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May 18, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-18

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"We Always Insisted on a Salute to the Flag"

° r IrIdgal Batey
Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Quality of Higher Education
Disapearing Michigan
HE STATE OF MICHIGAN is ruining a fine state schools (Eastern, Western and Central
system of higher education. Whether it is Michigan Universities and Northern Michigan
the fault of a stubborn Republican-dominated College) will meet tomorrow.
Legislature or of over-concerned college ad- But even before official action by these
ministrators, the nine state-supported institu- boards, certain evidence has come in that
tions of higher education are being severely they are in a similar predicament. Both the
hurt. University and MSU are expected to severely
Administrators maintain that the actions pare operations, although not as drastically as
they are recommending to their governing WSU and Ferris, but there has been no official
boards are the only possible ones in view of announcement of the form cutbacks might
the budgets passed by the Legislature. take.
Legislators claim that the operation cuts EMU's president has said that plans there
chosen by the schools are deliberately picked allow for no faculty salary raises, no replace-
for their publicity value, and that there are ment of retiring or resigning facultly, no
many other savings that could be made with scholarships, a possible tuition hike, and prob-
less damage to the universities. ably either tuition charges or elimination of
the school's experimental teacher-training high
school. Enrollment will be held at present
TSEEMS LIKELY that the truth is some- levels.
where between these two points of view. Cer-
tainly dedicated university administrators E NMC ADMINISTRATION has announc.
would not destroy their institutions merely t THe NmClaDMnsTatIOrasandoue-
feud with the Legislatureed similar plans on faculty raises and re-
placements, and has said that the alumni re-
But, on the other hand, it is possible that lations office will be discontinued, Enrollment
the legislators are right to some degree and will not be raised as planned. The teacher-
that the administrators have gone slightly training high school will be eliminated.
overboard in convincing themselves and their At WMU, plans for equipment replacement
boards of the severity of the situation. But most and library aid will be discarded. Faculty
of the truth would seem to lie with the ad- vacancies will probably be filled, but there will
ministrators. be no pay raise. Enrollment will be restricted
Whether or not th state could have given in some manner, President James Miller an-
the universities more money, and the Legis- nounced..
lature decided it could not, it is hard to believe CMU has seen an unusually large faculty
that the appropriation is really sufficient to resignation rate, President Judson W. Foust
maintain operations at a satisfactory level, said. It will not fill vacancies, will offer no pay
prticularly after viewing the strength of the raises, will cut equipment purchases severely,
governing boards' actions of the last week. and will limit enrollment.
THE FERRIS /INSTITUTE Board of Control THE Michigan College of Mining and Tech-
has decided that it cannot maintain opera- nology's board will not meet until the middle
tons for four quarters next year, and that this of June, but President John R. Van Pelt said
year's fourth quarter will have to be severely , that there is a strong possibility that there
cut back and next summer's eliminated. will be consideration of a tuition hike and
It has ordered the administration to start severe operations cutbacks, the details of which
cutting from students already admitted for are not yet determined.
next fall. All in all, the state's system of higher edu-
cation is being rather quickly destroyed. Sev-
Wayne State University will cut its fall ad- eral of the schools received less money from
missions 20 per cent from last year's level, the state this year than last. Most of the
severely limit its summer session, and reduce changes made will be extremely difficult to
the size of its medical school classes. reverse later.
Both these schools' boards decided that there It is up to the Legislature to decide whether
could be no faculty salary raises except those higher education is worth its cost and if they
required by already existing commitments. don't think it is, they might as well stop the
farce altogether and just discontinue appro-
37E GOVERNING BOARDS for both the priations to all the colleges and universities
University and Michigan State University and save over $100 million each year.
will meet today. The state Board of Educa- A halfway solution is no good.
tion, budgeting authority for the four smaller -ROBERT FARRELL
-Fragments of an Empire

