Countries Back
J.S. Warnin to Soviet
West Berlin Status
Democrats Initiate
Civil Rights Proposal
Congressmen Introduce Program
With No Presidential Comment
WASHINGTON (M) - A series of civil rights bills designed to
carry out 1960 Democratic platform pledges was introduced in Con-
gress yesterday without White House fanfare.
The sponsors of the six-point program, Sen. Joseph S. Clark
(D-Pa) and Rep. Emanuel Celler (D-NY) did not attempt to explain
President John F. Kennedy's silence on this legislation aimed
largely at speeding integration of schools.
President Kennedy appointed Clark and Celler a committee of
two last September, during the presidential campaign, to follow
through on the party's civil! -
Economic Aid Offered
To Portugal for Angola
Allied Stand
Shows Unity
To Russians
Associated Press News Analyst
The United States has offered
to help Portugal bridge any gap
which might develop in her econo-
my if she adopts a policy of inde-
pendence and cooperation for- the
people of Angola.
CongFo ToTry
Katanga Head
central Congo government of Pre-
mier Joseph Kasavubu announced
this weekend that it will try.
Moise Tshombe, Katanga prov-
ince president, for the murder of
former Congolese Pi'emier Patrice
The crime is punishable by
death. An announcement by For-
eign Minister Justin Bomboko
said the Kasavubu government
would also "do everything in our-
power to liberate the province of
Katanga by force if necessary.'
Tshombe had declared Katanga
independent last summer.
Elisabethville dispatches said
Katana'ehadbeen threatening to
sabotage the country: if the Con-
golese government tried to Impose,
its will..
Kasavubu's threat was given at
a press conference attended. by
Mal. Gen. Joseph Mobutu, whose
troops seized Tshombe whennhe
walked out of a Congo "summit
conference" ,here.
Up until the convening of the
NATO conference in Oslo where
6ecretary° of ,State Dean Rusk is
prepared to try again, dictator
Salazar had given no public sign
of acceptance.
. Instead, the Portuguese have
killed thousands of blacks and
the mobilization of government,
strength. for: more; killing contin-
ues; as though through it the idea
of independence could also be
killed. Whites are dying, too.
Lisbon Resentful
Lisbon is reported resentful of
what It calls outside interference,
both by individual nations among
her allies, and by the United Na-
In this,'Portugal is virtually as-
suming that Angola will one day
go to the chaotic road taken by
the> Congo, cutting all of the ties
so important to both, instead of
preserving them for the benefit
of both as have most of the new'
republics of the former French
and British empires.
But the establishment of a new
battleground between blacks and
Whites in' Africa, combined with
the long-standing spiritual and
physical brutality f Portuguese
repression, also has a vital affect
on American interests in preserv-
ing the independence of the con-
tinent from the Communist threat.
Senate Confirms
Holmes for Post
brushed aside opposition based on
14-year-old surplus ship deals yes-
terday and confirmed Julius C.
Holmes as ambassador to Iran.
The 63-17 vote came, after Sen.
Mike Mansfield (D-Mont); -Sen-
ate majority leader, appealed for
approval, saying the veteran: ca-
reer diplomat from Lawrence,
Kan., will make a great ambas-
Nations Give Support.
To City's Freedom
OLSO (P) - America's allies
last' night supported a warning
from Secretary of State Dean'
Rusk to Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev to keep his hands off
isolated West Berlin.
Foreign ministers of the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization de-3
clared their resolve to resist any
Russian thrust against the Ameri-
can-British-French position in the
German city.
' The demonstration of solidarity
came after Rusk, appearing in the
15-nationNATO council for the
first time, pledged to preserve Al-
lied war-won rights in West Ber-
lin and its approaches.
Khrushchev Inspired
The move was inspired by the
Soviet premier himself. Khrush-
chev late last month sent word
westwards .through German Am-
bassador Hans Kroll that he has
not abandoned demands to in-
ternationalize allied-occupied Ber-
lin. Yesterday the 16th anniver-
sary of V-E day,' he told East
German Communist leaders pub-
licly he is sure this goal will be
fulfilled soon.
As if to underline the resolve of
the West. Rusk last night con-
ferred privately with the foreign
ministers of Britain, France and
West Germany on the Berlin and
German problem. Theydiscussed
terms of a West German note to
Moscow broadly rejecting the
Khrushchev plan.
A review of world affairs, with
emphasis on East-West relations,
occupied all of the opening day
of the NATO council's three-day
strategy session in.Norway's par-
Olso Demonstrates
The conference headquarters in
downtown Olso became a magnet
for demonstrators for and against
Aside, from their show of unity
over Berlin the statesmen seemed
far from agreed in their approach
to other world trouble points.
