TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILYI l SOUT H AFRICA: Mien Cit (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last of a fIve-part series on foreign education.) By GLORIA BOWLES A United States moving slowly toward integration in its schools can see in the Union of South Af- rica an example of exactly oppo- site policy, Donald Allen, a South African graduate student at the University, noted. There are eight universities in South Africa confined by law to white students. Apartheid policies were appliedin university educa- tion with the 1959 passage of the Extension of University Education Act. Adverse reaction to apartheid policies, which envision a separa- tion of the Bantus and other non- Europeans from the white com- munity, seems to come from both sides. Students Campaign "There were all kinds of dem- onstrations at my school by white students campaigning for an in- tegrated system," Allen said. "When they're demonstrating in large groups, many of my friends seemed to want to go to school with the Negroes. But after the demonstration, when you talk to them individually, they seem to feel differently." More conclusive is the Negro desire for integrated education. SGC Petitions For Openings .due Tomorrow Petitions for seats on five Stu- dent Government Council commit- tees are due tomorrow, Council Administrative Vice - President John Martin, '62, announced yes- terday. Petitio s may be taken out un- til Friday. They may be picked up on the first floor of the SAB. Positions open include chair- manship and three one-year terms on Cinema Guild Board, the group which selects the movies to be shown at Cinema Guild. Five one-year positions are open on the Human Relations Board, whch works with discrimination cases on campus to encourage bet- ter human relations within the University and in Ann Arbor com- munities. [There are also seven one-year openings on the Student Relations Board which fevelops activities designed to arouse the interest and participation of students. and alumni. Four other one-year terms are: chairman of the Early Registra- tion Pass Committee, Student Book Exchange Manager and two Assistant Managers. Positions Open In Orientation Petitions are now available at the main floor desk of the Stu- dent Activities Bldg. for commit- tee chairmanships for an all- campus, all-day orientation pro- gram of games, picnics and enter- tainment Sept. 16. Positions open are chairmen of the publicity, facilities, tickets, alumni relations and program committees and secretary of the central committee, E. Jack Pe- toskey, director of orientation, an- nounced Tuesday. Petitions must be returned by May 6. NAACP Collects $136 in Campaign The campus fund drive for the National Association for the Ad- vancement of Colored People net- ted $136, David Aroner, '64, said Tuesday, ~the, first day of the drive. Volunteer workers will be on the central campus area until to- morrow when the fund raising campaign ends. Carder To Speak At Voice Meeting Union President Paul Carder, '62, will speak to Voice Political Party 7:30 p.m. today in Room 3R-S of the Union. Voice is currently conducting a study of problems facing the Union. PHOTOS by- Bud-Mor 1103 S. University NO 2-6362 ome Wins IC warGROWING es Education Policy William Gomez, '61E, was chos Mann Blame __________________________________ en Tuesday evening by the Inter- Fraternity Council as the OutFor LIn "Obviously they don't like the gov- ment attempting to provide for standing Greek" man ernment policies," Allen said. the university education of itssa nG k n "They want to be with the whites, student population are problems Gomez, a member of Beta The- Dr. William R. Mann, Associate and would prefere integration." presently faced by Henrik Ver- ta Pi social fraternity, has earned Director of the W. I . Kellogg Formerly Integrated woerd and his education minis- a 3.65 total grade average in his Foundation ypltiodand Before separate facilities were try, four years at the University. He increasing population and grow- available, Bantu students attended Need Scholarships is also a member of Quarterdeck, ahng concern with dental problems white schools. With a white popu- There is a need for more schol- an honorary