Kennedy's Shotgun
Asociated Press N ews Analyst
national greatness behind which he seeks American unity, is using
a shotgun which, though producing an effective pattern, lacks the im-
pact of a rifle.
Apparently recognizing that more is needed than a mere codifica-
tion of his program in a letter to a newspaper, the President is now
reported planning a message to Congress.
His problem is to demonstrate that his proposals offer converging


paths toward an ultimate victory
arises, however, as to how many
guns a general thinks he must
have wheel to wheel before he can
start an attack, and what can
happen during preparation of a
base for operations if the enemy is
already attacking.
*r* *
_AKENNEDY'S listing of sacrifices
the people need to make is heavily
weighted on the side of improving
LOW 8tP' fz the image the United States at-
rp 7 Atempts to project in the world. It
Sis important, and in some parts
essential, but not very stirring.
Despite nearly 15 years of effort,
K,, Western leaders still offer their
peoples little except a drab, long-
term program of containment.
r THE WEST seeks out industrial-
d'ists, and conservative teachers and
political leaders, in the uncom-
-- 4 mitted countries. The Sino-Soviet
bloc finds the passionate organ-
Facing an inchoate situation, the
Western peoples have answered
and will continue to answer the
pleas of the leaders for money and
-t6 War But they'd like to be told how
they can win some battles now.
Nixon: Leader of the Opposition-

in the cold war. The old question
to the
To the Editor:
HIS MORNING I was struck
by a shocking juxtaposition of
human capacities. At one end of
the University Mall, in Hill Audi-
torium, the academic community
was recognizing its scholars for
their scholastic achievements with
ceremonies of dignity and thought.
Meanwhile at the other end of
the Mall, beneath our beautiful
elms and oaks, honorary societies
were recognizing their recent selec-
tions with ceremonies of human
I am proposing to the Univer-
sity Administration that ceremon-
ies of the honor societies be barred
from the carhpus in their present
form because of their fundamental
immorality and the damage they
do to the grounds.
-Martin Gold
Department of Psychology


' !

Daily Staff Writer
member, ex-senator, ex-Vice-
President and the Republican's
1960 Presidential candidate, now
has a new role.
On a Midwest speaking tour
which took him to" Chicago, Des
Moines, Columbus and in a series
of engagements in Detroit, Rich-
ard Nixon has declared himself
"a member of the opposition."
As the defeated Presidential
candidate and as titular head of
his party, Nixon has recognized
his new role and is playing it to
the hilt.
"Friends have been saying to
me, 'what should we call you
now'," Nixon reported at a De-
troit Press Club luncheon. 'What
is your status,' they ask. 'How
can we describe you?'
"I tell them that I am now a
senior statesman. Now what does
the senior or the elder statesman
have a right to do? He has the
right to give advice-unsolicited
advice. Some of my friends sug-
gest I should run for something
so I could be someone. But I am a
member of the Opposition."
* * *
NIXON, however, officially a
California lawyer, has formulated
his own definition of opposition
and criticism. He says he is "go-
ing to say nothing that would
damage the country. I only want
to criticize when it is going to
help the United States. I am not
going to make criticisms that just
give fuel to our critics abroad."
This attitude may be the only
political expedient one for a man
who advocated a bipartisan for-
eign policy stance in the 1960
campaign. Nixon sharply criticiz-
ed Kennedy for making Ameri-
can prestige and an evaluation of
the U-2 incident a part of the
presidential campaign.
In Chicago Nixon showed some
uncertainty about the nature of
his new job. "The trouble," he
said, "is that no one agrees with
what I should do. Some say, 'con-

tinue to be a good loser; speak
but don't say anything controver-
sial.' Others say 'Pour it on.' Still
others say, , Don't make dry,
speeches.' In any event, a defeat-
ed candidate always runs a risk
that members of the other party
will accuse him of bad sports-
manship if he does anything oth-
er than compliment the new Ad-
Nixon asked, "How can those
of us in the loyal opposition play
a constructive part in developing
. . . programs? The most popular
course would be simply to abdicate
any responsibility and endorse the
programs of the new Administra-
tion i nthe name of bipartisan-
ship." "But," he concluded, "such
a course on my part would not
be in the national interest."
THAT GROUP which advises a
silent and neutral Nixon does not
understand the role of. the Oppo-
sition, a term originating in Eng-
land in 1826.
The leader of the opposition in
England is recognized by law and
salaried. 3,000 pounds a year ren-
ders the leader of the Opposition,
now Labor's Hugh Gaitskell, fi-
nancially able to devote full ener-
gies to his vital role.
In England, the watchdog op-
position is a shadow cabinet,
ready to take over government
reins in the event of a government
In an atmosphere of tight or-
ganization and strict party disci-
pline, a strong English opposition
can arise. With American parties
decentralized and with the vortex
of political power at the grass-
roots level, there is no such con-
certed choir of opposition in the
U.S. With a loose-knit party sys-
tem, America must, then, depend
on the loud, individual voices of
men like Nixon.
* S * -
NIXON'S twofold task makes
him titular head of his party and
leader of the opposition. As a
defeated presidential candidate in
his first appearances since the
election, he is asked for hindsight

