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For Sol
King Attacks
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U.S. Leaders
Meet, Weigh
Top Strategy Group
Ponders Rising Crisis
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - President
John F. Kennedy and a reinforced
National Security Council met for
two hours yesterday and pondered
the rising crisis in Laos.
Another meeting of the top
strategy group was called at once
for 3 p.m. today.
There was no immediate an-
nouncement-and later disclosures
were considered unlikely-of any
decisions that might have been
The United States has been
weighing carefully risks of- inter-
vening directly in Laos along with
its allies and the risks of not in-
tervening. The administration also
has been considering taking the
Laotian issue to the United Na-
tions Security Council if cease-fire
efforts misfire.
United States intelligence re-
ported that the Soviet arms air-
lift to pro-Communist Pathet Lao
rebels slackened off sharply Sun-
day from its previous 20-planes-
daily average.
But otherwise, the picture drawn
here was increasingly pessimistic
about the chances for a peaceful
settlement of the Laos crisis to
forestall a Communist takeover.
3 hea res '
integration of three downtown
Lexington theatres . has been
agreed upon by their managers
and the Congress of Racial Equal-
The agreement, calling for
"progressive integration," will al-
low Negroes to be admitted 'only
on certain days. Integration will
not start until "a few weeks from
now," a spokesman said. '
The agreement also includes a
"mutually satisfactory under-
standing" that lawsuits" pending
against CORE will in effect not
be prosecuted. A case involving 11
CORE members arrested at a
noisy disturbance at one of the
theatres is scheduled for trial June
-AP Wirephoto
EX-PRESIDENT SPEAKS-Former President Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday saw grave dangers in
congressional "witch hunts" on United States errors in the Cuban situation. Eisenhower, who sup-
ports President John F. Kennedy's stand, also announced that he had cancelled his trip to Japan.
The State Department requested him not to go because of tensions over Cuba and Laos that might
lead to riots in the Oriental nation.
U.S.Rejects Armied Intrvet
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WASHINGTON (') - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk told senators
yesterday the United States has
no plans whatsoever for armed in-
tervention' in Cuba as former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
warned against an unfair investi-
gation of the situation.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore) said
Rusk made it equally clear, how-
ever, that if Cuban Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro commits aggres-
sion, like an attack on the United
States naval base at Guantanamo,
the United States "will defend
Rusk was initerrogated for three
hours at a closed-door session of'
the Senate Foreign Relations Sub-
committee on Latin American Af-
fairs, of which Morse is chairman.
Warns Against 'Witch Hunt'
As yesterday's subcommittee
briefing got under way former
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
said the last thing Congress should
do now is conduct "a witch hunt"
investigation of United States in-
volvement in the invasion failure.
Eisenhower, speaking at a news
conference in Gettysburg, Pa., did
not specify any target.
He conceded it was his admin-
istration that decided the United
States should train and equip the
refugees who staged the abortive
invasion of 'Cuba.
Exiles Demand Action
The decision was reached, he
said, after demands by refugees
that something be done about
Castro. Eisenhower described the
Cuban prime minister as a "dic-
tator worse than his predecessor,"
Fulgencio Batista.
After the decision, Eisenhower,
said, nothing more was done while
he was in office.
No Intervention Plans
"The secretary made it clear the
United States has no plans to pro-
ceed with an American armed in-
tervention in Cuba," Morse told
"The secretary said that rumors
and statements that the United
States .is planning, because of the
bloody nose we suffered, further
military intervention in Cuba, has
no basis in fact whatsoever."
Morse said Rusk made a' full,
factual and "open breast9d state-
ment" in which he testified the
ill-starred April 17 invasion was
made by Cuban exiles on their
own decision, "but they did have
training, arms and financial as-
sistance" from the United States
Queried on Fiasco
Asked about the role played by
the State Department in the fias-
co, Morse replied:
"I'm satisfied it was a joint
participant with the Defense De-
partment, the Central Intelligence
Agency and the White House.
The inquiry will be resumed this
afternoon when Allen W. Dulles,
director of the CIA, testifies be-
fore the full foreign relations
Cuba Displays
d P
Military Might
For May Day
HAVANA P-The Cuban revo-
lution mobilized its military might
and regimented masses yesterday
in a formidable demonstration
marking May Day,
Hundreds of thousands of Cub-
ans marched and sang in a giant
parade through the flag-decked
streets of this capital. Similar pa-
rades on a smaller scale were
staged throughout the island re-
Prominent among the marchers
here were vast numbers of mili-
tiamen and soldiers, all superbly
equipped and well - disciplined.
Both forces displayed an impres-
sive variety of Czechoslovak small
arms and seemed familiar with
Much in evidence also were large
numbers of heavy tanks, drawn up
along a street leading into the
Plaza de la Republica, where all
the marchers congregated for the
Students, trade unionists, ath-
letic groups, assorted young reb-'
el groups, and other revolutionary
organizations took part in the pa-
rade, which began around 7 a.m.
and continued through the morn-
World News Ro u'ndup
By The Associated Press
PARIS - President Charles de
Gaulle yesterday called key cabi-
net ministers to the Elysee Palace
to discuss new security measures
following last week's Algiers in-
Information Minister Louis Ter-
renoire told newsmen that the po-
lice will continue the operations
they started after the collapse of
the Algiers military Junta.
WASHINGTON-Senate - House
conferees agreed yesterday on a
minimum wage bill close to ad-
ministration aims and set the
scene for a rugged House battle
over this key part of the "New
Frontiers" program.
In composing differences be-
tween bills already passed by Sen-
ate and House, the conferees
agreed on raising the hourly min-
imum wage from $1 to $1.25 by
1963 and adding about 3,624,000
workers to the 24 million now
DETROIT-The River Rouge
Savings Bank was found guilty of
discrimination yesterday by the
Michigan Fair Employment Prac-
tices Commission.
In an order signed by Alex
Fuller, FEPC commissioner, the
bank was directed to offer Loy A.
Cohen, a Negro, a job as a teller
before May 31.
NEW YORK-Lynn Heinzerling,
an Associated Press foreign cor-
respondent for 22 years, won the
Pulitzer Prize for international re-
porting yesterday for his coverage
of trouble in the Congo.
The Pulitzer gold medal for pub-
lic service went to the Amarillo,
Tex., Globe-Times. It was cited for
a successful campaign to smash
corruption in local government.
The campaign led to a shakeup
in law enforcement and election
of a reform slate of officials.
A first novel, Harper Lee's "To
Kill a Mockingbird," and a first
play, Ted Mosel's "All the Way
Home," were the top literary win-
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
paraded its modern weapons of
war this May Day and Marshal
Rodion Y: Malinovsky boasted in
a keynote speech that Russian
armament is the best in the world.
observances here were followed by
a series of bombing attacks last
night against targets including
this city's old cathedral and a
United States airlines office.
The International Committee
of the Michigan Union
Consul of Israel, Chicago
speaking on