naval architecture s dicted gap between dental care lation that is almost entirely lit- arship aid-there are many schol- fraternity. erate, 35 per cent of the natives arships, but wealthier students In addition to being the imme needed and care available. are able to write, most of them still make up the bulk of the uni- diate president of Beta Theta Pi Even now, according to a study in tribal tongues. The government versity population, he has also served as pledge train- cy the American Council on u- expects to extend literacy to all Allen noted that the University er and rush chairman for the ation, there is an average of Bantus within fifteen or twenty is "much better equipped" than the hoand s aimmberothitour untreated cavities per person yer.SuhArcnuiest ea-house and is a member of au n the United States. This lack of years. South Afican univeisity he at- Beta Pi, a national scholastic s> There are several South Afri- tended. m h ydental care was mainly attributed can universities for non-whites- However, the continued and ef- men s honorary. 6Co three factors: public apathy and some dispute whether they fective application of its apart- Paul Cooper. '63, of SigmaChi, 'only slightly over 40 per cent of are as well equipped as the older heid policy will bethe major con- Sander Lehrer, '63, of Alpha Epsi- he people visit their dentists at and more established white insti- cern of South African government lon Pi, Richard Nohl, '62BAd, ofleast once each year; the poor tutions. officials and educatos. Allen in- Phi Gamma Delta, and Ronald geographical distribution of den- Admission to South African uni- dicated that the education of the Spooner, '63E, of Alpha Tau Ome- tists and an under-capacity pro- versities is restricted to those who blacks may only compound the ga, each were awarded a $140.00 * ", ductivity of present dental facili- can pass the difficult secondary problems of the white minority in scholarship. The IFC scholarships ties. school eamination. In 1960,,there the Union. are awarded on the combination were 39,400 students in the state The government knows it can't of need, grades and activities. __:__ supported South African univer- "keep the native population down," The four scholarship awards HELD sities. Allen said. But "obviously there were presented by Ivan Parker,.Dail-Lanry anie Follow British Pattern will be trouble" as South Africa assistant dean of men, a member "OUTSTANDING GREEK"-William Gomez, '6OE, receives a OVER Following the example of Cam- experiences the "revolution of ris- of the University Committee on trophy for service to the fraternity system from Dean of Men bridge and Oxford, lecture courses ing expectations" and as a better Scholarship. Walter B. Rea. Sure It's Ridiculou are common in South Africa. The educated Negro population realizes YOU'll FP"- school year runs from, February its position and begins to make _____________________________________ OJLFI ' ''- until November, with a mid-year demands for improvement. OVER A V # examination in June and a final LTHE comprehensive exam at the end of ICHIGAN UNION ZANIEST the school year. Fewer exams mean 1.9 UNIONrCOMEDY ,beii an atmopshere which is more re- IN Saxed than the American univer- YEARS!, tHs" Extracurricular activities are H e ds G rou p popular in South Africa, AllenP said. A wide range of activities Managing editor of the MichiPAD ADVE from theatricals to political clubs gan State News, Sharon Coady, is part of any African student's was elected president of the Michi- life- gan Collegiate Press Association The problems of any govern at the convention at Central Michigan University Monday. Associate editor of the Eastern Michigan Echo, Louis Williams, was elected vice president of the /yorganization. featuring 13asic IdMary Erdman, editor of the Central Michigan yearbook, was selected as student board member. By PHILIP SUTIN E. E. Brand, advisor of the Hope Music has the social action func- College Anchor, was elected as the TH E FRIARS Thursday tion of expressing the basic idealsfautborme erT E J of the United States, Dean Roger Heyns of the literary college said ScoasisTHE ROAD RUVN NERS Tuesday in an address to the hon- } (return visit) ors assembly of the music school. r