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April 28, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-28

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Animal Farm

T mlrdigau Daily
Seventy-First Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Woodwind Quintet
Quality and Variety
THE UNIVERSITY of Michigan Woodwind Quintet presented a
varied and well-performed program in Rackham Lecture Hall
Wednesday. The quintet-Profs. Nelson Hauenstein, flute, Florian
Mueller, oboe; Albert Luconi, clarinet; Louis Stout, horn; and Lewis
Cooper, Bassoon-was assisted by Prof. Charles Fisher, piano.
The concert opened with "Musica Leggiera," by Rudolf Maros. This
is a mildly dissonant composition and quite enjoyable. The group suf-
fered a few precision difficulties, especially noticeable at the end of the
third movement. The slow Aria and the last section of the final move-

Union Intransigence
Requires Referendum

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the second of two
editorials on the new policies in the Michigan
Union and possible actions to reverse them.)
AS HAS BEEN pointed out, the Board of
Directors and student officers of the Mich-
igan Union have undertaken changes in the
nature of the Grill without any prior investiga-
tion of campus opinion.
In view of the large measure of student
sentiment against many of these changes, the
campus community should be given some op-
portunity -to indicate and enforce their desires
on this issue.
However, the Union administration has gone
right ahead with its policies even as it noted
the opposition arising, indicating its feeling
that the dissendents were only in the minority
and that the new policies were really favored
by the large majority of the University com-
Thus it is now time for the opposition to
indicate its strength-in such a manner as to
force a reversal of the changes, if it is in the
CERTAINLY economic and other pressure
measures such as boycotts, sit-ins and picket-
ing would aid in this purpose. However, the
policies of 'the Union administration seem to
indicate that it would pay little attention to
anything short of measures that could be en-
This would mean it is time for the male
students (members of the Union) to exercise
their membership powers. Specifically, con-
stitutional amendments to reverse the recent
moves should be attempted.
To do this, the amendments must be put
before the Board of Directors either by a mem-
ber of the Board or by a petition signed by 200
members of the Union.
Then, if the Board does not refer the amend-
ment to the membership by a two-thirds vote
of the directors, petitions from 10 per cent of
the Union student members can force a refer-
F COURSE, this whole procedure would
not allow women on the campus to have
any voice (except in their influence on the
men.) It would also be extremely slow, since
the referendum can only be held constitution-
ally at the spring all-campus elections-almost
a year away.
But it would serve as an irreversible pro-
cedure for deciding whether or not the Union
is right in claiming that the campus ,really
wants what it is being given under the new

system (which would seem to be a large,
shiny all-campus cafeteria).
The exact form of the constitutional amend-
ments would have to be unusually specific and
restrictive for this sort of document, since the
Union administration is committed to its poli-
cies and would have to be prevented from cir-
cumventing the desires of the membership by
instituting policies remaining within the letter
of the amendments, but not the spirit.
The exact form might be as follows:
NEITHER the Union Board of Directors
nor the general manager nor any em-
ploye of the Union shall:
Act to deny the facilities of the three
rooms now known as the Michigan Union
Grill or any future extension thereof to
any person not judicially convicted of mis-
using them for felonious purposes by either
a properly constituted University or city
Attempt to prevent the use of the Grill
or any future extensions thereof for the
playing of card games, chess, or any simi-
lar pastimes.
Regulatesthe use of the Grill or any
other Union facilities on the basis of stan-
dards of personal appearance, dress, or
similar criteria.
AND,THE UNION shall remove the pres-
ently installed jukebox from the Grill
and shall not install another nor any
similar machine, nor shall the Union Board
nor any Union employes act to provide
new or different services nor to deny any
present services in the Grill without a
favorable vote of Union members in a
referendum at either the fall or spring
campus elections.
This amendement shall be interpreted as
superseding and limiting any provisions of.,
the Constitution, By-Laws and House
Rules of the Union, particularly as limiting
the powers of the Board of Directors set
forth in Article IV, Section II.
It might be protested that the form of the
proposed amendement is entirely too limiting
on the Union administration.
But is must be remembered that it is all too
likely that any less restrictive amendment
would only allow circumvention by the directors
and Union officers.
IT IS TIME that the Union officers learned
whether they are right or wrong in their
assertions that the campus is with them.

