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May 02, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-02

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Y r e

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Warmer during the day,
frost again tonight

See Page 4



Job Aid Denied'
To Bearded Men
Students Say Peterson Discourages
Use of Summer Placement Service
Summer Placement Service Director Ward D. Peterson admitted
last night he has discouraged several bearded students from full use
of the service's facilities.
Peterson said he does not like to send people with beards out on
summer jobs as representatives of the University. Evert Ardis, director
of the Bureau of Appointments, said last night that the anti-beard
policies are not those of his bureau. He promised to examine the
Peterson said the policies originated with himself.
In several cases, Peterson has not given students the service's
normal application forms, from which their names would be given to
i siting emnloyer's re resentatives.

Calls Budget
Gov. John B. Swainson voiced
sharp disappointment yesterday in
the $462.4 million state spending
program put together by Repub-
lican budgetmakers in the Legis-
lature. -
"It is most inadequate to meet
the needs," he told a news con-
ference. "The legislature is not
meeting itsresponsib'lity."
GOP - controlled appropriations
committees in the House and Sen-
ate wrapped up the budget bills
last week and sent them to the
floor for final debate.
Lawmakers, returning tonighL to
start the next to the last week of
the 1961 session, have until next
Tuesday to act on the bills under
the timetable leading to adjourn-
The GOP budget, Swainson said,
will force staff reductions in a
number of state agencies.
"State police is a good case in
point," the governor said. "They
must pay the salary increases or-
dered by the Civil Service Com-
mission but without any bu.dget
increase, they will be forced to
reduce the size of the force."
A critical evaluation of indivi-
dual political philosophy is in-
dispensable for a Peace Corps
member going to an alien and pos-
sible hostile culture, Prof. Arnold
Kaufman, of the philosophy de-
partment said last night.
This examination will give the
member a clear picture of the na-
ture of his political commitment
and will enable him to react to
the hostileculture without shock
and anger, Kaufman said in the
talk on "Is a Political Philosophy
Necessary for Peace Corps Mem-
Itwill also make the individual
aware of other political alter-
natives, outside of the obvious
East-West systems.
Forced To Decide
For example, Americans who
realize that underdeveloped na-
tions are going to industrialize
are apt to believe that the nation
must choose between a frame-
work of Western political and in-
dustrial institutions or Commu-
nist political and industrial insti-
tutions, Prof. Kaufman said.
It doesn't occur to them that
these nations may find both sys-
tems deeply and irretrievably de-
ficient in moral stands and may
seek a third way.
If it is necessary for them to
modify thedemocratic political
system as Americans see itin or-
der to achieve their economic
goals, they are prepared to do so,
he said. The Peace Corps member
must be cognizant of these pos-
Valuable Evaluation
Such an evaluation is valuable
because "it penetrates to basic
supposition and develops deepened
reflective awareness of the in-
dividual's commitments. This is
mental liberation, not mental an-
U of D Men's Union
Tn End RnginP

The students have also not been
allowed to have employment resu-
mes duplicated, another regular
service. "If this has been dlone, it
is without our knowledge," Ardis
said. "Such a policy would not be
within our jurisdiction. If someone
prefers to wear a beard, that's his
Camp Job
Bearded Richard Rice, '62, went
to Placement Service yesterday
and expressed interest in a sum-
mer camp job. Peterson replied
that the service did not send out
people with beards. He then asked,
"Are you going to keep that thing
on?" and later, "Are you from the
United States?"
When Peterson asked Rice about
his previous camp experience, he
said, "Did you have the beard
then?" Finally Peterson told Rice
that he could use the files; how-
ever he did not give him an appli-
cation blank to fill out nor did he
ask him to sign a list kept of all
students who come to the Bureau.
Normally an applicant signs his
name, address and telephone num-
ber on a list. He then receives an
information sheet on summer
placement service which states,
"Please read this before complet-
ing application or looking through
the files."
Requests Job
Later yesterday Phillip Ramp,
'62, went in and requested a job in
the West. When he was told to
look through the files, he asked if
there was anything to be signed.
Peterson replied, "No."
He copied the names and ad-
dresses of three employers from
the files. Peterson told him to
write letters of application, but
again answered that there was
nothing to sign. As Ramp left
Peterson said, "Be sure to send a
picture with your application."
Two weeks ago Steven Shaw, '63,
requested application for a na-
tional park job. Peterson asked
him if he were wearing his beard
for a joke, and then said that he
could not sign up.
Officers Insist
Not Accosted
officers who arrested Robert J.
Meisenbach testified in the city
hall demonstration trial yesterday
that the accused student was not
clubbed by any officer.
Prosecutor Walter Giubbini call-
ed the five officers who observed
Meisenbach struggling with patrol-
man Ralph E. Schaumleffel as
rebuttal witnessesafter the de-
fense rested its case.
Meisenbach, University of Cali-
fornia senior is charged with' as-
sault with a deadly weapon -
beating Schaumleffel with the of-
ficers own billy club.

