TOO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1961 TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1961 Profile: Barbie Greenberg (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of a continuing series of pro- files of seniors who have led major student organizations this year.) By JUDITH OPPENHEIM 1 If it is permissible to speak of a "new look" in sorority women, Barbara Greenberg certainly has: the look. Or perhaps it would be more ac- curate to say that during her term7 of office this year. as Penhellenic Association president, Barbie has done a greet deal to dispel the old myth of the pretty, empty- headed little sorority woman who pledges for a social whirl and little else. "The emphasis of Panhel has certainly not been on a social level this year," she says. "The; questions I've had to deal with , have been mostly questions of val- ues and evaluations. The job has been largely analytical and the issues are anything but superfi- cial." Susan Stillerman, '62, newly in- stalled Panhel president says, "Barbara's leadership has been Judicious, perceptive, and highly successful. Her keen insight and{ enthusiasm have done a great deal to further the ideals and goals of Panhel and the University. 'Extraordinary Asset' 'Barb has been an extraordinary asset to her organization. She has been a crusader for human dig- nity and a well-respected friend to a great many people." During her years in the Univer- sity, Barbie, who has majored in journalism and earlier worked on her high school newspaper, has been interested in the study of "the principles of democracy and crucial questions" She is vitally concerned with education and progress at all so- cial levels, and ?anhel is no ex- ception. serve the old function of inculcat- ing the social graces." She believes that as the aca- demic potential and diversity of background of entering University students increases, the sorority will have to meet increasingly strict demands and re-evaluate its goals., "This is what we were attempt- ing to do in our first workshop," Barbie says. "It is time we took an honest look at the sorority sys- tem to find out exactly where it is and where it is going." Academic Programs She sees a need for much greater emphasis on cultural and aca- demic programs. "We must work on integrating the goals of the sorority system with the goals of the University," she says, stress- ing the fact that "we 'are not to be considered apart from the rest of the University community or in any way exclusive." (Barbie believes many of the affiliate system's problems are due to misconceptions on the part of the independent students.) If a sorority is to create a stim- ulating environment, she believes it should contain many different women and certainly not one gen- eral "type." "This doesn't mean at all that everyone who pledges a sorority must be 'perfect in her own way,"' she adds. Universities In Uruguay Free to All (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth in a five-part series on for- eign education.) TEACHING MACHINES: Implications Need Research True Point "The point Assistant Dean of Men John- Bingley made about sorority girls at our last workshop' in December is true," Barbie says with spirit. "Sororities no longer BARBARA GREENBERG ... new look' Odiorne Asks Tax Incentives To Maintain Full Employment Through tax incentives for per- sonnel training, the federal gov- ernment could. help business meet the problems of maintaining full employment in the midst of rap- idly changing technology, George Odiorne, of the Bureau of Indus- trial Relations, suggested yester- day. Delivering the keynote address at the seventeenth annual con- ference of the American Society of Training Directors held in Phil- adelphia, Odiorne noted that bus- iness spends $25 to $30 billion annually for on the job training of workers. This is an amount equal to all corporate profits and about the same as the nation's total expen- ditures on formal education, he said. Immense Investment' However, Odiorne warned that an "immense investment" will be necessary in the training area in the next ten years. The investment will be needed to introduce 26 million people into Triangles Tap Sophomores The following sophomores in the engineering school have been tap- ped . by Triangles honorary: Charles M. Anoff, Charles F. Aquino, Daniel C. Brown, Roderick C. Fischbach, John L. Houtman, Irving T. Salmeen, John A. Scott, Wayne H. Smith, Warren G. Uhler and John E. Utley. Prof. Keith Coates of the en- gineering school was selected as an honorary member. Offer Programs For May Festival Copies of the 94-page Ann Arbor May Festival Program Book are now available at the offices of the University Musical Society in Burton Memorial Tour. NOW OPEN FOR the labor force, train six million skilled craftsmen, upgrade three to four million managerial employes, and handle changes in the compo- sition and size of the labor force,. Odiorne noted. He suggested three classifica- tions of on-the-job training