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April 30, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-30

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:43 a t t

Increasing cloudiness,
continued cool.

Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


State Universities
. .
At Turning Point
The development of a trend toward voluntary statewide
coordination of higher public education may well mark an,
historically significant turning point in the evolution of optimum
relations between state governments and state universities.
This is the finding reported by visiting Professor of Educa-
tion Merritt M. Chambers, in a book published today. Prof.
Chambers views the future of state-supported universities in
terms of free flying hawks and fenced-in fowls with the hawk,
fortunately, having better chances of survival.
"A distant administrative bureaucracy superimposed over
the university's governing board with power to veto its plan-
ning and to revise its budget inevitably clips the university's
wings, destroys its maneuverability and its ability to soar, and
blocks its vision.
High Authority
"A super-institutional authority usurping decision-making
at the institutional level confines a university with chicken
wire," he charges.
"Voluntary Statewide Coordination in Public Higher Edu-
cation," Prof. Chambers' book, reports that state legislatures
are beginning to turn away from "strait-Jacketing" the uni-
versities and encouraging voluntary coordination and less cen-
tralized operation.
Prof. Chambers believes that harassment of university of-
ficials by the state Legislature is growing outmoded, although
individual cases of quarelling may continue.
Not Routine
"Traditionally and correctly," he argues, "a state university
is not regarded as only an element in a routine department of
state government.
"Primarily it is a development arm of society dealing with
the young men and women of better than average talents,.
developing society's most promising human resources as the
best means of advancing the national well-being and security,
and of enabling each to exercise his highest capacities for the
public welfare and for his own fulfillment."
As state universities were created and grew, three trends
in method of control developed. They are:
1) CONSOLIDATION-the 'placement of all institutions
under a single, state-wide board. This affected 13 states from
1895 to 1948: South Dakota, Florida, Mississippi, Iowa, Kansas,
Montana, North Dakota, Idaho, Oregon, Georgia, Rhode Island,
Arizona and New York.
2) COMPULSORY COORDINATION-existing boards are
left undisturbed, but .a new agency is superimposed with
mandatory or persuasive powers. This pattern was followed by
eight states since 1941: Oklahoma, New Mexico, North Carolina,
Texas, Wisconsin, Virginia, Illinois and Utah.'
3) VOLUNTARY COORDINATION-A plan, which affects
the University closely, in which presidents and leaders of exist-
ing boards form state-wide groups. Prof, Chambers notes this
policy in nine states: Michigan, California, Colorado, Indiana,
Ohio, Minnesota, Missouri, Washington and Arkansas.
See SCHOOL, page 3
Single Pentagon Group
To Oversee Intelligence

... con-con candidate

iTo Ask Post
As Delegate
To Con-Con
Former State Senator Lewis G.
Christman announced yesterday
that he is a candidate for the
Constitutional Convention -o be
held this fall in Lansing.
Christman is seeking the Re-
publican nomination for the seat
representing the 33rd Senatorial
District, which is Washtenaw. He
joins Republicans George W. Sal-
lade, '61L, former state represen-
tative running for the county's
first district seat, and Fred M.
Greenstreet of Ypsilanti from the
second district.
Christman said that he thinks
Congressional reapportionment
will be one of the big problems
that will arise at the convention.
Until the time that its delegates
decide the boundaries of the new
districts, he said he favors the
election of a congressman-at-
Cuban Base
Gets Troops
A combat-ready, reinforced Marine
battalion pulled into the harbor of
this United States Navy base in
eastern Cuba yesterday-just two
days before Fidel Castro's widely
heralded May Day celebration.
A second Marine battalion -
1,500 men-is reported somewhere
offshore en route to the United
The arrival of the battalion with
its tanks and artillery came as a
complete surprise to this naval
This battalion pass-ad through
here Tuesday on what wasode-
scribed by the Navy as a routine
mission to the Marine training
area on Vieques Island, just off
Puerto Rico's coast.
At the same time, all carrier
pilots who have been living ashore
and whose ships are at sea de-
parted abruptly.
The Marine commander said the
Vieques operation had been plan-
ned last July. The Navy said today
its ships did not go to Vieques,
but cruised the Caribbean on
"routine exercises.
The marines returned to Guan-
tanamo, Navy officials said, for "a
weekend of work and play." Ships
of ,the Atlantic fleet's Amphibious
Squadron Eight will be refueled
and supplied while the marines
stretch their legs ashore, they said.
Prime Minister Fidel Castro has
called for all six million Cubans
to stage massive rallies from one
end of this 800-mile long island to
the other on May Day to demon-
strate "Socialist Solidarity."
Rallies also will be part of the
celebration marking the victory
over counterrevolutionaries who
invaded Cuba April 17.

