Very Unusual Weather We're Having" INT 1 1 1 t Seventy-First Year - DITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UN1VERSITY OF MICHIGAN ere Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wi lPrevail" STDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. i ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Pho NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. _-' ~ VV '6 _ a.r e, . - f' World Conflict- ltary o Ideological. By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst THE PAST of United States policy toward Cuba becomes more clear and its future more clouded as the invasion post-mortem continues. The project was a national one, fashioned in its early stages by the Eisenhower Administration and adopted by its successor. Despite President Kennedy's acceptance of responsibility, the invasion was not the child of any one man or restricted group, and by this token it was a national failure in which responsibility is widely spread. CRITICS have been given new fuel for their contention that such DAY. MAY 3, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: HARVEY MOLOTCH I,- , ... Meisenbaeh's Trial: The Questions Raised )TH SUPPORTERS and opponents of the House Un-American Activities Committee e been pondering the significance of Berke- student Robert Meisenbach's trial recently. [eisenbach is accused of hitting a policeman 1 the officer's own nightstick during/ dem- trations against HUAC hearings in San ncisco last May. He is the only student >ng several thousand demonstrators who charged with an act of violence. Sixty-three ers were acquitted of minor violations such listurbing the peace. ong before the trial began, FBI Director J. ar Hoover reported the officer-beating as t in a pamphlet entitled "Communist Target outh." Hoover claimed that the student ionstrations became violent after a student . . grabbed an officer's nightstick and be- . beating the officer over the head." his comment was repeated, again as fact, the controversial movie "pperation Aboli- ." The film says that Meisenbach's act Com[-munieation IE DIRECTOR of Summer Placement Serv- ice has promised that in the future all lents will be equally treated-even those h beards. 'et the past anti-beard policy of the Serv- sheds light upon a serious problem inherent he vast bureaucratic structure of the Uni- ity. Denying certain services to bearded lents is clearly contrary to the policies of Bureau of Appointments as stated by its ector. et when first confronted with complaints, Director. said, "You must be misinformed." kcnew nothing about this objectionable prac- of A; service under his administration. The -President of Student Affairs commented, now nothing about it." UNIVERSITY administrators are unaware >f the practices of the individuals respon- e to them, who does know what is going Is the system so complex and decentralized t the policies of an administrator can be ly ignored by his assistants? Or is it possi- that many employes are unaware of cer- i policies which they are expected to fol- a- view of this apparent lack of communi- on, one is led to wonder how many other versity employes consistently translate their onal prejudices and idiosyncracies into ob- lonable practices which come. to be viewed epresentative of official University policy. I. BROWN "provided the spark that touched off the flame of violence" during the demonstrations. DEFENSE WITNESSES, directly contradict- ing the Hoover Report and the .movie, have testified that Meisenbach never hit an officer at all, but that actually the officer hit the stu- dent. Witnesses also testified, and demonstrat- ed with photographs, that police turned fire hoses on the demonstrating students some time before Meisenbach's alleged "spark that touched off the flame of violence." As the trial progressed it became increasing- ly clear that "witnesses had only confused recollections to offer as evidence. No one knows now, and no one will ever know, if Meisenbach really clubbed an officer. But twelve people are now going 'to make the decision on the basis of conflicting testimony by policemen. and other witnesses, their impressions of Berke- ley, students, their impressions of Robert Meis- enbach, their feelings about the danger and extent of Communist infiltration in the United States, and their opinions of the House Un- American Activities Committee. The verdict, therefore, will have little significance. NEITHER THE TRIAL nor its conclusion will contribute much to the basic question of whether the House Un-American Activities Committee is a valid and valuable institution. The jury's decision on whether Meisenbach. committed a crime while demonstrating against HUAC says nothing about his justification for demonstrating. At most, it is a, warning to fu- ture demonstrators to be more circumspect. The trial itself has shed some light on the controversy over "Operation Abolition." One- 'complaint against the movie is that it assumes the incident in San Francisco last May was a riot, not simply a demonstration. By acquitting Meisenlach the jury cannot show conclusively that the event was not a riot. But the conviction of Meisenbach, preced- ed by a mass of conflicting evidence, could not possibly prove that the incident was a riot WHEN "OPERATION ABOLITION" is de- bated, much of the case against it centers on errors of fact. Meisenbach's trial, in showing that Hoover and the House committee did not have all available evidence when, they made their statements about the student's conduct, adds one more instance of demonstrable error. The value;of the Meisenbach trial lies in the questions that it leaves unanswered. They are questions which Hoover, the House committee, and too many other 'people have never asked, but have proceeded to answer out of deliberate ignorance. --PAT GOLDEN Acting Associate City Editor ' .