Several ministers whose coun-
tries have been jolted by the' rise
of Red-aided nationalism in their
colonies viewed the international
scene pessimistically.
Franco Moguera of Portugal
branded the United Nations as
being "of not much use," possibly
remembering' the world body's in-
dictment of Lisbon's policy in re-
volt-torn Angola. Paul - Henri
Spaak of Belgium asserted the
Congo tragedy might have been
avoided if NATO had worked bet-
ter together.
rights pledges and put them in
legislative form.
Speed Integration
One of the bills is designed to
speed the racial integration of all
public' schools. It would require
every school board operating seg-
regated public schools to adopt a
desegregation Plan within six
months and filed it with the Sec-
retary of Welfare._
Provision would be made for
court enforcement in case school
boards did not comply with the
Bills Implement
The five other bills would:
1) Make the Civil Rights Com-
mission, which now is a due to
expire Sept. 9, a permanent agency
with strengthened fact - finding
2) Provide judical and admin-
istrative remedies against discrim-
ination by business firms or labor'
unions in hiring, firing or pro-
3) Empower the attorney gen-
eral to bring civil injunction suits
in Federal court to prevent the
denial of any civil rights on
grounds of race, color or creed.
The attorney general now has
authority to file suits only to pre-
vent the denial of voting rights.
4) Eliminate the poll tax as a
requirement for voting in federal
5) Eliminate literacy tests as a
requirement for voting.
Open Africa
MONROVIA, Liberia (P) -- A
conference of leaders of 19 Afri-
can independent nations yesterday
opened talks aimed at seeking
peace and understanding among
the troubled continent's restless
President William V. S. Tubman
of the, host nation, Liberia, ap-
pealed to the initial session of
agenda priority .min talks on the
Congo, one or half a dozen sub-
jects likely to be brought up, and
strongly backed United Nations
He told the delegates that the
past year's events in the Congo
are of grave concern.
The presence of soldiers ")f sev-
eral, nations in the Congo "is elo-
quent testimony that we cherish
freedom and independence and are
determined to fight for it if need
be," he said amid rounds of ap-
Tubman issued invitations last
month at the request of President
Felix Houphouet-Boigny of Ivory
Coast, an exponent of African un-
ity who fears danger in the strug-
gle for leadership of the contin-
World News Roundup
Announcemen ts
Ann Arbor, NO 3-0507
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Bullish forces
again have the upper handin the
stock market, an investment ad-
visory service said yesterday.
It said tangible evidence is ac-
cumulating that economic recov-
ery is under way.
MONTEREY-The Peace Corps'
Bell Predicets
Greater Deficit
Director David E. Bell said yes-
terday there is at least an even
chance next year's budget deficit
will be bigger than the $2.8 billion
now forecast.
For this reason, Bell told the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee, Congress should resist the
temptation to approve tax changes
which would cut revenues and add
to the deficit.
Bell and Secretary of Labor Ar-
thur J. Goldberg testified in sup-
port of President John F. Ken-
nedy's proposals to change several
major sections of the tax law.
Kennedy has said there would be
no revenue loss if his entire pack-
age is approved.°
Goldberg said some union )ffi-
cials have taken a "short-sighted
viewpoint" of Kennedy's principal
recommendation - a special tax
credit for businesses which mod-
ernize or expand.
second division may be. a 60-mem-
ber team to a Latin American
country, Corps public information
deputy director Thomas Matthews
indicated last weekend.
In another Peace Corps devel-
opment, Chinese Nationalist news-
papers in Formosa indicated that
the Chinese Communists are or-
ganizing a peace corps which will
be sent to Latin America and Af-
rica for "infiltration and subver-
sion" In the near future,
* * *
LONDON-Anthony Wedgwood
Benn-nobleman by heritage,
commoner by desire-was refused
permission to enter the House of
Commons yesterday though he is
a duly elected member.
The ban caused an uproar in
the House and brought demands
for the Conservative government
to cast aside the rule that peers
of the realm are ineligible to sit
in Commons.
MOSCOW - Pravda yesterday
condemned United States plans to
build up NATO's conventional
forces to deal with limited wars,
"It should be clear to every-
body that there can be no guar-
antee that a small war in Europe
will not become universal," said
the article.
* * *
NORFOLK-A Navy pilot said
yesterday astronaut Alan B. Shep-
ard, Jr. told him an attempt.will
be made to put a man into orbit
before July 1.
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