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May 03, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-03

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Sir t~au


Cool with moderate winds,
clear with warmer tonight.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


House To Debate
Senate-Passed Education Budget
To Receive Floor Consideration
The $109.2 million appropriation bill for higher education is
scheduled for full House debate in the State Legislature this after-
Observers see little chance for the state universities to receive
any major additions to their budgets, which have all been- cut from
the sgovernor's recommendations and the institutions' boards' re-
The bill which the House Ways and Means Committee reported
out last Friday was passed previously by the Senate at its session
earlier last week. The Senate recommended a budget of $35.4 million
for the University, an increase of $147,000 over last year. The Regents


.. forecasts expansion
Sees Grow t
Of Economy
The United States' gross na-
tional product, which exceeded
$500 billion last year, can be
expected to reach $750 billion by
the end of the decade and pass
the $2 trillion mark by the end of
the century.
In a new book, "Growth and
Prosperity Without Inflation,"
Prof. John Wernette of the busi-
ness administration school pre-
sents his outlook for economic
growth in the United States.
Our national economic goals
are three-fold, Prof. Wernette says.
We must promote economic
growth, minimize unemployment
and prevent inflation.
He analyzes per capita produc-
tivity in terms of obvious and
secondary causes. The obvious
causes "leap to the eye of the
traveler who visits rich countries
and poor countries."
They include natural resources,
quality of the workers, number of
skilled business managers, types
and number of capital goods, and
the state of technology, which in-
fluence all other factors.
Basic Causes
Prof. Wernette then turns to the
"causes behind the causes." He
feels that the key to the situation
is education.
"American education surely can
be improved," he stresses. The way
to improve it, however, is the
scientific way-by careful study of
ends and means. Perhaps we are
not now aiming at the right goals.
"Perhaps we are not giving
enough attention to the gifted
children. Perhaps we are not ade-
quately encouraging creativity.
Perhaps we are not using the best
methods in the teaching-learning
process. Perhaps we are not spend-
ing enough money on education or
are spending- some of it in inap-
propriate ways."
Prof. Wernette forecasts that in
the next 10 years the United States
will have a 15 per cent population
increase, a 25 per cent increase in
the work force and in productivity
per man hour, a 50 per cent in-
crease in the total output of goods
and services and a 25 per cent in-
crease in real income per person.
No Guarantee
"There is, of course, no guaran-
tee that increasing material well-
being will make our people better
or happier," Prof. Wernette re-
"Nevertheless, increased produc-
tivity can raise the standard of
living of millions of families whose
resnt nnition is far from afflu-

requested $43.9 million and Gov.
John B. Swainson recommended
$37.1 million,
Meanwhile, attempts have been
made to increase the higher edu-
cation bill. The latest proposal is
for a 3-cents-a-pack cigarette tax
boost submitted by Rep. George
F. Montgomery (D - Detroit).
Montgomery estimated that if his
amendment to the higher educa-
tion budget is approved, the tax
would yield $37 million in new
Penny Expires
The present state tax is six
cents a pack, but one penny of it
will expire with the rest of the
nuisance tax package June 30.
Montgomery's proposal would raise
the tax to eight cents.
House Speaker Don R. Pears (R-
Buchanan) indicated in his week-
ly newsletter issued yesterday that
House Republicans were open to
suggestions on any proposal to
retain the so-called nuisance
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), chairman of the Ways
and Means Committee, asked Gov.
Swainson on Monday when he
wanted to meet with members of
the budget committees. Such a
meeting was hinted at last week.
Let Them Know
"The governor told me he didn't
know if it would do much good and
he would let us know when he
made up his mind," Engstrom
Swainson had indicated he
would give "thoughtful considera-
tion" to extension of the nuisance
taxes to increase the budget, but
he did not say which taxes, or
how much money.
House Democrats are expected
to try to add to the higher educa-
tion appropriation to raise it to
the level proposed by the gover-
nor. Last week Democratic minor-
ity leader Joseph J. Kowalski of
Detroit admitted that the Demo-
crats did not have the votes to
pass appropriation boosts and
would have to depend on GOP
votes to win.
He did not know where these
votes would come from, unless the
constituents of representatives
from areas like Ann Arbor and
Kalamazoo-which have universi-
ties-"would indicate their desire
for the increase."
GOP Pushes
LANSING W-House Republi-
cans yesterday launched a move to
revive a controversial unemploy-
ment compensation bill that died
in a Senate committee last week.
The measure was attached to
another labor bill already approv-
ed in the Senate and readied for
debate this week.
Republicans mustered their full
strength last month to push the
bill through the House without a
vote to spare, thinking it would
get clear sailing in the GOP-con-
trolled Senate.,

