Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN )plnions Are Fr UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS h Will Prevall" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Story of Fayette and Haywo Y, FEBRUARY 15, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARRELL, Kennedy Must Actualize Partnership With People RECENT editorial in Life magazine warns hat President Kennedy's use of live tele- I press conferences may "impair the stature his) office" by making him as "familiar as man next door." The presidency, according ife, "requires an aura of dignity and unas- ble authority which could suffer by too uent exposure to the vulnerable atmosphere he press conference." his reasoning has a certain specious plausi- y. But I believe that it ignores the charac- both of the new president and of the times hich he takes office. BEGIN WITH, President Kennedy rejects he venerable American tradition of limited rnment. He does not regard the Federal rnment as a necessary evil which must be fully checked, but as a positive good' ugh which "the people collectively" can mplish what they could not as individuals. o this philosophy, which'dates from the' Deal, Kennedy has added a unique concep- of the role of president as leader of the on. This conception is indicated by his ;tant campaign plea to "give me your help," charge to "ask what you can do for your itry," his challenge to "join in that historic t (against the common enemies of man)". attempts to reduce the gap between the re of government action and the sphere of ridual involvement-not by decentralizing, rnment but by focusing the public's atten- s and energies on national problems. He s at a popular involvement and participa- in government which has formerly been ible only at the local level. NNEDY DOES NOT regard himself as a benevolent dictator, relying on the "mys- e of the presidency"'for authority. He does even regard himself as a "lobbyist for the le." I believe that he regards himself as a ner of the people=-a senior partner to be who will exercise strict control within his re, but a partner whose success or failure ends on the cooperation he receives from nation. His use of live broadcast press con- aces aims at conveying a sense of immedi- and personal participation in the affairs of rnment. is notion of partnership apparently has . evolved partly to allay conservative fears n expanded central government. Conserva- 3 are likely to argue that stkte and local rnments should be strengthened because are closer to the people. President Ken- P is attempting to demonstrate that modern nunications make possible an even greater ilar involvement in national affairs than cal. Specifically, he may be hoping to in- e and interest conservatives themselves, icularly border-line conservatives.. ESIDENT KENNEDY'S concern with the conservative problem is easily understand- . Conservatives in the U.S. Congress consti- a major obstacle to enactment of the. ram Kennedy believes is- vitally necessary. e remote, but ultimately of more signifi- e, is the spread of conservatism on the na- s campuses. It would not be well to exag=' te the ideological content of this conserva- tism. To a large extent it is not a political phi- losophy at all, but a , hypocritical rationaliza- tion of personal interests. In these cases, much of Kennedy's program will be opposed regard- less of the political theory he advances to ius- tify it. Nevertheless there is a sufficiently good case to be made for limited government that many intelectual conservatives do exist. Kennedy eviedntly seeks to convince the latter that gov- ernment can be big and centralized without de- creasing personal involvement. Whether his ar- gument will be accepted remains to be seen. IS CONCEPT of a partnership between leader and led has also been necessitated by by the new social movement among liberals, particularly liberal youth. This group has in the past been most agreeable to an expansion of centralized government. But in the last year, after .amounting dissatisfaction with the accomplishments of government, this group has turned to direct social action on the individual level. Largely by extra-institutional means, such as sit-ins, they have significantly advanced cliv- il rights and exerted enormous pressure in issues ranging from NDEA loyalty oaths to the peace corps. They are unlikely now to take a back seat to a government which they have so 4rilliantly outperformed. Young Americans, already personally involved in a major social movement, are not asking for and do not want an omnipotent philosopher-king who will solve all problems while they look on inertly. They desire a competent, vigorous partner who will join them in the work already in prog- ress, inspiring by results as well as words or a presidential ,mystique. ?THERE HAVE BEEN, then, several reasons for