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May 17, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-17

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Seventy-First Year
orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Freedom Ride-Hopes, Trials

Y, MAY 17, 1961


SMichigan House Plan,
Needs Tho ughtful Revision.

MICHIGAN HOUSE PLAN, basic philos-
hy of the University's residence halls, is
to be rewritten. But whether or not this
n will be successful will hinge largely on
i factors.
The revisers should spend some pre-writ-
me in sounding out new ideas in light
periences during the past 20 years.'.
They must reexamine the objectives in the
ice halls. The people attending the Uni-
y today are in many ways a distinctly
ent group than the 1941 contingent at the
of the plan's formulation and have differ-
Kpectancies of dormitory life.
They should take a good hard look not only'
er plan itself but at whether or not the
nce hall system has failed to fulfill the
still sound objectives.
BOARD in Control of Student Publica-
ons has seen fit to keep the 'Gargoyle"
ae University campus.
e dull thud of their abrupt action has
d across the nation where a small group
irageous Iarvard students have comment-
a Camrbidge's counterpart to Garg, the
yard 'Lampoon."
e students said they have "no objection{
e Lampoon"; they "just feel that Harvard
a humor magazine." Can it be that they
have a. humor magazine which in the
of our publications board is "not humor-;
HAPS SO, for this inconspicuous group
students has decided, to take action which
i their words, "provide the dense sobrie-
the Harvard community with a means of
e provisional president of the group, Al-
Goldberg, announced that they will pub-
s new humor magazine in Cambridge to
ce the void occupied by the 85-year-old
describes the new publication as a crea-
-a creature which "looks out on the world
, grins, and occasionally sticks his tongue
Indeed it does stick its tongue out, for the,
zine will be named "Gargoyle."'

THE RECENT Scheub report and conference
on the quadrangles provide: different but
useful approaches to the research aspect of the
job. Another survey might be useful; but it is
doubtful that it could be accomplished quickly
enough or that it would really reflect student
attitude if it were to be prepared in such a
limited 'amount of time.
The last quadrangle conference did not pro-
vide -a great deal that would be of use in the
rewriting; but a similar conference, perhaps
during the early fall, with well-formulated
questions whose answers are directly pertinent
to the plan could provide a meaningful reflec-
tion of opinion.
Without either of these devices ,the rewrit-
ing could simply be the isolated incorporation of
the ideas of several individuals. There must
not be an intellectual isolation.
More than this, however, this student opin-,
ion must be contrasted with the studept opinion
incorporated into the original work. The stu-
dent body has changed; and with this change,
there are new hopes, ,demands,, expectations
and needs. This has been shown broadly by
the changes in student government, organiza-
tions and activities.
For example, the present house plan gives
almost no importance to student government
in the residence halls, Perhaps the student
government of 1941 was a failure; perhaps it
was only in a germinal stage. But, Interquad-
rangle Council, House Councils, , quadrangle
councils and judiciary have a far more signifi-
cant role in the residence halls of today than
the plan allots them.
Certain other questions are arising in the
light of experience. How about co-educational
housing? What about the construction of
smaller rather than larger units in the future?
FINALLY, it must be taken into'account that
the rewriting of the Michigan House Plan
is not a panacea. There are places where the
residence halls have failed in fulfilling the
plan. The plan specifically says that dormitory
food should not be the conventional institu-
'tional food. Yet, labeling dorm food institution-
al is a common rationalization for the
quality of meals now served.
Errors and shortcomings cannot we washed
away simply by revising a plan. But, if effec-
tively rewritten, the Michigan House Plan will
provide a realistic goal for the University's
residence halls.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are
paraphrased excerpts from letters
written by Francis Bergman, a
Congress of Racial Equality member
from Michigan. Miss Bergman,
whose husband is a former Uni-
versity professor, Is currently par-
ticipating in Freedom Ride, 1961-a
massive "test case" of segregation
bans. on public facilities serving
inter-state commerce.)
Daily Staff Writer.
MAY 9-- We left the warm
friendly atmosphere of Fellow-
ship House in Washington com-
pletely spoiled, sure that the world
is all sweetness and light. The pos-
sibilities of arrest or even of in-
cidents seemed most remote.
I understand that a letter was
sent to the President and to the
Attorney General notifying them
of our plans. Neither was at the
bus terminal to see us off, but as
we travel on it becomes more ap-
parent that some of their boys (or
maybe bus company boys) are
keeping an eye on us. .
* c *
AT THE OUTSET we divided
into two groups. Group A started
on Greyhound, but have since
switched to Trailways and we shall
be changing off and on as circum-
stances dictate. -
Recently we have been forcing
integration within the bus by hav-
ing Negro members of the group
sit toward the front alone so that
white passengers boarding when
the bus was full would be forced
to sit with Negroes or stand. This
has worked out very well.
Inside the rest-stops and at the
the terminal we operate in pairs,
white and Negro, with one person
as observer. In case of arrests the
observer is ready to call the New
York office, take the bags of the
arrested person and then speed,
on by the next bus to catch up
with the group.
S* S *
WHEN WE ARE NOT travel-'
ling, we are eating (often for pur-
poses of testing); when we are not
eating, we are meeting. It takes
time to get 17 people-this in-