Cuban Chief
Calls Nation
Attacks Intervention
By U.S. in Invasion
KEY WEST (JP) - Prime Minis-
ter Fidel Castro last night de-
clared Cuba a socialist nation and
said there would be no more elec-
The announcement, placing Cuba
more firmly in the Soviet orbit,
was greeted by thunderous ap-
plause from hundreds of thousands
of Cubans massed in Havana's
civic plaza for a May Day domon-
Attacking the United States for
its role in the recent abortive in-
vasion against his regime, Castro
said "if Mr. Kennedy does not like
socialism, we don't like imperial-
ism, we don't like capitalism."
Climaxes Parading
The expected announcement
came at the climax of some 17
hours of continuous parading be-
fore Castro and other top figures
of the revolution.
"We have as much right to -om-
plain about the existence of a
capitalist, imperialist regime about
90 miles from our coast as he
(President John F. Kennedy) has
to complain about a socialist re-
gime 90 miles from his coast,"
Castro said.
Castro's appearance on a Ha-
vana telecast was monitored at
Key West, 90 miles from Havana.
"Do you need elections?" Cas-
tro shouted. The multitude roared
back "No, no."
To Rely on People
Castro said that henceforth his
revolutionary government -would
rely on the direct backing of the
people as expressed in such demon-
strations as yesterday's 14-hour
May Day rally and parade.
"The revolution does not con-
template giving the oppressive
classes any' chance to return to"
power," said Castro who accused
the United States of arming en-
emies of his regime and helping
them stage a recent abortive in-
"The aggressive policy of the
United States can cause a world
war that can cost the lives of
tens of millions of Americans.
To Establish
Degr ee Plan
The School of Business Admin-
istration will initiate a masters
degree program in quantitative
methods this fall, Assistant Dean
Samuel R. Anderson announced
The program will combine study
of various business functions with
specialized training in quantita-
tive techniques such as mathe-
matics programming, probability
theory and mathematical statis-
tics and operations research.
Allowing the candidate for a
master's to take up to 40 per cent
rather than the previous 16 per
cent outside of the Business Ad-
ministration school, the program
is designed to meet the increase
in mathematical and statistical
methods of decision-making.

The program will train students
in analytical techniques of linear,
non-linear and dynamic program-
ming, statistical decision theory
and computer stimulation of com-
plex systems with relevance to
analysis of business problems.




