evaluations of his party's cam-
He would not, for example,
agree with Senator Barry Gold-
water of Arizona that the cam-
paign was lost because conserva-
tive advice was ignored. In De-
troit, Nixon said "we received a
number of suggestions as to what
we could have done to win, both
from the liberals and the conserv-
atives. It was a very hard elec-
tion, and with one that close de-
feat can't be blamed on anyone."
Nixon hedged when a reporter
asked whether Eisenhower could
have been more help in the cam-
paign. "Eisenhower helped in the
way he thought most effective."
Nixon said. "I take full responsi-
bility for the result of the elec-
* * *
THE LEADER of the Opposition
doesn't restrict political reflection
to the national campaign. He had
expert advice for Michigan Re-
publicans, who haven't captured

AYMH THE Secretary of State at Geneva
worrying about the internal politics of Laos
and with the Vice-President doing a whirlwind
tour of Southeast Africa, it may be useful to try
if we can to see the American involvement in
its historical perspective.
BY 1953, in the first year of President Eisen-
hower's administration, it had become plain
that the French were losing the Indo-Chinese
war. At the turn of the year Secretary Dulles
realized that French power was doomed, and
that only intervention by the United States
could prevent the whole of Indo-China from
falling into the hands of the Communists,
backed by Red China. It was at this critical
juncture that Mr. Dulles proclaimed the cele-
biated doctrine of "massive retaliations."
The Dulles policy, then, was to protect Indo-
China by the threat of dropping nuclear bombs
on China or Russia or both. In 1954 this was a
workable policy. For while the Soviet Union had
broken our nuclear monopoly in 1949, in 1954
it was just about to master the hydrogen bomb
and it had no missile force comparable with
the bombers of the American Strategic Air
Force. The United States was then the para-
mount military power in the world, and where
it chose to exert its power, its word was law.
BUT IN THE YEARS immediately after 1954,
the Soviet Union began to acquire missiles
and nuclear weapons in sufficient quantity to
change the world balance of power, achieving
nuclear parity in place of U. S. superemacy.
This was the new situation which caused
Churchill and Eden to persuade Eisenhower
that an attempt must be made "at the summit"
to negotiate a truce in the cold war. No truce
was achieved. But the fact that by 1959, or
thereabouts, the United States was no longer
supreme, undermined the Dulles doctrine of de-
fending Indo-China by threat of massive retali-
T HERE are some among us who think that
Laos and Vietnam could be defended by the
threat of opening an American front for an-
other Korean war. They think that Mr.

But Kennedy and Rusk cannot threaten to
fight a land war because the Chinese and the
Soviets are overwhelmingly superior to any
land forces we could engage. Our threat to
fight another Korean war would be a bluff
which would immediately be called. If we were
to send a brigade of Marines into South Viet-
nam, the Chinese would have no trouble at all
in sending two brigades into North Vietnam.
What then can Mr. Kennedy do? Since he
cannot defend the old Indo-China by massive
retaliations or by committing land forces, he
must do what he has been trying to do in Laos
since he took office. He must do what the
British and the French and the Indians want
him to do. He must try to induce the Soviet
Union and Red China to settle for a "neutral-
ization," that is to say, an agreement by the
great powers not to fight the cold war by
proxy inside Laos. Almost certainly it will not
be a satisfying arrangement. But does anyone
know of a better alternative?
WE SHOULD, I feel, look upon all this with
a certain philosophy. Ae a result of the de-
feat of both France and Japan in Indo-China
we became, without in the least wishing it, the
heirs, or let us say, the receivers, of the col-
lapsed and broken Indo-Chinese empire. Since
the end of the World War, especially since
1954, we have, without enjoying any of the
benefits of empire, experienced all its costs,
risks, and frustrations.
We now have to face the problem which the
British have faced in their empire, the French
in theirs. It is the problem of adjusting one's
pride to a recognition that protectorates must
go, and then of providing for the independence
of the colonial peoples over whom they are no
longer the protectors. The British and the
French empires are being liquidated, and the
constituent nations are being helped to find
their place in the great replacements of em-
pire, the British Commonwealth and the French
Community and the United Nations. In the
Western hemisphere the replacement for what
was once the Spanish empire is the Organiza-
tion of American States.
This process of liquidation and replacement

