STATE COLLEGE CRISIS: Seventy-First Year _ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN en Opinions Are Free . UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Preva&" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. *"Phone NO 2-3241, Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Higher Education in New York t, FEBRUARY. 17, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Byerlein-Lobsinger Letter, akes Joke of Academic Freedom [N BYERLEIN'S and Doiald Lobsinger's letter to The Daily of Feb. 10 advances a gerous theory of public support for higher cation. :iss Byerlein is a Detroit nurse who has ilated a petition in opposition to Wayne t University's removal of the ban on Com- alst speakers at the university. The letter ested Wayne's request to the Council of te College Presidents for a united stand on Spilane Sp"ills All [AT WELL-KNOWN purveyor of culture, Mickey spillane, is back on the- literary' ie. he crew cut father of four gained fame ugh the fictional exploits of tough Mike nmet, a private detective who bloodily shed greasy hoodlums, consumed Brobdig-' nian quantities of whiskey, and slapped and iced a whole series of beautiful nympho- hiacs. and psychotics. Spillane is now a ous affiliate of Jehovah's Witnesses, a paci- religious organization, reaking a seven year vacation, Spillane has written a mystery novel, completed a rle script, and begun another Mike Hammer ller. ,THOUGH HIS BOOKS have sold over 70 mrillion copies, one would be hesitant to 1 him a revolutionary force in our social the issue, calling this action "moral cowardice" on the part of the Wayne Board of Governors, and stated that in spite of the "decision of the Council, the financial support of the institu- tions these presidents represent remains in the hands of the people." Miss Byerlein's assertion that Wayne ap- pealed to the Council due to its "moral cowar- dice" is doubtful. Wayne's request, rather than being cowardly, was an attempt to encourage the other ueniversities in the state to declare themselves on the issue. HE REMAINDER of Miss Byerlein's argu- ment may be summarized as an attack on, the state's universities*for opposingthe "will of the people:." It is this McCarthyite ideal that is the most dangerous portion of Miss Byerlein's entire position on Wayne, Communists, and the rela, tion of universities and the public. This particular state is engaged in an exten- sive program of support for public education. This system, which includes support for high schools and colleges, hopefully recognizes dif- ferences between the two. IT IS UNDERSTANDABLE that the concept of academic freedom is a tragic joke in high school. High schools are open to all; the stu- dents are young and thought to be mentally -naive and impressionable; the local PTA's base their philosophies of academic freedom on the current concerns of the press. A university, however, has the right to expect that at least in society's highest institutions of learning academic freedom be more. A university, ideally, 'is not judged as good or bad by the extent to which it conforms to the current popular prejudices. A 'university; more specifically, may remain worthy of finan- cial support whether or not it allows speakers to appear who oppose the majority of "the people" in their opinions or beliefs. T MAY BE postulated, for instance, that fallacious doctrines are best heard in a uni- versity. it is possible that the best way to de- feat Communism is to allow the Communists a' hearing beyond his captive audience of the cell bloc; to allow him to present his views in that segment of society whicl4 is most likely to re- ject his views-namely the university, that segment of society- which strives to base its decision on knowledge and information rather than distortions, appeal to prejudice, propa- ganda and "moral" fervor. -RALPH KAPLAN ie has some tough words to say about Faulkner. The Nobel Prize winner's sentence structures and deeply rooted the tragic evoke little response from ex of kh, he doesn't write for the people-- why does he go in for all that morbid pillane enjoys the environment of his Mur- Inlet, S.C. home. "Down here," he says, i don't have to worry about your little girl ing home from school and mouthing filth s picked up from some tough on the bus." he Watchtower Society literature she reads be commendable, but her daddy's writing its could surely teach that tough a thing (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of three articles on the problems of New York higher education. To- morrow's article will present a his- torical perspective on the current college crisis with a University ex- pert's ideas on a proposed solu- tion.) By RICHARD OSTLING Daily Staff Writer NEW YORK, the "Empire State," is taking a long and somewhat embarrassed look at its realm of public colleges. The state's schools are guided by a confusing network of groups which rivals anything Washing- ton, D.C. has to offer. Three of these have recently completed im- portant reports. Direct responsibility and power over the state's 46 publicly-sup- ported colleges is vested in the State University of New York, es- tablished in 1948, whose Board of Trustees has recently revised its "Master Plan" for education and issued a 72-page pamphlet. A second important report was made