which will require increased investment. The first, to be met by current ex- penses, involves work simplifica- tion, sales techniques, quality con- trol, safety training, and operat- ing procedures training. Long-Term Capital The second which would be financed by long-term working capital includes the training of understudies for absentee or ill workers and training for future expansion of facilities. The third type, paid by capital budgeting, includes the training of junior executives, the upgrad- ing of workers to skilled crafts, and executive development pro- grams. Odiorne said that federal tax allowances to corporations for de- preciation of investments made in human capital would have an im- mense effect on accelerating the rate of future investment in this area. Tax Arrangements "Rather than funnel all such developments through public fi- nances, the government might better accomplish the same aim by arrangement of taxing proced- ures which spur employers to in- crease their investment in per- sonal development," he said. With such allowances, the eco- nomic effects of skill investment because of automation, technolog- ical change, and unemployment could be overcome, he noted. "Such allowances would be poured back into the retraining of people, building of health serv- ices, transfer of workers from one place to another, adult education, and the support of private educa- tion by companies," Odiorne said. Smaller Units "The advantage is that within a B ELLEN SILVERMAN smaller living unit the individual [ From the elementary to the is more likely to feel she can con- college level, all education in Uru- tribute something meaningful to guay is free, Antonio L. Giordano, the lives of people she knows well Grad, said. and sees every day." Because there are no fees for Barbie emphasizes the advantage the educational services, anyone a sorority can hold for a woman in Uruguay is able to attend. who is more shy and withdrawn In Uruguay the laws state that than some of her sisters. "People students cannot work until the will try to help her develop her age of eighteen. This increases the leadership in a warm and friendly population of the university be- atmosphere where she does not cause students go to school until need to be afraid of making mis- _ they are able to work. takes." Life Different In discussing rush, Barbie says, Life at the University of Uru- "To be perfectly frank, it's not BARBARA GREENBERG guay is very different from life in ideal. Nevertheless, it is the only ...Panhel's future an American college, Giordano way to choose members." th said. Utmost Effort to take an intelligent stand as There is no definite campus such as is found in the United States. The sororities make the utmost individuals when called upon to The university buildings are effort to get to know all the wo- do so. spread throughout Montevideo. men who, go through rush, she Represents Self There are no dormitories, either, explains, adding that it is up to As a member of SGC, Barbie and students who come from other the rushee to remember that each feels the Panhel president repre- areas of the country live in pri- house is interested in all types of sents herself just as the other vate homes or boarding houses. girls. "We have the least-stereo- council members do, and is bound Liberal Arts typed sorority system I know." to vote as a Panhel representative The liberal arts education is The.main question on rush next only on topics such as calendaring gotten at a Facullk, Giordano ex- year will of course be discrimina- which directly affect the organ- plained, which is included in the tion and the Student Government ization. latter years of high school Council's membership selection On major sorority issues, she This offsets the possiility of regulation, thinks the president should dis- a student who only knows his own Barbie voted for this ruling and cuss the pros and cons with the field. "In high schools we learn has spent considerable time dis- sorority presidents and then make philosophy, history, literature, art cussing it and its implications with her own decision as to how to and language," Giordano com- sorority presidents at Panhel vote. "However," she says, "the mented. meetings. "At the present time I Panhel president is to be thought Again, since the university is so know of no sorority whose local of as a link between the sororities spread out, there is no central chapter has a bias clause," she as such and SGC." area where students can congre- says. "But the main problem is She thinks the Committee on gate for the extra curricular ac- one of attitudes, not rules." Membership Selection in Student tivities found on an American Only Beginning Organizations is one of the most campus. Similarly, no organized Barbie firmly believes that legis- important phases of SGC at the sports program exists. lation for desegregation is only the present time and hopes that it Diversity Missing beginning, and is just a means to will work with the overall