold Enrollment at Present Level;
No Raise in Faculty Salary, Tuition
Special to The Daily
.TRAVERSE CITY-Although the slight increase in state
funds will permit no expansion of operations next year Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher told the Regents yesterday
that there will be no major cutbacks in University activities.
In spite of the great need for faculty salary raises Presi-
dent Hatcher said "There is no resource to turn to to get
funds for raises beyond those we are already committed to"-

a 1903 University graduate who
Cpracticed medicine in Traverse
City for nearly 60 years.-
Billions are spent on the launch-
ing pads at the national level
while we deny thousands needed
to train man power for the launch-
ing pads," he said.
"We live in an expanding econ-
omy. For the University to stay
at its present level it needs more
funds each year. Over the years
the University has combined fed-
eral support and student fees with
basic support of the Legislature."

Give Post
On Council
The Honors Council will have
its first "professor in residence"
next year, it was announced yes-
Prof. Harold Stein, now of the
Woodrow Wilson School of Public
Administration, will conduct one
seminar course each semester in
political science.
Prof. Otto Graf, director of the
Honors Program, said Prof. Stein's
main committment would be to
students in the Honors Program.
"He will be available for a limited
number of campus-wide appear-
ances too," Prof. Graf said.
The two seminars, dealing with
important American political doc-
uments and various bureaucratic
methods, will be open to seniors
and "highly qualified" juniors in
the Honors Program.

for promotions, appointments
and promises to match out-
side offers.
Presenting the outlines of the
administration's operating budget
proposals at the Regents meeting
here, Hatcher also said that:
Hold Enrollment
1) Enrollment wil be held at
present levels;
2) There will be no initiation
of new programs, even where they
are needed;
3) No expansion of present pro-
grams wil be undertaken although
many fully deserve extension;
No New Jobs
4) There will be no new faculty
positions-no expansion of the
5) No pay raises will be given
non-academic employes, nor will
any enlargement of the staff be
Further details of the proposed
operating budget will be given to
the Regents at their June meet-
Minor Expansions
Hatcher said that certain min-
or expansions might be made
within the limits of the present
staffs and budgets, particularly
mentioning the pharmacy college
as one spot open for such expan-
The Regents will continue : to
meet here in closed sessions today
and tomorrow.
They will discuss the prelimin-
ary report of the Commission on
Year - Around - Integrated-Oper-
ations with commission represen-
tatives Prof. William Haber, of
the economics department, the
commission's chairman, and Prof.
Stephen Spurr of the natural re-
sources school.
Final Report
Officials have said that the
final report and recommendation
on a year round program for the
University may also be submitted
for consideration at the June
Reviewing the University's fi-
nancial situation, Hatcher point-
ed out that for several years lack
of funds has necessitated "a poli-
cy of carefully controlled and re-
stricted growth."
The Legislature this year gave
the University an appropriation
of $35.4 million. The Regentsvhad
requested $43.9 million and Gov.
John B. Swainson recommended
$37.1 million. The appropriation is
$147,000 more than last year.
Get Chairmen
After meeting yesterday in Trav-
erse City, the Regents made the
following appointments.
Associate professor Marvin J.
Eisenberg of the history of art
department has been designated
chairman of the department for 5
years beginning in 1961-62. He

Regents Set
Area Study
Approval of directors for four
new area studies centers came
from the Regents yesterday.
Establishment of the centers for
study of China, the Near and
Middle East, Russia and Southern
Asia was effected by the Univer-
sity's governing board last month.
The directors for the respective
programs are Professors Albert
Feuerwerker, of the history de-
partment, William Schorger, of
the anthropology department, Wil-
liam Ballis, of the political science
department, and Richard Park, al-
so of the political science depart-
Vice-President and Dean of Fa-
culties Marvin L. Niehuss said
"These centers are a formalization
of existing University programs.
Establishment of area studies cen-
ters will, however, improve co-
ordination of courses and pro-
grams within a department."
Associate Dean of the literary
college Burton D. Thuma said
there is a chance that an inte-
grated program will be established
to integrate all University area
Albu Predicts
Policy Change
On Armament
The British Labor Party may re-
ject its present-stand on unilateral
disarmament in the near future,
Austin Albu, a Laborite member of
Parliament said here yesterday.
LabormParty leader Hugh Gait-
skell has opposed the resolutions
passed at the party's annual con-
ference last October favoring uni-
lateral nucleardisarmament.
But recently several British
trade unions, including the large
Amalgamated Engineers Union
which is made up of industrial
workers, have decided to lift de-
mands that Britain disarm uni-
Unpopular Policy
A majority of the party are now
realizing that this policy is un-
popular and should be changed,
Albu said.
Despite the importance of the
trade union element in the Labor
movement, the change must come
from the Parliamentary Party.
Gaitskell must make the slight
adjustment in party policy which
will still be against British nuclear
armament but will support nuclear
arms for NATO, he added. "In
view of his long stand, Gaitskell's
image as a party leader will be

Competition Sets EBid,
Kefauver's Committee Told


WASHINGTON (gP)-The presi-
dent of Westinghouse Electric
Corp. said yesterday competition
-not price fixing-caused his
firm and General Electric to list

The Tree That Grows in the SAB

Yesterday, in fine spring
weather, a tree was planted in the
court of the Student Atcivities
Building by the plant department,
several volunteers from the con-
struction crew building the new
SAB addition and Assistant Dean
of Men John Bingley (who handed
a workman a ladder).
In order to reach the court
(which is partly surrounded by the
new wing) it was necessary to lift
the tree, a 25-foot marine locust,
ahAve the huilding and then lnwer.

over with a rope they had tied to
the tree. While they strained the
rope broke and the workers cas-
caded against the building.
Obtain New Rope
A new rope was obtained and
work resumed until the tree was
centered over the hole and lowered
into it.
Robert Hanselmann, grounds
foreman for the plant department,
estimated the cost of renting the
crane at $100, and the cost of the
four non - volunteer workers at

the same price for a huge gener-
ator neither ever had built.
In their 1958 catalogues, both
electrical equipment manufactur-
ers offered a 500,000 kilowatt tur-
bine generator for exactly $17,-
Mark W. Cresap, Jr., the West-
inghouse executive, told the Sen-
ate Antitrust and Monopoly Sub-
committee that General Electric
had lowered its price to that fig-
ure and Westinghouse had to fol-
Can't Raise Cost
"We can't have a higher price
if we want the business," Cre-
sap said.
"What if you had a lower
price?" asked Sen. Estes Kefauv-
er (D-Tenn), the subcommittee
"I'm sure they would meet it,"
Cresap replied.-
Cresap, who has acknowledged
illegal price fixing by Westing-
house and competitors on other
products, defended the honesty of
prices for generators.

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