Say Revolt
To Continue
ALGIERS (A1) -Underground
pamphlets proclaimed yesterday
that ex-Gen. Raoul Salan has
taken over command of rebellious
settlers in their fight to oppose
Algerian independence.
The pamphlets were signed by
"Organization Secret Army," the
major resistance group, and an-
nounced that "the fight goes on."
In Seville, Generalissimo Fran-
cisco Franco yesterday denied any
Spanish responsibility in Salan's
escape from Spain to join last
week's Algerian military revolt
against French President Charles
de Gaulle.,
Window Escape
Salan is believed to have crawled
through a window in his Madrid
hotel apartment April 23 to escape
to Algiers. The retired general had
been in Madrid for six months and
the French government had asked
Spanish officials to make sure he
remained there.
Salan and two other retired gen-
erals who took part in the anti-de
Gaulle uprising still are being
sought in Algeria.
Franco said the Spanish people
rejoice in the return to normality
in Algeria.
Regrets Damage
"We are the first to regret the
damage that French division might
cause to one of the vital elements
of Western defense," he said.
Franco spoke before a gathering
of officers following military ma-
Ex-Gen. Maurice Challe, who
surrendered after the April 22
coup, was described in the revolu-
tionary group pamphlets as a trai-
tor. No mention was made of the
other former generals, Andre Zel-
ler and Edmond Jouhaud who,
with Salan, were 'described by
authorities as being in flight.
Authorities pressed on with a
sweeping purge of administrative
services, the widest known in the
history of this turbulent city.
Twenty-seven out of 51 general
councillors, members of the Algiers
department administrative coun-
cil, were suspended for siding with
the short-lived putsch.
Presents Case
In Riot Trial
prosecution charged yesterday that
Robert J. Meisenbach's lawyers
were trying to use "a big, dirty
brush to paint out" the real issue
in the city hall demonstration
trial - whether the 23-year-old
student struck an officer with his
own billy club.
Walter Giubbini, assistant dis-
trict attorney, neared the end of
his closing argument to the jury
with emphasis on the definitionof
the charge against Meisenbach,
assault with a deadly weapon.
"The jury should adjudge the
credibility of all the witnesses,"
Giubbini added. "Are they telling
the whole truth, or half truths?
There's no question but what there
were a lot of people in the City
Hall rotunda last May 13 and
things happened quickly."
Giubbini insisted that instead
of seeing police strike Meisenbach,
as he and some defense witnesses
testified, what happened was that
officers were crouched over him
trying to handcuff him.
The University of California
senior is accused of striking an
officer during the demonstration
outside the hearing room of the

House Un-American Activities
Committee. He was one of 64 per-
sons arrested. Misdemeanor charg-
es against the others later were


't Lao


r--- ---04



Weather Postpones
Spaceman's Flight
CAPE CANAVERAL (JP)-Storms yesterday halted an attempt to
hurl astronaut Alan B. Shepard aloft as America's first spaceman
and it was reliably reported that another try will not be made until
The postponement was announced as Shepard, named only a few
hours before as this nation's first space pilot, prepared to leave his,
ready room for the trip to the launch pad.
He removed his silver space suit to wait once again the begin-
ning of the countdown on the Redstone rocket which is to hurl him

Council Set
For Report
Prof. William Haber, chairman
of the Commission on Year Round
Integrated Operation of the Uni-
versity, and Prof. Stephen Spurr,
its executive secretary, will appear
before Student Government Coun-
cil tonight to discuss the work of
the commission.
The commission was appointed
by University President Harla'.
Hatcher early in March. It is
"looking into the general prob-
lems" connected with the Univer-
sity's going into full-year opera-
tion within the next two years,
Prof. Spurr said.
The commission will submit its
report to President Hatcher within
two weeks.
Consider Four Alternatives
The commission is considering
the quarter system and the tri-
mester system among four alter-
natives, but has "put more time"
on the conventional semester plan
with an expanded summer session
and a "split third semester plan,"
which combines features of the
trimester and expanded-summer-
session plans, Prof. Spurr ex-
He explained that the commis-
sion wished to discuss the several
plans with students before it re-
sports its recommendations.
SGC will go into committee-of-
the-whole discussions concerning
the Peace Corps, restructuring of
the council and the role of ex-
officios on the council.
Several To Appear
Alan and Judy Guskin, grads.,
are scheduled to appear befnre
SGC on behalf of the corps and
Vice-President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis will take part in
the discussion on restructuring.
The council will also consider a
motion by Kenneth McEldowney,
'62, and acting Daily editor, John
Roberts, '62, that it "endorse the
basic idea of a peace corps" and
oppose security clearance as a part
of the normal selection routine.
Executive Vice-President Per
Hanson, '62, will submit appoint-
ments to the interviewing board
for the committee on membership
of the regional executive commit-
tee of the National Student As-
sociation for approval.
Administrative Vice - President
John Martin, '62, will submit for
approval appointments to SGC'3
Interviewing and Nominating