U.S. Set To Launch Astronaut

searchlights early today illumin-
ated the gantry enclosing a Red-
stone rocket scheduled to carry
an American astronaut into space
shortly after daybreak.
The brilliant lights bathed the
100-foot-tall gantry and signalled
the beginning of the nearly 6 and
one-half hour countdown. They
flashed on just before 1 a.m.
(EST) and stabbed into an over-
cast sky.
Weather was still a threaten-
ing factor. But Project Mercury
officials decided at a midnight
weather briefing to start the
countdown on the rocket which
would send the first American
hurtling into space.
Cloudy Skies
The forecast called for partly
cloudy skies with possible show-
ers and winds of 10 to 15 miles
an hour at the scheduled time of
launch, which could come anytime
after 7 a.m. (EST).
However, there was hope the
clouds would break up enough dur-
ing the morning to permit the
launching. Officials want clear
visibility for the shot, which is
designed to hurl a capsule carry-
ing a human passenger 115 miles
into space and land him 290 miles
down range in 15 minutes.
The lights winked out shortly
after they came on. They were
expected to be turned on again
later when the astronaut-whose
name remained a secret-was in-
serted in the spacecraft atop the
Earlier yesterday, project offi-
cials, with an eye on the weather,
said there was a 50-50 chance
clouds and high winds would post-
pone the attempt.
Meanwhile, two Mercury astro-
nauts flew mock missions' in cap-
sules like the one on the rocket.
The final choice came from these
three men who have trained ex-
tensively for the mission: John H.
Glenn Jr., 39-year-old Marine
Lieutenant Colonel; Virgil M.
Grissom, 35-year-old Air Force
Captain; and Alan B. Shepard Jr.,
37-year-old Navy Commander.
Group Labels
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy's labor-manage-
ment advisory committee report-
ed to him yesterday that "the
present unemployment situation
is intolerable."
The committee stressed that
technological change and automa-
tion must be recognized as essen-
tial and must continue.



Rotro Rockets Fired Here
3S° To Straighten Out Capsule
... 115 Statute Miles
Booster Unit
n Free Fall
25,000 FEET
Mercury /145
Mmes PartOf Emergency
Escape Mechanism At About
Fall Off25,000 feet
Parachute Opens
t Mo iles
ASTRONAUT-This diagram illustrates how an astronaut will make a space flight from Cape Cana-
veral, Fla. The capsule will make a ballistic flight of over 250 miles. After separation from Redstone
launch vehicle, the capsule's blunt end is pitched upward to about 14.5 degrees. In descent, a small
parachute opens before the main landing chute lowers capsule.
Society Arranges Concerts,
R. 'TC --. f%

Local Wants
New Change
For 'U' Unit
Minnesota Chapter
Pleads for Revision
In Similar Move
The local Alpha Tau Omega
chapter, in action similar to a.
recent move by University of Min-
nesota ATO's, has petitioned the
national for waiver of its bias
This clause limits ATO to pledg-
ing white ,males of the Christian
faith. Another section of the fra-
ternity's constitution contains a
power to waive the clause which
may be used to aid any local
chapter finding itself in violation
of its university's regulations.
The Minnesota ATO's asked
exemption from the religious pro-
vision of the membership clause
after Minnesota's Senate Commit-
tee on Student Affairs (SCSA
contended that a religious qualifi-
cation was not "germane to the
existence" of the fraternity. Ea
tier, they received a release by the
national from the section of the
clause against acepting non-
Clark Reveals Action
Local ATO President Richard
Clark, '62BAd. revealed his chap-
ter's action last night in comment-
ing on the Minnesota situation.
Since February, the local chap-
ter 'has seriously considered the
possibility of petitioning for such
a waiver, and during the later part
of March, we did so petition," he
"This petitionIs now in the
process of being approved by our
national officers. It is hoped that
with such an approval all parties
concerned may say that Beta
Lambda (the local chapter) is
able to accord with the Univer-
sity's regulation concerning mem-
bership selection."
Work with Committee
The local ATO's are now wor-
ing closely with the Student Gov-
ernment Council Committee on
Membership selection, Clark said.
ATO national president Gerald
Johnson of Cleveland last night
declined to comment on whether
the national will grant a waiver
to either the local or the Min-
nesota chapter.
At Minnesota, ATO had origin-
ally been removed from the list
of fraternities with bias clauses.
But the SCSA reconsidered its
decision after the Stanford Uni-
versity chapter lost its charter
for pledging four Jewish students.
The Stanford chapter had not
requested a waiver.
Cites Christian Link
Johnson, in a report to the Min-
nesota committee, said that the
fraternity is "centered In Jesus
Christ, its ritual is based on the
New Testament and any rushee
or pledge believing in a non
Christian religion would find the
ritual and some of ATO's Christ-
ian parctices offensive."
He also noted that the Jews
pledged at Stanford were "Temple
Jews" rather than "Unitarian
Jews". He explained that a "Tem-
ple Jew" is one who would take
offense at the ATO ritual whereas
a "Unitarian Jew" would not.
The Attorney General's office
in California is investigating the
situation at Stanford.
City Council Seeks
'U' Funds Increase
TVLn. A- A .4.... f~mr4.. rn i

