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May 06, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-06

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"We Must Eliminate Foreign Influences,
Such As Voting By Cubans"

Seventy-First Year
ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Joan of Arc'

ARTHUR HONEGGER'S "Joan of Arc at the Stake" is somewhat
of a modern anomaly. It is a modern oratorio, every bit as grand
as any that Handel of Bach composed and the forces that the
composer calls for utilize all the resources of modern musical expres-
Last evening, the Choral Union and the Philadelphia Orchestra,
conducted by Thor Johnson, proceeded to show that the work is too
overwhelming in its demands fore an amateur chorus with inadaquate

MAY 6, 1961


The Panty Raid: Two Appraisals

L Proposal...
UST AS LITTLE) LEAGUES have given or-
ganization to a traditional sport, it is now
ne that the Dean of Men and Women fol-
ved their example and organized panty raids
)perly. The spontaneous demonstration is
bdated; such events should be handled just
all other University functions are handled.
.ey should be calendared by SGC, refresh-.
:nt booths should be set up on the spot, and
ey should be scheduled at regular intervals.
the advantages of such a change are many.
'st,. the proper scheduling would 'eliminate'
nflicts with other events of importance. No
iger would the Legislature be considering the
iversity budget concurrently. No longer would
ily reporters have to race across campus
the slightest rumbling. No longer would
am study schedules be interrupted. No longer
uld housemothers cower during the week
ter Spring Weekend.
URTHER, much greater participation could
be obtained. It is ridiculous to hold panty
ds with only 15 to 25 per cent of the crowds
ring part while the rest are simply onlookers.,
shows an improper use of crowd psychology.
e present disorganized system somehow fails
create much enthusiasm. Panty raiding
uld not be, a spectator sport. Everyone
ruld be able to say he participated in one
ring college.
Also, participation would be much more sat-
actory to the individuals involved. Perhaps
e administration could even budget a small
,n for undergarments to be dropped mechan-
fly into the-crowd. They could even make the
men (or men) vacate one house of the dorm,
ving a window screen loose, so that the:
ters could storm through the residence hall
a controlled and orderly manner without
ing judiciary action later.
HE NEW SYSTEM -could also provide equal
opportunity for both men and women. Cer-
nly the Dean of Women could have no ob-
tion to an orderly expression of tension. This
uld also be fairer to the men, since they
uld not have to walk to the Hill as often. It
uld also spread around the cost of window
And finally, there would be enough of an
erva- between raids to keep them important
nts on campus. This week's two raids in
a days takes the edge off them. If such
ctices are continued, people will no longer
end. They will not be a relief from boredom;
y will not even be good study breaks any
SCHEDULING SYSTEM would, in short,
save the Mary Markley grass, insure better"
endance and participation; save face for the
versity by not occurring at awkward mo-
nts, and be more rewarding for the partici-
its. The Dean of Men and Dean of Women
uld certainly consider this as a possible and
gressive step which will aid in keeping the
iversity's reputation as a center of experi-
nt and change.

PARTICIPANTS in the panty raids of Wed-
nesday and Thursday nights must be com-
pletely condemned for their actions.
An objection to these riots raised by Vice-
President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis
was that "the participants are easily excit-
able." Property damage or personal injury are
real possibilities' in such situations, of course,
and this alone makes the raids a serious
campus problem.
t And the riots can be censured for their very
nature-infantile and stupid, exhibiting char-
acteristics which should be buried with adoles-
cence and which raise serious doubts about
the maturity of parts of our student body.
HOWEVER, there isimore than a, feeling of"
immediate shame in this situation. Rash
actions can have unfortunate results long afterr
the initial effects have worn off.
The administration must respect the stu-
dent body as a group of responsible young
citizens, if student leaders are to have any
chance of getting desired changes in Univer-
sity policy, Panty raids can greatly impair this
necessary image of the student body.
And at a time of crisis in the history of the
University, when financial or policy decisions
in Lansing may eradicate this institution as
we know it today, we need the best possible
reputation in the state and nation to safe-
guard the University's future. Panty raids can
only have negative effects on public opinion.,
Springtime frolics are natural and desirable
on campus, but when they reach riot propor-
tions and take such a mundane level, they are
silly, unfortunate, and potentially dangerous
to the desired ends of the student body as a