philos- For the college student, the di- the end of a totally-integrated ophy of ending bias rather than versity of courses offered at an Panhellenic system. "Where legis- individual cases. She also hopes American university is missing lation ends, education must be- its major action will be preventa- from Uruguayan college life. Each, gin," she says. . tive rather than punitive. student is able to specialize in only Not only must sorority presi- Pleased with Progress one field and receives his degree dents work to show the women in O h hlBri spe~e in this area. their sororities that bias is wrong, with the progress Panei has "d The latter two years of high but people who formerly felt they . school are considered a sufficient might be discriminated against thare have trn base for the specialized college must not be afraid-to go through a mature approach to Panhe, and bs o h pcaie olg mus no b afaidtogo hroghI believe we have made a good program. rush. The only way to relieve the tbel,"vehe ave Although they are more spe- tension of the situation is for start," she says. cialized than those in the United members of minority groups to be- "I am anxious to see how the States, the aim of all study pro- gin going through rush not with new rush calendar will work and grams is for international under- the idea of "seeing what will hap- what progress will be made on standing, Giordano said. pen" but with good faith, and ex- integrating the sororities. pecting to be met with good faith "I think Panhel has a great deal and open minds on the part of the of potential which it should con- Union pens affiliates, tinue to develop next year and in For the actives, the respon- the future. The main point is to 2 * * sibilities for integrating the soror- develop into an organization which C rs ity system goes beyond the rush embodies the University's goals situation, Barbie believes. "An ac- and is not just a limited, clubby T p Position tive's obligation is not just to the organization." members of her sorority," she Next year Barbie will be work- says. She must go out and par- ing as a reporter for an Indiana- Petitions are now available In ticipate in campus activities and polis newspaper. "I hope I will the Michigan Union Student Off i- meet people in varying activities. have an opportunity to deal ces for male co-chairman for next Recent Discussions directly with some of the issues spriTng's Michigras. Barbie has given a great deal and concepts I have valud soThe petitions are due at 5 p.m. higly s astuent" se sys, on Friday in the mailbox of the of consideration to the recent dis- highly as a student she says. Union executive vice-president. In- cussions of Panhel's role as a terviews will be held from 3 to 5:30 political force on campus. Ggp.m. Sunday. "If Panhel is destined to be- G os ng Pla s Michigras is a semi-annual all- come a political force," she says campus carnival which alternates thoughtfully, "it is because cru- PIC Speech with Spring Weekend. The Wom- cial issues, such as disrimina- ens Athletic Association, which tion, will turn the campus eye sponsors the festival jointly with on us. But Panhel will never be- Prof. L. A. Gosling of the Asian the Union, has chosen Pamela come a political force in the sense studies and geography depart- Marzulla, '62, as their co-chair- that the League, the Union and meits will speak at 7:30 p.m. to- man. The Daily are." day in Rm. 3C of the Union on She doesn't think it is Panhel's "Communism in Southeast Asia." function to take stands on such The speech is sponsored by the issues as election of SGC can- Political Issues Club. Gosling has S7 at1 didates. Nevertheless, she believes lived in Malaya and is familiar 7 and 9 P.M. Panhel should see that sorority with the problems of this area. members are informed on vital "A JOLLY GOOD SHOW issues, both through their organ- R a To izatlon and other University A bout Eichmann M091 Matthews To Talk AbuTHhmnOS~fiMSL1AU'f 0 s i Shaul Ramati Israeli Consul in - U ressinu ba Chicago will speak on the "Peo- * Next ple of Israel vs. Adolf Eichmann,"" E Herbert L. Matthews of the at 4 p.m. today in Rms. KLMN New York Times will speak at 3 of the Union. p.m. today in Rackham Amphi- The talk is sponsored by the theatre on "Cuba and the Ameri- international committee of the can Press." The program is spon- Union. NOW . sored by the journalism depart- merit. meet.SureIt's Ridiculou - -P H OT O S ""r" YOU'LL FLIP kW . Or gigatio nOVER- '11 Notices by THER er~yA~1~ LA ectur-1103NBd-MTrCOMEDY Absehl Beta Alpha Psi, J. W. Paynter, lectu- BUv -MorYR er May 3, 4 m., 31 Bu.