"Let's Brush Up On These Early Chapters Again" 4r mtorhigan tly Seventy-First Year 'EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Lnion Are Free, UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. o ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. HOOTENANY: Folk Songs Sparkle Even After 4 Hours ERIC DARLING SAYS that folk music appeals because each person thinks he can do better. That is about what happened at the four hour, 16 act Folklore Society hootenanny Saturday night. Each performer did better than the last, culminating in an impromptu blues session by professionals Bill McAdoo, Frank Hamilton and Jack Elliott. Bill Roberts of Detroit and Ricky Sherover of Indiana University; and Perry Lederman; Mike Sherker, Nick Gravenites and Paul Butter- field of Chicago sparked the evening with real talent. Perry Ledermen's instrumentation has improved even more in Berkeley. His "Christmas Carol Medly" was difficult and excellently APRIL 25, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Michigan State Disregards Deinition of a University PHE PAST, definitions of a university re always included a concept of evolution: versity is 'constantly maturing and im- ig, moving closer to ever unreachable s axiom of higher education (held even, generally as a rule of life by many) went allenged until last week. Then our neigh- o the northwest, Michigan State Univer- announced that it had "just about reached evel we should" and froze admission ards for a four year period. s means that high school seniors In will need only the same degree of educa- achievement that is required of their erpaits today to enter MSU. is the MSU freshmen classes will change ility only so much as their high schools ve. Judging from past experiences, this )vement will be slight indeed. announcing this new admissions policy, is claiming that a university has a right, ,ps a duty, to cease its development at ivenient academic level. this level is anywhere below the maximum cable one, which no college or university, laims, a great injustice will be done to tate and the nation. U's rationalization for this is twofold:. sure anxious parents that their children get into some college and to provide for numbers of freshmen. ile it is a praiseworthy, humane act to ve the burden of worry from Michigan parents, more important concerns arise when a frozen standard of acceptance is adopted. ~ How will the university differentiate between two students who apply when there is room for only one? Will date of application be a more deciding factor than intellectual competence once a minimum level has been reached? What becomes of the brilliant, but bored student who doesn't "get the grades" or is especially strong in one area, but not in all? Has com- prehension of the unknown reached such an impassable point that human knowledge wil never become more complex or difficult than it is now? As for the desire to enlarge its enrollment, MSU must once again be congratulated. for a noble attempt which still needs more thought. Increase in students is not laudable in itself, as MSU may think, but only as it allows the greatest numbers to achieve the best possible education. Such an education is impossible at an institution which is self-satisfied and un- willing to become more rigorous. The more widespread and deeper the edu- cation that all our citizens receive, the better equipped they will be to face the growing complexities of our scientific and political societies. Thus a move to make education more universal is a good one, if we can secure a high level of instruction at the same time. The universality which MSU seeks to offer must be linked with enrichment if the optimum educational advance is to be achieved. At the very least, one hopes that MSU will be able to maintain the degree of quality it has 'al- ready reached. If significant jumps in enrollment are ex- pected, increased faculty and facilities must follow. So far MSU has unfortunately not indicated any proposed growth of teaching staff or physical plant.. Its solution appears to be the artifical, vapid and erroding devices of crowding more students into already bulging classrooms and providing closed circuit tele- vision instruction. Observing the -immobility MSU is casting :upon itself, it is difficult to see anything but a glorification of the academic status quo which eventually only masquerades a decaying university. -MICHAEL OLINICK f- ?2 sD,E tL. -4 - TG ACADEMIC FREEDOM: *Are There Limits? Freedom KOCH, FIRED from his job at the niversity of Illinois for his views on arital sex, has finally solved the problem. eedom of speech. He," and some of his gues, are going to vorm their own univer- next fall where faculty members them- will serve as administrators. ,demic freedom in America must indeed a sorry state When one must go to such is just to be intellectually honest. -D. MARCUS' (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following are the statements of John A. Hannah, president of Michiban State Univer- sity, and Leo Koch who recently gave an address at MSU endorsing