By Riots
GALVESTON, Tex, (-P)-Hun-
dreds of police rushed to Galves-
ton yesterday as fighting broke
out among thousands of students
crowding this beach resort city
following riots in which police and
students exchanged gunfire.
Over 130 youngsters were ar-
rested late yesterday for fighting
and unlawful assembly as 200 of-
ficers headed for this gulf coast
island city to prevent a recurrence
of riots which last until early
Order Return
The policedepartment said 15
carloads of Lamar Tech College
students from Beaumont were pre-
vented from reaching Galveston
when the ferry boat on which they
were riding was ordered to turn
around and return to the main-
land. Police had received reports
the students were on their way.
The 200 officers headed here
were from Houston and other
nearby cities. They were rein-
forcements for the more than 50
officers who battled thousands of
thrill-seeking high school and col-
lege students here for the annual
Splash Days which marks the
opening of the swim season.
There were no serious injuries
reported during the riots.
Fighting started late Friday
night and quickly broadened into
a confused melee causing police
to fill city and county jails with
jeering youths.
It was the first major outbreak
during the weekend observance,
which draws about 100,000 visi-
tors every year.
Fires Shot
"One of the officers-John Jen-
nings, I think-fired a warning
shot," Police Chief . E. Henson
reported, "but no one was hit.
There was quite a bit of gun play
later. Our men were fired on
several times but couldn't return
the fire because of the crowd."
Hensoi estimated at least 3,000
students from colleges in Texas,
Louisiana and Oklahoma took part
in the disturbance. He made no
attempt to name their home
City officials and several stu-
dents likened the trouble to a
similar outbreak earlier this month
at Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
'Like Picnic'
"We were just trying to make
Fort Lauderdale look like a pic-
nic," said one student, who de-
clined to give his name.
Henson said it appeared the
rioting stemmed from a fight be-
tween two unidentified youths out-
side a large hotel on Galveston's
Seawall Boulevard.
Choose New
Student Dean.
StateUniversity has announced a
successor to its retiring dean of
John A. Fzak, assistant dean
in charge of administrative serv-
ices in the college of education,
was named to take over from Dean
Tom King, who retires July 1, the
university said.
King, who has been on the MSU
staff since 1933, is former head
of the department of police ad-
ministration. He will be on re-
tirement furlough for a year and
return to MSU for two years in
some other assignment, the uni-

versity said.
Fuzak has held various positions
on the university staff since 1948.

Seek New

Laotian Policy

-Daily-James Warneka
RUN ED, RUN-Michigan's Ed Hood stretches to beat out an infield hit against Minnesota. flood
had three hits in yesterday's tripleheader sweep of Michigan Stater
(3~Nine Swveeps Trip leheader



Special to The Daily
EAST LANSING-In one of the
finest days in Michigan baseball
history, the Wolverines swept to
a tripleheader victory over arch-
rival Michigan State yesterday at
State's home grounds at East Lan-
sing by scores of 5-1, 6-4 and 4-3.
All three of the games were
seven innings by mutual agree-
Fight Change
At Harvard
Chants of "Latin Si, Pusey No,"
which marked rioting in Harvard
Square Thursday and Friday are
expected to cease after a dictum
from the Dean's Office issued yes-
The.usually urbane Harvard
students reached "the edge of seri-
ous trouble" when they protested
against the substitution of English
for Latin on diplomas for bache-
lors' degrees, Harvard Dean John
U. Munro said. The demonstra-
tions spilled out onto the streets
Friday night.
The Cambridge police fired tear
gas bombs to breakup a throng of
several thousand students. Four of
them were arrested on charges of
disturbing the peace.
In his statement, Munro cited
the standing rule of the college
about public disturbances: "A stu-
dent who is guilty of an offense
against law and order . . . may
have his connection with the uni-
versity severed. The mere presence
of a student in a disturbance or
unauthorized demonstration makes
him liable to disciplinary action."
The student chants were aimed
at convincing Harvard President
Nathan M. Pusey that Latin sym-
bolizes excellence in liberal arts
and carries the weight of tradition
dating, back to the school's found-
ing in 1636.
Copyright 1961, The New York Times

The tripleheader victory moved
the Wolverines into a virtual three
way tie for first place in the Big
Ten standings with Minnesota and
Indiana, who both swept double-
headers yesterday.
Coach Don Lund's young hus-
tlers discovered that spring in
East Lansing is almost as beauti-
ful and mellow as spring in Ann
Arbor. At the start of the first
game, the temperature hovered
around 32 degrees, but by the time
the third game rolled around, the
thermometer had soared to nearly
Joyce Wins Two
Sophomore righthander Mike
Joyce won two of the three games
for the Wolverines.
He went all the way in the
first game torpick up win number
one, and reappeared. in the
seventh inningof the third game
to relieve starter Bob Marcereau.
The game went into extra innings,
and Joyce found himself a double
winner. The two wirts upped his
season record to a perfect 6-0.
The Wolverines won the opener
in the first inning. Joe Jones led
off the game with a sharp single
over second base, and before Spar-
tan mound ace Mickey Sinks had
a chance to recover, first baseman
Barry Marshall muscled a long
line drive to deep right-center
field which dropped in for a

