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April 29, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-29

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Severity Years of Editorial Freedom


Low-3 6
Sunny throughout the day,
moderate winds.

VUL. LXXI, No. 147




.ia.n. riua:o


Say Laoftin
U.S., Thailand Fear
Communist Stalling



Ignore Cease-Fire


'Pro-Red Forces Continue Advance
Toward Vientiene, Luang Prabang
WASHINGTON (i-A State Department spokesman reported
yesterday that pro-Communist Laotian rebels have apparently
spurned a cease-fire deadline and are driving toward the major cities
of Vientiane and Luang Prabang.
State Department press officer Lincoln White, giving this report
on Thursday's. Laotian scene, turned aside any notion that the rebels
have poor communications and therefore do not know about the cease-
fire plan.
That suggestion had been advanced in London as the British tried
to head off any precipitate action by the United States or Russia. "The
artillery fire indicates their communications are excellent," he said.
The Lao government, accepting
N5V {the cease-fire call issued by Britain
andaRussiaMonday, had proposed
a halt to the fighting as of noon
April 28 Lao time.
This plainly concerned President
John F. Kennedy, who opened con-
sultations with allied governments
and congressional leaders on what
pstes must be taken to prevent a
complete rebel victory in Laos.
Informed officials said these steps
could include allied military inter-
vention but they said Kennedy has
not decided finally.
Officials in Washington said pri-,
vately the administration is near
the end of its patience with what
s felt to be Communist stalling on
a cease-fire while rebel troops
continue to eat up ground.
Laos' neighbor, Thailand, voiced
the same fear.
The Thai foreign ministry
charged the rebels will continue
EDWARD SHAW fighting until virtually the eve of
.. debates on Cuba a 14-nation conference on Laos
scheduled to open May 12 in Gen-
eva in order to "extend the area of
U the occupation of Laos with a view
to gaining political advantage and
tightening their political stand."
Not Attend
Ci1ha P010 Thailand warned, as have the
United States and Britain, it would
not attend the Geneva conference
By DENISE WACKER unless there is a verified cease-fire.
Anything which upsets the The British foreign office, noting
United States economic situation both sides in Laos have agreed in
in Latin America is fought with principle on a cease-fire, apparent-
American money or any other ly was worried that hasty action
weapon at its disposal," Edward by the United States or Soviet
Shaw, midwest representative of Union might upset the possibility
the National Fair Play for Cuba of agreeing on a date to stop fight-
romitegsd n .dpA- p ning.

In considering abolition of. Eng-
lish 23 and 24, Prof. Hubert M.
English, head of the freshman
English department, believes the
relative ability of freshmen is not
the important question.
The ability to write is not some-
thing that is reached at a certain
point after which all instruction
becomes unnecessary.
The question that should be
asked, he said yesterday, is "Can
the English department alone be
expected to solve the writing prob-
lems of the freshman in fifteen
Practice Needed
Prof. English believes the an-
swer to this last question must be
'"No." He explained that like
learning to play the piano, one
cannot expect to accomplish any-
thing in one crash program and
then consider the task completed.
Practice is necessary to build up
a skill-practice which must go
on continuously in the various fac-
ets of the skill.
All freshman English can do is
give the student the basic tools
for writing clear expository prose
but it cannot be expected to make
a "writer" out of anyone in such
a short period of time.
Constant Process
If any appreciable improvement
is to be seen in the quality of
writing the training process much
go on in every course in every
department of the University,
Prof. English said. It is for this
reason that he favors the abolition
of English 23 and 24 as a require-
ment for graduation.
If the requirement is dropped
freshman English will no longer
appear in its present form: a serv-
ice course in a vacuum." Fresh-
man English courses would still
be of the introductory nature but
might now serve to acquaint the
student with the three main areas
of study in the field of English:
literature, creative writing and
Kennedy Plans
CIA Overhaul,
Paper Reports
NEW YORK --President John;
F. Kennedy has stepped up plans
to overhaul the Central Intelli-
gence Agency (CIA) in the wake
of the unsuccessful invasion of
Cuba by rebel forces, the New York
Herald Tribune reported last
Quoting informed sources, the
newspaper said in a Washington
dispatch the overhaul was origin-
ally set for late this year or early1
next-when CIA head Allen W.-
Dulles was expected to resign.
When Kennedy reappointed Dul-
les CIA director, the Herald Tri-
bune said, he did so with the un-
derstanding that Dulles would not
remain in the post for four years1
but would stay just long enough to,
insure continuity of United States;
policy and to groom a successor.1
















- .!