-, t ; i s .. .. . . . j F ° 1 ,,^"^ L t! e ..q.. a PEACE CORPS: /N University Needed YSCOPE: Opposition Still Unheard THE LAST of the April 3 election returns ame in, there was some hope that Ann r's political picture would return to some sre of bi-partisanship in city govern- , with the election 'of Prof. Lynn W. Eley ie political science department as Demo- c councilman from the first ward. t through the previous year, Ann Arbor eisted ,in its own version of "the era >od feeling," with 'the city council and all officials being, members of the Republican be certain, this all-GOP line up did a job of handling city affairs, but some e of bi-partisanship was needed, if for no High Minds Y' MARKLEY ssed sense of again. HALL, with its unsur- the inappropriate, has uge sign posted over the 'mailboxes yes- Y announced the dorm's honors dinner, g, "Heels and Hose for those with three s and over." s of course highly commendable that the itory can see its way clear to intersperse ive of "gracious living" inculcation with ignition of the real goals of the Univer- The fact that those in hose can look their noses at those in bobby sox should prove an incentive to raise one's grades. better reason than to keep the Republicans alert and on their toes., With Prof. Eley's election, the Republicans' margin on the council was slashed from 11-0 to 10-1, but what mattered was that the "loyal opposition" could now officially be heard- a healthy situation in any governnment. HOWEVER, it is sad to note that Prof. Eley is not fulfilling the role of the "loyal opposition." At Council meetings, he not only does not effectively oppose but he often pre- sents the impression of being the most un- informed member. Of course, Prof. Eley has had only a mgnth to become oriented to his new duties, but this does not excuse the weak opposition he presents' in matters of partisan politics. His manner, when he stands to voice 'his thoughts, is almost apologetic, and no matter how strongly he speaks out in the discussions, he invariably votes with the Republicans in the roll call. Perhaps there is some reason behind this. Ann Arbor Mayor Cecil 0. Creal is a forceful person, and when he rises to explain away his opposition, the lone Democrat seems to wilt, and the Mayor invariably has the last word. This .kind of opposition can not suffice. If Prof. Eley is opposed to a measure, let him vote against it, even though he might be the lone dissenter, for he thus voices the feelings of the opposition in Ann Arbor. BUT I SUSPECT that the trouble lies deeper than this. Perhaps the Democrats in Ann Arbor do not really represent an ideological' opposition tor the Republicans, but are just another group with much the same philos- ophies who want to grab power. If this be true, then Democrats in Ann Arbor are a perpetuated fiction. Alocal spokes- man for the Democratic Committee on Con- stitutional Convention has already gone on record publically that she hopes everyone will vote for the Republican nominee if he is the better man, a virtual admission that the, Democrats as a party will not be able to field 't, !AT'[.f A ctrh mtl ..n ncn-- .~- f.ti. e (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two articles on a proposal to incorporate a United Nations university in the Peace Corps pro- gram. The second article appears tomorrow.) By BEATRICE TEODORO Daily Staff Writer MOST STUDIES on the proposed Peace Corps have recommend- ed that the program be established under Athe auspices of the United Nations on the logical assumption that such a body would be more effective than any single national group in adminisering the world- oriented plan. -In a recent study, Americans Committed to World Responsi- bility suggested that a basic training program for a UN-spon- sored International Youth Service should include a UN university. Under ACWR's proposal, govern- ments would send qualified stu- dents to the university for train- ing. At the end of their studies, they would be transferred for work in the UN's Expanded Technical Assistance Program and the IYS. *" . *' THE UN UNIVERSITY would direct its studies toward "economic development, particularly the problems and needs of the less developed areas of the world and ways of implemeting economic- development projects." It would be established under the direct control of the UN Tech- nical Assistance Committee. The. governing body would be a 25 member Board of Trustees. The Board would appoint a president, responsible