With Jones on third. and Mar-
shall on second Freehan bashed a
high fly to very deep left field
which Spartan left fielder Tom
Riley hauled in at the fence. Jones
tagged and scored.
But Sinks was not yet out of
trouble. After running up the
count, cleanup hitter Dick De-
Lamielleure rifled a single between
first and second which scored
Marshall. Sinks then got Joe Mre-
ullo and Dennis Spalla to ground
out and Michigan led 2-0.
Riley Homers
There, was no further scoring in
the game until Riley lined one of
Joyce's pitches over the left field
fence in the fourth to make the
score 2-1.
The game was very tight from
then on until the sixth inning,
when the Wolverines put the game
on ice.
With two outs, DeLamielleure
drew a base on balls, Joel Merullo
poked a single over short, and
Spalla caught hold of a high hard
one and drilled it high and deep
to right field, where it met the
East Lansing version of a spring
breeze, and fell over the fence
for a three run homer.
Joyce, given a 5-1 lead, squelch-
ed any further Spartan uprising
and preserved the 5-1 victory for
Fritz Fisher took the mound for
the Wolverines in the second game,
See JOYCE, page 6

White House
Gets Advice
Of Millitary
In Laos Boun Oum
Faces Rebel Advance
WASHINGTON (A) - President
John F. Kennedy weighed with his
top military and diplomatic ad-
visors yesterday a stronger and
more active role for the United
States in the defense of South-
east Asia against further Com-
munist conquest.
Following an urgent session of
the National Security Council, of-
ficials indicated the possibility
of United States and allied mili-
tary intervention in Laos may de-
pend on what the Soviet-backed
rebels do about accepting a cease-
fire in the next 48 hours.
Russia has agreed to a truce
plan, but the rebels are continu-
ing to fight.
The planned transfer of some
6,000 combat-ready troops from
the United States to West Ger-
many by air as part of a NATO
training exercise beginning Mon-
day was called off, officials said.
Halt Airlift
Decision to halt the air lift
was apparently taken during the
afternoon, and indicated a desire
upon the part of this country to
keep its mobile forces and their
means of transportation close at
. Kennedy ordered another meet-
ing of the Security Council, bring-
ing together his top military, di-
plomatic and psychological war-
fare advisers, for 4 p.m. Monday
Yesterday's session at the White
House and the meeting Monday
thus bracket what may be the
most critical period of roughly 48
See related story, page 3
hours since the civil war in Laos
developed into a cold war contest
of wills between Washington and
The Soviets evidently are willing
for the rebels to grab off all they
can while stalling the cease-fire
agreement. The United States
clearly is reluctant to get drawn
into a war in Laos but fears for
the security of all Southeast Asia
if it does not act.
In Bangkok, Thailand, the
Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-
tion called a special meeting to-
day to consider the Laotian crisis
and receive a report on the discus-
sion at the White House yesterday.
At the State Department, the
daily report on military conditions
stated the Soviet airlift to the
rebel forces had been stepped up
yesterday, "by considerable de-
gree" and that the rebels were at-
tacking at four points in northern
The military situation is steadily
growing worse for the pro-Western
government of Premier Boun Oum,
officials conceded. This appeared'
to be the critical issue before Ken-
nedy and the National Security
Council. The extraordinary Satur-
day morning policy session lasted
two hours, ending in early after-
Disclose Little
After talking with the President,
White House news secretary
Pierre Salinger said: "The Na-
tional Security Council discussed
problems dealing with Southeast
Asia. "
Salinger would say no more
and other officials similarly de-
clined to talk, evidently being un-

der Presidential instruction to sit
tight over the weekend.
Kennedy expected reports over
the weekend from roving Ambas-
sador W. Averell Harriman, who
arrived in Vientiane yesterday.
Salinger said Harriman was "look-
ing over the situation." Reports
were due also from Gen. Lyman
L. Lemnitzer, chairman of the
joint Chiefs of Staff, who is on
a tour including stops in South-
east Asia.
The White House discussion
brought together with Kennedy
such men as Vice-President Lyn-