pre-martal sexu relations. Koch was a professor 1i the botany de- partment at the University of Illi- nois before his dismissal last 4pring.) President Hannah AMONG THE responsibilities en- trusted to a university by so- ciety is that of defending certain values, among them academic freedom and freedom of speech. Tradition and practice have grad- ually defined the areas within which they may and should be exercised. But a university has a respon- sibility, to preserve the values of society as well, and among these is the right of a society to defend itself. We are confronted with a diffi- cult situation, presented by the appearance on this campus of Dr. Leo Koch at the invitation of the Teachers Union and three ,stu- dent groups. IN HIS PUBLIC addresses, he has reportedly attacked present- day methods and procedures in higher education, and this' he is free to do, even though he is not recognized as an authority on the subject. Press reports are that in Thursday's lecture, he went be- yond this area, however, and at- tacked the moral standards held by a great majority of the Ameri- hat Can Be Done with Eichmann? THE EICHMANN trial wears on and the world's newspaper, radio and television ence becomes increasingly nauseated with unbelievable profusion of horror stories nating from the holy city, questions about el's right to try the mass murderer and motive for doing so have largely faded of the picture. hese facts are taken for granted, and the desire now is to see the trial end. But will it end? What is to be done with the rminator of\ six million human beings? here are three possibilities, as we see it: him free, execute him, or sentence him to imprisonment. To turn a mass murderer after -you have gone to such lengths to Ufar :E ISSUE OF a raise in residence halls oom and board fees has been met unfairly he University. niversity administrators claim they can tell until late May whether or not a fee t is needed or how much it might be. Yet alerted their residence hall staff a month to expect such a raise and to seek for ,ns to minimize it. y the time that late May arrives, students rning to dormitories and quadrangles for her year will have already signed rooming racts and left the University a $50 deposit. hmen planning to enter the University in ;ember will have to submit a similar room sit as well as an advance on tuition. :US THE UNIVERSITY will be asking over. ,000 students to pledge now that they will in a residence hall without knowing how h it is going to cost them. ondering about the amount a room and 'd fee is liable to go up while a tuition ease still looms in its shadowy (though kely) corner can severely frustrate an ergraduate's financial planning. For many, eases in both areas would be inability to rid the University during the coming year. he University has the obligation to make wn to the student as much as possible about required payments for education and living the campus. Certainly a more definite .d on dormitory fees can be made at this when one considers the precarious state tudent finances. -M OLINICK capture and amass evidence against him is an absurd" idea. EXECUTE THE former S.S colonel ac- complishes nothing. It only adds one more life to the total taken in a cold-blooded cal- culated manner. No one could possibly argue that one man's dying will pay for or make up for six million deaths. The purposeful tak- ing of another's life, for any reason whatso- ever shy of self defense, is not within the bounds of moral human conduct, particularly if Israel is acting as spokesman for the Jewish people who are sworn to uphold the command, ment "thou shalt not kill" as well as the biblical injunction to turn the other cheek. Furthermore, killing Eichmann to make him pay for his crime is implying that such a crime can be paid for, and this implication is in- excusable. Israel's position should be clear if we remember that the state' dropped capital punishment for murder in 1954, 'and if one abandons capital punishment on principle, one is not permitted 'by these principles to. make exceptions. The third alternative, keeping Eichmann in prison until he dies a natural death is prob- ably the least untenable of the possibilities.. Some say that this would be the cruelest punishment for Eichmann would have to live with the enormity of his guilt constantly pressing upon his conscience. The war criminal has not, however, indicated any remorse or made any public statement of guilt feeling. 'Those who have interviewed him report they have seen no marks of a shameracked man. If Eichmann has not yet felt the impact of con- science, it is dubious that the trial will bring it home to him. A LIFE IN a Jerusalem prison sustained by Israeli food and protected by Israeli police, many of whose relatives were probably Eich- mann victims seems the only answer for him. It is an ironic joke on Israel, yet it is the only moral action the Israeli -government can take at this point. -JUDITH OPPENHEIM and MICHAE4 OLINICK To the Editor: MR HARRAH'S editorial in Fri- day's Daily on "What is a Liberal" would be a nice bit of sarcasm and irony but for the fact that it was probably written sincerely. Mr. Harrah in his ar- ticle promotes selfishness and naively believes that "one's best interest" must necessarily be in conflict with community and pub- lic interests. Isn't it conceivable that if a person's community is improved, he too benefits? A liberal is not a person imbued with a great sense of equality or superficial compassion. True, he has a reverent regard for his fel- low mar, but can this be wrong? 