after promising an end to so-
called personal diplomacy, moref
traveling will have been done bye
the President, Vice-President andt
Secretary of State in the first sixE
months of this Administration
than their predecessors logged in1
the first full year of our admin-i
istration. But far from criticizingt
the new Administration for thisE
policy, I applaud continuation of
the practice of the Eisenhower ad-E
A general foreign policy stance
was also suggested by Nixon.
"The U.S., he said, "should adopt
a firmer and tougher attitude in
dealing with Khrushchev. The at-
titude before this administration
was the right attitude. It is a
mistake to change every time
Khrushchev starts to scowl or
smile. I don't agree with the kind
of policy which assumes that if
you treat the Russians nicely,
they might change their attitude.
We must be consistent and not
be knocked off balance because
of a temporary change in the
weather, the former Vice-Presi-
dent concluded.
In an evaluation of the Ken-
nedy administration on the do-
mestic scene, Nixon showed an in-
terest in the role of the Vice-
President. "Eisenhower raised the
Vice-Presidency to a new status,"
noted Nixon, who disagreed with
statements indicating the country
was now seeing a decline in the
importance of the office.
Nixon commended Vice-Presi-
dent Lyndon Johnson, and said,
"the country would be well served
to make use of his prestige." (In
an earlier slip that brought roar-
ing laughter to the Detroit press
conference, Nixon said the Vice-
President used to be "Just around
to inquire about the health of the
unique role. It will be a difficult
one as a dean of American party
politics, Harvard's V. O. Key indi-
cated when he wrote that "the
American party system is sin-
gularly ill-adapted to play the
role of the Opposition . . . The
minority tends to be poorly or-
ganized for that purpose."
But, says Key, "without an op-
posing party, there can be no
dual system. The minority must
play a role in the conduct of gov-
ernment by maintaining a run-
ning fire of responsible criti-
Nixon's role is unique, too, in
that he needn't go it alone. With
a three-way split in the Republi-
can party-the liberals have Rock-
efeller, the conservatives, Gold-
water and the middle-of-the-road-
ers, Nixon. There are many strong
members of the Opposition.
* * s
BUT, BY VIRTUE of his posi-
tion as the head of the party,
the burden of the responsibility
for constructive criticism of gov-
ernment policies falls on Nixon's
He has indicated he will not
run for Governor of California.
His aim will be to build up an
organization, and to find and
groom a man besides himself who
nay hoat Claifrnnia Aovernn PatV