^Ad. 1103 S. University NO 2-6362 YEARS r f~orm~a b~h C ffQ ' rnH Ma 3. ,, r t M i t 1 4, Michiganension appointments to the Junior Staff for the 1962 is- sue have been announced by Per- sonnel Manager Susan Shapiro, '63. The appointments are as fol- lows: engravings: photography, Tim Graul; features, Al Yonas; schools and colleges, Cathee Hu- ber; house groups, Karen Holt- heus and Bonnie Ginsburg; or- ganizations, Dottie Deutsch, Sue Corlett and Linda Moore; sports, Martha Frost, Jan Fredrick and Sheila Josephson; business ad- vertising manager, Ron Kramer; sales manager, Bruce Leitman. Copy: assistant copy editor, Car- ole Junker; schools and colleges, Linda Joel and Janet Olwin; house groups, Susan Goldman, Susan Lesser and Carol Pantalone; or- ganizations, Diane Derby and Nan- cy Graver. Store Executive To Give Lecture John W. Paynter, vice-president and treasurer of a large Detroit department store, will give a lec-, ture at 4:00 today in 131 Bus. Ad. Bldg. The talk is sponsored by Beta Alpha Psi, the professional ac-, counting fraternity. By CAROLINE DOW is possible to program a fact se- The need for research into the quence with the aid of a logical implications of teaching machines computer, the major problem of to keep teaching within the educa- machine teaching would be over- tional profession was stressed come, he said. Monday night by Prof. Finley Although previous methods of Carpenter of the education -shool, research have done little to help Speaking at the last faculty re- so far, the research should not search seminar of the season, Prof. be abandoned, he stressed. The Carpenter noted the advantages methods of earlier research tended of applying engineering research to look for limits to the teacher's methods to machine programming. power instead of seeking, as tne The majority of educational engineer does, to extend it. publications and research deals Industry, recognizing the po- with "what" to teach while the tential of teaching machines as a teachers are more interested in commercial prdouct, is directing "how" to teach more efficiently, its research into the field. Either Prof. Carpenter said. Teaching the public will become disillu- machine research is centered on sioned by the great number of problems of efficiency: how best machines, or they will recognize to teach the student in the least industry as the authority in the amount of time. teaching world. Same Results Unless the teaching profession Research has shown that re- sults are the same if a man or machine administers a machine program. However. the "imme- diate reward" aspect of the me- thod can be handled only on a one to one basis. Thus it is more efficient to let a machine do It.* Engineering controls will be a great aid to programming, Prof. Carpenter said. Computers work-* ing on programming will allow the educator to break up and systema- tize a course more easily. C ourse Progra cng From 11jAN For example, to program a math r- Or course, an educator could feed a principle to the computer. If the computer did not understand the * 44444 i F444 444 principle, the educator could feed it facts until it did, then progress- ing to the second and third facts necessary for understanding. If it Ensi an Picks Join A Summe Ju i StFREE INS .....__........ t . t t t t 4 MICHIGAN UNION PRESENTS MUG - TGIT 4:15-5:30-Thurs., May 4 featuring DAN ROSEMERGY does real research on this and keeps abreast of the developing techniques, the "teaching profes- sion will be sadly embarassed," Prof. Carpenter added. The teaching machines can re- lease the teacher from the onerous task, of fact teaching and allow him more time for the human side of knowledge, "analogue, ap- plication and creativity," Prof. Carpenter said. The public, if it recognizes busi- ness as the authority in the field, may become so enthusiastic the makers of machines may usurp the "advisory function." Educators must research into the possibilities of a teacher freed of the fact- transfer duty. If they cannot find a unique function, then human educators "do not deserve to exist," Carpenter said. O 'K . to 1:30 A.M. ditioned 'r League Now TRUCTION 1F as MC THE FRIARS THE ROAD RUNNERS (return visit) All this plus free coffee See you there, Stag or Drag DIAL NO 8-641 I NDEED"-Time Magazin "Brood HUmeri" . Highly RecommendedI" l-cut 6 e DIAL NO 5-6290 -- But What Fun! - * - afesb' "o jw ti4 "j. , ft i_ DIAL 2-6264 STARTS THURSDAY DEAM SHIRLEY ...makes business ...the'wel-chased a pleasurel working girl! michigan union GRILL ENDS TONITE "PEPE" Art School Plans To Auction Works The School of Architecture and Design will hold a "Dog" Auction at 3:30 p.m. today in the school's lobby. Faculty members will auction off work including sculpturing, paintings, and chairs. Pieces for sale are now on display in the lobby of the architecture school. I LUNCH German Chia, cmee our, zay s, 3-5 p.m., 4072 FB. * * * Newman Club, May 3, 8 p.m., 331 Thompson, Speakers: Prof. G. Lenski & Rev. P. Besanceney S.J., "Federal Sup- port of Parochial Education." WAA Crop & Saddle, Regular Meet- ing, Please bring money for ride Sun- day, May 4, 6:40 p.m., WAB. CAFE PROMETHEAN 508 E. William ,I 'II TONIGHT ... at 8P.M. in Rackham Amphitheatre Celebration of the 13th Anniversary of the State of Israel PROGRAM CONCERT by DU'DA-IM - foremost Israeli folksingers I "THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL VS. I m. - ~ Ii