'he equalities a liberal fights for are equalities of human and civil rights and opportunity. The idea that .everyone must receive the "same share regardless of effort" is a naive argument used by con- servatives and opponents of pub- lic good. A liberal works for a de- cent standard of living for all, not necessarily an equal share of the national wealth. A person cannot, as Harrah im- plies, make his own independent way in 'the world. Whatever he LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Hits Concept of 'Liberal' has, he owes to his society in ad- dition to his own prowess. in our society, a person can be successful, (success equals material gain in Mr. Harrah's language) onlyf by the aid given him by many people and at the involuntary expense of many people. MR. HARILAH seems to think that an entrepeneur has perfect "freedom" to deal with his em- ployees as if they were- machines. But they are not machines, they are men; men with lives and fam- ilies. You cannot replace a man like you can a machine. The idea that there is some higher and more worthy goal in life than self interest is obviously foreign to a "conservative" like Mr. Harrah. As man becomes civilized, he cooperates with his fellows. He no longer fights for his own survival in a dark jungle but rather he works with hisfellows, not against them, to improve the lot of every- one. A person who works for the betterment of all people, a person who can cooperate instead of com-. pete-this person is to be admired and not sneered at. -Carl Goldberg, '63 can people, and ridiculed the con- cept of the sanctity of marriage and the integrity or the home. The preservation of our social system and our form of govern- ment depends to a great degree on the integrity of the family and the sanctity of the marriage vow. Any attack upon them is an at- tack against one of the strongest bulwarks of our social system. While Michigan State Univer- sity cannot reasonably be held responsible for what every speakerr on its campus may say, in this instance it must specifizally dis- avow Dr. Koch's comments and dissassociate itself from his point of view. The University considers such views to be repugnant, in bad taste, and inimical to the best in-, terests of the society it serves. Koch's Rebuttal: PRESIDENT JOHN A. Hannah of Michigan State University ap- Oarently believes in academic free- dom but does not practice it. Whereas in his capacity as a citizen he has complete freedom to criticise my views of academic freedom, or of sexual morality, and I would welcome an oportun- ity to debate them, it seems to me that his limited view of the scope of academic freedom Is incon- sistent with the ideals generally, accepted by scientists and scholars: everywhere. I hope that university presidents might realize that the future se- curity and. growth of any demo- cratic society depends primarily on the intellectual honesty and integrity of its leaders and es- pecially so on the leaders- of its educational institutions. It would seem to me that any discussion of important issues should be directed toward the issues themselves rather than to- wards the emotional state of cer- tain individuals. By avoiding' the issues and re- ferring to my views as "repug- ,nant, in bad taste, and inimical to the best interests of the so- ciety," President Hannah has. aligned himself with the forces of reaction rather than with those of education. done and his foray into rock 'n roll provided good comic relief. Miss Sherover's clear voice was bieautiful to hear and her instru- mental performance matched it. BILL ROBERTS, singing of "Burglar Man" and "Hey Joe," was lively and technically perfect. In addition, the songs were fresh and new. Mike Sherker with a new and better banjo was his lively self. Difficult word sequences are play to him and his "Ban the Bomb" brings to America a good mate to "Trafalger Square." Gravenites and Butterfield are bluesmen of the first wail. They called annencoreowith their "Wine." If one did not believe that full orchestra effect blues could be achieved by a harmonica and a guitar, the proof was given Saturday night. Dick Scheimer and Bob Mc- Allen of Michigan State Univer- sity played well in their first pub- lic performance as a duet. After a slow rendition of "Tarrytown,, they displayed a distant quality in their harmony in "Jamaica Farewell" and drew an encore with "You Belong to My Heart." * ,' C - BY FAR THE best number was Bill McAdoo's original "Walk on Alabama" written during the Montgomery bus boycott. It was lively, had a message and was sung with