A' "Let's See, Now-" How's This Supposed To Work?" C 0 frmtall Bahl Seventy-First Year "hrEDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS Of THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM '-4 INTERPRETING THE NEWS: The Complexities Of Civil Rights By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THERE'S A GREAT DEAL more involved in the new civil rights pro- gram than a mere technical extension of the Constitution of the United States, as interpreted by the Supreme Court, to millions of Americans. It is more than a domestic issue. There has been considerable comment on the Administration's de- lay regarding measures which the President once suggested should be among the first to go to Congress after his inauguration, and on his failure to send a message to Congress about them. Some have attributed this to a desire to avoid' a fight which would interfere with action on numerous other matters and perhaps . ,\ . :" ; " ' Legislature Is Unqualified To Run a University Y : . a "", ;, F ' ., :; y i. /y;1 4 e" E ;;§ vim HE NATURE of state legislatures renders them unfit as policy makers and managers of a large and excellent university. Basically, there are three requisites that educational administrators need and which leg- islators do not have-singleness of purpose, ex- perience in education and freedom from petty politics. Not that these are sufficient abilities to guide a university to greatness, but they are certainly necessary. The state lawmakers do not have time and, in most cases, interest to devote themselves only to a study of higher education, its prob- lems and ramifications upon it by outside so- cial changes. The representative or senator has a wide scope of responsibility: he is assumed to be familiar enough with mental health, public safety, highway construction and license plate regulations to write or adopt significant pro- posals to meet the crises in these areas. His knowledge is broad. It can't be expected to be deep. MANY REPRESENTATIVES in Lansing need second occupations to finance their politi- cal career because their governmental posts pay so little. The extra work minimizes the time available for even legislative worries, yet alone the nearly overwhelming problem of education. Elections are another peculiar part of a leg- islator's life; he's got to run in them and win if he wants to serve in the capital. The Ameri- can political scene, however, frowns upon the "lunatic fringe" minority party and nonpar- tisanship in members of the legislative or executive branches. Therefore, the budding legislator must an- nex himself to one of two political parties and expound a philosophy that agrees, in the main, with his party's goals. Politics is also a day-to-day affair. Since the state House and Senate are completely re- elected every other year, an incumbent must continually keep himself in his constituent's mind. He must also be able to "ride" the diurnal shiftings of public opinion. He has to develop a reputation for getting things down for the people back home. SHOW RESULTS many times means ex- pedience: adopting the measure which promises short rewards, but, only temporary relief from the basic problems underlying minor chafings. The University and every other college in the state faces a crushing problem in the next decade; a problem that needs a long-range soluion, not one that will seem to solve fiscal problems from one appropriations battle to the next. Our governmental representatives are not elected on criteria immediately relevant to Uni- versity policy; their training has seldom been in the field of educational philosophy. Many have never been to college. Legislators also must conduct daily scrim- mages with their colleagues on respective gov- ernment floors. Their clashes are resolved by vote trading and favor currying, not by prin- ciples of idealism. [N THE YEARS just ahead, the number of students turning college age will rise about ten per cent each twelfth month. Clearly then, the pressure on the University to increase its size will be equally high. State revenues, how- ever, rise at a rate of only three to 'four per cent each year, It is clear to the University and clear to the officials in Lansing that the problem rates a well thought-out resolution. Changing Univer- sity policy to meet the demands and with a limited budget is the concern of the Regents. Knocking the fetters of that budget is the Legislature's. But the Legislature has displayed again and again its unwillingness (perhaps inability) to deal with even this problem in long range terms. What Lansing has been (and should be) mainly concerned with is revenues: finding new ways to increase the money coming in. They have found no solution. Serious talk about it is, kept at soothing nadir. While daily problems also arise at the Uni- versity, they are not the main concern of the Regents. The administration focuses on these. The Regents are elected for long terms (eight years) and can thus learn much about the University and its problems before leaving of- fice. They may formulate solutions, maintain them and see them bear fruit all in one term. Moreover, they need not perpetually eye the calendar for the November trials just ahead. REGENTAL SEATS are filled on a staggered basis, with only two positions open at each biennial election. This provides for a continuity of thought and action which is decidedly miss- ing in the Legislature. This year, for example, the Regents have members elected in 195 while others will serve until 1967, a span of 14 years. Few men in Lansing are able to consult first hand with colleagues who know intimate- ly what happened a decade and a half ago. It is true that Regental nominations often go to men who have served the party through yeoman duties and monetary contributions and are thus regarded