MSU Seeks
pecial Tax
Continuation ,
Hannah Asks Raise
In Appropriations1
igan State University Board of
Trustees yesterday asked the legis-
lature to continue the so-called
nuisance taxes rather than hold
down appropriations for higher
"We think the people of Michi-
gan would rather take the nui-
sance taxes than cut the budget
for our higher education institu-
tions to the bone," MSU President
-John A. Hannah commented.
MSU is fighting for an increase
of some $2 million over last year's
appropriation, rather than a $205,-
000 increase recommended by the
Cites Politeness
Jack Breslin, board secretary,
reported that, while the legislature
was "very polite" in listening to
the MSU plea for more money this
week, "We didn't make a dime."
The board agreed on a three-
point resolution to be sent to the
legislature. The points are:
1) That it would not go along
with a proposed $20 increase in
fees for students from the state.
Asks Consideration
2) That equal consideration
should be given in budget planning
to Michigan State and the MSU-
Oakland branch. (This was in
reference to reports that some
legislators had supposedly agreed
to give a budget increase to MSU-
O while cutting off the parent uni-
3) That Michigan State must
continue a top-level educational
program with higher pay for pro-
fessors to survive against compe-
tition from other universities.
If appropriations are held to the
present level, the trustees agreed,
some consideration must be given
to holding down enrollments this
fall and cutting programs.
Space Capsule
Survives Test
Mercury space capsule of the type
that may carry a man more than
100 miles above the earth next
week survived an unexpectedly
severe test flight yesterday.
The experiment was the last one
scheduled in the Mercury program
before an astronaut is sent aloft,
and its success provided renewed
assurance that man can survive
the rigorous takeoff and landing.

PRESIDENTS CONFER--President Kennedy met with former President Hoover yester
York to talk over the Laotian crisis and other world problems.

"Cuba and the Counter-Revolu-
tion" last night.
Taking, the opposite stand on
many issues of the debate, spon-
sored by the Committee for Im-
proved Cuban - American Rela-
tions, was Prof. Samuel Shapiro
of Michigan State University.
Change Needed
A change in the attitude of
Americans is necessary, for we
must recognize the fact that the
Castro regime is firmly establish-
ed in Cuba, and has the support
of both the people and the Cuban
militia, Shaw said.
"The Cuban counter-revolution-
aries are not the most, delightful
people in the world. They are like
the Cuban-in-exile branch of the
John Birch Society, and used
pamphlets. which not only, mis-
quoted, but which invented new
labor laws. Because they cannot
prove that Castro is a Commu-
nist, they have to make up stories
to criticize the regime," he em-
Commenting on the Cuban Rev-
olution, as well as the situation in
Latin America as a whole, Prof.
Shapiro stated that "the suffering
of Latin Americans has been go-
ing on for years, but now the
people are less willing to put up
with it.
'Castro Dictator
"The revolution has done a
great many necessary things for
the common people of Cuba. How-:
ever, Fidel Castro is a dictator,
no doubt about it. Other dictators
are alright-we're not against dic-
tators, per se. Haiti, the Domini-
can Republic, are all right because
they are the right kind of dic-
Contradicting Prof. Shapiro's
remark that Castro is a dictator,
Shaw stated that he "doesn't con-
sider Castro a dictator. Castro
takes into account other opinions;
a dictator doesn't consider other
opinions. Thus he is not a dicta-
tor, and Cuba is not a dictator-
ship, rather an informal form of
Jest in Time'
n rn3~ -s