ment were, in this reviewer's opin-
ion, the nicest bits of composition.
Woodwind Quintet by Prof. Clyde
Thompson of the School of Music
faculty were well-written pieces,
and reflected the most careful re-
hearsing of any of the numbers
on the first part of the program.
Its first movement, Guarachita,
had a strong rhythmic pulse, and
was characterized by unison pas-
sages, contrasted with spreading
or contracting dissonances. The
Elegy provided lyric opportunities
for the group, and the March was
marked by total independence of-
writing for each of the voices.
The "Quintet No. 2" of Alvin
Etler concluded the first half of
the program. This work was also
somewhat dissonant, and for the
most part brilliantly scored. Each
of the members had virtuoso pas-
sages to perform, and most were
played with fine precision; the
performance was a little ragged
in the last section. The composi-
tion was a fine example of con-
temporary (1957) writing for this
* *
program was the "Sextet," Op. 6,
by Ludwig Thuille. Prof. Fisher
joined the woodwinds to complete
the sextet. This was a decided
contrast in style to the first part
of the program, and was quite ro-
The first movement established
the relationship that was to exist
between the piano and the quintet
-assignment of accompanimental
and rhythmic roles to the piano
in order to free the woodwinds
and the horn for lyric playing.
The group took advantage of this
to the fullest, and sounded most
at home.
All the voices were given oppor-
tunities for expressive playing, and
the second movement particularly
provided solos for Profs. Luconi
and Stout which were most warm-
ly played.
The Gavotte had definite traces
of the Musette throughout, and
was lightly and easily presented.
The final movement provided
more interplay between the piano
and the quintet, and was brilliant-
ly scored. The horn part here was
most characteristic of Richard
MR. FISHER did a most com-
mendable job in blending the pi-
ano tonally and rhythmically with
the woodwinds, as well as playing
his solo spots effectively.
-John M. Christie

Voice Needs Reorganization

Daily Staff Writer
co-chairmen and an extended
discussion of goals and programs,
Voice political party this week
took two major steps toward end-
ing a period of stagnation beset-
ting the organization.
Voice was conceived to facilitate
effective student education and
action on campus and student is-
sues. Typical of a political group,
Voice was to run candidates for
Student Government Council and
other elective offices on campus.
In the same vein, it was to en-
courage petitioning for various ad-
ministrative agencies.
However, it was not to be a
political party in the ordinary
sense of the term. The party was
to research student issues and use
discussion groups and other ap-
propriate means to inform stu-
dents about major issues.
TO DATE, Voice has barely ap-
proached its goals of student par-
ticipation and education about
vital student issues. The party
started auspiciously with a vigor-
ous, issue-based campaign in the
SGC election last fall. After the
balloting, Voice stagnated and re-
mained in this state with the ex-
ception of its Tennessee cam-
paign to help boycotted share-
croppers in Fayette and Haywood
This project illustrated the basic
weakness of Voice. Being a small
group and lacking the magnetic
leadership which could draw new
members, the party did not have
energy to be diffused into many
projects. All denthusiasm was
drawn into its most exciting and
immediate challenge-the Ten-
nessee campaign. The elaborate
committee structure became an
empty shell as active members
were drawn into the ad hoc or-
ganization managing the cam-
AS A RESULT, campus issues,
the area in which Voice was in-