as political plums. Fortunately, however, the parties have at- tempted to select men with some backing in the field of education to run for the posts (and specific alumni experience with the institution involved). Constitutionally, each elected Re- gent is a graduate of the University and thus, in some way at least, is aware of its problems and uniqueness. It would certainly be better, however, if the Regental elections could be made nonpartisan so that the nominees could both campaign and serve without regard to party allegiance, but devoted only to the ends of education. Perhaps, the representatives to the constitu- tional convention will see the desirability of sucha move and write it into our new legal instrument. The election process, regardlessof its degree of party intrusion, guarantees that the Uni- versity still is a public one and that its direc- tors are responsible directly to the people. SOME PEOPLE argue that the state Legisla- ture ought to appoint a trustee board for the University to insure that nonpolitical and qualified men hold Regental posts. This plan has been found unfeasible, since legislatures doing it in the past have chosen people along party lines, without giving them real power, and keeping the terms of office too 'short to accomplish much good. Moreover, such a move does not give the public a direct hold over what happens ,at its universities. The men who run them are not responsible to the people directly, but to an intermediate agent, the legislature. The last point that may be made is a prag- matic one. States in which the legislature con- trols the universities are known for mediocre institutions of higher learning. Michigan, with a long tradition of an independent and con- stitutionally defined University, has an inter- national reputation for academic excellence. The University is here for learning. Students and faculty members need to be free to explore their curiosities, to develop new ideas and ad- vocate them. A university which is politically controlled cannot foster free and open discus- sion and criticism. Stifling of thought and opinion, no matter what their worth, is abhorrent to the very purposes for which a university is established. Such smothering action is the inevitable re- sult when the hypocrisy, ingratiation and ex- pedience that are inherently linked with prac- tical politics dominate the academic campus. --MICHAEL OLINICK -a.. 'M "3~j. . _ V ..S . °- 4A _ 1 y-. Q*I ? T" OV LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: The Daily and the Nation solidify nonconformist elements in Congress which so far have fallen only a little short in their attempts to block the Kennedy program. There have also been suggestions that a good deal of civil rights progress can be made under ad- ministrative procedure without such a fight at this time and that the President would like to see how that works. BUT KENNEDY did refer to civil rights at his last newscon- ference as one of the things the people should promote for the sake of their country, Attorney General Robert Ken- nedy's department is seeking to join in an antisegregation suit in Virginia as plaintiff, and the President's brother recently chose the heart of the South as his plat- form for a new plea for govern- ment by law instead of by preju- dice. The campaign has not exactly been lagging, but the President himself, for the moment at least, seems to be leaving the congres- sional fight to chosen lieutenants. In the background, however, is realization that the face which this nation presents to an impres- sionable two-thirds of the world is vitally involved with the treat- ment which Congress will give these measures. Members of the new diplomatic corps and State Department offi- cers who have been visiting the colored nations report being ques- tioned consistently about what the United States is doing with her own racial problem. * * * IT IS quite possible that Little Rock, in the aggregate, has done more to blemish the face of Amer- ica before the world than did Cuba. For years it has appeared that Communist propaganda on this point has been more readily ac- cepted than or! any other except, perhaps, the American alliance with so many of the former colon- ial powers. The only answers to both points have lain and still lie in what the United States can demonstrate she is trying to do about admitted blemishes on her own counte- nance. In this respect, what counts is not only what Congress does, rand what the Administration does, with regard to immediate measures, but also the manner in which they. are approached. TRIO: Brilliant Recital IT IS INDEED a wonderful ex- perience for the music lover to attend a concert that combines masterful programming with ex- quisite execution. Last night at Rackham Lecture Hall, the North- western University Trio, comprised of Angel Reyes-violin, Dudley Powers-violincello, and Gui Nom- baerts-piano, enchanted an audi- ence, altogether too small, with just such a fusion. The absolute adherence to the musical score was perhaps the outstanding quality of the Trio's performance. THERE WAS NOTHING at all heavy-handed about the playing of the Hozart Trio in E Major. It was subtletly applied to sim- plicity at its very best. Light and bubbly, the group demonstrated a thorough knowledge of gallant re- straint nad "proved" to the Mich- igan audience that, "Yes, Virgin- ia, there is such a thing as a true mezzo-piano." Most groups consider the Ravel Trio to be a virtuoso showpiece. Granted, its difficulties are al- most insurmountable; yet, this is chamber music, and the score's brilliance and flamboyance must always be treated with less empha- sis upon pure flash and more emphasis upon the incredible handling of the basic musical elements. After all, it is in chamber mu- sic, because of its limited