115 miles into space and drop him
290 miles down range after an
arcing suborbital flight.
Morning Announcement
The National Aeronautics and
Space Administration (NASA) an-
nounced' at 7:40 a.m. that the
launching was postponed because
of foul weather both at the Cape
and in the intended down-range
recovery zone. It said that the
shot would be postponed at least
48 hours.
The weather forecast for Thurs-
day was encouraging, but then
came a report that the rocket it-
self was in trouble.
An informed source reported
that an X-ray examination of the
Redstone showed a liquid oxygen
line had been damaged during the
fueling operation as scientists
prepared the missile for launching
yesterday. .
This will require an additional
day to repair, the source said.
Oxygen Oxidizer
Liquid oxygen is employed as an
oxidizer for the high-powered ker-
osene which propels the rocket.
The source also reported that if
the launching is not accomplished
by Sunday, it will have to be post-
poned at least a week.
This is because of logistics and
supply problems involving the
seven Navy ships waiting in the
down range recovery area. NASA
originally had set Saturday as the
cutoff date, but a check with the
ships yesterday showed they could
remain on station through Sun-
Space agency officials had no
comment on the reported Friday
date. They were sticking to their
original statement of at least a
48-hour delay.
Official States
New Policies
Ward Peterson, director of the
summer placement service, said
yesterday he is aware that he can-
not discourage bearded students
from equal use of the service's fa-
He told Evart Ardis, director of
the Bureau of Appointments, that
he will carry out the University's
policy of servicing all students.
Several bearded students had
complained that Peterson denied
them the opportunity to register
with the placement service and to
fill out the applications which are
referred to visiting employers.
Ardis said he had been unaware
of this policy. "The Bureau of Ap-
pointments claims no jurisdiction
over an applicant's grooming," he

-AP wirephoto
IN CONFERENCE-Cambodia's Prince Norodom Sihanouk and
Gen. Phoumi Nosavan are shown during a news conference at
Vientiane, Laos. General Nosavan, military man of the Laotian
government, announced that fighting has stopped on the front
north of Vientiane for negotiations.
Kennedy, Council Confer
As Laos FightigEases
WASHINGTON (AP) - Heartened by reports of a partial truce
in the Laotian fighting, President John F. Kennedy conferred again.
yesterday with the National Security Council.
It was the President's second meeting in two days with the top-
level strategy board, and their fifth- session in 11 days. Decisions
reached at these private White 'House conferences are seldom an-
With pressure easing slightly in the Laotian crisis, the prime
focus of discussion was reported shifting to another acute problem-
the stalemated United States-<. -

British effort to negotiate a nu-
clear test ban agreement with the
Dean Attends Meeting
Arthur H. Dean, United States
representative at the Geneva ne-
gotiations, and John J. McCloy,
Kennedy's disarmament adviser,
attended the meeting which lasted
an hour and 15 minutes.
Dispatches from Vientiane said
a government negotiator had ar-
ranged to begin cease-fire negotia-
tions with the pro-Communist re-
bels under a provisional truce.
A State Department spokesman
reffirmed United States readiness
to attend an international con-
ference on Laos "once an effective
cease-fire has been verified."
Conference Possible
If the eight-month-old civil war
can be halted, a 14-nation confer-
ence would be convened in Geneva
May 12 to work out Laos' political
future, but the delay in arranging
a cease-fire has been arousing
fears of a spread in the conflict.
The State Department spokes-
man said there had been virtually
no fighting in Laos Monday, and
there was no information here of
any resumption of the Communist
Prior to the Security Council
meeting, Kennedy had his weekly
conference with Democratic Con-
gressional leaders and Sen. Mike
Mansfield of Montana reported
afterward he was unaware of any
plan to send United States troops
into Laos.
Mansfield, the Senate majority
leader, said he knew of no plan,
to write off Laos and concentrate
on the defense of other South-
east Asian countries against the
threat of Communist penetration.