cludes observers, cameramen, writ-
ers, and reporters-sorted out each
night for sleeping quarters. We
finally fall into bed at about one
Our first stop was Fredericks-
burg, Va., less than two hours out
of Washington. We were jolted
out of our dreams of a peaceful,
beautiful world to find that even
this close to the Capitol rest-
rooms are segregated. The refresh-
ment counter was a stand-up af-
fair for everyone, and the test
team was served without incident.
In Richmond the test teams were
served-whites on the Negro side,
and whites and Negroes on the
white side. There was surprise and
curiosity, but there were no inci-
dents except that' a cameraman
was told to stop taking pictures.
At Richmond we were first
aware that we were expected and
were being watched. For my part
I am glad we are-especially now
that we are in "enemy territory"
-although it is an uncomfortable
feeling to have bus attendants
gathering and pointing and snick-
* : s
AT VIRGINIA Union University
we had an opportunity to talk
with students. It is amazing as
we move on how many people
have been involved in direct ac-
tion; it is certainly apparent that
the press has been keeping this
news from the public.
* * '*
our first arrest. Joe Perkins
(CORE field secretary and former
Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
mittee member) was arrested for
trying to have his shoes shined at
the terminal. His trial was sched-
uled for this morning, but was
postponed until tomorrow-to wait
until we are out of town, we
An arrest this early, sort of
caught us off guard. By now we
feel that we are surrounded by
"enemies" and plainclothesmen.
This has its lighter aspects, how-
ever. When we left Greensboro the

"dick" we had spotted boarded a
bus we were lined up to take. Then
we discovered that we were to take
a later bus. So the bus rolled off
with our friend frantically trying
to get off-but too late.
Frankly I am scared; but if I
feel this way, how must the Negro
members of the group feel? We
are all so different in back-
ground, yet we meet on this com-
mon problem and work as one.
* * *
MAY 10-When all the stores in
Winnsboro, S.C. were closed to
observe Memorial Day (Confeder-
ate) two of our members were
arrested and I had an experience
that will forever remain with me.
Hank (Henry Thomas 'of St.
Augustine, Fla. and the Washing-
ton, D.C. Nonviolent Group) and
Jim (Jim Peck, editor of the
"CORE-lator") were seated at a
counter. A woman, apparently the
head waitress, went in back of the
ticket window and kept saying,
"Don't serve 'em." She then told
Hank to "get over to the other
side." Hank said he would not-
that he wished to be served. Im-
mediately a man in plain clothes
stepped up and said, "you're un-
der arrest." When Hank asked
what the charge was, he received
no answer.
Then I asked why they were
taking him to jail. "For being
where he had. no business to be,"
the plainclothesman said. I said
that we were interstate passengers
and court rulings say all facilities
should be open to all such passen-
gers. When Peck stepped forward
and said, "I am with this young
man. Are you, taking us both?"
the officer said yes.
After trying to locate a tele-
phone, I found- out where the po-
lice station was. I cleaned out
my purse of "damaging notes"--
names and addresses (oh, the land
of the free) and deposited same
in a trash can.
Later, I spoke with the police
chief. He asked if I had been or-
dered out of the restaurant. "No,
but my friends were and were ar-
rested, and I'm concerned about
them." He asked which one I was
interested in. "Both," I said. When
I thenn asked what they were
charged with, he said he refused
to talk to "my kind," and told me
to "git outa town fast's you kin."
The atmosphere was hostile, A
cab drove up. Instead of wait-
ing four hours for a bus, I dashed
out and made a deal to taxi to
* 1* *
AY 11 AND 12-Sumter is a
different world and a sicken-
ing one. If Negroes picket or dis-
tribute leaflets or parade (ten
people walking down the'street is
a parade) they are arrested. No
people living in a totalitarian
country could be more oppressed.
I felt that we made a tremendous
contribution here. We brought
them home-unbelievable as it
seems in the United States in 1961.
At a meeting in the evening at
Paine College, Augusta, Ga. I was
again impressed with the feeling'"
that we represent new hope. The
students' singing was the most
thrilling part to me. A people who
can sing after years of oppression.