tended to most concern itself, were
neglected. Questions like the com-
mittee on membership selection
were left to the party's SGC rep-
resentatives without any other
Voice action. No research was un-
dertaken and thus the party found
itself without information when
Union and residence hall problems
became issues and .it could not act
until knowledge on the problems
was gained.
The concern exhibited by Voice
members about its stagnation in-
dicated that the party was moving
out of its doldrums. By a resolu-
tion, mandating the executive
committee to propose changes that
would improve Voice's structure,
the party took an important step
toward setting a firmer course of
f* s
VOICE LEADERS will probably
take an issues approach in re-
organizing the party. For a group
of Voice's character, this is the
best way of handling the struc-
ture. The party has few members
who are concerned with many
diverse interests, but it has enough
people who are enthusiastic about
specific concerns to render such
a structure effective.
Under an issue-based system,
committees would be formed on
an ad hoc basis to deal with any
problem that develops. Such groups
would draw members interested in
this area as well as non-members
who are also concerned. All mem-
bers of the group being interested
in the issue, the committee would
function effectively and enthusias-
tically to reach its goal.
Aside from the advantage of ac-
tive participation in many campus
issues largely ignored until now,
this structure would draw more
people into the party and would
increase its effectiveness as a cam-
pus force by making more people
aware that Voice is concerned
with their problems.
THERE is one drawback to this
arrangement, however. Voice, with
many small commmittees, could

become a many-headed monster
without direction. Each group may
become self-centered without con-
sidering the place of its project
within the general scope of the
party. Instead of suffering from
over-concentration in one area,
Voice could suffer from too much
diffusion over many areas.
This problem could be overcome
by strong leadership by an execu-
tive committee of party officers
and area committee chairmei.
This group, especially the Voice
co-chairmen, will have to arbi-
trate disputes over the emphasis
given each project as well as the
allocation of the party's meager
"I'm a great believer in pri-
vate property. I believe in it so
much that I think everybody
should have some."
-Sen. Hubert Humphrey

to the
Juke Box.
To the Editor:
NOT BEING a regular habitue of
the Union (there are so few
left now), I was really quite sur-
prised at the "dsgruntility" over
the lovely new juke-box.
They all seemed very irrate, but
justly so. Not only had this ma-
chine (symbolic of all that is com-
mercial, profitable, and real) com-
pletely shattered the intellectual
atmosphere, but would unquestion-
ably cause a loss of countless study
hours. As an impartial observer, I
could see the reasons plainly. The
night of its arrival was spent by
the "members" giving knowingly
disgusted nods as others slithered
to and fro.
Several hours were used de-
vising nefarious ways of sabotag-
ing this new undesirable. Intel-
lectual witticisms were rampant-
"I see a new trend . . . ," "What
next?" "Maybe we can pour a
malted down it," "Gum in the
coin slot! 1"Pullthe plug, it will
be weeks before they discover it,'
"Two eggplants but the grunch
over there," "not with a whimper
but a bang."
machine will remain after the
onslaught of criticism that will
doubtless come from the left wing
brain trust. I doubt it. We recently
saw what happened at MSU-O.
They too had a juke-box until the
nouveau intellectuals took action.
The attack is understandable
when you look at their motives.
Our little friends, have worked
hard to maintain their exclusive
niche from the world. They've
withstood Union clean-ups and
middle-class invasion, now this!
Help! Help!
-Greg Goldsmith, '62
Peace Corps .
To the Editor:
M R. ALAN GUSKIN'S reported
determination (April 25) "to
fight for our ideas" inthe estab-
lishment of the Peace Corps seems
somewhat militant in view of the
usually expressed ideals of that
organization. Is this not an ac-
knowledgement of the importance
of preparedness and a willingness
to launch military operations
should they become necessary for
the maintenance of world peace?
I believe our Strategic Air Com-
mand is an effective embodiment
of this same concept, although on
a grander scale.
-John A. Clark
Department of Mechanical
A fg nisian . .
To the Editor:
N THE APRIL 14 Daily a para-
graph read, "There are 11 mil-
lion Pushton in Pakistan and Af-
ghanistan. The Afghanistan gov-
ernment has settled on a policy
for their self-determination."
However, the Afghanistan gov-
ernment has settled on a policy
of self-determination for those
Pashto-speaking peoples who are
presently under Pakistan domina-
Afghanistan presently has more
than 7 million Pashto-speaking
population who do have a na-
tional government-Afghanistan.
What Afghanistan wants is a na-
tional government for those
Pashto - speaking people whose
wishes for a national government,
Pashtoonistan, are supressed by
the government of Pakistan.
-Abdul Ghafoor, '6NR