Thirty concerts will highlight
the University Musical Society's
season next year.
The musical events announced
yesterday will include the 83rd
annual Choral Union Series, the
16th annual Extra Concert series,
the traditional pair of "Messiah"
concerts, several chamber music
programs and the 69th annual
May Festival.
Innovations in new stage sets
and lighting will make possible the
inclusion of ballet and foreign
dance groupt for the first time in
Hill Auditorium events.
To Feature Ballet
Participating groups will be
The American Ballet Theatre,
Mazowsze Song and Dance Com-
pany of Poland and the Bayani-
han, the Philippine Dance Com-
Several world-famous soloists
and conductors will make their
first appearance in Ann Arbor next
Russian pianist Emil Gilels;
Galina Vishnevskaya, soprano of
the Bolshoi Opera in Moscow;
Stanislaw Skrowaczewski, new mu-
sic director of the Minneapolis
Symphony and the Roger Wag-
ner chorale will be among those
making their debut here.
Series To Run
The Choral Union Series will
begin Oct. 4 and continue through
Marph 24. The ten concerts will
feature: George London, Metro-
politan Opera bass Oct. 4; the
Roger Wagner Chorale Oct. 19;
Boston Symphony Orchestra, with
conductor Charles Munch Oct. 22,
Bonisteel Seeks
Con-Con Position
Pnf n'R niac * *n.n. noI

and the Berlin Philharmonic Or-
chestra with conductor Herbert
van Karajan Nov. 3.
Other concerts in this series will
present Bayanihan - Philippine
Dance Company Nov. 6; Yehudi
Menuhin, violinist Nov. 4; soprano
Galina VishnevskayaeNov. 21;
Emil Gilels, pianist Feb. 13; the
Minneapolis Cymphony Orchestra
with conductor Skrowaczewski
Mar. 4; and the American Ballet
Theater Mar. 24.
The Extra Series of five con-
certs include: Mazowsze-Polish
Sonk and Dance Company Oct. 24,
followed by the Cleveland Orches-
tra, George Szell, conductor, Nov.

16; Rudolf Serkin, pianist, Nov..
27; Boston Pops Tour Orchestra,
Arthur Fiedler, conductor, Feb.
18; and Leontyne Price, soprano
of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany, Mar. 12.
The Boston Symphony Orches-
tra will give a special concert on
Sat., Oct. 21 during Homecoming
Handel's "Messiah" will be put
on in two performances on Dec.
2 and 3. The University Choral
Union and the Musical Society
Orchestra will' join with Ilona
Kombrink, soprano; Lilli Chook-
asian, contralto; Richard Miller,
tenor, and Ara Berberian, bass.

Reporter Asks Policy Shift
The emphasis of United Nations concern must be shifted from
the cold war to the problems of small, new or emerging nations,
Pauline Frederick, UN correspondent for the National Broadcasting
Company said last night.
"The nations of the world spend $320 million every day on the
arms race," Miss Frederick said. That amount of money could
go far toward feeding starving peoples, she claimed.
Policy Raises Prestige
Granting the terrors of an all-too-possible atomic war, she
said that the attempt by the Soviet Union to destroy the UN is a
far greater present danger. She praised Adlai Stevenson's new policy

IN 1962:
C. P. Snow To Come
As Visiting Professor
Sir C. P. Snow physicist, novelist and essayist will be here as a
visiting honorary professor from mid-October to mid-November 1962,
Erich A. Walter, assistant to the President, announced yesterday.
"Although he will probably give some lectures upon invitation,"
Walter said, "he will be here primarily to be available to the
University community for discus- .
sion." The Development Council
and the Alumni Fund are spon-
soring Snow's visit, as part of
their new program which enables,
them to bring distinguished
scholars to the University as hon-
orary professors.
Symbolizes Conflict
"In a way Charles Percy Snow
is the symbol of the intellectual }
conflict of our time," Walter said.
The "gulf of mutual lncomprc-
hension"between scientists and
literary people, which deeply con-
Berns Snow. has crome to a new I 4k.


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