Big Game Hunters G1w Aidhiwn Daify Seventy-First Year. EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN )pinions Aree UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3 241 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. , , _ -r .2" AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Suzie Wong': Educational Film? FOR THOSE WHO have managed to live till now in their own lit world, "The World of Suzie Wong" might add another dixnens to their sex education. This almost seems the intention of most rece movies. After "The Virgin Spring," however, this will seem as tame Snow White playing post office with her Seven Dwarfs. Morev as an honest portrayal of a "bad" woman, it lacks whatever stat "Butterfield 8" may have had. Both women, Gloria and Suzie Wong, are in relatively the sa AY, FEBRUARY 16, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: FAITH WEINSTEIN - Management Rights And Unemployment 'ORTNIGHT AGO, a United Autoworker's 'nion official said his union might try to automakers' rights to locate their plants. eth Bannon, director of UAW's Ford de- nent, cited rumors the big automaker is ng out with two new compacts, and argued new cars ought to be built right here in it . .. We have a lot of workers affected itomation . .. Why not help them? If Ford not want to live up to its moral obliga- our people at the company say that, come 961 negotiations, we should put some teeth e new contract pn management's right to, , plants.' Ford vice-president, who with Bannon par- ted in a debate on automation, made no diate reply, but later in the week shot this statement.. "To .'keep the record ht, ' Malcolm L.'Denise told Bannon, "let sake it clear that under no circumstances° the Ford Motor Co. agree to give up or sign elsewhere the right of its manage- to decide where any of its plants may be ed . ".. Only management is or can be fed to make the decision in the best in- is of stockholders, customers and em- s." This prerogative has not been ques- : in the past, and "to have it otherwise bring about results that would endahger ompetetive position in the industry, affect bility to meet the needs and wants of our mers and consequently seriously threaten 'uture and well being of our employes." F'ORTUNATELY, both Bannon and Denise niss the point. For the UAW to ask man- ent's rights in a company is an absurdity, it is all it is asking. It isn't. The workers every reason to fear unemployment, tech- ical or otherwise. But, though the fear is less compounded by present economic ems, demands like Bannon's are not the er. the other hand, Denise's "logic" is none )und. The fact that abridgement of Ford's ,gement rights could ultimately affect the e and well-being of its employes is scarce ort to a man's who's been pounding the nents looking for a job. Eiconomic logic, udie Improves VT JUDICIARY COUNCIL'S batting aver- e is going down: they only found viola-, In about 87 per cent of the cases brought e them during the sessions covered by its t yesterday. It year's fall semester chairman, Joel e, said that about 95 per cent of those ;ht before the council during his tenure found guilty of some violation, seems unlikely that the quality of screen- lone by the deans' offices, which send to Joint Judic, has become any worse rear, so the logical conclusion is that the 11 is becoming more judicial (and inde- nt of the deans). ter late than never. -R. FARRELL alone, is notably insufficient for the solution of society's economic problems. THE REAL POINT of debates like this has been clear for a long time. It is to be hoped that it will be better remembered. It is that a company like Ford cannot simply treat labor as a commodity that can be sunimoned forth by a market demand whenever needed,,in the requisite amount, and largely ignored the rest of the time. U.S. companies are a lot better in this respect than they were not too many years ago, but they still have a long way to go. The nature of production is shifting, and, as in any time of flux, there are bound to be se- rious dislocations. It's up to the companies, and the public, to ease the effect of the dislocations. Simple assertions of the undoubted right to manage do not help at all, no matter how true they are. UNDOUBTEDLY, all the displaced workers can be reabsorbed into an expanding econ- omy. This likely will involve actual geographic shifts of workers, and more important, occu- pational changes. A single worker can't do these things. He hasn't the resources, and he doesn't know enough. This is where the companies can help. Over the short-run, it means negating the savings of improved production; but neglect means a slighting of the social responsibilities of the large corpbration. Unfortunately, industry seems often to forget the brilliant insight