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April 26, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-26

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APRIL 26, 1961

i.s s v aua, v ra l .aar tas..u a. FA fw.*' i...

Tulane University Seeks
To Alter Admissions Policy

The Christian Science Monitor

reported yesterday that the ad- To meet these obligations imposed
ministrators of Tulane University on the administrators and to cre-

Educational Fund have voted to
admit all qualified students re-
gardless of their race or color if
the law will permit the action.
In a prepared statement, Joseph
M. Jones, president of the uni-
versity's policy-making governing
body, said, "Times have changed
since: the university was founded.-
SGC ejects
Robertson Talk
Student Government Council
Vice-President Per Hanson, '62,
said SGC did not calendar James
Robertson's address on "The Gen-
esis of American Communism" last
night because the application for
calendaring was not received on
Ordinarily, applications must be
in early enough for the event to
appear 24 hours before it takes
place in the Daily Official Bulle-
Robertson, who is a member of
the national executive committee
of the Young Socialist Alliance,
was to have spoken at 8 p.m. last
night in Rm. 3D of the Union.

ate and maintain a great univer-
sity, it was decided to establish
this policy."
The policy would oppose basic
restrictions imposedbydonors
Paul Tulane and, Josephine L.
Newcomb and would violate cer-
tain Louisiana legislative acts.
Both restrict the university to the
acceptance of only white stu-
Speculation over the move cen-
ters around the future accredita-
tion of the university, or some of
its schools, as well as the possi-
bility that certain research funds
may be denied to universities
which have racial or color bars.
The Monitor expressed the opin-
ion that the administrators do not
actually seek to remove discrim-
ination. Rather, the newspaper
thinks they are simply on record
that if such a step is legally pos-
sible, perhaps upon a court rul-
ing prompted by an entry suit,
the university would remove the
Upon hearing of the action, the
South Louisiana Citizen's Council
said, "It appears to us that you
may be trading the moral and fi-
nancial backing of the Tulane
alumni for the bigger prizes of-
fered by the foundations."

Union To Present Fete
Celebrating Thursday
The Michigan Union will pre-
sent a T.G.I.T. (Thank God It's The event will be on a tri
Thursday) party from 4 to 5:30 basis. If it is successful the Unc
p.m. tomorrow in the Michigan hopes to plan more events alo
Union Grill. this line in conjunction with the
Student Government Council drive to popularize the use ,
President Richard Nohl, '62, will Union facilities by the stude
emcee the event that will feature body.
entertainment by the Arbors, Jer-
ry Bilik, '61SM, on the piano, theL.r.
Road Runners and the Beach oca rio Wins
Combers. t 'z
Bilik does the arrangements for At Jazz Festival
the University Band. The Road
Runners are a rock and roll band, The Omar Clay trio of Ann A
and the Beach Combers are a folk- bor took honors as the best con
sing trio after the fashion of the bo in the Collegiate Jazz Festiv
popular Kingston Trio. Free cof- at the University of Notre Dan
fee will be available. Friday and Saturday.
(Continued from Page 4) pletes 1 yr. trng., will be offered pe
manent assignment to higher level p
sition in administrative field.
a.m., Thurs., Apr. 27. Awards and prizes New England Life Insurance Co., BS
to be presented. Speaker: Ernest Swift, ton, Mass.-Programmer Trainee-B
Conservation Advisor, National Wildlife Math beyond college algebra recor
Federation. mended,but not required. Senior
recent grad..Exper. not required.
Guest Organist: Catharine Crozier will Michigan State Employment Secu
be heard in an organ recital on Thus., ity Commission, Detroit - Econor
April 27, 4:15 p.m., in Hill Aud. Miss Analyst-immed. opening. BA ornM.
Crozier will include in her program in Econ, or BS or MS in Math or St
compositions by Handel, deGrigny, Da- tiStics BA's should have 1 yr. exp
quin, Bach, Roger-Ducasse, Berliinski, in Labor Market Analysis or Lab
Barber, and Sowerby. Open to the pub- Mkt.- Research.
lic. Devereux Foundation, Devon, Pa.
Professional Asst. In Psychologic
Lecture: Miss Katherine Kuh, art Services to serve as Administrati
critic, Saturday Review of.Literature, Asst. to Director of Professional Ps
will speak in the Architecture Aud. chological Educ. Trng. Man or WO
at 4:15 on Thurs., April 27, on "Visual AN-MA preferred, plus applied relat
Puns and Abbreviations in Present-Day exper., typing ability. A nonprot
Art." organ.
Illinois State Normal University U
Lecture: "Communication via Ran- ion Bldg., Normal, Ifl.-Asst. Food Pr
domly Varying Channels," 4:15 p.m., duction Manager. BA in Institution
1504 East Engineering Bldg., on Thurs., Administration or Home Econ.
April 27. Forest Preserve District, Cook Cou:
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Z. Nas- ty, IlL.-Naturalists (2) to assume pri:
hed will speak on "Singular Sturm- ciple responsibility of 4 nature ce:
Lieuville Problems in an Exposition" ters, lecture & show movies in coun
on Thurs., April 27, at 4:00 p.m. in 246 schools, etc. Require BS, broad ti
West Engineering. Refreshments in 274 in Nat. S., expec. in ecological a
West Engineering at 3:30 p.m. proach. Annual report describing wo
of dept. on file at Bureau of Appoin
Statistics seminar will meet in 3201 ments.
Angell Hall on Thurs., April 27 at 4 p.m. Connecticut Civi Service-Toxicologi
Dr. Emil Jebe will speak on "Outliers." cal Chemist-MS in Chem. & 1 yr. e
per, involving chem. analyses for pC
sons & other toxic substances or I
P c ein Chem. & 3 yrs. specialized relate
exper. Conn. residence not require
ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- No closing date for exam.
VIEWS-Seniors & grads, please sign U.S. Navy, Washington, D.C., In
schedule posted at 128-H West Engrg. Md., Va., and overseas-Civilian jobs f
Bldg. grad. Engnrs., Chemists, Physicisi
APRIL 28- Mathematicians, & other scientists, I
Hoover Company, North Canton, O.- brarians, Psychologists, etc. All d
BS: IE for design work in Engrg. Div. grees. Exper. req. for some positions.
Also, Summer Employment: Men com- Please contact Bureau of Appts., 40
pleting their third year, primarily in Admin., Ext. 3371 for further inform
EE, ME, & ChE. tion.
Babcock & Wilcox Co., Barberton, a. PartTim e
-Jr. or above, grad. preferred; ME,
ChE, upper ? of class, scholastically.
For Research, Heat Transfer & Ther- y en
modynamics. Trng. position which may The following part - time jobs a:
lead to permonent employment, available. Applications for these jo
For further information, visit the can be made in the Non-Academ
Summer Placement Service, D-528 SAB. Personnel Office, 1020 Admin. Bld
Open Mon. through Thurs., 1:00-5:00 Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.
p.m., and all day Friday. 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring par
PERSONNEL REQUESTS: time or temporary employes shoul
County of Westchester, White Plains, contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, ex
N.Y. - Public Administration Intern. 2939.
Must have completed course require- Students desiring miscellaneous jo
ments for MA in Public Admin. or should consult the bulletin board i
Political Science. If successfully com- Rm. 1020 daily.

Ernest Kramer, baritone
"In Search of a Definition of Jewish
Next Sunday, April 30 at 8 P.M.

Zwerdling-Cohn Chapel

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