medium, that the composer's technique may best be observed. The Trio, last night, interpreted this piece cor- rectly. Let it suffice that the end of the.first movement was over- whelming in their treatment, bathing the breathless audience in an aura of magnificent intimacy. The Brahms B Major was a fit- ting close. The players showed their ability to cope with the tre- mendous architectural problems of the first movement and to clear- ly elucidate the piece's thick con- trapuntal textures. The massive harmonies and noble themes pro- vided a fitting close to a concert that came close to musical perfec- tion. -Irwin Gage To the Editor: DURING the last year I've be- come a one man Gideon So- ciety for the Michigan Daily which seems to me one of the most alert, outspoken, and alto- gether interesting student dailies published anywhere in this coun- try. Its coverage both of educa- tional issues and of the world scene appear to me admirable-a model which I wish other stu- dent papers, more devoted to the trivial, the fraternal and the gos- sipy, might emulate. Further- more, when my colleagues, at pri- vate institutions such as. Harvard aver that freedom to learn as well as to teach is difficult if not im- possible at a state institution, I am apt to point to the Michigan Daily as an illustration that their view is mistaken. Any effort to censure the Daily should, in my entirely biased opinion, take ac- count of your paper's national as well as its parochial audience- and consider the esteem that the Daily, confers on the University that can attract such able and fearless students. -David Riesman Department of Social Relations Harvard University Congratulations... To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to extend my whole-hearted congratulations to the members of Student Gov- ernment Council for their long over due motion expressing grave concern over the Daily's editorial practices and news reporting in the past few months. --. Rehard Pinnell,'64 Analysis .. . To the Editor: READING THE FRONT PAGE editorial in The Daily on May 5, I felt almost like I was reading the New York Times of the na- tion's college newspaper. I began to look for bigger and better news reporting. The Daily says, " .. . it strives to report the news as honestly, as fairly and as com- pletely as it knows how It in- terprets that news with as much intelligence and sensitivity as it possesses." I waited hopefully for the May 6 issue to read the news analyzed intelligently with sensitivity. Per- haps it would report the news "beneath the surface" about the astronauts? It did as shown in the following quote. "Astronauts Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard are no heroes ... What was done DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to by Shepard has already been done better by a monkey." With such astute analysis of scientific achievements, perhaps Mr. H. Molotch should offer his services to the Associated Press. -Dwight B. Crane, Grad Logic.. . To the Editor: NOT ONLY does Gerald Storch's "Conservative Manifesto" point out that Mr. Storch is not a conservative, but it demonstrates that he is not a very able logician either. In fact, by contradicting his own distorted philosophy, Mr. Storch succeeds in propounding some sound liberal ideals. Contraditction number one: "'Survival of the fittest' is the basis for the existence of man .." writes Mr. Storch. Two paragraphs below this, however, we find out that it is the duty of the govern- ment to see that "every person would be fit to survive." Sounds strikingly liberal, Mr. Storch. Contradiction number two: The "Manifesto" goes on to state that the "good of the individual" must not be subordinated to the "wel- fare of the many." Only one parapraph below this ((we are improving), we find out that the national interest depends on the strength of every individual ("each one of the 175,000,000 inhabitants of the United States") and that the two are inextricably inter- twined. This, too, has a liberal ring. But the most happy, happy news for the liberals is not as much in the above mockery of logic as it is in Mr. Storch's indictment against HUAC and the YAP ("a hoax and a fraud"). Perhaps Mr. Storch had better fit his specific beliefs into a new ideological framework. He'd produce much better syllogisms and might even accomplish something constructive in the process. -Marilyn Goldberg, '62 Out of State .. . To the Editor: THE MOVE to diminish the number of out-of-state stu- dents would be a bad mistake. One of the things the University of Michigan prides itself on having is a "cosmopolitan" atmosphere. With two-thirds of the students from Michigan, the cosmopolitan- ism is already quite limited, and if most of the students are from Michigan, there will be almost none. Students will not have the opportunity to meet others of dif- ferent backgrounds or ideas. The University will just become a me- diocre institution for the benefit of Michigan students, and its qual- ity will be identical to that of graduating high school seniors of a given year. * *. IT IS WELL KNOWN that the out-of-state students have to meet stiffer requirements to get admit- ted, and that once in the Univer- sity they perform better on the Unfair. .. To the Editor: IN REGARD to the two recent letters to the editor criticizing John Christie's criticism of the University Choral Union, perhaps the writers themselves may be considered unfair. Mr. Christie has quite an extensive musical back- ground in education, playing and teaching; and as a member of the Musical Society Orchestra he had quite ample opportunity to "draw your conclusions before you hear the performance" at rehearsals. The Choral Union, of which Miss Annette Way is a member, is in the opinion of many local musi- cians an oversize, undertrained group which