of Henry Ford's introduc- tion of the five-dollar wage: that its own work- ers are industry's best customers. Putting men out of work simply to save money is a dead-end street, if the men are not immediately re-em- ployed elsewhere. And the expectations of work- ers, who are also consumers, are important. If a man feels in danger of his job, likely he will hedge against the danger, not push ahead, con- sumptionwise. IF COMPANIES have great responsibilities, so do the workers, or their organizations, the unions. One reason why industry is not stand- ing in line to build plants in Michigan is the state's so-called "bad labor climate." Now, of course, management's definition of a bad labor climate and an objectively-bad labor climate are usually two different things. (Man- agement are no angels,'either.) But there have been a great many studies which seem to indi- cate labor-management relations in the state could be better. More important in the national contest, un- ion defense of "featherbedding" and other ri- diculous work standards is in the long-run de- leterious to the most efficient functioning of, the nation's economy. (BVIOUSLY, these make-work practices can't be ended immediately. But in the long-run, there's enough work to be done to absorb the labor of a great many men. And perhaps 40 hours per week of it. The whole solution isn't going to be easy, but it's a necessary one. The first step is the hard- est. It is simply the evidence of a little more enlightenment and mutual common sense on the parts of both management and labor. -PHILIP SHERMAN + r - _ : !t - t t *> - ! ; { , , Lf /j X II situation, childhood exigency turns they gain a certain measure of heart, or at least understanding, which seems lacking in their re- spectable rivals. THE WORTH OF these two wo- men seems to be wrought from their hard lives and their capacity to make love at will. ' The Suzie Wong saga may be interesting to late adolescents for the simple reason they haven't met with this situation yet. Good man loves bad girl. After several days of severe temptation, they fall in love when bad girl turns over new leaf. Happy months later, a little baby from a pre- vious relationship is discovered hidden with some old woman. All is forgiven immediately, of course. Love conquers all. , into adolesent prolificacy. Yet DAILY OFFICIAL -BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16 General Notices Astronomy 131 place of meeting changed from 23 Observatory to 5005 Angell Hall, MWF, 10 a.m. History 180, MWF at 11:00 will meet in the Natural Science Aud. rather than in Aud. C,' Angell Hall. Zoology 126 (Celluar Physiology). Be- ginning Thursday February 16, lec- tures Will be held in Room 2042 Na- tural Science Bldg., and not as listed in the Time Schedule. Laboratory meeting place unchanged. Martha Cook Building is receiving applications for September 1961. Pres- ent sophomores may apply. There will also be space for a limited number of present freshmen and Juniors. Please telephone NO 2-3225 for an appoint- ment. ' { l ,'.4 vt * : . ~ 1 ° ~ ' / ' . , ", s t g '.- UNTIL GOOD MAN becomes' poor man and cannot take money from his girl-friend. He curses and swears and girl leaves, be- cause is now good and doesn't have to put up with that. Anyway, if this sounds like tripe, remember who they're selling it to. .-Thomas Brien STATE SENATE: Two New 11 ti g: ti ti it n a e: S P ti 4 4. I Al CITYSCOPE: Challenge for One-Party Rule? Blocks Spoilsmanship and Education TIE DEMOCRATS are making key educa- aal posts political plums as indicated in ttempt to appoint national committeeman; Las H. E. Quimby to the non-political post cretary to the Michigan State University i of Trustees, they are doing a dangerous s not only a dangerous precedent for the ial welfare of state universities, but is a om of greater evils within the party. a partisan system is as good a way as" o nominate educational board members rn fact, keeps the state's responsibility for tion before the public. This tie-up with :s' is dangerous, however, if the board ers retain their political affiliations or ubject to undue pressure from the party ine. This is the case in the MSU appoint- controversy. 