'N Seventy-First Year org_ - EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE uNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN lions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF $TUDENT PUBLICATIONS ill Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 als printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.' 2; 1961, NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARRELL -r Coeducational Living A Welcome prospect NSIDERING the possibility of coeduca- I housing, Interquadrangle Council has n one of the pragmatic solutions to the faction apparent in the dormitory sys- r the present arrangements quadrangles ke prisons to the residents; they are y and do not view them as a living unit y as housing. In a coeducation situa- uch of this would change. Residents feel as though the quadrangles-or ries-were actually a center of social male companionship, would be readily e within, rather than outside the struc-, vents like movies, dances and open, would attract more attention with all s participating. University abanydoned coeducational when Mary Markely was built. But or of this move is apparent from the of an East Quadrangle Associate Ad- ho said that the atmosphere of that g is so much more pleasant .and social omen are present. E HAVE BEEN two objections to the ige; first there is the question of moral- d, second whether the increased .social- ill interfere with academic performance.' he first, there is no reason to believe orals would change. Certainly, no one 'eating bringing women into the same as men. he second, a more relaxed atmosphere would probably help study. The residence halls would seei more natural places, more closely resembling a home situation. Further, many of the secondary questions in the dormitories would be resolved. There would probably be little or no need of dress regulations in common areas such as dining rooms. Much of the rowdiness and vandalism occuring in all-male units, like noisy parties, stealing silverware and dishes and spilling salt shakers would quickly disappear. People would tend to monitor their own behavior and ap- pearance in a heterosexual group; their action and the consequences of them would take on a new meaning. COEDUCATIONAL HOUSING would also cir- cumvent two of the biggest mistakes the University ever made: Mary Markley and South Quadrarigle. Their unpleasantness is ap- parent in their 'very construction. Individuality is purposely kept to a minimum. While these inherent defects cannot be corrected, the pres-, ence of women would change the atmosphere of the place enough to take the residents minds off the structural defects.'-, A coeducational situation would to a degree remove the feeling that the University is trying to run a student's life. It would not look as though the University were actually trying to prevent friendships by placing artificial bar-, riers of distance between men and women. HERE IS PRECEDENT for such liberaliza- tion. Notably, UCLA and the University of Chicago maintain such dormitories. They have been successful both from the point of view of the schools and students concerned. The Utniversity as well once maintained a coeduca-. tional residence hall in East Quad. If the University is truly interested in solving the problems bf "the residence halls, coeduca- tional housing is one of the most immediate and practical means of humanizing the quad- rangles. -DAVID MARCUS "It's All Right To Seat Them, They're Not Americans" 1 t _ _ _ __ y . --im (a . 4 t ' 4 is' r , -" i s . ' , - -t INTERPRETING THE NEWS: U.S. Shifts Approach From Peace to War By J. M. ROBERTS Associated Press News Analyst T HE CUBAN and Southeast Asian situations have propelled the United States into an agonizing reappraisal of its whole approach to both hot and cold war throughout the world. To oversimplify the Kennedy Administration's original approach to foreign policy, it was to provide an ample position of military strength as a safety measure, a deterrent and as a background for negotiations looking toward East-West settlements. SINCE THE DEFEAT in Cuba and the prospect that Laos can be saved only by direct military intervention, not through negotiations in which the Communists will have a very decisive upper hand-and in the face of a very serious armed threat to all Southeast Asia- the idea of negotiating for general agreements has been placed on the back burner. Top'officials who discussed the nation's aims with several hundred editors and columnists in Washington this week had almost nothing to say.about the prospects for negotiation. Force for the 'immediate problems, education and economic stability for. the emerging countries for a very long pull, are the measures paramountin Washington thought today. BATTLE UNITS already were being trained under' what is, for the United States, a new concept of paramilitary (guerrilla) support for internal defenders against Communist tactics as displayed in South Viet Nain, for instance. The capability for use of similar-tactics on the offensive-in such places as North Viet Nam'if political de- cisions call for it, is also being developed. (Insofar as Viet Nam in concerned, these preparations may be too late). Unconventional war has now become conventional in Asia, and is expected to develop elsewhere as the Communists spread their