vigor. McAdoo's "Train Song" was beautiful and haunting. Karen Baker of Wayne State University almost matched Joan Baez with "Don't Sing Love Songs" and her clear voice gave "Oysters" a light, lilting quality. The real beauty of folk music was demonstrated in the final ses- sion with Hamilton, McAdoo and Elliot. The masters of guitar were almost lost in the companionship of good music. The impf'omptu verses were so corny, they were actually good. --Caroline Dow DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Buletin is an official publication ,of The Univer- sity of W~Ichigan" for Which Th9 Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form( to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, APRIL 25 General Notices Students who are definitely planning to transfer to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Educa- tion, School of Music, School of Nurs- ing, College of Architecture and Design, or the College of Pharmacy in Septem- her 1961 from another campus should come to the Office of Admissions, 1524 Admin. Bldg., immediately to make ap- plication for transfer. June Teacher's Certificate candidates: All requirements for the teacher's cer- tificate must be Completed by May 12th. These requirements include the teach- er's oath, the health statement, and the Bureau of Appointments material. The oath should be taken as soon as possible in room 1439'U.E.S.. Class of 1961: Caps and gowns for graduation may be rented ,through Moe's Sport Shop, 711 North University, Monday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. - The approval for the following studentp sponsored' activities becomes effective 24 hours after the publication of this no- tice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has be- come effective. , May 11 Michigan Union, "Poetry Reading Hour," speaker J C. Kennedy and :others, UGLib., 7:30 pm. Agenda: Student Government Coun- (Continued on Page 5) CONCERTGEBOUJW Highlight"-1 {OfSeries SUNDAY EVENING'S concert by the famed ConceIrtgebouw Or- chestra of Amsterdam proved to be the highlight of this year' varied subscription series concerts at Hill Auditorium. Few audiences have given more rapt attention during a performance, and few have shown the applaudigappre- ciation given Sunday night to this orchestral group. The program was both varied and interesting. The orchestra opened with the symphonic poem "Don Juan" by Richard Strauss. It depicts not only Strauss con- version to the' school of epre- sionism, but also the growing at- tempt of late nineteenth century composers to record in music their impressions from without. * * * THE SECOND PIECE of the evening proved to be- an exciting introduction to contemporary Dutch music. Marius Flothuis, present at the concert, is a recog- nized music critic and composer who seems to have struck a happy medium between romantacism and the modern idiom in his "Sym- phonic Music". It is a full four movement sym- phonic work opening with a slow kettle" drum rhythm which r- reats itself intermittently through- out the composition. The work is definitely lyrical inrnature, mo igat times. toward a grwing;. crescendo, but never reaching the plateau of contemporay never- never land. CONCLUDING, THE orchestra performed the Beethoven "Eroica" Symphony. While the tempo was somewhat relaxed by present day standards, the work remained strong and distinct, never becom- Ing sluggish or tiresome. It was in this readingr' that one ,became definiely impressed with the_ strength and unity of the string section. It was a pleasure to hear this great orchestral group once again. One became particularly enthral- led in watching conductor Eugen Jochum tactfully guide his sym- phony through its repertory. It seemed at times as if he were tapping' each and every note directly with the controlled beat' of his baton, for the outcome fi his effort was the musical voice , of a single unit, and not the sporadic contribution of many in- dividuals. It is this sound of func- tional unity and precise musical structuring that has made the Concertgebouw Orchestraa re- spected institution within the mu- sical world, '-Roger Wolthuis War Cr "The free enterprise system has been destroyed .. . We emphati- cally assure those who have been unjustly dispossessed that all of their assets will be returned .. . We shall encourage investment in private property, both national and foreign, and we shall give' complete guarantees to private enterprise and to private pro- perty.", -Declaration of war against the Castro regime is- sued April 8 in New York by Dr. Jose Miro Cardona for the Cuban Revolutionary CounciL I p I FEIFFER LNOAS V MtfO V'?AS 1Z'TW COR1EQCgO OP' jRAMI I IAS RWAt1 4J AU LM ( 4Cr T SE c2 -'Q MeTMI()5U RfV APIlH JR0I IVefI 'rK Room At 706 Creou Pe f lo ~U7 OF COUeP eCoWm ISAtJ'iUX)L} VWoc6Ss.Ai _ _ s s . t t TROOM- 0 WMAD W 460 r eP'CC A t AAS 'f G POW t00WSTii~ Commitment SOUVANNA PHOUMA, NEUTRALIST leader of Laos should have been conferring with Kennedy and Dean Rusk one day last week. Instead he was on his way to Communist China: ,I'M O 0S AR6 THO l