7 PRESIDENT JOHN Hannah has in- hieated that neither Lynn M. Bartlett nor by would be acceptable for the post, which s close- work with the president and a ome salary. Board members Donald Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director E'H McELDOWNEY......Associate City Editor H DONER.......... Personnel Director AB KABAKER.................Magazine Editor, LD APPLEBAUM .. Associate Editorial Director AS WITECKI.....................Sports Editor. iEL GILLMAN........Associate Sports Editor Bness stir Stevens had pressured fellow members Connor Smith and C. Allen Harlan out of their support of John L. Sweeney by threatening not to nominate them for the post. He is now applying the same pressure on them to accept Quimby. In spite of the fact that Harlan has been' renominated and Smith did not seek a nomi- nation, the pressure is continuing. More pres- sure might come from past Democratic state chairman Neil Staebler, who would stand in line to get Quimby's national committeeman job if Quimby won the secretarial post. PIS TAINT OF putting politics into educa- tion has reached the top as GOP state chairman George M. Van Peursem has ac- cused Governor Swainson of backing Stevens and stipulating that the new secretary "must be in sympathy with the Democratic party." "Sympathy" or political affiliations should have no effect on the choice of a man for an educational post. If the Democrats succeed in making a key post at MSU a political plum, this trend could extend to presidential positions, and eventually no man, however capable, could achieve an influential education post without allying andf perhaps compromising himself with a political party. This could becpme disastrous in terms of a free educational system and could seriously lower the quality of educational staffs in Michigan. THEPOLITICAL PARTIES themselves are showing a great weakness if they stoop to making education a political reward. They show that they are more interested in gaining power and playing politics than in the actual welfare of state and future state citizens. If a political party cannot handle its machine By RICHARD OSTLING Daily staff writer WITHIN less than seven weeks Ann Arbor will decide if it wants another year of one-party Republican government, when it chooses a mayor and five of the ten City Council members. At the time of the last mayoralty slection just two years ago, the mayor and four councilmen were Democrats. When Democratic Mayor Samuel 'Eldersveld, a Uni- versity political science professor, decided not to run for a second term the Democrats nominated councilman Lloyd Ives, who was defeated by the G.O.P.s Cecil 0. Creal. In the same campaign the Dem- ocrats lost one Council seat, and in 1960's spring election the other three Democrats still holding seats, including Ives, were all de- feated. THE PRESENT city political scene leads to at least two super- ficial impressions-that a council which has had no dissension to speak of for a year is stagnant and ineffective, and that the Demo- cratic Party hereabouts has come close to extinction within two years. The first impression will be the subject of a later column. The second one is enhanced by the. nomination of Mrs. Dorthee S. Pealy for mayor by the Democrats. Not that Mrs. Pealy is a bad candidate. On the contrary, she has unusually fine qualifications for the office such as a Ph.D. in political science and intensive academic study of municipal gov- ernment. * * 8 HOWEVER, TRADITION runs strong in these parts and she is the first woman ever to seek the position. Chances are that there was feverish and fruitless talent scouting among eligible Democrat- ic males before Mrs. Pealy was se- lected. This lack of political power and available talent among city Dem- ocrats is more apparent than real. The typical Republican candi- date-the retired businessman or established lawyer-can afford to run for office more readily than the typical -Democratic professor or young white collar worker, in terms of time and money. To be more than a symbolic mayor might take a considerable toll on the careers of many Dem- ocratic leaders;Ethis was one rea- son why Prof. Eldersveld did not run again. THE TALENTED MEN are present even if they are not all seeking offices. Thenewly-elected city Democratic Chairman, Prof. Gerhard L. Weinberg of the his- tory department, heads a refur- bished party organization which features many new faces. This new task force has quite a task ahead of it. In a solidly Re- publican area the Democratic party workers are not over-abund- ant and the rank-and-file must be supplemented by many independ- ents or those who normally don't vote, to produce, any Democratic victories. a substantial increase over the out, bi party strength four years ago. marrie This shows that the Democratic home, organization is still viable, al- though the improvement over INCI 1956 may be due largely to the 0. Cre elimination of a certain ex army scared, general from the scene, and a con- vacatio siderable swing of Catholic Re- palgn publicans to Kennedy. ment.' It is one thing for the Demo- that t cratic organization to mobilize 9,- come f 000 votes for a national candidate probab and another to get 7,000 for a in the nominee for mayor. little t Usually winning mayoralty can- campal didates receive around 7,000 votes It cc in elections which find