campaign to create political dissension in the smaller countries and then take advantage of It with paramilitary action. * * * * THERE ARE STILL no road markers along the political avenues to paramilitary intervention without violating traditional sensibilities both at home and among America's allies. But there is growing emphasis that the survival of western institutions may depend upon the answers. There are still many people in Washington assigned to study means and methods of negotiated peace, and they work at it. But thinking in general seems to have been forced off that road onto a long detour. [DAILY" OFFCABULTN ....r' r @;9Gt T I i.t, N'+iN3trro f FbST f,°" EFFORT NEEDED:-- Te Case of Peace Cash T DIRECTOR David Bell sat in on weekend's meetings concerning the is. e planning a return to Dollar Diplo- -P. SHERMAN Kennedy's First Blunder IESIDENT KENNEDY'S DECISION to launch the United States-backed invasion of a may reflect a new trend in American: ign policy or, perhaps, the tactics behind Cuban blunder were the inevitable results action taken by the Eisenhower adminis- ion in whose footsteps the new president forced to follow. a either case Kennedy should profit from itter lesson. Now is not the time to sow the Is of remorse. How the president will handle" Cuban crisis, if, in fact, it is one, this' Ik and in the weeks to come is' far more+ iortant than the sorry episode of the past. 'he first and ,perhaps, only substantial in- ation that can be gleaned from the reams news service tapes which flooded the offices the American press last week, is that the. sident seems committed to a firmer hold Lnd -the necks of the Communists. *He ke in no uncertain terms regarding his ntiVon to choke off red infiltration of the' stern Hemisphere. But his "go it alone" icy may indeed be an overestimation of problem, an excess whose net gains will be ely limited. HRUSHCHEV HAS WARNED that dirty politics lies on a two-way street. And to the itral nations of Africa and Asia, whose' apathy, the free world cannot afford to e, the United States has again fallen down- n her loft of democratic ideals. :n their eyes we were indisputably the essor. It is no secret that the anti-Castro ces which invaded the Cuban beaches, and e, defeated in less than 72 hours by the nmunist controlled Latin American govern- ut, were trained and supplied by the Subviersive HANKS to their intrepid political leaders, the citizens of New York are now safe mi subversive drivers. Governor Rockefeller ured us of this vital protection by signing a to revoke the automobile driver's license of r person convicted of advocating the over- ow of the Federal Government. s there- really nothing too childish to be ie in the name of fighting communism? It y not be surprising that this probably un- istitutional bit of jingoism could sail through Legislature. But it is sad .that a Governor cwn throughout the state and nation as a oral would sign this silly bill. -THE NEW YORK TIMES' -- - - . United States which gave full approval of the action. Accusations of "imperialism" and "colonial- ism" flowed in abundance from the foreignd press. The London Daily Express lent its moral support to the Kennedy mission in its early hours. But when the alarm which had been set failed to go off as planned, the President was suddenly left holding the bag. The 7-ondon Daily Mail dubbed the defeat "a shocking blow to American prestige." We cannot afford to again puace ourselves in such a precarious ,position. If the calculated invasion had been successful only our enemies could have scorned us. When we failed we lost the sympathy of our allies as well. And, more important, the aggressive course which we seem set upon may repulse prospective friends, whom we have now impressed as well with our military weakness. 7H E GROSS MISCALCULATIONS of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose job it is to advise the National Security Council on military matters, are inexcusable in the eyes of the world. The organization has performed a dual' function since its establishment in 1947. Under the direction of Allen Dulles, who succeeded General Walter Bedell Smith as director, the agency is both an intelligence- gathering organization and an operation group., CIA has performed such duties as espionage and sabotage for the NSC. The question of the advisability of the dual role of the organization has been raised before. It appears that CIA took an operational in- terest in proving that its intelligence calcula- tions were correct. The Cuban scene was set before Kennedy took office in January. The Eisenhower ad- ministration openly encouraged CIA's activities and gave support to the training and arming of the anti-Castro exiles. CIA WENT WRONG in two specific areas. They underestimated the quantity of Com- munist-arms which Castro had at his dis- posal, and they overestimated support from the Cuban people themselves for the anti- Castro invaders. Now we are faced with the facts that the pro-Communist leaders has gained a stronger hold over the island and that he is well supplied with munitions for warfare. How strong is this threat which lies so close to the United States mainland? Kennedy, himself, has admitted that Cuba is a greater worry for the Latin American countries than it is for the United States. Castro up to now has