THE MICHUIGAN DAILY COLLEGE ROUNDUP: Radcliffe Revises Housing Unit System For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'it 11:30 A.M. EVERY COLLEGE STUD ENT needs this book By DENISE WACKER CAMBRIDGE - Radcliffe Col- lege has made plans to emulate. Harvard University's traditional undergraduate housing system. The plan will group the resi- dence halls in the quadrangle in- to four "housing constellations." Twenty-five faculty affiliates in- cluding graduates and recognized scholars as well as 275 under- graduates will be attached to each of the four houses. Eventually. there will be a library-tutoraial center in the quadrangle. The Radcliffe house system will be similar to the Harvard system but will not, at least at the out- set, have house masters living in the houses. Instead, six faculty advisers will have offices there. * * * URBANA - The formation of a subcommittee of the Committee on Student Affairs at the Univer- sity of Illinois to study housing discrimination on campus was ap- proved last week. The action was taken following the recent action of Student Sen- ate in formulating university )01.- icy on discrimination. The sub- committee consists of three faculty members, and three students and one member of the University ad- ministration. Student Senate last week re- leased its proposed policy on dis- crimination. According to a report by the Student Rights Committee, organizations maintaining dis- criminatory clauses in their local or national constitutions after July 1, 1964, would be asked to disassociate with their national organizations until these clauses are removed. The report also states that al organizations having these clauses in their constitutions would have to make them known to prospec- tive pledges as of July 1, 1961. * * * NEW HAVEN-Some 2,000 Yale freshmen poured into the Old Campus Wednesday night for a little steam-letting. The students had no larger goal than to catch up on ;their milling about and bonfire setting, both of which have been severely neglected in these last days before exams. * * * * WHITTIER-The newly incor- porated University of the Seven to increase rhis ability tor An understanding of the truth contained in Science and Health with Key to the Scrip- tures by Mary Baker Eddy can remove the pressure which con- cerns today's college student upon whom increasing de- mands are being made for academic excellence. Christian Science calms fear and givesto the student the full assurance he needs in order to learn easily and to evaluate what he has learned. It teaches that God is man's Mind-his only Mind-from which ema- nates all the intelligence he needs; when and as he needs it. Science and Health, the text- book of Christian Science, may be read or examined, together with the Bible, in an atmos- phere of quiet and peace, at any Christian Science Reading Room. Information about Sci- +nce and Health may also be ob- tainted on campus through the Christan Science Organiation at Thursday Evenings at 7:30 Fireside Room Lane Hall Seas is signing up students for a 120-day trip around the world. The university plans to charter the SS Jerusalem in September, 1962, to sail from New York. Classes will be held aboard ship and will be good for full academic credit in a wide variety of under- graduate courses. Applicants should apply to the university at Box 71, Whittier, Calif. * * * CAMBRIDGE--Harvard Univer- sity will retain the Latin inscrip- tions on their diplomas. The decision was a reversal of a previous one, when the adminis- tration announced the diploma would be all in English, which touched off a none-too-small riot in the Harvard Yard. * * * . CHICAGO - The City Council approved the location of a perma- nent site for the University of Illinois branch in the Windy City. To be located on the near-west side of town, the extension's loca- tion presently is in a residential area, including the site of world- famous Hull House, Jane Addams' settlement center. * * NEW YORK - A 19-year old New York University student was sentenced to sixty days in the workhouse for failing to obey take- cover orders during a national civ- il defense drill. A spokesman for the civil de- fense office said it was the stiffest sentence ever imposed here for the violation of the New York State Defense Emergency Act. Relations Board Petitioning Opens Petitioning for the Student Re- lations Board, the student com- mittee of the Development Coun- cil, opens today, Chairman John Ross, '61BAd., announced. The Student Relations Board publicises and works with the Development Council, which sup- ports the Alumni Fund and pro- motes continued Alumni interest and aid to the University. Petitions should be in by Thurs- day noon. Interviewing will take place 1-5 p.m. Thursday. USED CARS CONVERTIBLE -Torch red - Ford '54. New automatic transmission, engine, muffler. 18 mpg. In top running con- dition, Radio, heater, top, everything works. Well cared for by original owner. Call 5-7463 after 6. N43 SILVER-BLUE 59 Vespa 150, good con- dition. Call NO 3-0730. N44 1951 MG-TD rebuilt engine, transmis- sion, ertros. $850. Can be seen at 1311 Brooklyn. N10 1957 ISETTA. Suntop. $200. NO 3-6353 after 6 p.m. N41 MGA 1958, Red, A-1 condition, extras. Priced to sell. NO 3-4145, N 35. B58 1949 MG. Rebuilt engine, 500 miles, new top, uphl., tires. Sacrifice, $1.000. N30 AUSTIN-MEALY, 1957, 100-6 Roadster 4 seater. Overdrive, metallic blue lac- quer, silver wire wheels, black leather interior, black top, tonneau, radio, heater. Lucas fog lamps, sliding alum- inum windows, complete tools, own- er's manual. Like new. Owner school teacher. $1,775. Lincoln 5-8614 Oak Park (Detroit suburb). N18 BUSINESS SERVICES REWEAVING-Burns, tears, moth holes rewoven. Let us save your clothes. Weave-Bac Shop, 224 Nickels Arcade, NO 2-4647. J10 Term papers due soon? Take advantage of our reasonable and reliable typewriter rental. Rent a typewriter now-be sure of having one when you need it. MORR I LL'$ LOST AND FOUND REWARD offered for information lead- ing to return of weapons stolen from 724 E. University, NO 2-1146. A69 FOUND in Angell Hall-Boy's glasses, horn rim in black case, optician Daniel Cohen. Contact 5-7711, Ext. 5442. A67 MUSICAL MDSE., RADIOS, REPAIRS Preview of Grinnell's PIANO FESTIVAL SALE. Come in any day and see these tremendous values from $399 up. GR I N ELL'S 323 S Main NO 2-5667 MICHIGAN DAILY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES LINES 1 DAY 3 DAYS 6 DAYS 2 .80 2.00 2.96 3 .96 2.40 3.55 4 1.12 2.80 4.14 Figure 5 average words to a line. Classified deadline, 3 P.M. doily Phone NO 2-4786 BUSINESS PERSONAL BEFORE you buy a class ring, look at the official Michigan ring. Burr-Pat- terson and Auld Co. 1209 South Uni- versity, NO 8-8887. FF2 SITUATION WANTED LIFE-LONG RESIDENT of Ann Arbor U of M grad, public school teacher, wishes small apartment in exchange for managing apt. houses. Write Daily Box No. 12. PW CAR SERVICE, ACCESSORIES BUMPING, PAINTING, all kinds of auto repairs. Free estimates. Call NO 5-4042 J. B. Auto Repair 318 N. First Street S2 C-TED STANDARD SERVICE Friendly service is our business. Atlas tires, batteries and accessories. Drama Season Assigns.Roles To Beal, Clive, Kiavun, Stewart 314 S. State NO 3-2481 J99 The Ann Arbor drama season has assigned important supporting roles in this season's plays to ac- tors Royal Beal, Madeleine Clive, Walter Klavun and Fred Stewart. The season, which begins today at the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, will present "The Marriage-Go- Round," "The Bad Seed," "A Touch of the Poet," "Send Me No Flowers' and 'The Pleasure of His Company." 