o Promnote sa r a 't must make the world aware 1o romteRIC H A Rfl H-1ArG N i IMA H-IT E Saturday ta h ins arsio ftea that the finest expression of the II, Ex J VI 11 .. self is to grow in freedom," he Study declared. ForeignSud (Comedians) THE SWA In these trying times, it is not The Institute of International the bombs, or missiles, or techni- Education announced that 800is plusfree COffee cians that will make America safe Fulbright scholarships for gradu- in the world, but is the ideas she ate study or pre-doctoral research See your the re Stag or Drag Little did we realize when we projects that are important, Dean in 32 countries will be available booked The Juggler many Heyns said, for the 1962-63 academic year. months ago, that It would be "It is the United Statesbasic Awards for graduate study in shown at a time when its very task to convince the developing Latin America and Ireland will be I.n3n*'3 raison d'etre, Nazi Germany, nations of the world that after offered in addition to the Ful- was being tried for crimes tsolving the. problems of food, bright scholarships. Applications aantmlin fHn u- physical health and shelter the will be available for these pro- against millions of Hans Mul- great adventure begins, he ex- grams May 15. __________________ lers. Muller (Kirk Douglas). plained. The Fulbright program offers once an internationally known Man can be freed from his basic two types of grants for study entertainer, husband and fa- anxieties and the ethics of surviv- abroad. The complete Fulbright DIALSTARTS SHOWS AT 1:00 - 2:58 ther, is now an insignificant also that he can understand high- grants provide maintenance, trav- DA4:55-7:00 and 9:00 refugee with nothing left of er emotions and the ethics of the el, tuition and books for one aca- 2-2 1 TODAY FEATRE AT 1:25 20 his past but the remains of his complexities of civilization. demic year. Fulbright travel grants 5:20 - 7:25 and 9:25 talent and the memory of hav- "The idea of this relationship only supplement other mainten- ing seen his wife and two of man and society is the great- ance and tuition scholarships. children annihilated in a Nazi est idea America ever had. In the The terms of the awards to Ire- nHFrom long run it is the only one under- land are the same as for the Ful- the day - ceemnan csam.T Hans developed countries are interest- bright grants. The Latin-Ameri- weShe g in n Isa rehanili = t tiona camp in 1949 is a man who ed in," 'ean Heyns emphasized. can awards cover transportation,a til The role of music and the other tuition and partial-to-fullmain- Chas endured but who is now f arts is to present this insight to tenance. _tothenearly psychotic, a man who the world. Applications and information occasionally imagines himself Dean Heyns also placed music are available in the Fellowship Of- still among his enemies. Driven within the context of the liberal fice of the graduate school, Rm. She by these suspicions and unwar- arts saying that they widen the 110 Rackham. Due dates for appi- sWore ability to choose by freeing the cations will be announced later, a ranted fears, he escapes. But mind from bigotry and fear andt no sooner is hfree of the wire- elevating awareness to the world. riavu tintSenoesa i.sraelis policeman stops Hans in one O tiw e g s y of the back streets of the city gaIa The Department of Speech will to check his identification pa- 'lI pers, and unwittingly backs Notices continue its Laboratory Playbill series with a production of Henry a" him into a corner. Terrified at being trapped, Hans' claustro- S Baha'i Student Group, Discussion: Fielding 's parody, "The Tragedyphbc m ore ovpwr "The Most Challenging Issue, May 5, of Tragedies, or the Life and phobic memories overpower 5 p.m., 414 Lawrence. Cali NO 3-2904 for Death of Tom Thumb the Great." him and he savagely beats the transportation. The p a t o r - h s officer. Chased by the Christian Science Organization, Reg- de fDyeBnsadLe law and his own .obsessions, ular. Testimony Meeting, May 4, 7:30 "will be presented at 4:10 p.m. to- Hans flees. p.m., Lane Hal, Fireside Rm. day in Trueblood Aud. * * * _______________Kirk Douglas, who can make Voice Poitical Party, Reorganization- r°'.KkDogawocnm e al Meeting, May 4, p.m., Union, Rm. his