for the administration of the university, under the direc- tion and supervision of the Board. It would also arrange plans for the design, location and construction of the university. * * * Sixteen members of the group would be appointed by executive heads of such UN progras as Educationlal, Scientiic and Cul- tural Organization; International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment;World Health Organi- zation and the Economic Commis- sions for Africa, Asia and the Far East, Europe and Latin America. UNDER THE REPORT'S recom- mendations, the academic struc- ture would have three divisions- general studs, economic and 'K DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an 'Official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notces should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before Z p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, MAY 3 General Notices Preliminary Examinations for the Doc- torate in Education: All applicants for the doctorate wh are planning to take the May preliminary examinations in Education, May 29, 30, 21,t and une 1, must file their names in the Graduate Office in Education, 4019 University High School, not later than May 5. Events Thursday Lecture Postponed: Foreign Service Officer, Lewis Gleeck, Jr., who was pre- viously scheduled to speak in Aud. C at 4:15 p.m. on Thurs., May 4, will not appear as scheduled. social development and interna- tional research. The first would contain graduate schools in fields such as medicine,' business administration, engineer- ing, education, law and liberal arts. This division would be valuable because professional studies on a graduate level may be non-existent in underdeveloped areas. Estab- lishment of the general studies program in the UN university would be less costly and as effec- tive as setting up graduate schools in each of these countries. The division of economic and social development would provide "the theoretical and practical training necessary to fulfill the- needs of the UN and' underde- veloped countries." It would include departments concerned with industrial,, agri- cultural, educational, social, health services and public administration development. Each department would structure its educational program' on a regional basis, ^o- ordinating it with the Economic Commissions for Africa, Asia, Europe and Latin America. THE REPORT delineated five levels of personnel instrumental to the proposed international youth service'program: 1) Operational-all skilled jun- for personnel, either craftsmen,f technicians or young graduates; 2) Instructory-educators, from teachers of lower grades to 'ol- lege professors; 3) Advisory--all UN experts now working under the Expanded Tech- nical Assistance Program and other organizations; 4) Executive-individuals who will occupy managerial positions in host countries; also those who will be given responsibility for administering recommendations of the advisory level; 5) Enterepreneurial-individuals who will promote and carry out major economic development pro- jects such as establishment of road construction enterprises, new industries and educational li sti- tutes. * * * IT WAS the assumption of the report that "most of the overall effectiveness of any program of' economic development will depend on the avallibilit of entrepreneur- ial-skilled individuals. It, should be one of the most important duties of the UN university to pro= vide for the recruiting and train- ing of such persons who play de- cisive roles in determining the rate of industrialization of the less. developed countries." The final division of interna- tional research would provide an' outlet for exchange of ideas "with- out committing the individuals to their governments." This division is practical because advanced technological equipment can be collected in a central institution instead of spreading it thinly through regional training centers. , FACULTY MEMBER'S would come from universities all over the world, selected according to pre- determined UN requirements. Ad- ditional faculty would be UN ex- perts working in specialized fields and international visiting lectur- ers in the professions. Student enrollment would come through two sources: a govern- ment selection board and indi- vidual application through the uni- versity. Individual governments could finance the students they sponsor, while the UN would fur- nish loans for independent stu- dents, repayable after service with the UN. * * * THE REPORT recommended the stipulation that every student serve at least two years with the Inter- national Youth Service after com- pleting UN university training. If, he should fail to complete the course of study or fulfill his youth service obligation, he would be re- quired to repay his financial sponsor for the cost of his train- ing. -Modern Age acts, in Cuba and elsewhere, canc elements more firmly into the arms of Soviet Russia. Fidel Cas- tro has now proclaimed a socialist (Communist) state and completely repudiated his original promise of elections. The United States continues to say that it will not counter Fidel- ism with direct military inter- vention. At