0- Beal will play Nancy Kelly's newcaster father in "The Bad Seed," while Stewart is cast as the moronic janitor in this play. Klavun will also act in "The Bad Seed," slated to begin May 23. His other performances will include parts in "Send Me No Flowers," which will begin on June 6, and "The Pleasure of His Com- pany," which is the concluding play of this season, beginning June 13. Tickets are on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office. Miss Clive will Neill's "A Touch which begins May appear of the 30. in 0'- Poet," I TODAY'S SPECIAL French Toast . . 40c UNIVERSITY TYPING SERVICE, 1321 S. Univ., NO 2-4250. Rates begin at 25c a page. J23 For Those Special Occasions When Your Syrian Friends Drop In Unexpectedly we have loaves and loaves of fresh, hearty Syrian Bread RALPH'S MARKET 709 Packard NO 2-3175 J26 HELP WANTED AMERICAN STUDENT LEAGUE and your school employment bureau can best help you increase your summer earnings. ABL provides means to earn $75 week, and travel to Europe at no expense. For complete details send 50c to: AMERICAN STUDENT LEAGUE, P.O. Box 8123, Chi. 80, Ill. SUMMER WORK for 3 sophomores or juniors. Car is necessary. Call 5-5266 for interview. H50 DO YOU qualify? Neat, intelligent, am- bitious. 3 college students needed to work part time for top paying sales promotions -positions. Call NO 5-89,58 for interview. H9 PHOTO SUPPLIES MOVIE CAMERA Canon ZM8, FI.4, w/case Trans. radio, 6&7 Trs. All brand new. Bargain. Cali NO 3-2684 or leave message with NO 3-4288. B76 BARGAIN CORNER MOVING? Consult us. We sell for you or to you anything and everything on consignment. Treasure Mart. 529 Detroit, NO 2-1363. Open Mon, and Fri. notes 'til 9. W3 ARMY-NAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks 39c; shorts 69c; military supplies. SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washington W1 TRANSPORTATION the home of Steinway pianos X24 A-1 New and Used Instruments BANJOS, GUITARS and BONGOS Rental Purchase Plan PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 119 W. Washington NO 2-1834 Xl MISCELLANEOUS TAKE A BREAK ! For the largest hamburger in town visit SCHWABEN INN featuring "The Poor Boy Sandwich" MS 215 Ashley PERSONAL WANTED to Exchange-1 round trip ticket on Union airflight leaving June 20, returning Sept. 4 for round trip on flight leaving June 21, returning Sept. 3. Call 3-1561, ext.1320. F31 BROADEN-your education by living with a FOREIGN STUDENT. Contact the Michigan Union Student Offices. Mon.-Fri. 3-5. Thank you! F36 ANNOUNCEMENTS will be distributed Wed., May 17, Thurs. 18, Fri. 19, 1:00- 5:00 p.m., 1st floor booth of SAB. F32 PSEFS WEEK, Lamentation., Sat. May 20, 7:00, League Snack Bar. ChemistsI and Pharmacists invited. F331 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS For International Brother Program.; Call or inquire Union student offices. Pays well in friendship and personal satisfaction. F27 LOOK $4 yr. until May 15; Esquire, Fa- ther's Day special $4 yr. Write Stu- dent Periodical Agency, Box 1161, AA, or call NO 2-3061. These specials available to everyone. Fl SAY GEORGE: Remember, Wednesday the 10th, GENERATION will be on sale. F Complete Automotive Service-All products and services guaranteed. Road Service "You expect more from Standard and you get it." 1220 South University