Out of State ..:.
To the Editor:
A DANGEROUS tendency to
discourage out-of-state stu-
dents from state supported col-
leges seems to be gaining accept-
ance here in Michigan.
It should be realized what keep-
ing out-of-staters away can do
to the universities involved. Out-
of-state and" foreign students give
a school a cosmopolitan at-
mosphere and facilitate a wider
range of thought. Also, due to
admissions policies, out-of-state
students raise the standards of
these universities. All these things
are desirable on a college campus
and are the things that attract
better professors.
Finally, it should be pointed out
that whereas Michigan accepts

After the Rebellion
/N THURSDAY, the day before the insurrec- that we must continue to keep our primary
ton, the position of Gaullist government attention fixed on what is central and crucial
was that for France the Algerian question is and not become divided, distracted, and en-
decided. The remaining problem was when the gaged in the periphery.
Algerian Nationalists would find enough unity Reading the clippings after being away for a
among themselves to assume the powers that month, I am astonished at the number of re-
would follow the independence which France sponsible men who want to use the Marines
had decided to grant them. On Friday the Gen- and the American paratroopers all over the
erals rebelled, and for seventy-two hours it world. They want to use them in Laos, in Viet-
was a question whether the government of Gen. nam, and Cuba. In my view, they have let
de Gaulle had misjudged its power. their pride,'their frustration, and their impa-
The big reason, I believe, why the attack on tience exaggerate fantastically the importance
Paris failed is that the pessimists around Gen. of these small peripheral countries. This ex-
de Gaulle had underestimated his personal pow- aggeration is at the expense of a clear and
er and resourcefulness. steady and resolute view of the strategy of
The second reason, and no doubt a smaller our great adversary.
one-though I do not know this for certain- I cannot imagine any course of action better
was that President Kennedy, acting on the calculated to lose the cold war than to become
advice of Gen. Gavin-who is a mighty good engaged in the jungles of Indo-China or in an
man' in a crisis like this one-had rallied to occupation against the guerrilla forces of Cas-
Gen. de Gaulle, had offered him help if it were tro. Let us never forget that the armed forces
desired. The American presence in the Mediter- of the Soviet Union are not committed in any
ranean of the air forces of the Sixth Fleet, of these peripheral countries. It is our para-
which were quite capable of intercepting an mount duty in the strategy of the cold war not
invasion, may have done something to dissuade to become committed in costly little wars which
the rebels from taking off for Paris. cannot be won easily, if they can be won at
I believe that Ambassador Gavin's visit to all, while the Soviet Union and China have
Gen. de Gaulle late Sunday evening marked an their hands free.
American decision in which we can take a cer- Have the addicts of these little wars stopped
tain quiet satisfaction, to think what a little war in Cuba would be like
after the Marines had captured Havana and a
THE PROSPECTS of an Algerian peace have few cities and had then to govern a revolution-
almost certainly been improved somewhat. ary peasantry?
Gen. de Gaulle has now had a showdown-hith-
erto something he has avoided-with the sworn OUR PEOPLE have to fix it in their minds
enemies of his policy. In the aftermath, he will that the worldwide upheaval which has
presumably take stern measures to break the come to Laos and to Vietnam and to Cuba,
back of the armed and organized military reb- which will probably come to Iran and to cer-
els, including that of the foreign mercenaries tain countries in South America, that this
among them, and then will have a free hand to world-wide revolution cannot be stopped and
impose the terms of a settlement-if one can settled by the United States Marines, great
be agreed upon. fighters though they are.
We must not, however, go overboard. A settle- American armed engagements in these per-
mn f in Alria is eelinglv difficult. For ipheral countries, with the Soviet Union's pow-