Calls Attack
Group Error
WASHINGTON (W) -After two
days of hearings on the United
States role in the Cuban invasion,
Sen. J. William Fulbright (D-Ark)
said yesterday the operation as a
whole was a mistake for which
there was a "collective responsi-
Fulbright, chairman of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee,
said he meant the responsibility of
the White House, the Defense De-
partment, the Central Intelligence
Agency and the State Department.
President John F. Kennedy has
said that as chief executive he
shoulders responsibility for United
States involvement.
Comments to Newsmen
Fulbright made his comments to
newsmen after his committee spent
about four hours questioning CIA
officials, including Director Allen
W. Dulles and Richard M. Bissell,
Jr., deputy director for plans. The
Latin American subcommittee of
the parent committee heard Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk Monday
behind closed doors.-
Fulbright said he wouldn't fore-
close the possibility of further
hearings. He said it would be up to
the committee to decide whether
to call in military leaders for ques-
Before the committee chairman
spoke, Sen. Frank Church (D-
Idaho) told newsmen the Cuban
invasion was "poorly conceived."
Explains Statement
"I assume our military advisers
are involved there, unless the CIA
is involved in military strategy,"
Church added.
"The invasion action would ap-
pear to have been inadequately
conceived in terms of the size of
the force involved."
-Church said that the two days
of hearings led him to conclude
that a dual mistake was made.
"Communism can't be shot down
in Latin America," he said. "It
must be shown up, and this should
be the object of our policy.
"But when a resort to arms was
taken in Cuba, then the error was
compounded by allowing a cor-
poral's guard to attempt an army's
Consider Plan

Area Heads
By Meeting
Nehru Predicts End
Of War in Far East
Within Three Days
LONDON (P)-The Pathet
Lao radio early this morning
appealed to all fighting units
of the pro-Communist rebels
in Laos to cease fire at 8 p.m.
(EST) today.
The broadcast was report-
ed by the British Broadcast-
ing Corporation monitoring
No other details were given.
VIENTIANE --A government
negotiator won a partial truce
on the Laotian fighting' ront and
began negotiations yesterday for
agreement by the pro-Communist
rebels on a nationwide cease-fire.
In a move hailed as one of the.
few really encouraging signs aft-
er eight months of civil war, Col.
Siho Lamholinthakhoun of the
pro-Western government's army
arranged another meeting with a
rebel officer yesterday in no-
man's land 45 miles north of here.
Gen. Phoumi Nosavan, deputy
premier and military strongman,
said their first meeting Monday
brought what he called a provi-
sional and theoretical end to the
fighting in the region around Vang
Khy and the Nam Lik River Val-
Sees Hope
Foreign Minister Tiao Sopsal-
sana said fighting may continue
now in areas nearer Vientiane and
elsewhere but Premier Boun Oum's
cabinet was encouraged to hope
that the first contact could lead
to a general cease-fire.
Britain and the Soviet Union,
co-chairmen of the 1954 Indo-
china Peace Conferenceheld in
Geneva, called a week ago for a
cease-fire as the first step to
peace. It would be followed by a
14-nation conference in Geneva
May 12 to work out Laos' politi-
cal future, but the West has in-
sisted that the fighting stop be-
fore the conferees meet.
(In New Delhi, where the truce
supervisory commission composed
of India, Canada and Poland wait-
ed for word to enter Laos, India's
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
predicted the cease-fire would
come "within a day or two -- or
maybe even three days."
Goes North
The Laotian foreign minister
said Siho-whose given name
means literally "more than hap-
py"-was sent north again for the
second meeting with instructions
to negotiate a nationwide cease-
The first meeting was held for
the sole purpose of establishing a
contact for further negotiations,
Sopsaisana said, and political ar-
rangements were to be discussed
Political arrangements presum-
ably would provide for an armis-
tice and a representative group of
Laotian politicians to attend the
14-nation peace conference In
Naval Forces
Leave Games
The aircraft carrier Coral Sea and

other United States Navy ships
have split away from a SEATO
exercise, and this set off specula-
tion yesterday that some were
headed for the Gulf of Siam.
The Gulf is one of the approach-
es to landlocked Laos, where big
power efforts are being made to-
ward a cease fire to stop civil war
between Communists and others.
'Q*~ah c~rrrc a_. , c .a a a

Conductor's Life Filled with Music

Thor Johnson, returning as guest
conductor with the Philadelphia
Orchestra in his fifteenth consecu-
tive appearance at the May Festi-
val, is living proof that life can be
filled with music.
Johnson, who has been rehears-
ing for the past week with the
Choral Union, believes in taking
part in or creating an orchestra
wherever he goes.
T~~.-nn - a i m.. .. rra.~ in.+A

our musicians ready for a morn-
ing performance before Koussevit-
zky, Arthur Fiedler and the deans
of the music school."
Enabled Tour
It was through this encourage-
ment that the Little Symphony
was able to make its concert tours.
Koussevitzky told Johnson that
he "must study in Europe" and
in 1935 Johnson was awarded the
Beebe Fellowship which allowed
him a year of study in Europe.

accept the directorship of the
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra.
Since 1958 Johnson has been
serving on the Advisory Committee
on the Arts to the President, which
has allowed him to travel around
the world for guest-conducting
and surveys.
Presently Johnson is director of
orchestral activities at Northwest-
ern University.
Rare Rewards
tC TT __9_ _. . ._2 .- _L _- . - . .. 5_1_


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