repeatedly fails to produce any semblance of a finish- ed performance. How much better it would be to replace quantity with quality, or else have the members sing works in unison such as that last occasion when the children's chorus sang so beautifully under the direction of Marguerite Hood. -Vincent Schneider CAMPUS HUMOR: New Magazine in the Offing By RISA AXELROD Daiiy Staff Writer CAMPUS humor magazines have long been an absorbing enter- prise for creative writers, a brief interlude of enjoyment for read- ers and a source of constant ir- ritation for administrators. With the recent loss of this University's only humor publica- tion, "Gargoyle," much controver- sy has been aroused about the need for and place of a campus magazine. A humor magazine does have a definite niche on a campus such as this. It not only provides an outlet for creative energies, it also satisfies the natural desire of all people, and especially students, to read something funny once in a while about something they have to take serious every day of every week of every month. ** , WHETHER the Gargoyle will be re-established is still a matter of speculation-it may return next year, it may not, depending on many unpredictable factors and many unpredictable people. But, while students and facul- ty of this University remain un- decided, students, elsewhere have been moving. Bruce Johnson, student at the University of Illinois, has taken over the direction of Chaff, a campus humor and feature maga- REPREHENSIBLE: 'Operation A bolition' SOUTHERN STYLE: The Republic Falls In Texas zine which has been in operation at Illinois since 1957. In his plans for expansion, Johnson is attempting to secure editorial directors at the other Big Ten universities to help him establish Chaff as a national pub- lication. The idea is to regionalize the commercial periodical. The mag- azine would carry a certain per- centage of general college news, features and satires, but would include aspecial section about each university at which it is dis- tributed., JOHNSON is now seeking a Uni- versity student with some edi- torial or advertising experience, whether on a high school, college or commercial publication. This student, working on a percentage basis, would supervise the news and advertising, lay-out and dis- tributing activities in Ann Arbor. Chaff puts out seven issues a semester. Special issues in the of- fing include a parody issue, "such as the 'Gargoyle' did on Readers Digest," and a travel issue just before spring vacation. * * * CHAFF, because it combines the feature articles of commercial col- lege magazines plus individualized satirical pieces for each campus, appears to offer an excellent op- portunity for humor writers, as well as the very type of humor magazine which students seem to want and enjoy. The possible advent of this new magazine at the University raises a question of importance to for- mer Gargoyle admirers and future Gargoyle editors: Will there still be a place for Gargoyle on this campus, if and when its publica- tion is approved? Should Chaff become a popular THE FILM entitled "Operation Abolition" is an official production of the House Un- American Activities Committee dealing with the demonstrations against it during hearings in San Francisco last May. It gives a misleading impression that the demonstrators were organ- ized and directed by Communists as part of a campaign to abolish the committee-with the implication that all who oppose the committee are Communist-inspired. Defense Department purchases of prints for its libraries, and a great increase of its sales and public showings, make essential a full understanding of the film's ac- curacy and origin. The pictures in the film feature almost ex- clusively the disorders that occurred. They give special prominence to the inexcusable disrup- tions at the hearing by a few Communists and others charged by the committee with being tors were almost entirely students who were peacefully, though noisily, protesting what they believed to have been the committee's unfair and unconstitutional conduct and its refusal to admit them to the hearing room packed with friends of the committee. The only violence shown in the film is that of the police in ejecting many of the protesters from the City Hall. But every one of the sixty- four who were arrested by the police has since been found innocent of wrongdoing by the courts. Neither the picture nor the commentary gives any firm evidence of Communist direction or control of the bulk of demonstrators, as is charged by members of the committee who ap- pear on the film. Not only is the film itself reprehensible, but so also is the way it was made and is distribut- .ad Tf.is cn ,r~,,of r' .itivy..choen w'n~ihouit A SUBURBAN housewife said Monday a book containing the writings of Plato her son found in a school library may be "one of the reasons we have so many sex maniacs walking around." D iagnos is Suppose, for the sake of argu- ment, this John Birch movement signalizes the drawing together of all those poison-generating organ- isms into one huge carbuncle. The situation would still be serious, Heaven knows. Such an affliction on Uncle Sam's neck might well cause him Mrs. Pay Seale, 35, of Channel- view, Texas, said she would go before the Channelview school board at its next meeting to pro- test against "living biographies of great philosophers" being in the junior high school library. The book is a study of the lives and thoughts of 21 philosophers from Plato to Santayana. Plato, a greek philosopher, lived in the third century, B.C. Mrs. Seale said she objected to an account of Plato's proposals for communal mating, free love, and mixed gymnastics classes for boys and girls clad only in their virtue. "I can't help but believe this is a-nP aC6Y WP ,v naln have sm no ,cpy