not attempted to use his military power against any. other Caribbean nation. If he attempts to do so, we have cause to take action. But before that time any armed United States intervention is clearly incongruent with former foreign policy. By GAIL EVANS Daily Staff writer MILITARY EXPERTS predicta war in the next ten, jears. Scientists predict incomprehen- sible devastation from a nuclear halocaust. Yet the amount of study and money being put into analyzing the causes of war and Isolating the steps, toward peace is infinitisemal compared *o the' amount of effort. going into the production of weapons. "There are 90 people working on disarmament, compared to 90,- 000 working on armaments,' Prof. Kenneth Boulding laments. Recently, at a unique seminar at the Conflict Resolution Cen- ter, Prof. Boulding and others demonstrated their concern for the problem of world peace. Members' of the Center' met with "The Walkers," a pacifist group, who were in Ann Arbor on their Walk for Peace from San Francisco toj Moscow, and informally batted around ideas concerning the ends and means of world peace. * * * THE BIG QUESTION accord- ing to Prof. Boulding is "if you want peace what do you have to do? The existing values will pro- duce war. What has to be changed to alter these values?" Certainly, society no longer nur- tures romantic ideas about the glories of war. With the advent of nuclear weapons war as such has become totally obsolescent. Even the economic aspects of war cannot be- the cause of most chauvinistic "values." Business- men may not be opposed to cold war, but it is difficult to believe that they could be so short- sighted as to promote a hot war. Today military defeat is synony- mous with economic and social destruction. * * * PROF. BOULDING correctly as- serts that society's encouragement of the arms race could well lead to war. Society is not willing to totally disarm. We have not reached that stage of political and intellectual maturity. There is the ever-present fear that not all na- tions would scrupulously enforce the banning of arms and one law- breaker would rise and take over the World. The reason "The Walkers" are seelking disarmament is that they,, as well as many others, fear the advent of accidental war. After the' "Side-Winder incident" early last month, the possibility of a me- chanical failure setting off a major war has become frighteningly evident to all. Men aboard subs armed with Polaris missiles carrying nuclear war-heads are another potential source of unintentional war. After being submerged for several months, might not tensions pcause a temporary insanity-and ever- lasting destruction? "THE WALKERS" espouse the cause of non-violent resistance as a substitute for all-out world con- flict. They assert that the United States should disarm whether the USSR follows suit or not.dy The U.S. would undoubtedly' avoid a nuclear war thrpugh this policy, since Russia could become dominant without the atom. But the problem we face is whether we, want to risk possible dominaton by outsiders with another politicsl philosophy or whether we should. take the chance of war in order to preserve our way of life. Prof. Boulding offers one other solution besides universal dis- armament or non-violent resist- ence. He proposes that a union of the world's armed forces be creat- ed. The united armies would no longer represent the people of the state who are paying for them. Once the unification of the various militaries was accomplished, they would merely become "decorative" bodies-ineffective, useless. Though the practicallity of this suggestion is extremely doubtful, one wonders whether Secretary of State Rusk's proposal for a stand- ing UN army might not be a first step along the line of de-nation- alization of the world's armed forces. CERTAINLY, it is our moral obligation to strive to solve the problem of lasting world peace. Presently, Russia and the United States are close to forming ;a committee on arms control. But the public cannot expsact the government alone to initiate world peace. As one of the Walkers lamented, "Everyone waits for the institution to change. It just does- n't happen by magic. The in- dividual must take action." On this basis the value of peace move- ments like "The Walkers" be-, cOmnes evident. The role bf the University's Conflict Resolution Center is also important on the same grounds. It is a group of individuals com- mitted to developing indicies of world conflict and tension. One member of the group laughingly called the organization "Survival Incorporated." Survival is certainly apressing question. No one can afford to 'for- get the fact that the more nu- clear weapons produced, the greater the chance of an acci- dental war. Whatever the initial cause of World War III might be, the resulting effect will be cata- strophic for world society. Our' present goal should be to equalize the ration between spending for war and spending for peace. Tiumph 4AY the United Nations act to-, day in such fashion that reason will triumph over force. The very fate of the United Na- tions is at stake. The lessons of history teach us to be vigilant. The old United Nations turned a deaf ear to the appeals of such nations as Ethio- pia, and this fatal failing in the end brought about the downfall of that organization. all peace-loving