preparation. The chprus plays ax
herself. They are required to speak
as one voice, one person: the
People' of France.
formance was a musical and dra-
matic disunity, the chorus stumb-
ling on many of the poetic phrases
of Claudel's: translated text, and
producing a pallid, small-scale
sound for their great numbers.
They rose to the heights demanded
only during the sweeping, lyrical.
sections of the work. Many of the
more dramatic sections were in-
The children's chorus in the
latter part of the work performed'
fearlessly and audibly, save for the
boy soprano soloist who could not
be heard due to his placement at
the rear of the stage.
The soloists were generally ex-
cellent, though their placement
at the rear of the orchestra made
it nearly impossible for' them to
easily, and adequately penetrate
the thick orchestral texture. Fran-
cis Greer and David Lloyd gave
especially beautiful performances.
'* * * '
Brother Dominic and Joan of Arc
are of equal importance in this
Honegger-Claudel mystery play.
Unfortunately, Vera Zorina saw to
it that such a balance was ren-
dered electronically impossible.
She accomplished this stroke of
genius by the use of a microphone
that projected her voice through
the public address system of acous-
tically perfect Hill Auditorium
utilized in this performance wors
effective when audible, which was
not too often, unfortunately.
The speakers performed with
dramatic impact, attempting vain-
ly to recoup some of their losses
at the handsof the vacuum tube.
Jerrold Sandier was especially'
forceful' in his', many character-
izations. Nancy Heusel contributed
to the performance.
Thor Johnson conducted with a
notable lack of vigor. His handling
of ensmeble balance was shoddy.
and resulted in a total loss of
Honegger's fragile musical bal-
ances. The Philadelphia Orchestra,
working under such a handicap,
performed with usual business-
like precision.
David M. Schwartz

role no less important than Joan
T HE SWAN, stripped of its half-
hearted plot and stock charac-
ters, would have made a striking
series of color postcards.
Towering castles, sky-blue * wa-
ters and lush green meadows
flash on and off the screen in
a beautiful panorama. Unfortun-
ately,, the attempt to add .a story
line ends in dismal failure.
THE PLOT and its eventual out-
come are in doubt for no 'more
than five minutes. Prince Albert,
heir to the throne, is coming to
court young Princess Alexandra.
playedby" GraceKelley. In the
same castle, however, is a young
tutor portrayed by Louis Jourdan,
who spends his time instructing
Alexandra's young brothers and
exuding charm and good looks
.. and if you haven'tfigured out
the rest by this time you deserve
to -sitthrough the film to see it
for yourself.
The movie was evidently design-
ed to blend a pleasant romantic
comedy with a satiric look at the
ways of royalty in early twentieth-
century Europe. Due in great
measure to a disinterested por-
trayal by Miss Kelly, however, the
romance is second-rate soap opera
and the satire has the edge of a
rubber razor blade. Her perfor-
mance, plus a painfully obvious
script, effectively bury a, clever
characterization by Alec Guinness
who at least appears to be trying.
* *
THE FILM'S most amusing se-
quences are the ludicrously over-
done love scenes between Miss
Kelly anoi Jourdan. Its most ted-
ious episodes are those in which
washed-out wit is limply tossed
back and forth in the comedy
To commit a cast of such po-
tential excellence to a film like
The Swan amount to wanton ex-
travagance. The whole production
wastes money, talent and two
hours of the viewer's time.
-Ralph Stingel


Liquor Si, Next Door No!