The rebels and government have'
not been able to agree on a site to
conduct negotiations on setting a
date. Ex-Premier Souvanna Phou-
ma, recognized by the Communist
bloc as legal premier, arrived in
the rebels' headquarters at Xieng
Khouang and repeated rebel de-
mands that negotiations be held
there. The government has refused
to send emissaries intorebel-held
territory and favors talks in Ku-
ang Prabang. The British sug-
gested a site in no-man's land.
In Moscow, the official Soviet
newspaper Trud charged the
United States with trying to sabo-
tage peace by increasing military
aid to the Laotian government.
Laotian King Savang Vathana
and neighboring Cambodia's poli-
tical boss; Prince Sihanouk, are
making backstage efforts to find a
compromise that would bring a
cease-fire in Laos' world-shaking
civfl war.
The two royal leaders met and
discussed possible compromises
here yesterday and also talked
wfli leading foreign diplomats
gathering in this royal capital for
cremation rites for the late king
of Laos, Sisavang Vong.

Hel Asked
liy Kennedy,
CHICAGO (P)-President John
F. Kennedy returned to the scene
of a key election day victory last
night to appeal for broad support
of his\domestic program.
Five thousand Democrats filled
the dining room of Chicago's Mc-
Cormick Place Exposition Hall as
Kennedy pictured his economic
proposals-his plans for aid to the
poor and the aged-as a means of
proving to the world that its fu-
ture lies in freedom for human-
Laos Trouble
He ranged over a wide variety
of subjects. He mentioned the
trouble in Laos, the Communist
infiltration in South America, and
the problems of newly created na-
tions in Africa.
Then he turned to his hopes for
legislation in Congress that would
make man's "struggle to earn a
living" easier, with dignity.
He said it is the responsibility
of the United States to be the.
chief defender of freedom for
peoples of the world and that only
this country has the resources to
do this.
"We are prepared to meet our
obligations," he said, "but we can
only defend the freedom of those
who are ready to assume this re-
sponsibility themselves."
Kennedy said he will gain this

Moss Hits Kennedy Po
On. Press Self. CensorQ
WASHINGTON (W)-Rep. John E. Moss (D-Calif)s
"We must not use the excuse of cold war dangers t
critical self-appraisal which is a basic ingredient in o
President John F. Kennedy Thursday night said the
should use more restraint in publishing stories that
national security.
'Less Than Expert'
Commenting on the speech, Moss said: "Because o'
experts are discovered to be somewhat less than exper

House Plans
Fund Debate
Next Week
Legislator Doubts
Possible Increase
In Education Grant
The House Ways and Means
Committee held the University's
appropriation to $35.4 million yes-
terday as it sent the higher edu-
cation bill, and others, onto the
House floor for a vote.
The GOP now has all its $462
million budget on the floor, and
final debate starts next week with
Democrats expected to offer
amendments to many of the ap-
propriations measures.
All bills must be approved by
-AP Wirephoto May 9, under present timetables
day in New for the House and Senate.
Chances Slim
But chances for more money for
* *higher education appear slim, Rep.
sit- i Gilbert Bursey (R-Ann Arbor>
tJLion said last night.
"Without Republican votes the
Democrats couldn't get any of
4 i their amendments adopted. But
no Republican will vote an In-
said yesterday crease in appropriations without
seeing added tax revenue provided.
;o weaken the "I for one would vote for more
ur democratic money in the higher education ap-
propriation, provided that a nu-
nation's press sane tax is renewed to pay for
could affect the increase."
Cigarette Tat
Bursley explained that the only
ur intelligence nuisance tax which could still be
rt-because of renewed was the one cent additi
to the five-cent tax on cigarettes.
"Each penny added to the five
ch's cent tax will provide about $10
million in revenue," he said. "Tne
other nuisance taxes probably
rCAi/rs couldn't be renewed at this date
without a suspension of the rules
. . n in the House and Senate.
"Quite a few Republicans would
go along with a Democratic plan
>P)-The trial to raise appropriations and taxes,
J. Meisenbach but it's pretty much up to the
ing an officer Democrats to make a suggestion in
[emonstrations this area."
cess yesterday Defends Budget
t would reach Rep. Arnel Engstrom (R-Tra-
verse City), chairman of the Ways
University of and Means Committee, defended
stified it was the GOP budget.
hi a billy club, "It will meet essential needs,"
Schaumleffel. he said. "It is not a program of
occurred May affluence. It is a program of aus-
rhall hearing terity."
Committee on But House minority leader Rep.
ties. Fire hoses Joseph Kowalski (D-Detroit) call-
crowd which ed the budget "a program of
e committee's misery which crippled our schools,
g admittance our hospitals, social and govern-
mental services."
63 other dem- Little Support
sted. Theoth- Republican representatives with
Manor charges colleges in their districts didn't
ismissed. Mei- indicate any support for Demo-
on charges of cratic appropriations boosts un-
punishable by accompanied by more taxes. Demo-
ars imprison- crats have pointed to these Re-
publicans as those most likely to
umleffel has vote more college funds.
ri slugged him Rep. Marie Hager (R-Lansng)
sgick, claimed that present appropria-
ified that as tions would be adequate if the
e rotunda he University would charge out-of-
marble stair- state students the full cost of their
the nightstick. education.
fel jumped on "We're short-changing our own
conds after he (instate) students," she said.
aside. Sticks to Budget