the development of the Kennedy concep- tion of leadership. Contributing importantly have been his own deficiencies. Kennedy must surely be aware by now that he is not the char- ismatic father-figure that has emerged in other periods of national peril. His youth, lack of elo- quence and very appearance preclude the devel-' opment of such an image. More importantly, the times preclude it. Kennedy takes office in a period when no large part of the population is willing to cede respon- sibility for action to the federal government. On the one hand, a ballooning conservatism rejects the whole notion of government in- volvement in most affairs, and is particularly alarmed by increased centralization of govern- ment action. On the other hand, the persons most amenable to the expansion of government activity have discovered in the last year how much they can accomplish as individuals. ACTION at the national'level is clearly re- quired, and President Kennedy has had no choice but to seek a new relation between fed- eral government and the people. He must quiet conservative fears of increased government ac- tivity. At the same time he must channel the social action of liberals without seeming to push them. A partnership appears to be his proposed solution. -JOHN ROBERTS (EDITOR'S NOTE: Five students, including two from the University and three from the University o Texas, spent several days recently in Tennessee, studying the complex conditions in Fayette and Haywood counties.) By THOMAS HAYDEN Editor I'E SSEE'S HIGHWAY 100 measures 16 miles from the Fayette County line to Somerville, the county seat. The country is not unusual - poor farm land, crusted with traces of crop and tillage, clumps of trees breaking the view of the rolling, infinite recession of the land, spotted by an occasional house along the road with a dusty car tilted in the ruts outside, someone periodically plod- dling along the gravel shoulder as you pass. Here and there a shack is vis- ible, or a cluster of shacks, each inhabited by a family of share- croppers, the shacks symbols of a pre-industrial era, integral ele- ments of the Southern tradition, and now, in Fayette and adjoining Maywood counties, the source of a social movement - the attempt of the Negro to establish his right to vote in the face of a hostile white community. For several months the Justice Department has been working to prove that hundreds of Negro sharecroppers have been forced off the landbecause they attempt- ed to register or vote in the pre- dominantly Negro counties. Ac- companying the threats by the whites, according to the Justice Department, was an organized re- fusal to do business with Negroes who had registered. The United States Court of Ap- peals is scheduled to rule on the government's claims next week. IN THE MEANTIME displaced Negroes have remained stubbornly in the counties, sustained by sup- plies from sympathizers across the nation, hoping for a solution to their complicated problem. We drove to the ara last -week; our purpose was to study conditions in both counties in order to make sensible recommendations to groups who wish to send food and supplies to the Negroes. Somerville is first visible as some uninspiring structures set almost symoblically beneath a huge white cross gleaming frofn the city water tower. The city itself is very small, without beauty, and the signs around its perimeter read: "Som- merville: A Better Community Through Local Effort." At a traf- fic light at the town square one turns left and in a few moments the houses become scarce. * * . LESS THAN A MILE along the road is McFerren's grocery store; a white frame, inconspicuous place. Further along the road are the homes of Estella McFerren and her son John, the owner of the grocery store. McFerren has lived all his 36 years in Fayette County, with the exception of a service hitch in the North. He is listed in the news- papers as leader of the all-Negro Fayette Civic and Welfare League and as a prominent figure in the League's campaign for Negro voter registration. But he is more than that and this the papers have not said: the emergence of John Mc- Ferren is the emergence of a new phase of Negro .rebellion. In re- cent months it has been the stu- dents and ministers and other members of the middle-class who have moved actively in the direc- tion of equal rights. Now it is the sharecropper, the "country nig- galh," in revolt. That sharecroppers should rebel is not in itself unique they did it in the Thirties. But in those years the demand was for food and other physical essentials. Today it is for essentials of a dif- ferent order-the right to vote and participate in the democratic order. JOHN McFERREN is singularly important among the sharerop- pers because, despite his slight education and lack of what we call sophistication, he is alone in sensing the