ERLEIN-LOBSINGER: ACADEMC JOKE? See Page 4 lu~w uja :4Iuii4t Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom XI, No. 94 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1961 O I II I I I I I q Y1111 May Consider Lesidence Plan May Incorporate Foreign Students Into Projected Graduate Qu-arters By FAITH WEINSTEIN, 'he University administration will consider a compromise pro- for incorporating foreign students into a projected graduate stu- housing unit. 'he plan, presented by the International Center Board of Gov- s, through Vice-President 'for Student Affairs James A. Lewis, not follow the "International facility" proposal, suggested in a t survey conducted by the International Center. That facility i be primarily oriented towards the foreign students, although "with a considerable sprinkling of AT MSU: .Trustees Ai Plan in Payment f 'U' Fees The Regents will consider a plan for installment paying of instruc- tional fees, including tuition, at their meeting this afternoon. In November, 1960, University registfation officials indicated '.that a plan for fee payment simi- lar to Wayne State University's, which .provides for a down pay- ment of one-fourth the tuition at registration and the payment of the balance in three 30-day in- stalIments after classes start, was under consideration. The University plan provides that the student could pay any amount or none at all when he registered and would be billed for tuition and residence hall pay- ments after classes had begun. A central accounting office which could handle lab fees, li- brary and automobile fines along with the tuition, and residence hills payments' in'the same ac- count was also suggested at that time.. To Introduce Bll for State Scholarships By HARVEY MOLOTCH A bill providing for the annual granting of 50 state scholarships of $1,000 each will be introduced In the House of Representatives "sometime next week," Rep. George Montgomery (D-Detroit) said last night. Under the four-year program which Montgomery will co-sponsor in conjunction with a member of the House higher education study committee, the grants will be dis- tributed according to competitive scholarship based on special state examinations. Financial need will not be a criterion. Prospective recipients would have to be Michigan residents who are judged "good citizens of high moral character" by a special 11- member commission appointed by the governor. To Have Choice The award winners would have their choice of attending any ac- credited state, private or state- supported institution which ac- cepted the student for admission. 'Montgomery pointed out that similar bills have been introduced in other sessions during the last few years but in each case the bill never reported out of the House ways and means committee. The Detroit Democrat indicated that he felt the bill which would cost $400,000 in its fourth year, has a greater chance of success. this session due to the state's slightly improved financial situa- tion. To Administer The commission which would administer the program is to be made up of three representatives from the University, two from Michigan State University, one from Western Michigan Univer- sity, two from private colleges and three private citizens. Montgomery indicated the pur- pose of the bill is to stimulate high school achievement. It would also aid bright students from low- income families. If the program proves success- ful, Montgomery hopes to expand the number of grants, perhaps through donations of private foundations. At present, there is not state program of scholarships although tate-supported universities and colleges maintain their own pro- Americans. "I would never back a straight International house, or even one primarily for foreign students," Lewis said yesterday. "But I will solidly support a joint facility." The projected graduate student unit is a result of "needs we have been thinking about for a long time," Lewis said. "We will begin to discuss plans in about six months, for financing and build- ing some kind of facility to pro- vide single rooms with a joint, cafeteria, or apartments for grad- uate students." Common Needs "As there is a lot in commonl between the needs of graduate: students and foreign students, we will certainly consider including certain kinds of special facilities for Foreign students," Lewis said. Considering the needs of the older foreign student with diet problems, within the scope of a graduate housing unit, "is the only administratively feasible thing," Prof. James M. Davis, director of the International Center said. Essentially the new proposal changes the emphasis from the foreign student to the graduate student, while providing many of the same advantages, Prof. Davis said. 