Men, Monlkeys,



ASTRONAUTS Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shep-
ard are no heroes. There is a great distinc-
tion between then and the Magellans, Colum-
buses, and Lindberghs with whom the space
men have been compared-the latter group
piloted their own ships. What was done by
Shepard has already been done better by a
But few people have any compassion, for,
monkeys, although they undoubtedly under-
went the same risks and discomforts as their
human counterparts. Monkeys don't have beau-
tiful wives and freckled children. Monkeys
don't wind up on the cover of Life Magazine.
The government made a major error in al-'
lowing its spacemen to gain so much notoriety.
The sight of our fair-haired boy being blown
to bits on a Florida launching pad in front
of a coast-to-coast television audience would
far outweigh Vostok as a blow to American

The Daily Motion

Daily stall Writer
HOW FICKLE are some people
in Ann Arbor. First they give
their approval to a proposal for
liquor by the glass, and then whey,
scream like a stuck pig the minute
anyone tries to erect a business
dispensing this liquor.
The latest offenders of civic
virtue, according to some 200 or
more residents of Lakwood Sub-
division, is a motel chain.
It seems these people want to
erect a million dollar motor hotel
on the outskirts of Ann Arbor,
across the street from the Lake-
wood subdivision. The property
they desire is zoned for com-
mercial, so they are not seeking to
change the zoning ordinance.
However, regardless of how they
voted on the proposal, the resi-
dents in Lakewood do have a right
to object, ridiculous though ob-
jection may seem. Yet, it is in-
teresting to note that they waited
almost three months before
breathing a word.
* * *
ON OR ABOUT the first of
February,,the news of the Coming
motel reached Ann Arbor, with
no little fanfare. Leaders of all
groups pointed out the benifit of
such an establishmen to the local
community. Everyone seemed
On the first of May the Holiday
Inn petitioned the Ann Arbor City
Council for a liquor license. (After
all, a hotel without a cocktail
lounge is somewhat akin to a
leopard without its spots.)
Assuming that everyone had had
sufficient time to voice objections
and the the liquor by the glass
proposal was mandate enough, the
Council approved the request, and
Mayor Cecil O. Creal said that he
felt "all speed was necessary in
this matter, for this establishment
will bring great benefit to Ann
Democratic Councilman Lynn.
W. Eley inquired, and rightly so,
whether or not the residents of
Lakewood Subdivision had been
consulted in the matter. Creal said
that this matter had been public
knowledge for three months, and
assured Eley that communications
had been made with representa-
tives of Lakewood, and that they
had not objected.
Lo and behold, two weeks later,
half the population of Lakewood
was up in arms. They asserted
that they had not been given
ample notice of the pending li-
cense, that liquor served by the
glass so close to a residential area
was incompatible, and that the
exits from the motel would creat
an extremely undesireable traffic
to the occasion, and said that he
had been under the impression
that the citizens of Lakewood had
been informed. He then asked the
Council to reconsider its action.
Mayor Creal, took a firm stand
and said that the Council was
not in the habit of delegating its
powers through public hearings.
He pointed out 'that three months
notice was really amnle time. and

However, in this case, the Coun-
cil approved the license for the
Holiday Inn, since there ap-
parently was no objection and
since.-it was a welcome addition to
the community.
s s s
IT WAS A SILLY and needless-
controversy and quite beneath the
dignity of an elightened com-
munity such as Ann Arbor. The
people of Lakewood cast a bad
blot on the community with their
obstructionism. Councilman Eley
did an extremely commendable
job of standing up for their rights.
making his motion for a public
hearing three times and never
being able to receive a second.
But the Lakewood people should

not have put him on the spot in
this matter. They should have
taken it upon themselves to ob-.
ject before everything was settled.
They had plenty of time.
Shortly the "Council will con-
sider the Kales-Manikas request
for a similar license on Packard
Street. Councilman Henry Aqinto
(R) has already indicated that
there is some concern about hav-
ing this establishment within his
constituency. The Lakewood Con-
troversy will not be an isolated
It all boils down to the fact
that the people of Ann Arbor seem
to want liquor by the glass, as
long as its poured in someone
elses yard. Unfortunately, that
isn't the way it works.