uses of power and in realizing the intensity of the struggle against the whites in Fayette County. We first met John McFerren in his little-we thought it vulner- able - frame house. The shades were down and he lay back on his bed, resting. His wife moved about the kitchen, two little chil- dren playing around her. John Mc- Ferren spoke in stock generalities about his people, sounding us out: "We is in a real fight and we is goin' to win. But the whites are goin' to give us trouble and our people goin' to have to resist. That's why now we can only plan on daysin-day-out basis and we do need aid from you people you all goin't to be here Wednes- day? You come down to my store. We goin' to distribute food and clothes to them." * * * THE FOOD AND clothing to be distributed are a fraction of the shipments which have been sent to Tennessee since registered Ne- gro voters were asked to leave their farms by white landowners. McFerren distributes twice each week. His immediate and consum- ing problem is in providing both for the material and emotional needs of the people. McFerren ac- complishes the former by his regu- lar distributions, the latter by his fantastic demogoguery. We watch- ed him perform at a special meet- ing of the League held in a country church. His people were there by the hundreds, sitting and standing and kneeling. There were prayers, hymns, witnesses, sermons - all geared to the theme that McFer- ren, like Moses, would not leave his people in the wilderness. * * THEN JOHN McFERREN ad- dressed them, being strong and re- assuring, insisting that the Ne- groes are in a struggle which they must win by gaining enfranchise- ment-or else. The crowd did not understand in the same desperate manner that John McFerren un- derstood, but they approved and as they approved, one could dimly sense the changing of the South. We travelled on to the now- famous Freedom Village. It lies nakedly by the road about a mile beyond McFerren's house. Thirteen --Daily-David Main Street-Freedom Village I FEEL IT coming, oh I feel it, coming. The change, every so often there's a change, and I feel it com- ing now." When he talks it is with a detachment that suggests the words are half-directed at himself, half at his listeners. "XIwon't leave this land no matter what they do to us. This is our county, we were born here, we been here all our lives, we are going to stay here all our lives, and we going to be citizens." We asked McFerren and Towles about the white citizens' charges that Negroes were evicted because of the introduction of mechaniza- tion in the farm counties. The an- swer was blunt, as expected: the white peopleare releasing us not because new machines are being used, but because we tried to vote. Do they think the use of machin- ery on the farms is going to ever cause Negroes to move off the land? "They don't need no ma- chines down here; they just don't want us to vote." All the Negroes in the counties are not so inflexibly dedicated as these. In the time we spent in the areas, a major schism developed within the Negro community. In nearby Memphis we talked with McFerren's insurgent enemies: Negro attorney J. F. Estes, Fayette, League President Scott Franklin, (McFerren is chairman of the league), and others. Estes had been the originator of Negro registra- tion drives in Fayette and Hay- wood two years ago. He had found- ed Civic and Welfare Leagues for both counties and had stayed in Memphis as attorney 1 for the, leagues. There had been a falling- out with McFerren over the han- dling of finances, and now 'Estes, has set up a new group to handle Fayette-Haywoodrelief operatons, circumventing McFerren. EST ES' SUPPORTERS include influential Negroes from both counties. Two of them are minis- ters, gentlemen named Odenal and Graves. "John McFerren is not a Christian man," Graves said when we asked about his griev- ances with the present relief or- ganization. "He doesn't care for all the people. He keeps food and clothing in his building and don't give it out to people who are suf- fering. Our people here are suf- fering, and McFerren only cares for' himself." McFerren, they pro- test, only gives to those who regis- ter. What do Odenal and Graves think of the dispute with the whites? Odenal: "It's just a mis- understanding, that's all. They just don't understand what our, people want.'" How do you make them "under- stand?" Graves: "You set down with them and tell 'em what you SOMERVILLE *.. first glimpse East-West Image? WAII HAS CREATED the East-West Cen- er in its own self-image-the image of the ni state, cultural center for the ideas of rient and America. This image was care- fostered, through the years preceding hood-and clinched by the center, ,which sents both the beginning and the culmina- >f an extremely fervent local dream. e value of the Center's plans, to the aca- : world