'Great To Dream' "It's great to dream about a $6 million facility, with everything we need (including a great many meeting rooms and halls), but that would be very difficult to fi- nance," he added. "Any plan that can meet the need for foreign student housing, which is most acute, and also meet the need for informal social rela- tionships, is desirable.' Foreign student opinion strong- ly favors the graduate house over the International facility. Much Contact "I would prefer the graduate students to be separated from the undergraduates," S. Ghose, '61E, said. He and several other foreign students strongly urged as much c9ntact as possible between Amer- icans and foreign students. "It would be better to have more Americans than foreign stu- dents," David Uh, '61E, added. Since foreign stucents come to America at least partially to learn about Americans, he felt that a two-to-one ratio of Americans to foreign students would be ,most desirable. Prof. Davis called the new pro- posal a good and feasible com- promise. He also said the need for an International House, as a kind of haven for the foreign student, is not nearly as necessary in the Ann Arbor area as it is in places like New York and Chicago, where two International Houses are thriving. Announce Secretary By CYNTHIA NEU The Michigan State University Board of Trustees yesterday elect- ed Jackweir (Jack) Breslin as its secretary, ending a political hassle which has continued since the post was vacated last year. "Partisan politics had no part in the final decision," Breslin claimed. "It has always been the policy of the Board of Trustees to find the best qualified person for the specific job, and this was true in finding the secretary." The six-man board is composed of five Democrats and one Repub- lican. The $23,500 post Breslin will fill was vacated last year when James W. Miller became president of Western Michigan University. First Charges The Democrats were first charg- ed with exerting political pres- sure when State Superintendent of Public Instruction Lynn M. Bartlett bid for the position and later when the names of Secre- tary of State James M. Hare and Democratic National Committee- man Thomas H. E. Quimby were mentioned for the post. Newspapers were first to levy charges of 'politics' and 'patron- age' against the Democrats. Their cry was taken up by others throughout the state, apparently causing a reluctance to appoint any prominent politician. MSU President John Hannah also said there was no political pressure leading to the appoint- ment. "Breslin is a very capable per- son and I'm glad the issue was decided," Hannah added. Hannah recommended Breslin for the post three months ago, but the board's approving vote of 42 was not unanimous as required. Hannah again suggested Breslin yesterday, and the vote was 4-0, with Jan B. Vanderploeg (D-Mus- kegon) absent and Don Stevens (D-Okemos) abstaining. Has Confidence Stevens explained "I have every confidence in Breslin, but I feel he is more valuable to Michigan State University in his position working with the legislature. For that rea- on I will neither vote for nor against him." Breslin has served for two years as legislative liaison agent for the board, and his main duty will con- tinue to be working with the Leg- islature. He also will supervise non-aca- demic personnel, be the custodian of all property, and oversee expan- sion and long-term building. Ask Teaching Of Marxism. CHICAGO ()-A report read- ied yesterday for the American Bar Association urges teaching of Communist doctrines, objectives and techniques in the nation's schools. Its drafters said they were aware that a program of Com- munist instruction would be be- set with many obstacles. But they said they hoped members of the legal and teaching professions would mobilize public support to carry it out. D SI, SE' ER --Daily-Jerome Starr NEW OFFICERS-Thomas Moch sits at the head of the IQC conference table for the first time in his new capacity of Council president. Robert Geary (left), vice-president, and Roger Pfeuffer, secretary-treasurer, were also elected last night. Mock New IQC Leader, Succeeding R osemergyv By THOMAS HUNTER Out-going Inter-Quadrangle Council president Daniel Rose- mergy, '6lEd., picked up his gavel for the last time last night at an IQC special elections meeting, then turned it over to Thomas Moch, '62E, new president by acclamation. Presidents of 14 of the 24 houses in the quadrangle system met to select officers for IQC's second year of operation. At least 13 RT OUTH BET A Cite Incident At Wliams In Statemient. Student Referendum Leads to Decision To Cease Affiliation By MICHAEL OLINICK The Dartmouth chapter of Beta Theta Pi has severed its affilia- tion with its national fraternity because of alleged racial discrimi- nation against the Williams Col- lege chapter and "hypocritical dealings" with the Dartmouth unit. The action came late Wednes- day night as the climax to a se- ries of events which began in 1954 when a student referendum at Dartmouth set September, 1960 as the deadline date to remove dis- crimination clauses from frater- nity constitutions. D a r t m o u t h's undergraduate council asked each of the 24 fra- ternities of the New Hampshire campus to obtain replies from their national offices, stating what pressures would be put on a local if it pledged a Negro student. The national Beta office ig- nored the request and filed a let- ter saying that members of every racial and religious grouphad been actives in Beta, Oak Win- ters, Beta