rotgh and mobile face ex- 3-D. Discussion of Union, with Union press fierce anger and wild in- President Paul Carder. ternal torment better than any WAA Crop & Saddle, Regular Meet- other actor I know, is extreme- ing, Please bring money for Sundayyssh rideRW Ma .6:0pm. A. OM ly convincing as the man who * 0 s A A Ln .wyCUFF n CHARLIE ENRORM.A E GAE EDMUN DMAUICE SNEY A feels that all men who hem Wesley Foundation, Graduate Student Z IN DELL lCOW*F [R9N IN 1 RlGffN&SHROON-PARAAJ him in are Nazis. He is equally Fellowship Dinner, Picnic, weather OLDSMOBILE W IWuLUolL Based on a Sory by Margt Ves and a Play by Owen EllbOrd RASE Permitting, May 5, 5:30 p.m., Pine Rm. fine as the delightful, cocky, a -6881 by Thurs. noon for res Ann Arbor, NO 3-0507 PRODUCTION t 1 Ow wise-cracking fellow who with painted face, ventriloquism, and magic tricks amuses and capti- vates children, charms a young boy into looking on him as a father, and wins the love of a beautiful young woman. These presents scenes, along with the wonder VILLAGE DG fully lyric scene in which the THE DAMNED members of a kibbutz dance and *aarm-in-arm in a sinuous, shad- owy circle around the blazing KILLERS Of TONIGHT and FRIDAY at 7 and 9 Saturda and Sunda at 7 and 9 fire, keep the film from being RobertNTaorTmerely a psychological case- For Info Phone: NO 8-9800 KRAMER'S study in the morbid tradition. THE S W. ANThe Swan was the climax of THEGSWANthe short and very successful DIAL COLOR screen career of Grace Kelly, s Population Dental Care To combat execessive dental deterioration, the Council recom- mended more extensive dental hygiene preventative programs. Expedition of these programs would involve increasing the scope and flexibility of the dental school program and facilities at the Uni- versity, Dr. Mann said. Con To Discuss Biological Fluids Prof. Jerome W. Conn, of the medical school, will deliver the annual Henry Russel Lecture, en- titled "Blood, Sweat, Tears-and other Biological Fluids," at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham Amp. DIAL lp NO 5,6290 s - But What Fun. t Disneyb toss .Iu nde.*. vfe&1 RTISEMENT 'ENTS and Friday:. JGGLER ° nd Sunday: N (Color) touch. Miss Kelly, however, projected just what she was: a socialite with Main Line back- ground and breeding whom no possible emotion or situation could force to abandon her role of perfect lady. She possessed a compelling aristocratic beau- ty, quiet poise, and a cool re- finement that women wished to emulate and, men to conquer. Dare we hint that the sum of these estimable characteristics could not entirely prevent her performances from seeming vapid? Be that as it may, her insuperable tranquility enabled her to survive the adulation of her public and the not particu- larly tasteful publicity of MGM, seizing avidly the coincidences between her marriage and her last movie. The Swan is based on an amusing and skillful Molnar satire, dealing with one of his favorite subjects, Central Eu- ropean aristocracy in the dec- ade before the first World War. Like many of his generation, Molnar thought of this nostal- gically as the twilight of a great era, and this emotion infuses the comedy with an aroma of romantic sentiment and an un- stated but permeating irony. The whip of time has. driven us so far that we perceive only in their most superficially enter- taining aspects the comedies of the Austrian school. The dra- mas of Schnitzler, Wedekind, Hofmannsthal do not have even this possibility of appeal in our atomic age. We can be grateful, then, for a sympathetic production of a fine minor work of an almost unknown school. Dory Shary's production allows full scope for his talented performers. Grace Kelly is very well cast as the virginal princess, whose domi- neering mother (Jessie Royce Landis) orders a household tu- tor (Louis Jourdan) to make love to her, when the interest of a jaded visiting prince (Alec Guinness) appears to be fal- tering. Brian Aherne appears as a sophisticated monk. It is dif- ficult to imagine that Agnes Moorehead could take second place to anyone; but of the two great-aunts of the heroine, Es- telle Winwood comes close to running off with the picture as thea 1~ fl+ntr., Aim, n* CnnnQa, HELD OVER 1 -A. AC Pf! I