and to the cause of cultural change, not be under-rated. They plan to bring s and Americans to the Center-to live, and study together, the culture and tech- y of each other's group, in really idyllic nstances. HE COMPLEX PLANS for housing, schol- rships, and conferences work out as well ey have planned, the Center will prob- be the focal point of Asian Studies in ica--and the envy of every administrator ery East-West study program in the coun- Even now, in its nascent stage, it has Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director ETH McELDOWNEY........Associate City Editor H DONER.............Personnel Director AS KABAKER.......... Magazine Editor LD APPLEBAUM .. Associate Editorial Director EAS WITECKI.................Sports Editor kEL GILLMAN.......... Associate Sports Editor aroused green-tinged criticism from many of the already established institutions. But good as the plans for the Center- seem to be, there is a major' problem-$10 million of government money. The founders of the Center managed to convince Vice-President Lyndon Johnson, on a campaign trip last year, that their plans and their ideals deserved gov- ernment sponsorship. And indeed they do. BUT THEY ARE USING the money to build -literally from the group up-the kind of program that older institutions have spent years accumulating gradually, and at great ex- pense. For the first several years nearly all of their government windfall will go into capital expenditures-erecting some buildings uniquely suited to their purposes (for example, the joint living units for Asian and American students) and some others (for example, classroom build- ings) which an established program could pro- vide from existing resources. But most of all, the East-West Center seems likely to lack the kind of experience which forms a solid basis for the older, better estab,- lished programs. There is a good deal to be said for the fresh, approach, for the new point of view, for the clean start. But when the gov- ernment is investing $10 million per year in a single, essentially academic program, it would seem wiser to build on accumulated resources, faculty, courses and experience. A CENTER OF THIS SQRT could have been established on any number of campuses- at Columbia, here at the University, or at California, if a Pacific location is considered essential. In all of these nlaces. and several tents were up, each housing a family-over 100 people. The tem- perature was in the twenties. Little girls in light dresses played before the tents ,their eyes glistening, their knees smeared with Ten- nessee mud. Little boys wrestled. Dogs wandered everywhere. Inside, the tents was dimness, faint warmth from a coal stove, and families sitting upon randomly- placed furniture. Their eyes met us and when we smiled, they did also. Outside stood Shepherd Towles, the Negro "mayor" of the village, Towles owns the surrounding land, providing it for the families who were forced to leave their farms when they registered last year. He is a tall man, very deliberate in his stalkings around Freedom Vil- lage, very adamantly behind John McFerren in the struggle. want for your people and then they will understand. Everybody would understand .. . we don't want to take over no government, just John McFerren wants to take over . . . we gust wants to have everybody act right and right- eously.": * * * . THEY SAID THIS and we lis- tened and privately remembered the hatred and fear in the white lawyer' and deputy sheriff we'd talked to the day before in Somer- ville, the respectable understand- ing citizens who had said there was but one thing to remember: "The niggers are like children, morally, socially, in every way. We always have got along and weal- ways will get along if the Northern agitators wouldn't try to settle our affairs for us ."And as the good Reverend Odenal talked of "understanding" we were remem- bering that before 1959 two Ne- groes had attempted to register in Haywood county-both were lynched. And we remembered the bullet put in the back of one of the Negroes in Freedom Village last month. And still Odenal talk- ed of conciliation, and still Graves agreed with him. Get rid of Mc- Ferren. Give food to all the people, whether they are registering or not. Talk with the whites about what we want. We are in no way children. To understand the white dis- position, we talked with Ray Cole- son, the editor of the Fayette Fal- con, offices in Somerville. He is old, gray, apparently a segrega- tionist who, seems, however, to be wary of violence and chaos even more than of the aspirations of the Negro. "The thing you've got to remember about these counties,' he intoned, "is that the very basic problem they face is that of agri- cultural revolution." We blinked, thinking of the eroded, bumpy land; he continued: "The nigras here have to be moved off the