in December of last year by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York, a continuing government commission formed in 1784 to gen- erally oversee all education in the state. * * LAST NOVEMBER another ma- jor report on higher education was issued by the Heald Commission, a special investigative body ap- pointed by Governor Nelson Rock- efeller, who is making the college problem a central emphasis of his administration. Members of the commission, one of the most influential to be ap-. pointed by any recent New York governor, were Henry T. Heald, Ford Foundation president and a former chancellor of New York University; John W. Gardner, 'president of the Carnegie Cor- poration; and Marion B. Folsom, director of Eastman Kodak and formerly Secretary of Health, Ed- ucation, and Welfare. All three reports are basically indictments of the New York col- lege situation. ALL STATES ARE riding the first wave of a population boom and are faced with inadequacies, but New York, which has tradi- tionally relied upon private insti- tutions, is lagging far behind oth- er states in offering public (and as a result lower-cost) college ed- ucation. The Heald report's conclusion is watered - down, but accurate: "New York enjoys a position of na- tional leadership in elementary and secondary education; it does not enjoy as a State a comparable position in higher education." New York has such fine univer- sities as Columbia, Rochester, and Cornell, but at these private schools it costs well over $1,000 a, year just to go to classes. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17 General Notices Astronomy 131 place of meeting changed from 23 Observatory to 5oo5 Angell Hall, MWF, 10 a,m History 10, MwF at 11:00 will meet in the Natural Science Aud. rather than in Aud. C, Angell Hall. University of Michigan Graduate Screening Examinations in French and German: All graduate students desiring- to fulfil their foreign language re- quirement by passing the written ex- amination given by Prof. Lewis must first pass an objective screening exami- nation. The next administration of the objective screening examination will be on Tues., Feb. 21 from 3 to 5 p.m. in Aud. C, Angell HRall. Within 48 hours after the examination the names of the students who have passed will be posted on the Bulletin Board outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the Examiner in Foreign Languages, 3028 Rackham Bldg. Students desiring to fulfill the Grad- uate School's requirement in French and German are alerted to an alter- nate path. A grade of. B or better in French 12 and German 12 will satisfy the foreign language requirement. -A grade of B or better in French 11 and German 11 is the equivalent of having passed the objective screening exami- nation. Applications for Faculty Research Fund Grants: Faculty members who wish to apply for grants from faculty research funds to support research projects should file their applications in the office of the Graduate school not later than Wed., March 1. Application forms are available in 118 Rackham Bldg., or call Ext. 3374.F The Student Government Council Cin- ema Guild Board announces petitioning for sponsorship of movies. A petition should be secured in front of the SGC Secretariat and be returned by Feb. 22. An interview time should be chosen upon return of the petition. SUMMARY OF ACTION TAKEN BY STUDENT GOVERNMENT COUNCIL AT ITS MEETING OF FEB. 15. Approved: The minutes of the last meeting, as corrected. Accepted: The resignation of Lynn Bartlett from Student , Government Council. In a more modest price range there is little choice within the state for a high school graduate who wants to attend a compre- hensive university or to get a lib- eral arts education. There are no public universities, and Harpur College, located in the Triple Ci- ties area of upstate New York and the only state liberal arts school. is handling only 989 students this year. 1' * * AS A RESULT, more than one out of four New Yorkers who en- tered college last fall went out of the state. Nearly 20,000 more New Yorkers looked for their under- graduate education outside the state than outsiders came into the state. All three reports advocated an increase in the state's already comprehensive scholarship pro- gram; but 25 per cent of the pres- ent scholarship winners give them up to other persons, because they are only applicable for those at- tending New York colleges. At least there Is Harpur College, which has finished moving across the river from Endicott, New York in recent weeks to a new $18 mil- lion campus. But Harpur turned down 80 per cent of its applicants, ON THE GRADUATE level the state has no public education in the arts or sciences on either the MA or PhD level. Harpur is plan- ning a minimal master's program in \some fields next fall, but its application for permission to grant degrees in 14 masters programs by 1970 has not been approved yet by SUNY. If this is the case, what are the 46 public colleges teaching at the moment? Eighteen of them are locally- sponsored community colleges with degrees of "Associate in Applied Science" (business, technical and sub-professional fields) and "As- sociate in Arts." The former degree is basically a terminal one, designed as the end of the student's education. Holders of the latter