well over it cou one-third of the eligible voters than e not bothering to cast ballots. The * * "the fir JUDGING FROM previous to- two ca tals, the Democrats this spring nomin have a core of 5,000 votes, month It will be interesting to see how chance Mrs. Pealy and her campaign for C manager Peter Darrow, a young sentim lawyer, will attempt to add the one or needed strength to this basis to City C win the election. Nob Besides the handicap of prece- more c dent, a woman candidate has oth- ing un er practical political problems, but po While a hard-hitting campaign The may bring the apathetic voters to and th the polls, it also can be a little ernmer too unrefined for what is expected pletely of a Midwestern lady, they a An active round of speechmak- only a ing may increase the voter turn- gain ar LETTERS TO THE EDITOR : rut voters may feel that a d woman's place is in the even during a campaign. * * * UMBENT candidate Cecil al, not particularly running is on a three-week Florida on and the style of his cam- is undetermined at the mo- However, all indications are he fireworks will have to from the Pealy camp. Creal ly prefers an inactive role coming weeks, and he has o gain politically by a brisk sgn. *uld be a dull election, but ld offer more excitement xpected. Democrats are strong in st ward Council race with %ndidates seeking the party ation in a primary this . The party also has a fair in the other four contests ouncil seats, where public ent may be inclined to get two opposition voices. on ouncil. ody gives Mrs. Pealy much chance than a snowball ly- der Creal's beach umbrella, litics is a funny business. vitality of the campaign he future of one-party gov- nt locally seem to be com- up to the Democrats, for re in the offensive role, and highly-skilled offense will ny seats on the City Council. By HARVEY MOLOTCH Daily staff Writer TWO of the most powerful Re- publicans in the State Senate recently added two new rationali- zations to back up GOP obstruc- tionism to any and all Democratic proposals. Senate Taxation Committee Chairman ClydeH. Geerlings, who stated that Swainson's sensible tax reform program doesn't have any chance of getting out of his com- mittee ,proclaimed that "the peo- ple feel they spoke last November when they approved the sales tax hike." Geerlings said that mail, phone calls and personal conver- sations were running 99.9 per cent against the Governor's -program. But at the same time, the con- servative Senator added that he will oppose any move to put the income tax package on the April. 3 ballot an alternative currently beling pushed by some of his Re- publican colleagues. * * * SENATOR ELMER ("I never change my mind") Porter con- curred with Geerlings grim predic- tion and cited the poor business conditions and resultant high wel- fare demands as the barrier to any expansion of state institutions and agencies. Said Porter, who is other- wise famous for his cryptic com- ments on the Wayne State speaker ban, "One thing we have to do is; take care of the sick and hungry whether the schools are running. or not," a curious bit of logic from an ultra-conservative Michigan legislator. Affirm Beliefs on HUAC The Queen's University, elfast, Ire-, land, again offers an exchange scholar- ship for a University of Michigan graduate. The scholarship will provide fees, board and lodgingforthe saa- demic year 19142. A married Student ' Y receives £170 in lieu of board and lodg- ing. A grant of $400 will be made by the Graduate School to partially d0- fray the cost of travel. Study may be carried on in any of the academic di- ciplines offered at the Queen's Univer- (Continued on Page 8) INTERPRETING: fVfis takes By . M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE UNITED NATIONS is now about to reap the harvest of its own mistakes-or perhaps it would be better to say its own dis- abilities-in the Congo. It was fairly cleaat the begin- ning of the crisis that by attempt- ing to police the situation, and to help the Congolese establish a stable government in the mean- time, the UN was attempting to give help where there was no one to help. Trying to establish a stable government quickly was hopelsss. So was trying to establish a long-term trusteeship, under which the UN would have taken over lock, stock and barrel for perhaps 20 years until a government cadre could be established. Too many members lacked either the money or the will. IN THIS situation the UN tried a police action, in which the po- lice were not authorized to act, as thoughthey were dealing with a civilized country where the mere- presence of world public opinion could have some effect. It did not. Different factions constantly challenged 'UN authority from the first, even when, every effort was' made to stand clear of