CLuba.Sweden Comparisan ous'

HE GREATEST possible disaster at next
week's Student Government Council meet-
would be to have the discussion of The
ly's alleged irresponsibility turn into a se-
:of vindictive charges, countercharges and
f consideration of the issue is to serve any
pose, Daily staff members and heads of
er student organizations must emerge with
learer understanding of each other's objec-
s. In the interest of reaching such an un-
standing, certain points must be conceded
both Daily supporters and. supporters of
motion before debate begins.
IERE SHOULD BE no question as to the
propriety of SGC's discussing the issue it-
The Daily has in the past vigorously de- '
led SGC's right to consider any issue of
rests to students. This topic obviously falls
that category. The fact that The Daily's
r legal responsibility is to the Board in Con--
of. Student Publications does not in the
t prohibit other groups from commenting
its policies and activities.
ames Yost, '62, proponent of the motion,
Michigan Union President Paul Carder,
who defended it at the Wednesday night
ting, must be aware that The Daily is not,
ublicity agent for the University or any of
brganizations. 'The fact that comment on
quadrangle problems following publication
he Scheub report caused parents to ques-
the quality of the quads is a healthy

sign, rather than an instance of irresponsibil-
ity, as Carder calls it.
IF THE CHARGES made against the quads
or against any other group are defamatory
and untrue, they constitute libel and as such
are subject to prosecution, not discussion at
the. Council table. If they are true, however,
the fault lies with the University. The Daily
in publishing them is simply reporting news
and describing a deplorable situation which
certainly must be brought into the light and
The Daily is not responsible for maintaining
the University's reputation by suppressing news
which might make the administration or alum-
ni uncomfortable. It was never intended to
do so,
Supporters of Yost's motion must realize that
vague allegations to editorials and news ar-
ticles will not suffice in discussions of a mo-
tion as serious as this one. Individual para-
graphs and statements must be cited and
compared directly with specific sections of The
Daily's Code of Ethics. Once again, the fact
that certain articles may reflect badly on in-
dividualsor groups is not a valid criticism as
long as the articles themselves are true.
edged, the Council is free to begin an
investigation of specific instances of irrespon-
sibility. It' is undoubtedly true that in certain
cases The Daily has shown less care and good
taste than it might have. It is also possible that
several individuals who have been criticized in

To the, Editor:.
COMING FROM Washington,
D.C., last fall, I considered my-
self a political liberal. Ranked
beside that of a recent editorial
in The Daily, my liberalism pales
in comparison: One of the favorite
editorial topics in The Daily is
the defense of Fidel Castro and ,he
attempt to saddle the United
States with almost the entire blame
for Cuba's move toward Com-
munism. Naturally, this is getting
more difficult as it becomes :-=
creasingly clear, partly by Fidel's
own admission, that he was headed
that way all the time. But there
are still those who ,must try, re-
lying on ever more irrational ar-
guments, to make their point.
Mr. Harry Perlstadt's editorial.
in The Daily of May 4, reaches a
new height of absurdity, and
serves, I feel, to show an appalling
ignorance or distortion of the
facts. The. writer has had the
enormous effrontery to lump Cuba
and Sweden by inference into one
almost homogenous group.
* * *
far closer to Russia's "socialism"
than it does to Sweden's "social-
ism". The Swedish government,
comparedto ours, has more control
over its nation's economy, utilities,
transportation and communica-
tion, including its state-run, but
free radio. However, speech and
the press is absolutely free. More

than 90 per cent of Sweden's in-
dustry is privately owned, and
stimulated by favorable tax al-
lowances. The farm land is almost
entirely privately owned by the
farmers who work it. Lastly, and
most important, the Swedish
people, by the ballot, can move
politicailly in any direction they
IN CUBA, on the other hand,
the state owns almost all the
land. At the end of its first year,
the Cuban National Institute for
Agrarian Reform, or INRA, re-
ported that it had given only 567
plots of land, of 67 acres each, to
the peasants, plus promises of
about 6,000 more, out of the more
than 14,000,000 acres which they
had taken over. Add to this that
Castro is nationalizing almost all
industries in Cuba, allows no free-'
dom of the press or radio, to say
nothing of free speech, and the,
comparison with Sweden becomes
The last straw in the editorial,
noting that Castro has called off
all elections, is the remark: "ut
Castro could probably win any
election held today acid would
havewon any- election held pre-
vious to his May Day proclama-
tion." Following this kind of
reasoning, whenever we have an
apparently popular president, and
election time comes around we
should simply skip having the
election' because he would win any-