To the Editor:
AGREE with Mr. Storch's edi-
torial, in which he reviewed the
recent lecture on the Arab-Israeli
conflict, that the general tone of
the speaker was that of one an-
xious to select the facts in his
favor and that his passionate pre-
sentation did not contribute to
the spectators' knowledge of the
In all fairness, however, it must
be pointed out that Mr. Storch's
remarks were not in the objec-
tive, factual, spirit that he him-.
self called for.
1) The speech cannot be prop-
erly called "anti-Semitic" except
for the sake of making a slur on
the speaker. The speaker, an Arab,
belongs to the Semitic race, and
represents a people who, as all
historians and sociologists know
today, could not, because of their
peculiar concepts of religion, race
and politics, apply the same derog-
atory meanings to the terms "Se-
mitic" and "Jewish" that Euro-
peans apply to them. As a religion,
Judaeism is no more discriminated
against in the Arab world than are
Catholics discriminated against in
the U.S.A. The attitude of Arabs
towards Zionists (not Jews) can
be compared to the attitude of the
United States towards the Mor-
mons when they wished to estab-
lish a religious state in Utah.
2) The speaker did not use the
term "one stinking penny"; a
spectator did.
3) The speaker was an Arab
League, and not a U.AR., official.
4) He did not equate the Jewish
people with Zionists; he explicitly
made a point of the distinction.
5) The reviewer termed the
sentence "American Jews through
tax-free organizations are financ-
ing one-third of the Israeli bud-
get" as "inflammatory". Bern-
stein's. "The Politics of Is'ae"
cites this as a fact. At worst it is
an opinion, but I don't see how it
can be termed as inflammatory. .
As I censure the speaker for not
presenting his facts in a manner
befitting an intelligent University
audience, so I must censure Mr.
Storch for his "dangerous" and
highly misleading remarks.
-Anthony Shebaya, Grad
To the Editor:
Miss Winter made some very
disturbing remarks concernilg
Judaism and assimilation.
To quote Arnold Toynbee as the
authority on just what the Jews
should and should not do is a
mistake to begin with. Mr. Toyn-
bee himself has been accused of
being antisemitic far too many
times for it to be lightly dismissed.
I would be interested to know
just what Miss Winter would con-
sider assimilation. By definition
assimilation means "to make alike"
and to say that Judaism should
not fear it is foolhardy. Judaism
may be a strong faith but I doubt
very much if it, or any other
religion, to which only three per
cent of the population adhere is
capable of being strengthened by
intermarriage en masse. Certainly
most faiths do not advocate in-
termarriage and are in fact flatly
opposed to it.
Miss Winter then procedes to
tread on dangerous ground when
she speaks of the Jewish "zeal to
perpetuate a 'pure' race." The most
thnt Judiasm can be accused of





The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Class of 1961: Order caps and gowns
for graduation from Moe's Sport Shop,
711 N. University Mon.-Sat. 8:30-5:30.
Events Friday
Student Recital: Karen Klipec, so-
prano, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music on Fri., May 19, 8:30
p.m., in Aud. A. Miss Klipec will be
accompanied by pianist, Karen Mc-
Cann, and assisted by Carol Jewell,

and the Child Study Center, Yale Uni-
versity, will speak on "The Role of
Sucking and the Control of Distress in
the Human Newborn," on Fri., May
19 at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. B. Coffee in
the Mason Hall Lounge at 3:45 p.m.
Doctoral Examination for George Har-
wood Milly, Meterology; thesis: "Me-
teorological Aspects in the Analysis of
Community Air Polution as a Factor
in Lung Cancer and Other Degenerative
Diseases," Fri., May 19, 305 W. Engin.
Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. W.
Doctoral Examination for Raymond
Earl Oliver Kilpela, Library Science;
thesis: "A Comparative Study of Li-
brary Legislation in Indiana, Michi-
gan, and Ohio," Fri., May 19, 10 Gen-
eral Library, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
W. J. Bonk.
Doctoral Examination for Bert Ira
Greene, Education; thesis: "A Study
of Selected Dropouts-A Decade or More
After Leaving School," Fri., May 19,
401'7 U.H. S.,at 3:15 n.m. Chairman.

the governorship since the G. Men-
nen Williams victory in 1948.
Michigan Republicans, said Nix-
on, had some excellent candidates.
But the Democratic organization,
he noted, is one of the best in
the country "thanks to Mr. Reu-
ther's management and lead-
"Run the best candidates you
can," Nixon told Michigan Repub-
licans, "and improve the organiza-
tion in the city areas." And third,
emphasized Nixon to manage-
ment's representatives gathered-at
the Detroit-Leland, "stop com-
plaining about labor's role in
Michigan politics, and be active
NIXON'S TASK as leader of the
Opposition sees him concerned
with party politics, but he is also
engaging in an evaluation of the
new Kennedy Administration.
Widely publicized have been
Nixon's comments on the Cuban
crisis, and the blundering U.S.
role in that affair; on the Kenne-
dy call for press self-censorship
and self-restraint, and his sug-
gestion of a Kennedy-Khrushchev
At Olympia Stadium in Detroit
for a Republican fund-raising
event, he jided the President for
his foreign diplomatic appoint-


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