maytrans- fer to another school (if they can get in). Liberal arts courses are now offered at 12 of these schools. * THERE ARE 11 state teachers' colleges, whose primary empha- sis is on professional training, not on liberal arts. The one at Albany is highly respected; the others vary downward in quality. There are also six two-year agricultural and technical insti- tutes; two medical centers; and eight specialized professional col- leges in forestry, industrial rela- tions, ceramics, and the like. The public college system gen- erally has two characteristics - specialized programs, and sinall units scattered throughout the state. A majority of those thousands of students who leave their home state for college training general- ly enter states further west which have led the way in publicly-sup- ported colleges and universities, Many of them come to the Uni- versity. IN FACT, MORE New Yorkers go to school here than any other out-of-state group. New York is the largest state in the country, but higher totals might be ex- pected from nearby Illinois, Indi- ana, and Ohio fvhich are not only nearer but part of the same Mid- western culture. But these are states with public comprehensive universities. There is no admissions quota operating against New York at --1 OLINICK TODAY AND TOMORROW ih Level iplomacy By WALTERLIPPMIANN1 RETARY RUSK is said to be under cQn- dderable pressure to cross the Pacific in to attend a meeting of SEATO in Bang- Two Asian members of the South East Treaty Organization, the Philippines and and, are issatisfied, it would appear, the unwillingness of Great Britain and ce'to hot up the Laotian trouble, and they threatening to withdraw from S EATO. Secretary Rusk, they say; can dissuade and to do this he must go to Bangkok. ne else can dissuade'them. Only the Secre- of State- in person.. will be a pity 'if so early in the day Mr. allows himself to be lured, back into the y and unprofitable ways of itinerant sum- . Nobody knows better than he, no one poken more cogently about the weaknesses is kind of diplomacy. It takes the Secre- of State away from Washington where he ot be spared. It subjects him to a physical nervous strain which he should not be . to bear. It downgrades the authority of merican Ambassadors on the spot, and of' oving Ambassador, Gov. Harriman, who be needed to represent the United States gional negotiations. It sets a precedent. If ecretary must go to SEATO, then in no at all he will have to go to the centers of, ie other pacts-to CENTO, to NATO, to He must go also to the neighboring states e prestige will be hurt if he does not visit Before he knows it, he will be visiting osa and Japan and so on and so on. S IS as good a time as an'y to turn over new leaf and to set new precedents. The SanctuarV UNIVERSITY, interestingly enough, ap- ars to be becoming a haven for beaten, h not tired, Republican politicians.' st came George Wahr Sallade, '61L, the tudent who is trying to round up GOP irt for con-con. d now Alvin Bentley, Grad., who will study ican history and evidently put less em- s on his efforts, at least as seen by some Philippines and Thailand have Ambassadors, able Ambassadors, in Washington. Let them be asked to explain to their governments why the Secretary of State cannot leave Washington when anew Administration is just forming. Let them be told that the American Ambassa- dors in Bangkok and Manila will have instrue- tions backed by the full authority of our gov- ernmerit. Moreover, let -us begin to untangle the error of high policy, which has been to treat pacts of guarantee, like SEATO, as instruments which the Ui ted States is trying to sell. The United States guarantee has been tossed around very losely. To an unnecessary degree we have been profligate with our guarantees. We have given the impression to the world that they are to be regarded as something we are seeking rather than as something that, carefully and frugally, we occasionally give. 1EN'OUR relations with the great powers of- Western Europe and the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union, the firmest believer in quiet diplo- macy will agree that, following his meeting with Mr.'Macmillan, it would be useful if the President had a chance to talk face to face with Gen. de Gaulle, with Dr. Adenauer, and with Mr. Khrushchev. The real importance of face to face meetings with these men ,is not that it is a substitute for quiet negotiation but that it facilitates quiet negotiation. The heads of, government need to know what kind of man their Ambassadors are telling them about. They need to see the man and to hear him, and not only to try to imagine him from, photographs and cartoons. But this act of getting acquainted, which is desirable for the new President, must reso- lutely be kept from becoming inflated into summitry: One precaution is to have it under- stood that a formal summit meeting is not now in prospect. Another precaution is for the Presi- dent to avoid travelling abroad at- least until he has finished with his legislative program, in- cluding foreign aid and defense. This would .mean that atleast until next summer face to face meetings would have to take place in Washington or in New York. X/1R KHRUSHCHEV ha it annear hadex- "Listen, - When I Get Through with It, It Won't Be Worth Belonging To" ''11 F