land. There just isn't enough work for them now that the farm ma- chines are coming in. Maybe 500 families will have to leave in the next five years." * * * HOW MANY OF the evictions were, the result of new mechaniza- tion and how many the result of sharecroppers trying to vote? "Some of both, I imagine. But you got to remember that we aren't like Haywood county. Nigras, lots of 'em, been voting in Fayette- for years and years." The Justice De- partment says 17 Negroes voted in Fayette between 1952 and 1959. Since then, over 1,000 have regis- tered and voted. "Well the government's a big outfit. Got lots of money. What are you going to do when they start making accusations? Do you people know the cost of lawyers' fees for a case this big?" How did Coleson think the prob- lem of the "agricultural revolu- tion" ought to be solved? "A bi- racial committee could iron things out. Lots of whites afraid the nig- ras don't want that. We could set tlown and talk over the problem, f nd ways to get the n4gras to move into other counties where mechan. ization hasn't arrived. Do you know they been offered jobs else- where and have refused to leave this county? They even been of- fered jobs inside this county, some of 'em, and refused to leave Free- dom Village." Was John McFerren behind this obstinacy? Yes, Cole- son reckoned John McFerren - "and probably others" - was be- hind it. s . s THERE WERE FINAL stops to make. One was at the farm of a Mrs. Davis in Haywood county. She is a tiny white woman, very old, and she did not understand utilities and still refuse to sell her anything. It Is the same with the Negroes in the counties. If you have registered, you have forfeited the right to buy. The woman continued, in her little voice: "I ain't scared of the nigras : . no, they never dnel nothing to me. The white folks sure hate 'em though. They don't like me, neither. Have to buy y things outside the county. Stll to the Methodist Church though they can't keep me out." WE LEFT HER, not understanld- ing why such a little woman felt the loving way she felt and lived the lonely way she lived. In her driveway an old, but relatively spry, white man introduced him- self as Mr. Carter. He and his wife had moved - to Haywood County from Mississippi, after a spell of heart trouble. They now were renting space in Mrs. Davis' house. Why were they staying on? "Can't leave Mrs. Davis. She'i kind of ill and when she got to go to the hospital, they won't let the niggers take her there." He was almost happy and un- caring. Did he see a solution to the problem? "Nope." What was he going to do? "Just like the nig- ger preacher says, goin' to do the very best we can ... got no friends but Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Green down the road, and the niggers." We left Mr. Carter in the drive- way and drove back to Somervile. That night a small mob of whites collected themselves in the streets, and forced us out of the county. Two days later several of our friends were arrested as they tried to delivef supplies to Haywood County. I DO NOT pretend to know what will happent in those two counties. hCertain implications seem increasingly clear, howeve'r. It is evident, for example, that the future importance of the 1957 CivIl Rights Act hinges greatly on the outcome of the Justice Depart- ment's case. And the future of probably more than 100 Southern counties will be influenced by what happens in Fayette and Haywood. In the meantime, the Negro familes on relief are at least alive - the necessity for making such a statement should indicate the nature of conditions there. While their morale is still holding, they do not quite sense the full mean. ing of their decision to register nor the poltical implications of that decision for the South, nor the impossibility of their wish never to move from the soil of Fayette. Yet the democratic im- pulse is there, and strongly so. Hopefully, the split between Mc- Ferren and Estes will be resolved in the next few weeks. Who will emerge as the leader is as yet un- certain, but McFerren's current strength, and his powerful per- sonality indicate that he will be difficult to depose. He was laugh- ing as we left. "We are going to get rid of these people trying to split our movement. We know they have been negotiating with the white folks. They don't have no support from the people, "specially the people that's registered." He laughed again and promised, "We gonna elect us a liberal sheriff one. of these days." His pretty wife, a forceful, resourceful woman, was less jubilant as she repeated sev- eral times: "If we fail here, we have nothin' to do but get out for good." * s * THERE ARE OTHER questions still to be answered. No one is sure of the relation between McFerren and James Foreman, a Chicago Negro who has stayed in Fayette for nearly two months, regulating ... _ _ :....