WASHINGTON (P)-A team of
experts is shaping up a single Pen-
tagon agency to oversee and co-
ordinate the now-separate mili-
tary intelligence services of the
three armed forces.
A report from the group set up
by Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara is expected soon, rec-
ommending the form of the new
joint agency.
Form Uni on
Of Africans
ACCRA, Ghana ()-The Presi-
dents of Ghana, Guinea and Mali
yesterday proclaimed the estab-
lishment of a union of African
states, subject to approval by the
three countries' parliaments.
Presidents Kwame Nkrumah of
Ghana; Sekou Toure of Guinea
and Modibo Keita of Mali also an-
nounced after a meeting here that
they had approved a charter per-
mitting other African nations or
federations to join the union.
The charter apparently repre-
sents another step toward Nkru-
mah's goal of a United States of
Africa. Last December, the three
West African countries announced
they would harmonize their eco-
nomic and financial policies and
coordinate diplomatic activities.
The communique urged a post-
ponement of a meeting of African
nations scheduled May 8 in Mon-
rovia. The communique noted that
most of the countries are to be
represented by officials other
than heads of state. The three
presidents said such a conference
should be attended by heads of
Group Ta bles
w OR -0 el 41"

The Pentagon setup is distinct
from a reported plan to overhaul
the top level Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA) which some sources
say President Kennedy is consider-
ing. But it results in part from
the over-all scrutiny of the na-
tion's various intelligence systems.
The study looking to revision of
the Pentagon's intelligence outfits
commenced last January, well be-
fore the fiasco of the Cuban inva-
sion which some critics insist re-
sulted from bad intelligence or bad
interpretation of intelligence about
Fidel Castro's forces and the atti-
tude of the Cuban population.
On the other hand, the Cuban
invasiondisaster accelerated the
planning for a revamping of in-
Indications are that the study
group will advise McNamara that
a single agency be organized along
lines similar to the plan already
used for coordinating the com-
munications services of the Army,
Navy and Air Force.-

Theta Delta Chi'~s


Theta Delta Chi and Kappa Del-
ta accumulated a total of 565
points to take the winning honors
for Spring Weekend, it was an-
nounced last night at the dance,
"Mirrored Moments." I
Sigma Phi Epsilon and Kappa
Kappa Gamma got 500 points to

as having built the best dance
booth, followed by Phi Mu and
Delta Epsilon Phi.
Other dance booth winners
were: third: Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma-Sigma Phi Epsilon, fourth: Pi
Beta Phi-Sigma Nu and fifth:
Betsy Barbour-Evans Scholars.
Winners' Trophies

Senators May Investigate
Failure of Cuban Rebellion
WASHINGTON (A') -As all chief executives apparently must,
President John F. Kennedy is learning the hard way that the Senate
is zealous in asserting its prerogatives in international relations.
Because of this, Allen W. Dulles, head of the Central Intelligence
Agency, Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Under Secretary of State
Chester Bowles all may have to take time out from the Laos crisis next
week to explain the Cuban invasion fiasco. Although nobody makes
'the particular point publicly, a
Senate Foreign Relations Subcom-
mittee which deals with Latin
American affairs is chagrined be-
cause it was not consulted in ad-
vance about United States support
otherwise have been a tense, com- of the project which failed to top-
petitive atmosphere.p
The events of yesterday after- Senate Democratic leader Mike
noon went under the general head- Mansfield (D-Mon) and other in-
ing "Pilgrims Progressed," and fluential Democrats support the
everyone did: from canoe racing, contention of Chairman Wayne
to pig chasing, to corn eating. The Morse (D-Ore) that the Subcom-
historical touch was borrowed from mittee now should inquire into the
early American traditions. events and decisions that lead to
Winding up the weekend of hi- the disastrous adventure.
larity, the dance, "Mirrored Mo- Dulles delayed a decision on
ments," was given a softer air by whether he will appear before the
featuring booth competition keyed subcommittee in a closed session
to the theme of famous night spots Monday. Rusk and Bowles defi-
through time. nitely will appear.

finish second. Others were: third The winners may pick up their
-Tau Delta Phi and Sigma Kap- trophies after 2 p.m. tomorrow on
pa, 480 points; fourth-Delta Ep- the second floor of the Student
silon Phi and Phi Mu, 415; and Activities Bldg. However, since ad-
Delta Tau Delta and Alpha Epsi- justments must be made in the
lon Phi, 405. trophies due to ties, winners of
afternoon contest trophies must
Afternoon Events .wait to pick them up until they
There was a tie for winner in are notified.
the afternoon events Pi Beta Phi F nlnwing the weknend' oer-

Spark Dance
Sarah Vaughan and the Scott-
Baldwin Orchestra sparked the
dance which culminated 'in the
annm-no on of ho ui-nn rn .

Kaufman To Talk
tYIn ponpa n1

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