NO 8-9168 WANTED TO RENT COMFORTABLE apartment orhouse- furnished. At least two bedrooms. June 19-August 19. Responsible couple and child. Willing to pay reasonable rent for, and treat well, a nice place. Ann Arbor references available. Write to Wm Cherniak, Chairman, Dept. of English, Jamestown Community Col- lege, Jamestown, N.Y. 143 WANTED TO RENT, by graduate couple, children 7 and 8, apt. for June 15 to Aug. 1. Write Thomas Quarnstrom, 429 South Seventh Street, Escanaba, Michigan. L11 WANTED-2 bedroom, furn. apt. or pri- vate home for week of June 15-21 ;fo 4 adults. Call Dr. Berlin NO 2-6188. L10 MALE ROOMMATE wanted to share clean, modern, summer apt. for 3. NO 2-4591. 131 Tyler House. L9 BIKES and SCOOTERS FOR SALE - 1958 Lambretta Motor Scooter .Call 2-3544. Z43 $2 FOR RENT KENYON COLLEGE Summer Students. Faculty member desires to exchange housing facilities for summr Jses- sion. Ideal for children. 0al1 3-3455. C?? CAMPUS -HOSPITAL-LovelV tuished apartment suitable for four girls. Available July 10. Call 2-0671. 066 2 MEN WANTED for summer apartment 2 blocks from campus. Call 1Q 3-1412. C32 ATTRACTIVE furnished first floor, 3- room apartment. Private bath and entrance. Heating, water, coking gas furnished. Adults. $86. Available June. References, NO 2-3734. C-34 6 RM. HOUSE near campus, 3-5 men, Call 3-3429. C78 5 ROOM new furnished apt., ideal lo- cation, parking, reasonable. 5-7031 after 6 or weekends. 076 A-1 LOCATION. Between Rackham and St. Joseph. 3 Apartments available June 15. Two can accommodate groups of students. Call 2-7020. 071 ATTRACTIVE 3 bedroom furnished house S. Univ. and Washtenaw area, available June 10, phone 2-2937. 072 SUMMER - modern 1 bedroom, com- pletely furnished, T.V., disposal, wash- er, etc. Available June 1-Sept. 15. North Campus. $97 a month. 3-3831. 073 FALL-Furnished. All utilities paid. Lo- cated on Hill St. Phone 8-9538 or 2- 3512. 1 apt. for 3 boys, 1 apt. for 2 boys, 1 apt. for 4 boys and 1 apt. for 2 or 3 boys. 074 SUMMER-furnished, all utilities paid, located on Hill Street. Phone 8-9538 or 2-3512. 1 apt, for 3 or 4 boys and 1 for i or 2 boys. C75 FOR 3-5 PERSONS, low summer rent, near campus. Call NO 5-6184. 077 SUMMER Sublet for 1 or 2, preferably girls, 1 yr. old, furnished, air-condi- tioned, $95 a month. NO 3-4856 after 8 p.m. 0C78 MODERN, 2 bedroom apartment near hospital, available June 1, NO 5-7092. 079 STARTING IN SEPT.-If you can't beat Ann Arbor landlords, join them. Buy our prime location, campus rooming house. Beg or bprrow $3,000 down, live in the first floor 4-room apart- nent and rent out the rooms up- stairs. $16,000 full price. Call 3-3032. C??? SUMMER-Most fantabulous apartment on campus. Accommodates 6, or for the more discriminating, 4. Rleason- able. NO 5-7824. 053 CHOICE SUMMERIAPT. 4 rooms, ideal location, furnishings, etc. NO 24591; nine Cooley House. 040 ROOM FOR RENT-1 block from cam- pus in Fraternity house, No board, $25.00. NO 2-3215. C10 SUMMER-5 large rooms near campus. Parking, reasonable, NO 2--5367 or NO 5-5550. C61 SUMMER - Modern furnished 3-room apartment 2 blocks from campus. Parking. 246962. 0107 . . . . 1201 South University I. rain cover from I SUMMER-Modern furnished 3 or 4 across street from Call 3-8839. 605 Church apt. for carpus. 052 I, III A I I I" Call NO 3-4156 Special weekend rates from 5 p.m. Friday till 9 a.m. Monday . . . $12.00 plus 8c a mile. Rates include gas, oil, insurance. 