aleffel had a Rep. Homer Arnett (R-Kalama-
ek him in the zoo) said that although he would
like to see the universities get more
money, "we have to learn to live
within a budget."
l End (Democrats have claimed that
1 ~ the present tax system will yield
$15 million more than Republicans
ense say it will.")
Arnett accused Democrats of

the U-2 fiasco or the Cuban foul-
up-we should not hide all inf or-
mation about our government's
involvement in foreign affairs.
"If our intelligence system is
failing, we should improve that
system instead of tightening con-
trols over information about in-
telligence failures."
Moss has headed the House Sub-
committee on Government Infor-
mation for more than five years,
and has been prominent in a con-
tinuing fight against unnecessary
secrecy in government.
Information Withheld
He said in a statement that too
often in the past the subcommittee
"has .uncovered information with-
held by officials who contended
the disclosure would endanger
national security where as they
were merely trying to protect their
own political security.".
He said "It would be a grave
mistake to ask the press to impose
voluntary, restraints on the busi-
ness of collecting and publishing.

Trial Net
Jury .Dec
of student RobertJ
on charges of strik
in the city hall d
last May was in re
with expectations it
the jury Monday.
The. 23-year-old
California senior te
he who was hit wit
not officer Ralph E.
13 outside the city
room of the House1
Un-American Activit
were turned on the
was protesting th
method of issuing
Meisenbach and 6
onstrators were arre
er faced misdemeE
which later were d
senbach was held c
felonious assault,p
from one to 10 yei
Patrolman Scha
testified Meisenbach
with his own nightst
The student test
he was leaving th
stumbled on the wet
way and stepped ont
He said Schaumleff
him from behind sec
tossed the billy club
He said Schaum
billy cluband stru
face with it.
Civil Def

Not So Tragic Oedipus Wins 'Skit Nite' Honors

V ./Ls

Sigma Kappa and Tau Delta Phi proved a winning combination
in last night's Skit Nite, Erred Era, with their production "Redopus
Sex," a satire on Sophocles's "Oedupus Rex."
Portraying a Moscow crisis, Premier Redopus (Dan Frieldman,
'62) discovers that he has unwittingly killed his father, the former
premier who masqueraded as a peasant to evade tax collectors, and
married his "ravishing" mother (Ingrid Noithe, '63).
Avoid Insurrection
To avoid a peasant insurrection, Redopus, Fidel (Jeff Frank, '63)
and the ambassador from Upper Duodenum, Boris (Sam Bernstein,
'61) himself a former premier, decide to institute the marriage of
mothers and sons as a; new internal policy.
The peasants, while bemoaning past grievances, are at first un-
willing to accept the innovation. An uprising of the "revolting" peas-
ants appears imminent, until Redopus's daughter, Natasha (Marianne
Girarduzzi, '62) returns from an exchange program at the University

m ~u ua '~ ~v

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