nations, and more particularly the smaller countries must make every effort to induce the governments of Cuba and the . United States to settle peacefully this dispute which has set them against each other. -Mr. Doumboya of Guinea in the UN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, MAY 2 General Notices Examinations: The last doctoral for- eign language reading examinations this semester will be given on June 1. Since facilities for the examinations are lim- ited, it will be wise for persons. wish- ing to be examined before the close of the semester to sign up as soon as' possible for a specific examination dtate. Contact the Foreign Language Exam- iner, 3028 Rackham Bldg., to set an examination date.' Preliminary Examinations fdr the Doc- torate in Education: All applicants for the doctorate who are planning to take the Mayi preliminary examinations in Education, May 29, 30, 21, and June 1, must file their names in the Graduate Office in Educatiop., 4019 University High School, not later thAn May 5. ' Graduating Seniors: Order caps and gowns immediately from Moe's Sport Shop, 711 North University, Mon.-Sat. $:30-5:30. Approval for the following student- sponsored activities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. May 3 Political Issues Club, Speaker L. A. P. Gosling, "Communism in South East Asia," Union room 3-C, 7:30 p.m. Agenda: Student Government Council May 3, 1961, 7:30 P.M., Council Room Constituents' Time 9:00 Minutes of previous meeting. 'Officers Report's: President. Letters. Exec.evice-President, Interim Action; Change in interview procedure; Ap- pointments, Interviewing Board for Comm. on Membership; Regional Exec- utive Committee (NSA). Admin. vice-President, Appointments; Interviewing and Nominating Commit- tee.V Treasurer, Financial Report. Standing Committees: Recognitions Committee, Baptist Student Union -- permanent recognition. Ad Hoc Committees and Related Boards: Special Business: Commission on Year-Round Integrated Operation on the University. Old Business: Discussion of Ex-offi- cios; Restructure of Council. New Business: Peace Corps. Constituents' Time. Announcements. Adjournment. Foreign Visitors Following are' the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program arrange- ments are being made by the Inter- national Center: Mrs. Henry J. Meyer. Johannes W. Acda, Head, Central Programme Service,."Radio Nederland," Hilversum, The Netherlands, May 1-3. Prof. Roberto F. Raufet (Mrs. Raufet will accompany him), Asst. Inspector General of Secondary Education (Re- tired). Federal Ministry of Education, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2-4. Dr. Wolfgang Geiseler, Chief of Mu- sic Dept., RIAS, Sender Freies Berlin, Germany, May 3-5. Prof.' Carios E. Vargas Mendez, Direc- tor of University Choir and Prof. of Music Appreciation, Univ. of Costa Rica, San Jose, Costa Rica, May 4-8. Dr. Youssef Shaqra, Secretary Gen- eral, Ministry of Culture & Nat'l Guid- ance for the Syrian Region, Syria, Unit- ed Arab Republic, May 4-7. Group of 1Professors and Students (Bolivia), Dept. ofsEconomics, Univer- sity of Tomas Frias, Potosi, Bolivia, May 8. 1Ikrogram arrangements for the fol- lowing visitor are being made by the Law School, Professor william J. Pierce, Director of the Legislative Research Center. Dr. John Koo, Legal Adviser to Atomic Energy Council, Republic of China., Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, April 26-May 3. Program arrangements for the fol- lowing visitor are being made by School of Music: Ross Lee Finney. Ioannis Papaioannou, Musician; Ar- chitect, and Deputy Director of Re- search project,' Athens Technological Institute, Athens, Greece, May 2-6. Events Wednesday Sociology Colloquium: A panel dis- cussion of Comparative Social Research: Turkey, England and Yugoslavia by Dr. Oguz Ari, Univ. of Istanbul, and Mrs. Mara -Julius, Yugoslavia, in East Con- ference Rm., Rackham Bldg., May 3, 4:15 p.m. Doctoral Examination for C arles Robert Donnelly, Education; thesis: "The Preparation, Functions, ant Cer- tification of Public' Junior College Teachers in Michigan," Wed., May 3, 4200G U.H.S., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, M. M. Chambers. Doctoral Examination for Sol Gittle- man, Comparative Literature; thesis: "The Reception of Edward Fitzgerald's 'Rubalyat of Omxar Khayyam' in Eng- land'and in Germany," Wed., May 3, 1210 Angell Hall, at 4:00 p.m. Co-Chair- men, Austin Warren and O. G. Graf. Placement . PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appointments-Seniors & grad. stu. (Continued on Page 5) ..... ,, I J F FEIFFER vm 65ftPI iO W0eAVr56 OM16 AmpT~oK 5sa~bT6Rr- WLOIRW1 1g~e fOR AP) Ate" rvUOlf tI Moo6K. J.LcIM 4 og t ~W. 5p }Df BA Ni i So £or'Fs C RP 00C1.1 'b MV N IT HAD SEN O. 'OP R OV fO~R54 6acOF THE ~CROWc' 60ATO T60 00'r A N'A1'URAL. tE6Af26g. 50 t TOOK CAG' °tl1+3EODK S' 6(46R 0CAO THEff LaWW ~ S, To. ie (06 £JV O F096 -M}e GAS! :~ Tcli , SV5 r4 t W6R If ~ AM BAL A5 THMS W 0611WPARK I(LD~l1 rMSIST 'Mr. tO4U0541 ;, N{;55 15 C L _ toAIoTEuD fO STAq tfTffi1JTH6,I AW CAL"f- GRAS RD'TORA2. AFTR -Rio MOE HOURS. (A[ -"L -C, s~ or ROP6 96SPCCT FJK T-H67 Nqwwkmdiwmm .. B ROK-6N)!' gvr ogre tuwrr Foe U15f 51REI). IF LWe Crte'A 866T 0 l66 M AgS I OD) AmpD T16 Li4I& O 6''L 3ComeS 4AJZu Soot) 3- I ol T8O . fCAi/ft Editorial: Staff E