Pettiness Reigns
At Council Meeting


Daily staff writer
procedure of the McCarthy sub-
committee witchhunts of a few
years ago would have recognized
a familiar chord in the tenor of
discussion around the Student
Government Council table Wed-
nesday night.
Every conceivable petty objec-
tion was thrown into the path of
the coherent discussion on each
point raised. Sometimes the points
were legitimate. In the vast major-
ity of instances they were used
strictly for heckling a speaker with
whom one member disagreed or
for stalling action on a motion
one member opposed.
Chairman" and "on order, Mr.
Chairman" which punctuated at
ten-second intervals the debate
on a motion to have SGC furnish
$50 to enable. the Committee for
Improved Cuban American Rela-
tions to finance this afternoon's
discussion, succeeded in prolong-
ing the debate for nearly two
hours , completely clouding the
issue, and establishing an under-
tone of hostility which prevailed
for the rest of the meeting.
Roger Seasonwein, '61, brought
the folly to its height by protest-
ing on privilege that the president
never have been created - -
four years ago. Since the orchestra

of Interquadrangle-Council should
stop swatting at the president of
the Panhellenic Association in his
attempt to shoo away a bee which
was causing considerable anxiety
around the table.
Probably in retaliation against
Seasonwein's antics, Arthur Rosen-
baum, '62, objected to yielding of
the floor to a constituent who
could clarify the situation. Thus a
cumbersome suspension of thle
rules was necessary in order to
obtain a simple explanation of
the issue under debate.
sa as
down a committee of the whole
discussion on the Peace Corps, the
protests of Philip Power, Spec,
were drowned out in a welter of
"point of order" cries, because
the decision was undebatable. If
Power had been allowed to speak
for half the time wasted in citing
the point of order, he could have
explained that Alan and Judith
Guskin, Grads., who had been
especially invited to the meeting
to discuss the Peace Corps, had
been waiting for two hours, as
had several other members of the
Council members, with the ex-
ception of the group's women.
members, are inexcusably and de-
liberately, rude to each other, to
the president and to constituents
a a a
would remember that parliamen-
tary procedure, instead of being
invented to bog down procedings
and allow members to insult one

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
REGENTS' MEETING: May 18, 19, and
20. Communications for consideration
at this meeting must be in the Presi-
dent's hands not later than May 8.
Please submit twenty-one copies of
each communication.
Ushers are urgently needed for Skit
Night. Please report to Mr. Warner at
the east door of Hill Aud. not later than
7 p.m., Fri., April 28.
Students who are receiving Education
and Training Allowance under Public
Law 550 or 634 must (1) turn in Dean's

Examinations: The last doctoral foreign
language reading examinations this se-
mester will be given on June 1. Since
facilities for the examinations are lim-
ited, it will be wise for persons wish-
ing to be examined before the close of
the semester to sign up as soon as
possible for a specific examination date.
Contact the Foreign Language Exam-
iner, 3028 Rackham Bldg., to set an
examination date.
Approval for the following student-
sponsored activities becomes effective
24 hours after the publication of this
notice. All publicity for these events
must be withheld until the approval
has become effective.
May 9 Michigan Union, Creative Arts
Festival Art Show in conjunction with
the Women's League, Diagonal, 9:00-
May 10 Michigan Union, Creative Arts
Festival Lecture by John Ciardi, "John
Ciardi Reads His Poetry," Hill Aud.,
7:30 p.m.
May 14 Michigan Union, Creative Arts
Festival Lecture by Miss Ayn Rand,
"Our Age, an Aesthetic vacuum," Hill
Aud., 7:30 p.m.
May 16 Michigan Union, Modern

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