-Daily-Larry Vwili
Lots of Laughs
LAST NIGHT the Ann Arbor Drama Season opened its five-play se
with the performance of Leslie Stevens' "The Marriage-Go-Rou
The play opened in a promising manner with the unusual device of
two major characters speaking to the audience from podiums at
prosceniums. One felt that this was going to be an interesting
different production. Unfortunately, the rest ,of the play was not c
sistent with the imaginative quality of the opening: too much c
seemed like something we had heard before, and the plot was hi
The play centers around one comic situation: what will the hap
married professor do about the shapely young woman who has dec

HUAC by Any Other Name..


[EN, in the course of human events, it
becomes necessary for a person to perform
et or issue a declaration in order to insure
his freedom and his pursuit of happiness,
altogether fitting and proper, that the'
tion and its rationale be made known to
world in order that the transgressor may
a full and ample opportunity to redeem
elf for his wrongdoings.
r this reason, it is necessary to declare a
0 dissatisfaction with the integrity of the
e known as "Operation Abolition" as pro-
I by the House Un-American Activities
hough this movie only shows students
nstrating against the committee's inves-
on, and "Communist agents" demonstrat-
against their being investigated, the pic-
and narration repeatedly attempt to link
two groups through both theii common
ion, i.e. San Francisco; and their common
t, i.e. the House Un-American Activities
e film is thus condemnable in itself-even,
de the fact that the very idea of even hav
House Un-American Activities Committees
mpletely repulsive-contrary to the Ameri-
ideals of free; speech and thought, and an
apt to replace a government which pro-
the people with one which supervises the
must be noted that coincidence of physical
ion does not demonstrate coercion, a com-
target does not show common ideals and
nale for dissent, and simultaneous attack
not prove cooperation.
EN if it could be shown that the group
f aggressively anti-committee students and
group of defensive chaos-causing Com-
d~w Silggau&zi.

munists were acting in the same way, at the
same place, at the same time, and for the
same reasons, another question arises--who
was the leader? Was it the Communists who
were leading the students, or were the Com-
munists' actions merely gratifying the wishes
of the students, or were the Communists hop-
ing to dupe the HUAC into branding some of
the students as Communists and thus drive
them from the ranks of democracy?
HE HUAC must change its position and
alter its activities. If democracy is unable
to survive as democracy with freedom, it does
not deserve to survive under the name of demo-
cracy at all. Should the American ideals be
incapable of their own defense and perpetua-
tion, it becomes merely an academic question
as to which group will be the ones to destroy.
liberty; which group will establish a dictator-
ship and reign of terror.
Hopefully, it will not be done, but if free-
dom is supressed the name of the supressor is
irrelevent. Perhaps the USSR will do it; per-
haps the Chinese will do it; or perhaps the
HUAC will do it. The group's title doesn't