way. Perhaps an indication of his
popularityhcould be by his appear-
ing on the White House balcony
on the first Tuesday after the first
Monday in November before a
large crowd, preferably of his
party, and asking them in a loud
voice if they needed to have an
-Kingsburg Marzolf, Grad
Wagner, Ormandy
To the Editor:
HAVE HEARD it said that the
one drawback of our society's
inclination and desire to iddntify
itself with the middle class is that
this encourages mediocrity. This
can be an especially irritating
characteristic in the 4ield of art.
After hearing some raves from
people greatly impressed by Thurs-
day night's Wagner concert, and
upon hearing an alleged state-
ment by one, of the University in-
structors in music to the effect
that "You haven't heard Wagner.
until you've heard the Philadelphia
Orchestra," I am forced to voice
a dissenting opinion.'
S, , .
the Philadelphia Orchestra is one
of the world's greatest orchestras,
perhaps the greatest. An, that any-
one was greatly impressed with the
sound from this ensemble Thurs-
day night is understandable. But,
except for Miss Nilsson's iragni-
ficence, the performance was not
great, and considering the musi-
cianship of the orchestra, this was
Besides a general lack of in-
spiration throughout the c'r. cert,
with the exception of the final
selection, the performance suf-
fered especially in the quieter pas-e
sages from a lack of delicacy and
intonation of which the musicians.
themselves are so capable. My main
criticism is that the performance
didn't seem, to have any depth
To those who are still impressed'
with Thursday night's perform-
ance, I suggest they listen to some
Wagerian recordings by Klem-

Beards *
To the Editor:
Daily for calling our atten-
tion to the attitude of the Sum-
mer Placement Service Director
(Mr. 'W. Peterson) in the matter
of employing- bearded -students.
Unfortunately, your rather brief
account of the matter suffers for
lack of detain-one might readily
suspect that Mr. Peterson's post-
tion is an arbitrary or unfair one.
Actually, there are several aspects
of this question which deserve
further discussion, and one can
easily show that the current anti-
beard posture is the only one
which the Placement Service
should properly, assume.
For example, there is consider-,
able evidence in the medical an-
nals to show that beards spread
disease by acting as "carriers" for
lice and other vermin. Of course
this problem could be avoided, by
spraying each job applicant's1ace
with a good strong insecticide, .but
such a procedure in a public in-
stitution would smack of socialized
medicine, or even fluoridation.'
More to the point, bearded men
even clean-bearded men fail to
merit job acceptability on two
critical tests: those of loyalty and
* * *
IT IS AN incontrovertible his-
torical fact that the "barbudos,"
as they are known today, have
been responsible for the emergence
and spread of world Communism;
here we can cite, for example,
Marx, Lenin and Trotsky, and who
can forget that an unkempt Cas-
tro has established a Red beach-
head in the Western Hemisphere,
90 miles fro Florida's shore. Also,
we all know (though seldom men-
tion) that Tchaikovsky was a
homosexual, , bearded Judas be-
trayed his Master for 30 pieces
of silver, and Ghenghis Khan (who
wore a small goatee) strewed the
skulls of murdered' captives along
the whole length of the Gob:.
We are confident that the re-
snonsible administrativ 'officials


The Daily Official Bulletis Is an
official publication of The tiniver-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding

noon on Sat., June 17, at Cashier's
Office, first floor, Admin. Bldg.
For Stadium: No tickets necessary.'
Children not admitted unless accom-
panied by adults.
Academic Costume: Can be rented at
Moe's Sport Shop, North University
Ave., Ann Arbor.,
Assembly for Graduates: At 4:30 p.m.
in area east of Stadium. Marshals will
direct graduates to proper stations. If
siren indicates (at intervals from 4:00
to 4:15 p.m.) that exercises are to be

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