Congolese politics. Then the UN sent Raje- shwar Dayal, of India, to head the operation. Soon there developed a feeling in the west, and there were con- crete reports from observers in the Congo, that Dayal was pursuing the Indian type of neutralism which played into the hands of the Lumumba group. IN THE LAST of many arrests, Lumumba was physically mistreat- ed and finally killed. The internatioial police had not kept order, and such attempts as they had made gave the neutrals an impression that they were work- ing for the, western powers and for Belgium, the ousted' landlord. Now the Soviet Union has bro- ken relations with Secretary-Gen- eral Hammarskjold, bringing the UN situation back to where it was in 1950 when Russia also broke with a former secretary-general, Trygvie Lie,Nover UN action against the North Korean com- munists. * * * UN OBSERVERS are betting Hammarskjold will serve out his term on the ground that retire- ment of the secretary-general un- der such pressure would be bad for the UN, despite the fact it will mean three years of noncom- munication between his office and the Soviet Union. At the end of three years the HIUAC... To the Editors; CURRENTLY the House Admin- istrative Committee is in the process of considering the HUAC's two-year appropriation. A number of organizations, representing the legal profession, Church, and La- bor, as well as representation from the press, have urged the abolish- ment of the HUAC or have severe- ly criticized its past activities. First and foremost is the criti- cism that the HUAC has carried out its mandate without any clear procedural guarantees for pro- tecting the rights and dignity of individuals brought before it. In this respect even a cursory review of its activities will convince one of the intense damage it has done to American political ideology and procedure; hence, the heading chosen for this letter. Secondly, its mandate has been obscure from the beginniing, thus allowing the HUAC to investigate private persons as to theiropin- ions and beliefs. These are powers expressly forbidden to Congress by the First Amendment. A poten- tially long list of further criti- cisms can be abridged byrmerely mentioning the following: that the HUAC, judging from its annual reports, has shown to underplay or not even mention events ivhich once, at their instigation, caused newspaper headlines, thus exem- plifying an utter cynicism about their mission; that appropriations viction that the time has come for a reaffirmation of a few simple beliefs. Beliefs which seen to have been so sadly misunderstood by a few who had; but did not use, the power to strengthen and interpret them. If you feel likewise, you might want to write your Congressman or talk with your friends. --John Gyr William P. Livant Albert Cafagna Albert Chammah Confused s . To the Editor: SINCE WE are a fraterniy of basically suave, conservative men, we are prone neither to bragging about our own incredibly fantastic assets, nor to criticiz- ng the mistakes of Daily trainees writing their first front page fea- ture stories. , I However, we feel the recent Daily article on the proposed new ZBT house may have left the men of that fraternity a bit confused, and so we would like to help in settiing matters straight. When the ZBT's move to the North Campus area, they will find they are not alone, for the future medics of Phi Chi (the world's largest and first international medical fraternity, and the first, fraternity to provide living quar- ters for married members) have already been situated in luxurious surroundings on the edge of North Third; if the ZBT men plan to use US-12 to reach central cam- pus, we have found it takes about 20 minutes to reach US-12 from North Campus and another 15 minutes to turn around and drive back to central' campus, rather than a total of 10 minutes (again as reported in The Daily). Finally, while we welcome our new ZBT neighbor, we would pre- fer to see our former Chi Omega neighbor moving out here. -Dale McGhee, '62M Phi Chi, Medical Fraternity Collision Cost. To the Editor: APPARENTLY there exists some confusion in people's minds concerning automobile insurance. Liability insurance, which virtual- ly everyone owns, covers 100 per cent of any damage done to an- other car. Collision insurance, which is usually held only by those who drive fairly late model auto- mobiles, is usually $50' or 'i$100 "deductible." This means that any damage done to a person's own car is covered only after the owner has paid the first $50 or $100, as the case may be. Damage done to another, on the other 'hand, is covered completely. For this reason, if the person who did about $100 damage to my black Jaguar sedan when it was parked Thursday noon in the Uni- versity lot behind Helen Newberry