.Painless- Taxat ion
For Capitalists
-By MICHAEL HARRAH Treasury come out? Boston's
Daily Staff writer United Business Service conserva-
HE LIBERALS won't like it, tively estimates that American in-
but Rep. Earl Wilson (R-Ind) vestors in corporate stocks now
has introduced a bill in the House have over $200 billion in unrealized
wheih presents a new and rather capital gains, much of which they.
unique look at reforming the refuse to invest because of' the
capital gains tax. high current ,long-term rate on
Rep. Wilson, claims that his bill capital gains. They can--and many
will benefit both the taxpayer and do--hold these securities until
the Unted States Treasury, (no death, and no capital gains can
small feat), but "equality-through- be realized.
taxation" proponents still won't Wilson's bill would encourage
like it. these people to sell their invest-
The essence of the proposal is ments, thereby realizing capital
this: . gains that would have been un-
* * * realized before. The government
TONG-TERM capital gains would therefore has the use, for five
be non-taxable if the proceeds years at least, of funds they never
are promptly re-invested in a pro- would have had access to before.
posed new issue of United States The taxpayer can free some of his
Capital Gains Bonds. These bonds investments without having to
would have five year maturities- suffer a capital gains tax.
issued at par-and carry an in- * * *
terest rate of two per cent or less. SO EVERYONE comes out
Inother words, instead of pay- ahead. The government sells more
ing a tax of $250 on $1,000 capital bonds, and the investors have more
gains, the taxpayer would buy a ready capital for investment. Both
$250 capital gains bond. This would types of investment stimulate the
give the government the $250 and" growth of the' economy, whereas
also, give the taxpayer $250 plus neither would have been realized
interest. before.
If the bondholder wants to re- The fact that the government
deem 'his bond before maturity, does not collect- in taxes the
such redemption would be carried amount invested in bonds matters
out at a progressive discount. little, for under the present system,
If the bonds are held to matur- the government would not have
ity, the bondholders would avoid received any money at all.
the capital gains tax by ac epting Certainly everyone will agree
a "below-market" interest rate. that the present capital gains tax
* * * is inadequate. The Wilson Proposal
SO MUCH for the capitalist- may well suggest a major im-
now how does the United States provement.

she wants to be his mistress? This
situation is stretched as far as
possible and milked of all comic
possibilities, and the joke becomes
progressively thinner as the situa-
tion becomes thicker. What saves
the play is the witty dialogue
(many of the lines are hilariously
clever) that only infrequently de-
scends to the coy self-conscious-
ness common in modern bedroom-
farce, and fine comedy perform-
ances from the cast.
FAYE EMERSON is most charm-
ing as the professor's wife, and
proves herself to be a most com-
petent comedienne. John Baragrey
is extremely funny as the profes-
sor, and plays the role for every
laugh he can get. Lynne Forrester
is appropriately voluptuous as the
"other woman" and makes her
improbable character believable.
Stephen Elliott is very funny in a
too-small role.
John O'Shaughnessy's direction
is also an asset to the production;
he finds every comedy point in the
script and makes the most of it,
which is all for the best. The play
needs good direction if it is to sus-
tain interest all the way through.
As a frothy' farce, then, this
production may be rated a success.
It is not the best light comedy
seen here recently; from the point-
of-view of the script it is only fair;.
however, the good comedy direc-
tion and fine performances in this
staging of the script overcome
most of the )flaws. Miss Emerson
has never been more charming,
and her fans are sure to be
pleased. Though the play is not
without its faults, it is good for,
lots of laughs, and if laughs is
what you're interested in, I can
give this production a qualified,
-John Smead

to the





Gobs of Praise.
'To the Editor:
last Thursday, labeling gobs
of unqualified praise on the Chor-
al Union concert series and the
May Festival ,admirably expresses
the provincial satisfaction which
afflicts professional musical life
in Ann Arbor.
To state that these "cultural
offerings" are superior to those of
New York and Chicago because
"variety is greater," and to add
that "musicians in Ann Arbor can
program what they wish without.
losing the interest of its sophisti-
cated patrons," suggests simple ig.
norance of metropolitan life, and
of what a concert series ought to
look like at a great university.
IN FACT, Choral Union concerts
are unbearably stuffed with or-
thodox, trite or dull programs.
Restatements of the standard
masterworks must, I suppose, take'
up most of the season. $ut why is
there such pathetically little new-
er music of geuine merit? A dil-
gent Ann Arbor resident could
have attended Choral Union con-
certs for decades without more
than a whiff-if that much-of .
Bartok, Shoenberg, Webern, Berg
sr post-1917 Stravinsky. The mu-
seum-like atmopshere which per-
vades these concerts chokes off
the ultimate excitement of great
music past or present; veriera-
tion of the familiar has degener.
ated into ritual.
But the programs are dull even
in ,terms of the past. In recent
years, the May Festival has pre
sented three large-scale choral
works: a tired oratorie ("Elijah"),
a fifth-rate opera ("Samson and
Delilah"), and a dated, overblown
piece of .Hollywoodana ("Joan of
Arc at the Stake"'). Wat about
Berlioz's "Requiem," "'nfane
du Christ," "Romeo and Juliet"-
to name underplayed choral
works by only one great com-
* * *
IN TERMS of performance, Mr.
Ostling's praise for the May Fes-
tival in particular is especially
undeserved. Rather than being
"inevitably sharper than on a one-
night stand," the Philadelphia Or-
chestra often plays with a coarse-
ness, stylistic indifference and
listlessness which' it would not
dare to inflict on, the musical.
public of a metropolis.Perhaps it
is merely reflecting the thick com-
placency It encounters here: lush
and familiar sounds are sure to
bring enthusiastic applause in Hill
Auditorium. The audience is chal-
lenged neither by new sonds nor
by dedicated performance.
Furthermore, the musical pub-
lies of New York and Chicago are
not insulted by being asked to pur
chase tickets when only the ar-
tists, and not the programs, are
known-as though we are chiefly
interested not in musical content,
but in star performers. Perhaps it'
is this assumption that exlains
the appearance of soloists at every
May Festival concert.
* * *
the only offender. We might equal-
ly wel ask those who control the
opera series at Lydia Mendelssohn
to desist from the standard reper--
toire. a while, and give us the
chance to hear operas like Mon-.
teverdi's "Orpheus" and "Poppea,"
Berlioz's "Beatrice and Benedict."