the same time Kennedy and many of his advisers are known to think that additional economic sanctions can make small contri- bution to the eventual downfall of Castro. A blockade cutting off Cu- ban trade, especially supplies from the Communist sphere, might have an effect, but would be a virtual act of war with many ramifica- tions in Latin American and world opinion. THE ABORTIVE INVASION is still a topic of world discussion and criticism. It has been gettig more attention than Laos in the British press, which still bitterly remembers the American reaction to Suez in 1956. One point of takeoff for much of'the criticism is that the United States seems to be turning toward a military answer for Communist expansionist tactics. The Man- chester Guardian Weekly says this is to ignore the real nature of the world conflict, which it described as ideological. This argument has been made repeatedly in the United States also, as a parallel to the theory that the war is primarily economic. But the arming of Castro and Laotian rebels by the Soviet Union are not ideological measures, nor is the massing of Communist troops in China and North Viet Nam whose only objective must be Southeast Asia. Nor is the con- stant attention of Red China and the Soviet Union to objectives to which are a part of their tradi- tional, not merely Communistic, policies of territorial expansion. * * * THE UNITED STATES is now seeking the answers - to broader problems than Cuba. Large economic and educational programs testify that the ideo- logical and economic conflicts have not been forgotten. But the emphasis now is on pre venting Communist conquest and consolidation of territorial gains into an eventually irresistible force, which would leave Western culture with no field on which to fight. ,Dtnction ANTI-CO&MUNISM, like any embattled movement, brings people of widely disparate views together for what seems to be a moment of truth. But the con- servative may be readily distin- guished from those who are merely anti-communist. He believes that the state exists for the individual, not the other way around, in the need to extend as far as possible the choice and consent of the in- dividual .. I I;ELIEVE that we are the government and we have not only the right but the responsibility to question and challenge policies that are being formulated for us. It is not the person who speaks up that is un-American, but the person who sits back and assumes no responsibility for his govern- ment. .-Gary Gilbar,'63A (Letters to the Editor should be limited to' 300 words, typewritten and' double spaced. The Daily re- serves the 'right to edit or withhold any letter. Only signed letters will be printed.) only serve to drive pro-Communist LETERS to the EDITOR Petersont .. . To the Editor: IT HAS COME to our attention that Mr. Ward Peterson of the) Placement Bureau wears a beret, and we consider it our duty as loyal Americans to point out the grave implications of such apparel. It is not widely known that such unsavory individuals as Jean-Paul Sartre, Che Guevara, Robert An- gell, and Paul Henle-men whose characters are well known-wear berets. It is also the case that the beret is the official head gear of certain foreign armies. But let us refrain from' render- ing Mr. Peterson guilty by associa- tion. In the interest of justice and Americanism we must ask him several questions: 1) ARE YOU WEARING that thing for a joke? If so, you show a most serious disregard for the accepted standards of good taste and the University's good name. 2) Are you going to keep that thing on? If, so, you do so at your own risk, 3) Were you wearing that thing when you got your present job? Surely not. MR. PETERSON can remove all doubt as to his loyality by a public disclaimer. We suggest that this might take the form of burning his beret on the diag at an an- nounced time on May Day next. May we reiind Mr. Peterson to enclose a photograph with 'all future job applications., -A. Hugh Fleetwood -Morris J. Starsky Department of Philosophy Questions . . To the Editor: HAVE A QUESTION, which I hope has only one aniswer. What are we as Americans suppose to believe? Should we believe our govern- ment as the truth? Can we, after we have, seen' that it 'is willing to distort the truth as is coming to light in its foreign policy and in the HUAC. Do we have the right to demand the truth of our public servants, even though it might ,be unpleasant? James B' Angell Abraham Lincoln Uncle Sam Charles Darwin -J. OPPENHEIM Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor{ N MARKEL JEAN SPENCER ty Editor Editorial Director Business Staff DITH NICHOLSON, Business Manager SUMMER PLACEMENT SERVICE: Give These Men a Chance! REGARDLESS of the policies set by university summer place- ment bureaus, many bearded men of the past have been able to se- cure jobs., A short sampling includes: ABRAHAM LINCOLN - Presi- dent of the Tnited States ( R60 plaque in said building bears this eulogy: "His whole life was an embodi- ment of those ideals of democracy and service upon which the Uni- versity of Michigan Union was founded and to which it is dedi- cated." A very large campus struc-