president at Dart- mouth, said last night. Last fall, however, two cases arose where Beta chapters tried to pledge Negro students and were subjected to pressures by the na- tional, Winters claimed. National officers and alumni told the Bowdoin chapter that Beta had a "gentleman's agree- ment" not to pledge Negro stu- dents and that a group should depledge a Negro who sought to be a member. The Betas at Williams were or- dered not to initiate its entire pledge 'class "until further notice" by the national Board of Trus- tees. A Negro student is a mem- ber of that class. Winters said his Dartmouth chapter had investigated the sit- uation at Williams and concluded that the injunction was issued be- cause of racial discrimination and not because of the alleged iniqui- ties in the rush plan at Williams. Daily To Hold Staff Tryouts The Daily will hold a meeting for those interested in joining its staff at 4:15 p.m. today on the first floor of the Student Publi- cations Bldg. Those interested in the editor- ial, sports or photography phases of journalism should attend. votes are needed for election. Besi Seek To Free School Funds In Louisiana WASHINGTON (M)-The Justice Department yesterday filed a civil contempt action designed to com- pel the state of Louisiana to re- lease certain school funds to the Orleans parish school board. The money has been withheld in the school desegregation con- troversy there. The action, brought in the Fed- eral District Court at New Or- leans by United States Attorney M. Hepburn Many, was directed against M. Jackson, state superin- tendent of public education. The Justice Department asked that Jackson be required to turn over to the parish school board about $350,000 withheld since last September It marked the first court action of the present administration in the New Orleans school situation. ides Moch, the assembly approved Robert Geary, '63E, as vice- president and Roger Pfeuffer, '64, as secretary-treasurer. The slate ran unopposed. The two replace David Catron, '61, who served as vice-president, and Michael Mason, '61, retiring secretary-treasurer. Moch, who has served as South Quadrangle's president for the past year, briefly outlined the program he has set for the com- ing year. He said he would like to bring the individual house presi- dents closer to the IQC by means of presidents' conferences. He wants to improve quad- rangle athletic programs with more effective purchasing. He wants to open the way to a sum- mer storage plan that would aid residents returning in the fall. He also wants to see a quad- rangle-sponsored dance compar- able to the old J-Hop. "And we should do something about deferred rush since the quadrangle system is involved," Moch said. "We're interested in working out a solution which will satisfy both the quadrangles and the fraterni- ties." ROMAN CATHOLIC, PROTESTANT: Union Beyond Human Means,_ Churchmen Agree r:> V By SANDRA JOHNSON Though American Roman Cath- olics and Protestant churches have some common goals, union between them is beyond human means, two theologians agreed yesterday. Both men accepted the differ- ences between the two faiths. Participating in this "Theologi- cal Dialogue: Protestant and Ro- man Catholic,": the Rev. Dr. Mar- tin E. Marty, associate editor of "The Christian Century," a Luth- eran, and the Rev. Fr. Gustave Weigel, S.J., professor of theology at Maryland's Woodstock College. "God and only God will make one church," Father Weigel said, "in terms of man it can not be done at all." University Community A university community is of particular importance in defining and clarifying the different reli- gious doctrines, Rev. Marty added. Some people today believe all churches are essentially the same, ,a~n that. nnin,+c nnw,.hich +h~t, should each keep their loyalties to their religious vision. "We should work not necessarily for separation, but we must respect each other's distinctions." As a result of these differences, some anti-Catholic feeling has grown up among Protestants in the past. And likewise among Catholics there has been some an- ti-Protestant feeling. "False fears have been erected out of oblivion," Rev. Marty said. But once Americans accept the fact that their nation has many, co-existing religions, and then un- derstand the churches' common goals, apprehension will subside, he continued. Catholics Aware American Catholics are aware of Protestant opposition and even lowed to be both Catholic and American. He himself sees no con- flict in these two allegiances, and Kennedy's election gives him some assurance that Protestant Americans are beginning to accept his position as well.. The second goal is to "scien- tifically understand all of reality, of God and of man." Father Wei- gel then cited ways Catholics are seeking to improve the quality of their schools and colleges. A third Catholic goal is to deep- en their awareness of God. In a world where "secularism is in the air," and where religion is valued only as it helps maintain moral standards, this is not easy. Secularism, Not Communism "By secularism, I do not mean only Communism," Father Weigel - fI w 1