(Continued from Page 2)
transcript without grades for the cur-
rent semester, you are urged to call in
person at 515 Admin. Bldg. not later,
than June 2.
*-Doe not apply to students in,
Engr., Law.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes!effective
24 hours after the publication of this

Old MacDonald Has, a Farm

In excusable.

SOMEHOW, lines of communication have
broken down between the rest of the cam-
pus and Assembly Association. This became ap-
parent when the Residence Halls Board of
Governors considered coeducational housing.
The subject had been scheduled for discus-
sion at the Board's April meeting, which As-
sembly's President attended. There had been,
consideration by Inter-quadrangle Council.
There had been an editorial and articles in The
Daily. However, it came to light during the dis-
cussion, the aim of which was only to set up a
study committee, that Assembly Association
as a whole had not even considered the matter.
If Assembly intends to remain an effective
liason between the administration and stu-
dents it cannot allow itself to be behind, rather
than in the midst of, issues. There is no excuse
for its non-consideration of this pertinent and
timely subject, especially since meetings are
held weekly. If Assembly continually misses
4c - ,, tillt- -- A 4 +-A n A3 .vi e

notice. Al publicity for these events
must bem. withheld until the approval
has become. effective.
May 17 Democratic Socialist Club,
speakers James Boggs and Daniel Neu-
som, "The Negro Movement: where is'
it nowW? Where is it going?", Union,
8:00 p.m..
Events Wednesday
Research Club Meeting: Wed., May 17
at 8 p.m. in the Rackham Amphithea-
ter. Papers to be presented are: "El
'Greco,' Artist and Humanist" by Prof.
Harold E. Wethey, and "Immunological
Principles and Their Possible Applica-
tions to Spontaneous Regressions of
Cancer and the Treatmentofnthis
Disease" by Prof. Walter Nungester.
Election of officers.
Doctoral Examination for John Thom-
as Mickel,: Botany; thesis: "A Mono-
graphic, Study of the Ferm Genus
Anemia, Subgenus Coptophyllum," Wed.,
May 17, 1139 Natural Science Bldg.,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, W. H. Wagner,'
Events Thursday
Lecture by Professor Ralph Hammett,.
Department of Architecture, T'hurs.,
May 18, 4.15. p.m., Architecture Aud. on
"Architecture of the Halleluiah Age-
Early 18th Century-Germany and Aus-
Aeronautical and Astronautical Engi-
neering: Prof. M. S. Uberoi, Department
of Aeronautical and Astronautical En-
gineering, will talk on "Nn-Catastro-I
phic Mass-Ejection From Stars," Thurs.,
May 18, 3:00 Ap.m., 1504 East Engineer-
ing Bldg.
American Chemical Society Lecture:
:Thurs., May 18, 8:00 p.m., 1300 Chem-
istry Bldg. Dr. Dal Nogare,DuPont Co.,
will present a talk on "Gas Chromatog-
Illustrated Lecture:, "The Regional.
Master Plan for Delhi, India: A Pioneer-
ing Effort" will be discussed by Albert,
Mayer, Architect, Engineer and author:
.~ on Thurs., May 18 at 8 p.m.: in the
Rackham Amphitheater.


Editorial Staff

City Editor'

Editorial Director

Business Staff
KITH NICHOLSON. Business Manager
F BLUESTEIN...Associate Business Manager
GUSTYN .................Finance Manager
IDERWOOD..............Accounts Manager


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