514 E. WASHINGTON ST. e TRUCKS AVAILABLE G1 RIDES WANTED to San Francisco week of June 10, NO 3-1561, Ext. 1269, 1263, 1264. G18 "57 LAMBiRETTA I50 LD), Many extras, excellent condition, $195. NO 2-3708 after 3:30. Z4; I WILL GUARANTEE INSIDE STOR- AGE SO LET'S GET TOGETHER AND GET YOUR BIKES IN OUT OF THE WEATHER AT 611 CHURCH ST. Z38 FOR SALE CONN TRUMPET, excellent condition with lined case, 2 mutes, Bach 7c mouthpiece, music, $100. NO 3-81111. B12 STRING BASS, Kay, with case, stand and German bow. $130. NO 3-8784. Bl1 U-M STEREO Tape Recorder, matching amplifier and speaker system. Cost $300 new-18 mo. old-$150. NO 5- 8390. B5 BY OWNER-3-bedroom, colonial, bath and a half, excellent condition, low down payment, immediate occupancy. $19,800. NO 3-8108. B-4 CAMPUS HOUSING-expansive 21 rm. house with commercial kitchen. Sleep- ing facilities for 43 students with room for expansion. Wooded site (over 1 full acre) well located near main campus. For details call NO 2-2556, Ward Realty, Realtors. C48 1957 SCHULT Mobile Home, 1 bedroom. Call HU 2-3532. B93 SELLING ALL 200 of my classical rec- ords, $1.50 each. Also hi-fi set, Gar- rard turntable with Empire cartridge, Eico 15 watt preamp, Craftsmen am- plifIer, electrovoice speaker. $130. Also ceramics, prints, and an electric stove. Call 2-6347 before 6 p.m. B16 HOUSE TRUCK-With beds, windows and space, $200. NO 3-3032. C? RECREATION ROOM BAR, vinyl coun- ter. Hand-finished molding, foot rail, 4 stools. Call 5-5429. B57 ypewriters Portable Electric Standard SUMMER -Furnished 3-bedroom apt. near campus and hospitals with many extras. Len or Ron at 2-2600. C-35 SUMMER APT. for 3, spacious, newly furnished, located 2 blocks fromi cen- tral campus. Call Ed Klots, NO2 -3191 during dinner hours. C-36 TWO BEDROOM, tri-level, Juni 18- Sept. 4, furnished. $135 month, 1289 Dixboro Road, 2-4581, Ext. 85, Mrs. Bennet. C-37 BRAND NEW, furnished two bedrpomp, across from Stockwell, rent insanely low. NO 5-4745. C30 MUST RENT extra large 6 room modern apt. for family of 4, beginning June 16. Call 2-4580, Bob Newton. 014 LOOKING for a place to rent? Put an ad in 'Wanted to Rent ' Just call NO 2-4786. 0113 LARGE Summer Apart. for 4. Conven- iently located; off-street parking; 2 bedrooms; reasonable. NO 5-8$98. 04 FURNISHED Univ.-operated apts. avail- able to married students and married faculty Leasing arrangements f'or summer season. Call 2-3169 or apply University Apt. office, 2364 Bishop St. Office open Mon.-Sat. C20 SUMMER and/or SEPT.: For 3 or 4. Furnished new modern apartment building. Electric kit., disposal, tile bath, parking, air-conditioning avail. ' block from hosp. 5. min. walk from Diag. NO 2-3971. 0102 SUMMER-Modern 2 bedroom furnished apt., air conditioned, dish washer, disposal, parking. 2 blocks from cam- pus and hospital. Phone NO 8-7651. 022 TO SUBLET: Modern 5-rm. furnished apt. NO 5-5488 or NO 5-8205. C60 LARGE 3 room apt., centrally located, attractive, reasonable, availale from June 10. NO 3-9603. 043 SUMMER: Large, furn. apt. for 3. 4 rooms, garage, Packard and Thomp- son. Call Marti, 2-4401--405 Williams. C44 3 ROOM furnished apt. Available first week in June. Couple only. NO 3-4325. C69 SUMMER-3 rm. furnished apt. Avail- able June 7. Air Con., 6 blks, to cam- pus. $85 a month. NO 5-9669. C49 SUMMER: New 4 man pad, Huron be- hind Rackham. NO 5-9518 after 7:00. C47 SUMMER-Furn. 2 bedroom apt. across from Law School. 718 Monroe, Park- ing Space. Call NO 5-8589. 058 3 ROOM furnished apt. near State and Packard, prefer couple, available July 1. NO 8-8396. . 056 JUNE 8-SEPT 3-$75 per mo. plus utilities (gas, electric, oil), house trailer, two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen, living room, household items, included. Contact by phone, HU 3- 4782. 039 1. 1 'I "* outePurewh ite. ttfitr The difference is this: Tareyton's Dual Filter gives you a f