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May 07, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-07

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(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the_
second in a continuing series of
Ecniors who have led major stu-
dent organizations this year.) I



There is a satisfaction which
does not necessarily come to a
person along With glory and recog-
It is an inner gratification which
evolves whether or not others
realize what you've accomplished.
As the year progressed and her
duties allowed her less and less
time of her own and placed more
and more strain upon her, Assem-
bly Association President Myra
Goines became convinced she must
keep ever aware of this philosophy.
Her quite persistence is im-
mediately apparent to all who
work with her. "Myra is not the
'glitter type' leader," Elsie Fuller,
Assistant Dean of Women in
charge of housing, and Assembly
Association sponsor, remarks. "But
thoughtfully, intelligently and
quietly she always succeeds in
getting a lot done."
"Just having people know you
means nothing," Myra says.

ization where nothing spectacular
usually happens. A lot of good
work very often goes unnoticed,
but then 'that's life'."
A person's immediate goals are
always tempered by his long range
plans, Myra thinks. "If he knowsi
exactly what occupation he wants
when he comes to college, he has
something to work for academic-
"It's been hard for me because
I've never really known what I
wanted to do. Of course, I like to
get good grades, but a four-point?
What kind of a goal is that?"
Myra has been thinking about
the possibility of graduate school
and a career in law. "Actually,"
she admitted, "I'm extremely ;n-
terested in political science. But
I must be realistic. Very few wo-
men are successful working for
the government. Usually they end
up as typists."
'Really Shy'
Myra admits that she is not
the most gregarious, outgoing ;er-
son. "When I came up as a fresh-
man I was really shy," she recalls.
She was hesitant to join group
activities, Susan Newton, '61N,
who roomed with her during her
first two years at the University,
says. "Myra wanted to make the
adjustment to the academic side
of college life first. When she felt
secure in her role as a student, 6he
branched out into other aspects
of college life."
Myra got into Assembly through
personal contact. "They approach-
led me. I had been interested, but
I was frightened."

same time their interest in aca-
demics, she feels, is growing more
idealistic. Women no longer only
come to college for grades.
She stresses that extra-curri-
cular interests are very important.
"There's an activity on this cam-
pus for everyone."
"There are a few people--not
very many-who can be tops in
both academics and activities,"
Myra says. "But on the whole I
think activities are helpful rather
than harmful to the devoted st'"-
dent. If you're organized you have
enough time for both."
The type of activity one Joins
varies witl the individual. "I nave
never been particularly interested
in taking an active role in house
activities; I would rather work on

... quiet persistence
To her this is a superficial goal.
"It's knowing that you're really
helping that counts in the long
"Assembly is the kind of organ-



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Most People
Most people need to be encour-
aged, to be drawn into an activity,
she feels. "I admire girls who
come out and talk to you about
running for an office or being
appointed to a position."
Myra realizes that one of the
most important functions any or-
ganization has is to recruit the
potential leader. "Sometimes you
Just have to push people a little."
"Then, too, we're especially
pleased with the quality of rep-
resentatives that we've had on
the Assembly Dormitory Council
this year."
They seem to be much more
aware of activities other than As-
sembly than in past years she in-
Communications remains as one,
of ADC's major problems. In or-
der fo rit to achieve success, ;ach
representative must convey in-
formation back to her house and
encourage women to participate
in worthwhile campus activities.
"That's why we're pushing for
better ADC reps," Myra says.
"Unfortunately the distribution
of board members was not good
this year," she added. .Seven of
the ten women on the Assembly
Board reside in Martha Cook
Bldg.) "But this rarely happens
and we are sure to have a better
representation next year.,
Dteffinite Indications
In spite of the difficulties in
this area, there are definite in-,
dications, according to Myra, that
women on campus are becoming.
more activity-oriented. At the

... Assembly president
campus-wide functions," she notes
Isabel Quail, house .director of
Martha Cook, where Myra .has
lived for the past year,.remarked
that the Assembly president's out-
side activities leave her little time
for participation in house affairs.
At the same time she is impressed
by Myra's "ability to meet each
situation with mature judgment
and her tact and cnostructive co-
Myra is determined to avoid
mediocrity. "She has an extremely
critical eye for her own work,"
Miss Newton relates. "She's not
the kind who just sits around and
complains, and she avoids doing
only the satisfactory."
'Tremendous Ability'
At the same time, Miss Newton
says, she does not fall into the
pitfalls of many enthusiastic
leaders. "Her tremendous abitity
for warmth and her 'contempor-
ary-cardish' sense of humor help
her through her trials as an ad-
Former Panhellenic Association
President Barbara(Greenberg par-
ticularly admires Myra's willing-
ness and cooperation. "We started
out on the wrong foot," she re-
calls, "but Panhellenic and As-
sembly have grown closer this
year than ever before."
"We are actually working for
the same objectives," Myra says.
See GOINES, pge I


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